BUGFIX: Seg-fault in multiphaseInterFoam. Author: Henrik Rusche. Merge: Hrvoje Jasak
[foam-extend-3.2.git] / src / decompositionMethods / scotchDecomp / engineScotchDecomp / engineScotchDecomp.C
1 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
2   =========                 |
3   \\      /  F ield         | foam-extend: Open Source CFD
4    \\    /   O peration     | Version:     3.2
5     \\  /    A nd           | Web:         http://www.foam-extend.org
6      \\/     M anipulation  | For copyright notice see file Copyright
7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 License
9     This file is part of foam-extend.
11     foam-extend is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
12     under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
13     Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
14     option) any later version.
16     foam-extend is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
17     WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
19     General Public License for more details.
21     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22     along with foam-extend.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
24 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
26 #include "engineScotchDecomp.H"
27 #include "addToRunTimeSelectionTable.H"
29 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
31 namespace Foam
33     defineTypeNameAndDebug(engineScotchDecomp, 0);
35     addToRunTimeSelectionTable
36     (
37         scotchDecomp,
38         engineScotchDecomp,
39         dictionaryMesh
40     );
43 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Constructors  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
45 Foam::engineScotchDecomp::engineScotchDecomp
47     const dictionary& decompositionDict,
48     const polyMesh& mesh
51     scotchDecomp(decompositionDict, mesh),
52     dict_(decompositionDict.subDict(typeName + "Coeffs")),
53     slidingPatchPairs_(dict_.lookup("slidingPatchPairs")),
54     expandSliding_(dict_.lookup("expandSliding"))
58 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
60 Foam::labelList Foam::engineScotchDecomp::decompose
62     const pointField& points,
63     const scalarField& pointWeights
66     if (points.size() != mesh().nCells())
67     {
68         FatalErrorIn
69         (
70             "engineScotchDecomp::decompose\n"
71             "(\n"
72             "    const pointField&,\n"
73             "    const scalarField&\n"
74             ")"
75         )   << "Can use this decomposition method only for the whole mesh"
76             << endl
77             << "and supply one coordinate (cellCentre) for every cell." << endl
78             << "The number of coordinates " << points.size() << endl
79             << "The number of cells in the mesh " << mesh().nCells()
80             << exit(FatalError);
81     }
83     // Create clustering to coarse level
85     labelList fineToCoarse(mesh().nCells(), -1);
87     // Mask all cells in the cylinder layering region with true
88     // Used in two-pass decomposition later
89     boolList cylinderMask(mesh().nCells(), false);
90     label nClusters = 0;
92     // Locate piston patch and cluster up colums, using opposite faces
93     label pistonPatchID = mesh().boundaryMesh().findPatchID("piston");
95     // Go through the sliding pairs and mark clustering
96     forAll (slidingPatchPairs_, pairI)
97     {
98         // Locate patch and cluster up colums, using opposite faces
99         label firstPatchID = mesh().boundaryMesh().findPatchID
100         (
101             slidingPatchPairs_[pairI].first()
102         );
104         label secondPatchID = mesh().boundaryMesh().findPatchID
105         (
106             slidingPatchPairs_[pairI].second()
107         );
109         if (firstPatchID == -1 || secondPatchID == -1)
110         {
111             FatalErrorIn
112             (
113                 "labelList engineScotchDecomp::decompose\n"
114                 "(\n"
115                 "    const pointField& points,\n"
116                 "    const scalarField& pointWeights\n"
117                 ")"
118             )   << "Cannot find sliding patch pair "
119                 << slidingPatchPairs_[pairI]
120                 << abort(FatalError);
121         }
123         // Put all cells next to the patch into a cluster
124         if (expandSliding_)
125         {
126             // Use point-cell addressing from patch points
127             const labelListList& pc = mesh().pointCells();
129             // First side
130             const labelList& mp1 =
131                 mesh().boundaryMesh()[firstPatchID].meshPoints();
133             forAll (mp1, pointI)
134             {
135                 const labelList& curCells = pc[mp1[pointI]];
137                 forAll (curCells, cellI)
138                 {
139                     fineToCoarse[curCells[cellI]] = nClusters;
140                     cylinderMask[curCells[cellI]] = true;
141                 }
142             }
144             // Second side
145             {
146                 const labelList& mp2 =
