Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
[foam-extend-3.2.git] / src / mesh / cfMesh / utilities / boundaryLayers / refineBoundaryLayers / refineBoundaryLayersCells.C
1 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
2   =========                 |
3   \\      /  F ield         | cfMesh: A library for mesh generation
4    \\    /   O peration     |
5     \\  /    A nd           | Author: Franjo Juretic (
6      \\/     M anipulation  | Copyright (C) Creative Fields, Ltd.
7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 License
9     This file is part of cfMesh.
11     cfMesh is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
12     under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
13     Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
14     option) any later version.
16     cfMesh is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
17     ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
18     FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
19     for more details.
21     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22     along with cfMesh.  If not, see <>.
24 Description
26 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
28 #include "refineBoundaryLayers.H"
29 #include "meshSurfaceEngine.H"
30 #include "helperFunctions.H"
31 #include "demandDrivenData.H"
33 //#define DEBUGLayer
35 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
37 namespace Foam
40 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
42 void refineBoundaryLayers::generateNewCellsPrism
44     const label cellI,
45     DynList<DynList<DynList<label, 8>, 10>, 64>& cellsFromCell
46 ) const
48     cellsFromCell.clear();
50     const cell& c = mesh_.cells()[cellI];
51     const labelList& owner = mesh_.owner();
53     # ifdef DEBUGLayer
54     Pout << "New cells from cell " << cellI << endl;
55     # endif
57     const label startBoundary = mesh_.boundaries()[0].patchStart();
59     //- find the number of lyers for this cell
60     label nLayers(1), baseFace(-1);
61     forAll(c, fI)
62     {
63         const label bfI = c[fI] - startBoundary;
65         if( (bfI < 0) || (bfI >= nLayersAtBndFace_.size()) )
66             continue;
68         if( nLayersAtBndFace_[bfI] < 2 )
69             continue;
71         # ifdef DEBUGLayer
72         Pout << "Boundary face " << bfI << endl;
73         # endif
75         nLayers = nLayersAtBndFace_[bfI];
76         baseFace = fI;
77     }
79     # ifdef DEBUGLayer
80     Pout << "Number of layers " << nLayers << endl;
81     Pout << "Base face " << baseFace << " has points "
82          << mesh_.faces()[c[baseFace]] << endl;
83     forAll(c, fI)
84     {
85         Pout << "Faces from face " << fI << " are "
86              << facesFromFace_[c[fI]] << endl;
88         forAllRow(facesFromFace_, c[fI], i)
89             Pout << "Face " << facesFromFace_(c[fI], i)
90                  << " is " << newFaces_[facesFromFace_(c[fI], i)] << endl;
91     }
92     # endif
94     //- set the number of layers
95     cellsFromCell.setSize(nLayers);
97     //- distribute existing faces into new cells
98     label otherBaseFace(-1);
99     forAll(c, fI)
100     {
101         if( fI == baseFace )
102         {
103             const label faceI = facesFromFace_(c[fI], 0);
104             DynList<label, 8> f;
105             f = newFaces_[faceI];
106             cellsFromCell[nLayers-1].append(f);
107         }
108         else if( facesFromFace_.sizeOfRow(c[fI]) == 1 )
109         {
110             const label faceI = facesFromFace_(c[fI], 0);
111             otherBaseFace = fI;
112             DynList<label, 8> f;
113             f = newFaces_[faceI];
114             cellsFromCell[0].append(f);
115         }
116         else
117         {
118             forAllRow(facesFromFace_, c[fI], cfI)
119             {
120                 const label nfI = facesFromFace_(c[fI], cfI);
122                 DynList<label, 8> cf;
123                 cf = newFaces_[nfI];
125                 if( owner[c[fI]] != cellI )
126                     cf = help::reverseFace(cf);
128                 cellsFromCell[Foam::max(nLayers-1-cfI, 0)].append(cf);
129             }
130         }
131     }
133     //- generate missing faces
134     const faceListPMG& faces = mesh_.faces();
135     const face& bf = faces[c[baseFace]];
