Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
[foam-extend-3.2.git] / applications / solvers / solidMechanics / elasticNonLinULSolidFoam / performEdgeCorrectedVolPointInterpolation.H
1 // Do "normal" interpolation
2 //volPointInterpolation::interpolate(vf, pf);
4 //- interpolation is done just before this file
5 pointVectorField& pf = pointDU;
8 // Do the correction
9 //GeometricField<Type, pointPatchField, pointMesh>  pfCorr
11 pointVectorField pfCorr
13     IOobject
14     (
15         //  "edgeCorrectedVolPointInterpolate(" + + ")Corr",
16         "edgeCorrectedVolPointInterpolate(" + + ")Corr",
17         //vf.instance(),
18         DU,
19         pMesh,
20         IOobject::NO_READ,
21         IOobject::NO_WRITE
22     ),
23     pMesh,
24     //dimensioned<Type>("zero", pf.dimensions(), pTraits<Type>::zero),
25     dimensionedVector("zero", pf.dimensions(), vector::zero),
26     pf.boundaryField().types()
30 pointVectorField pfCorr
32     IOobject
33     (
34         "pointDUcorr",
35         runTime.timeName(),
36         mesh,
37         IOobject::NO_READ,
38         IOobject::NO_WRITE
39     ),
40     pMesh,
41     dimensionedVector("vector", dimLength, vector::zero),
42     "calculated"
45 //const labelList& ptc = boundaryPoints();
46 #include "findBoundaryPoints.H"
48 //const FieldField<Field, vector>& extraVecs = extrapolationVectors(); ///*********
49 #include "calculateExtrapolationVectors.H"
51 //const FieldField<Field, scalar>& w = pointBoundaryWeights(); ///*********
52 #include "calculatePointBoundaryWeights.H"
54 //Info << "w: " << w << endl;
56 const labelListList& PointFaces = mesh.pointFaces();
58 //const fvBoundaryMesh& bm = mesh.boundary(); // declared in findBoundaryPoints.H
60 forAll (ptc, pointI)
62     const label curPoint = ptc[pointI];
64     const labelList& curFaces = PointFaces[curPoint];
66     label fI = 0;
68     // Go through all the faces
69     forAll (curFaces, faceI)
70     {
71         if (!mesh.isInternalFace(curFaces[faceI]))
72         {
73             // This is a boundary face.  If not in the empty patch
74             // or coupled calculate the extrapolation vector
75             label patchID =
76                 mesh.boundaryMesh().whichPatch(curFaces[faceI]);
78             if
79             (
80                 !isA<emptyFvPatch>(mesh.boundary()[patchID])
81                 && !mesh.boundary()[patchID].coupled()
82             )
83             {
84                 label faceInPatchID =
85                     bm[patchID].patch().whichFace(curFaces[faceI]);
87                 pfCorr[curPoint] +=
88                     w[pointI][fI]*
89                     (
90                         extraVecs[pointI][fI]
91                       & gradDU.boundaryField()[patchID][faceInPatchID]
92                     );
94                 fI++;
95             }
96         }
97     }
100 // Update coupled boundaries
102 forAll (pfCorr.boundaryField(), patchI)
104     if (pfCorr.boundaryField()[patchI].coupled())
105     {
106         pfCorr.boundaryField()[patchI].initAddField();
107     }
112 forAll (pfCorr.boundaryField(), patchI)
114     if (pfCorr.boundaryField()[patchI].coupled())
115     {
116         pfCorr.boundaryField()[patchI].addField(pfCorr.internalField());
117     }
122 //Info << "pfCorr: " << pfCorr << endl;
123 pfCorr.correctBoundaryConditions();
125 //pfCorr.write();
127 //Info << "pf: " << pf << endl;
128 pf += pfCorr;
130 //- this was already commented
131 // Replace extrapolated values in pf
132 //     forAll (ptc, pointI)
133 //     {
134 //         pf[ptc[pointI]] = pfCorr[ptc[pointI]];
135 //     }
137 pf.correctBoundaryConditions();
139 //pf.write();