147                     mesh().boundaryMesh()[secondPatchID].meshPoints();
149                 forAll (mp2, pointI)
150                 {
151                     const labelList& curCells = pc[mp2[pointI]];
153                     forAll (curCells, cellI)
154                     {
155                         fineToCoarse[curCells[cellI]] = nClusters;
156                         cylinderMask[curCells[cellI]] = true;
157                     }
158                 }
159             }
160         }
161         else
162         {
163             // First side
164             {
165                 const labelList& fc1 =
166                     mesh().boundaryMesh()[firstPatchID].faceCells();
168                 forAll (fc1, fcI)
169                 {
170                     fineToCoarse[fc1[fcI]] = nClusters;
171                     cylinderMask[fc1[fcI]] = true;
172                 }
173             }
175             // Second side
176             {
177                 const labelList& fc2 =
178                     mesh().boundaryMesh()[secondPatchID].faceCells();
180                 forAll (fc2, fcI)
181                 {
182                     fineToCoarse[fc2[fcI]] = nClusters;
183                     cylinderMask[fc2[fcI]] = true;
184                 }
185             }
186         }
188         nClusters++;
189     }
191     if (pistonPatchID > -1)
192     {
193         // Found piston patch
194         const faceList& f = mesh().allFaces();
195         const cellList& c = mesh().cells();
196         const labelList& owner = mesh().faceOwner();
197         const labelList& neighbour = mesh().faceNeighbour();
199         const labelList& faceCells =
200             mesh().boundaryMesh()[pistonPatchID].faceCells();
202         forAll (faceCells, faceI)
203         {
204             // Get face index
205             label curFaceNo = faceI
206                 + mesh().boundaryMesh()[pistonPatchID].start();
208             // Get cell index
209             label curCellNo = faceCells[faceI];
211             // Mark cell to cluster
212             if (fineToCoarse[curCellNo] < 0)
213             {
214                 // New cluster
215                 fineToCoarse[curCellNo] = nClusters;
216                 cylinderMask[curCellNo] = true;
218                 for(;;)
219                 {
220                     // Attempt to find the next face and cell
221                     curFaceNo = c[curCellNo].opposingFaceLabel(curFaceNo, f);
223                     if (curFaceNo > -1)
224                     {
225                         // Face found, try for a cell
226                         if (curFaceNo < mesh().nInternalFaces())
227                         {
228                             if (owner[curFaceNo] == curCellNo)
229                             {
230                                 curCellNo = neighbour[curFaceNo];
231                             }
232                             else if (neighbour[curFaceNo] == curCellNo)
233                             {
234                                 curCellNo = owner[curFaceNo];
235                             }
236                             else
237                             {
238                                 // Error in layering.  Should never happen
239                                 break;
240                             }
242                             // Mark cell to cluster
243                             fineToCoarse[curCellNo] = nClusters;
244                             cylinderMask[curCellNo] = true;
245                         }
246                         else
247                         {
248                             // Hit boundary face
249                             break;
250                         }
251                     }
252                     else
253                     {
254                         // Cannot find opposing face: out of prismatic region
255                         break;
256                     }
257                 }
259                 // Next cluster
260                 nClusters++;
261             }
262         }
263     }
265     // Count cylinder cells from mask
266     label nCylinderCells = 0;
268     forAll (cylinderMask, cellI)
269     {
270         if (cylinderMask[cellI]) nCylinderCells++;
271     }
273     label nStaticCells = mesh().nCells() - nCylinderCells;
274     label nCylClusters = nClusters;
276     // Visit all unmarked cells and put them into single clusters
277     forAll (fineToCoarse, cellI)
278     {
279         if (fineToCoarse[cellI] == -1)
280         {
281             fineToCoarse[cellI] = nClusters;
282             nClusters++;
283         }
284     }
286     label nStaticClusters = nClusters - nCylClusters;
288     Info<< "Number of cells: " << mesh().nCells()
289         << ", in cylinder + sliding: " << nCylinderCells
290         << ", in static part: " << nStaticCells << nl
291         << "Number of cylinder clusters " << nCylClusters
292         << ", static clusters " << nStaticClusters
293         << ", total clusters " << nClusters << endl;
295     // Mark-up complete.  Create point centres and weights for all clusters