136     const face& obf = faces[c[otherBaseFace]];
137     for(label layerI=1;layerI<nLayers;++layerI)
138     {
139         //- create new face from points at the same height
140         DynList<label, 8> cf;
141         forAll(bf, pI)
142         {
143             const label pointI = bf[pI];
145             # ifdef DEBUGLayer
146             Pout << "Split edges at point " << pointI << " are "
147                  << splitEdgesAtPoint_[pointI] << endl;
148             # endif
150             label seI(-1);
151             if( splitEdgesAtPoint_.sizeOfRow(pointI) == 1 )
152             {
153                 seI = splitEdgesAtPoint_(pointI, 0);
154             }
155             else
156             {
157                 forAllRow(splitEdgesAtPoint_, pointI, sepI)
158                 {
159                     const label seJ = splitEdgesAtPoint_(pointI, sepI);
160                     const edge& se = splitEdges_[seJ];
162                     if( obf.which(se.end()) >= 0 || obf.which(se.start()) >= 0 )
163                     {
164                         seI = seJ;
165                         break;
166                     }
167                 }
168             }
170             cf.append(newVerticesForSplitEdge_(seI, layerI));
171         }
173         //- add faces to cells
174         cellsFromCell[nLayers-layerI].append(cf);
175         cellsFromCell[nLayers-1-layerI].append(cf);
176     }
178     # ifdef DEBUGLayer
179     Pout << "New cells from cell " << cellI << " are " << cellsFromCell << endl;
180     //::exit(1);
182     Pout << "1. Newly generated cells " << cellsFromCell << endl;
184     //- check if all generated cells are topologically closed
185     forAll(cellsFromCell, cI)
186     {
187         const DynList<DynList<label, 8>, 10>& cellFaces = cellsFromCell[cI];
189         DynList<edge, 12> edges;
190         DynList<label, 12> nAppearances;
192         forAll(cellFaces, fI)
193         {
194             const DynList<label, 8>& f = cellFaces[fI];
196             forAll(f, eI)
197             {
198                 const edge e(f[eI], f.fcElement(eI));
200                 const label pos = edges.containsAtPosition(e);
202                 if( pos < 0 )
203                 {
204                     edges.append(e);
205                     nAppearances.append(1);
206                 }
207                 else
208                 {
209                     ++nAppearances[pos];
210                 }
211             }
212         }
214         forAll(nAppearances, eI)
215             if( nAppearances[eI] != 2 )
216             {
217                 Pout << "Prism cell " << cI << " edge " << edges[eI]
218                     << " is present " << nAppearances[eI] << " times!" << endl;
219                 abort(FatalError);
220             }
221     }
222     # endif
225 void refineBoundaryLayers::storeFacesIntoCells
227     const label faceI,
228     const bool reverseOrientation,
229     const label normalDirection,
230     const bool maxCoordinate,
231     const label nLayersI,
232     const label nLayersJ,
233     const label nLayersK,
234     DynList<DynList<DynList<label, 4>, 6>, 256>& cellsFromCell
235 ) const
237     DynList<DynList<label> > faceFaces;
238     sortFaceFaces(faceI, faceFaces, reverseOrientation);
240     const label maxI = nLayersI - 1;
241     const label maxJ = nLayersJ - 1;
242     const label maxK = nLayersK - 1;
244     # ifdef DEBUGLayer
245     Pout << "Storing new faces from face " << faceI
246          << " reverseOrientation = " << reverseOrientation
247          << " normal direction " << normalDirection
248          << " maxCoordinate " << maxCoordinate << endl;
249     Pout << "faceFaces " << faceFaces << endl;
250     # endif
252     label i(-1), j(-1), k(-1);
254     forAll(faceFaces, nI)
255     {
256         forAll(faceFaces[nI], nJ)
257         {
258             const label nfI = faceFaces[nI][nJ];
260             # ifdef DEBUGLayer
261             Pout << "nI = " << nI << " nJ = " << nJ << endl;
262             # endif
264             if( normalDirection == 0 )
265             {
266                 //- k is const
267                 i = Foam::min(nI, maxI);
268                 j = Foam::min(nJ, maxJ);
269                 k = maxCoordinate?maxK:0;
270             }
271             else if( normalDirection == 1 )
272             {
273                 //- j is const
274                 i = Foam::min(nJ, maxI);
275                 j = maxCoordinate?maxJ:0;
276                 k = Foam::min(nI, maxK);
277             }
278             else if( normalDirection == 2 )
279             {
280                 //- i is const
281                 i = maxCoordinate?maxI:0;
282                 j = Foam::min(nI, maxJ);
283                 k = Foam::min(nJ, maxK);
284             }
286             //- store the face into a new cell
287             const label cI
288             (
289                 j * nLayersI +
290                 k * nLayersI * nLayersJ +
291                 i
292             );
294             # ifdef DEBUGLayer
295             Pout << "Storing face " << newFaces_[nfI]
296                  << " i = " << i << " j = " << j << " k = " << k
297                  << "\n cell label " << cI << endl;
298             # endif
300             cellsFromCell[cI].append(newFaces_[nfI]);
301         }
302     }
305 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
307 void refineBoundaryLayers::refineEdgeHexCell::determineFacesInDirections()
309     const labelList& nLayersAtBndFace = bndLayers_.nLayersAtBndFace_;
310     const polyMeshGen& mesh = bndLayers_.mesh_;
311     const faceListPMG& faces = mesh.faces();
312     const cell& c = mesh.cells()[cellI_];
314     # ifdef DEBUGLayer
315     Pout << "Generating new cells from edge cell " << cellI_ << endl;
316     # endif
318     const PtrList<boundaryPatch>& bnd = mesh.boundaries();
319     const label startBoundary = bnd[0].patchStart();
321     //- find the number of layers for this cell
322     FixedList<label, 2> layersInDirection(-1), dirFace;
323     label currDir(0);
325     FixedList<bool, 6> determinedFace(false);
327     forAll(c, fI)
328     {
329         const label bfI = c[fI] - startBoundary;
331         if( (bfI < 0) || (bfI >= nLayersAtBndFace.size()) )
332             continue;
334         # ifdef DEBUGLayer
335         Pout << "Boundary face " << bfI << endl;
336         # endif
338         if( nLayersAtBndFace[bfI] < 2 )
339             continue;
341         layersInDirection[currDir] = nLayersAtBndFace[bfI];
342         dirFace[currDir] = fI;
343         ++currDir;
344     }
346     //- set the number of newly create cells
347     nLayersI_ = layersInDirection[0];
348     nLayersJ_ = layersInDirection[1];
349     cellsFromCell_.setSize(nLayersI_ * nLayersJ_);
351     //- find the shared edge between the boundary faces
352     const edge commonEdge =
353         help::sharedEdge(faces[c[dirFace[0]]], faces[c[dirFace[1]]]);
355     //- faces at i = const in the local coordinate system
356     faceInDirection_[4] = dirFace[0];
357     determinedFace[dirFace[0]] = true;
358     forAll(c, fI)
359     {
360         if( determinedFace[fI] )
361             continue;
363         if( !help::shareAnEdge(faces[c[dirFace[0]]], faces[c[fI]]) )
364         {
365             faceInDirection_[5] = fI;
366             determinedFace[fI] = true;
367             break;
368         }
369     }
371     //- faces k = const in the local coordinate system
372     faceInDirection_[2] = dirFace[1];
373     determinedFace[dirFace[1]] = true;
374     forAll(c, fI)
375     {
376         if( determinedFace[fI] )
377             continue;
379         if( !help::shareAnEdge(faces[c[dirFace[1]]], faces[c[fI]]) )
380         {
381             faceInDirection_[3] = fI;
382             determinedFace[fI] = true;
383             break;
384         }
385     }
387     # ifdef DEBUGLayer
388     Pout << "Common edge " << commonEdge << endl;
389     Pout << "Donor face " << dirFace[0] << endl;
390     Pout << "Donor face points " << faces[c[dirFace[0]]] << endl;
391     # endif
393     //- find the face attached to the starting point of the edge and
394     //- the face attached to the end point of the edge
395     forAll(c, fI)
396     {
397         if( determinedFace[fI] )
398             continue;
400         if(
401             (faces[c[fI]].which(commonEdge.start()) >= 0) &&
402             (help::positionOfEdgeInFace(commonEdge, faces[c[fI]]) < 0)
403         )
404             faceInDirection_[0] = fI;
406         if(
407             (faces[c[fI]].which(commonEdge.end()) >= 0) &&
408             (help::positionOfEdgeInFace(commonEdge, faces[c[fI]]) < 0)