296     vectorField clusterCentres(nClusters, vector::zero);
298     // Stabilise cluster volumes in case a cluster ends up empty
299     // It is possible to have empty clusters without connectivity
300     scalarField clusterVols(nClusters, SMALL);
301     scalarField clusterWeights(nClusters, 0);
303     const vectorField& centres = mesh().cellCentres();
304     const scalarField& vols = mesh().cellVolumes();
306     forAll (fineToCoarse, cellI)
307     {
308         const label& curCoarse = fineToCoarse[cellI];
310         clusterCentres[curCoarse] += centres[cellI]*vols[cellI];
311         clusterVols[curCoarse] += vols[cellI];
312         clusterWeights[curCoarse] += 1;
313     }
315     clusterCentres /= clusterVols;
317     // Execute decomposition, first on cylinder layering zone, then on the rest
319     // Collect cell-cells in cylinder layering zone and the rest
321     // Create and cellCells hash lookup on two pieces
323     // Note: cell clusters come first and they will be done
324     // on a shortened list.  Static clusters need to be renumbered by
325     // throwing away the first part of the list
327     List<labelHashSet> cylCellCellsHash(nCylClusters);
328     List<labelHashSet> staticCellCellsHash(nStaticClusters);
330     const labelListList cellCells = mesh().cellCells();
332     forAll (cellCells, cellI)
333     {
334         const labelList& curCC = cellCells[cellI];
336         label curCluster = fineToCoarse[cellI];
338         if (cylinderMask[cellI])
339         {
340             labelHashSet& curCylAddr = cylCellCellsHash[curCluster];
342             // Collect neighbour cluster addressing
343             forAll (curCC, neiI)
344             {
345                 // Add neighbour if marked
346                 if (cylinderMask[curCC[neiI]])
347                 {
348                     label nbrCluster = fineToCoarse[curCC[neiI]];
350                     if (nbrCluster != curCluster)
351                     {
352                         if (!curCylAddr.found(nbrCluster))
353                         {
354                             curCylAddr.insert(nbrCluster);
355                         }
356                     }
357                 }
358             }
359         }
360         else
361         {
362             // Offset index
363             curCluster -= nCylClusters;
365             labelHashSet& curStaticAddr = staticCellCellsHash[curCluster];
367             forAll (curCC, neiI)
368             {
369                 // Add neighbour if marked
370                 if (!cylinderMask[curCC[neiI]])
371                 {
372                     label nbrCluster = fineToCoarse[curCC[neiI]]
373                         - nCylClusters;
375                     if (nbrCluster != curCluster)
376                     {
377                         if (!curStaticAddr.found(nbrCluster))
378                         {
379                             curStaticAddr.insert(nbrCluster);
380                         }
381                     }
382                 }
383             }
384         }
385     }
387     // Pack cellCells on the cylinder
388     labelListList cylCellCells(nCylClusters);
390     forAll (cylCellCellsHash, clusterI)
391     {
392         cylCellCells[clusterI] = cylCellCellsHash[clusterI].toc();
393     }
395     // Decompose cylinder: size of list equals the number of clusters
396     // in the cylinder region
397     vectorField clusterCentresCyl = clusterCentres;
398     scalarField clusterWeightsCyl = clusterWeights;
400     clusterCentresCyl.setSize(nCylClusters);
401     clusterWeightsCyl.setSize(nCylClusters);
403     labelList cylDecomp = scotchDecomp::decompose
404     (
405         cylCellCells,
406         clusterCentresCyl,
407         clusterWeightsCyl
408     );
410     // Decompose static: size of list equals the number of clusters
412     labelListList staticCellCells(nStaticClusters);
414     forAll (staticCellCellsHash, clusterI)
415     {
416         staticCellCells[clusterI] = staticCellCellsHash[clusterI].toc();
417     }
419     vectorField clusterCentresStatic(nStaticClusters);
420     scalarField clusterWeightsStatic(nStaticClusters);
422     forAll (clusterCentresStatic, i)
423     {
424         clusterCentresStatic[i] = clusterCentres[nCylClusters + i];
425         clusterWeightsStatic[i] = clusterWeights[nCylClusters + i];
426     }
428     labelList staticDecomp = scotchDecomp::decompose
429     (
430         staticCellCells,
431         clusterCentresStatic,
432         clusterWeightsStatic
433     );
435     // Reconstruct final decomposition
437     labelList finalDecomp(mesh().nCells(), -1);
439     forAll (cylinderMask, cellI)
440     {
441         if (cylinderMask[cellI])
442         {
443             // Cylinder cell
444             finalDecomp[cellI] = cylDecomp[fineToCoarse[cellI]];
445         }
446         else
447         {
448             // Static cell
449             finalDecomp[cellI] =
450                 staticDecomp[fineToCoarse[cellI] - nCylClusters];
451         }
452     }
454     return finalDecomp;
458 // ************************************************************************* //