409         )
410             faceInDirection_[1] = fI;
411     }
413     //- check the orientation of faces
414     const labelList& owner = mesh.owner();
416     //- checking face at direction k = 0
417     faceOrientation_[0] = owner[c[faceInDirection_[0]]] == cellI_?true:false;
419     //- checking face in direction k = 1
420     faceOrientation_[1] = owner[c[faceInDirection_[1]]] == cellI_?false:true;
422     //- set orientation flag for face in direction j = 0
423     faceOrientation_[2] = true;
425     //- checking face in direction j = nLayersJ_
426     faceOrientation_[3] = owner[c[faceInDirection_[3]]] == cellI_?false:true;
428     //- set orientation flag for face in direction i = 0
429     faceOrientation_[4] = true;
431     //- checking face in direction i = nLayersI_
432     faceOrientation_[5] = owner[c[faceInDirection_[5]]] == cellI_?false:true;
434     # ifdef DEBUGLayer
435     Pout << "Face at start " << faces[c[faceInDirection_[0]]] << endl;
436     Pout << "Face at end " << faces[c[faceInDirection_[1]]] << endl;
437     forAll(faceInDirection_, i)
438         Pout << "Face in direction " << i << " is "
439              << faces[c[faceInDirection_[i]]]
440              << " orientation " << faceOrientation_[i] << endl;
441     # endif
444 void refineBoundaryLayers::refineEdgeHexCell::populateExistingFaces()
446     const cell& c = bndLayers_.mesh_.cells()[cellI_];
447     const VRWGraph& facesFromFace = bndLayers_.facesFromFace_;
448     const VRWGraph& newFaces = bndLayers_.newFaces_;
450     cellsFromCell_.setSize(nLayersI_ * nLayersJ_);
451     forAll(cellsFromCell_, cI)
452         cellsFromCell_[cI].clear();
454     //- store new faces at k = 0
455     bndLayers_.storeFacesIntoCells
456     (
457         c[faceInDirection_[0]], faceOrientation_[0],
458         0, 0,
459         nLayersI_, nLayersJ_, 1,
460         cellsFromCell_
461     );
463     //- store new faces at k = 1
464     bndLayers_.storeFacesIntoCells
465     (
466         c[faceInDirection_[1]], faceOrientation_[1],
467         0, 1,
468         nLayersI_, nLayersJ_, 1,
469         cellsFromCell_
470     );
472     //- store new faces at j = 0
473     forAllRow(facesFromFace, c[faceInDirection_[2]], i)
474     {
475         const label faceI = facesFromFace(c[faceInDirection_[2]], i);
476         cellsFromCell_[i].append(newFaces[faceI]);
477     }
479     //- store faces at j = nLayersJ
480     const label maxJ = nLayersJ_ - 1;
481     forAllRow(facesFromFace, c[faceInDirection_[3]], i)
482     {
483         const label faceI = facesFromFace(c[faceInDirection_[3]], i);
484         cellsFromCell_[i + maxJ * nLayersI_].append(newFaces[faceI]);
485     }
487     //- store new faces at i = 0
488     forAllRow(facesFromFace, c[faceInDirection_[4]], j)
489     {
490         const label faceI = facesFromFace(c[faceInDirection_[4]], j);
491         cellsFromCell_[j * nLayersI_].append(newFaces[faceI]);
492     }
494     //- store new faces at i = nLayersI
495     const label maxI = nLayersI_ - 1;
496     forAllRow(facesFromFace, c[faceInDirection_[5]], j)
497     {
498         const label faceI = facesFromFace(c[faceInDirection_[5]], j);
499         cellsFromCell_[j * nLayersI_ + maxI].append(newFaces[faceI]);
500     }
502     # ifdef DEBUGLayer
503     Pout << "New cells after populating existing faces "
504          << cellsFromCell_ << endl;
505     # endif
508 void refineBoundaryLayers::refineEdgeHexCell::generateMissingFaces()
510     const cell& c = bndLayers_.mesh_.cells()[cellI_];
512     //- fill up the matrix of points for this cell
513     //- the matrix is used for generation of new cells
514     FixedList<DynList<DynList<label> >, 2> cellPoints;
516     //- fill in the data for a cross-split faces
517     bndLayers_.sortFacePoints
518     (
519         c[faceInDirection_[0]],
520         cellPoints[0],
521         faceOrientation_[0]
522     );
523     bndLayers_.sortFacePoints
524     (
525         c[faceInDirection_[1]],
526         cellPoints[1],
527         faceOrientation_[1]
528     );
530     //- generate new internal faces for this cell
531     //- generate faces with normal in the i direction
532     const label maxI = nLayersI_ - 1;
533     const label maxJ = nLayersJ_ - 1;
535     for(label i=1;i<nLayersI_;++i)
536     {
537         for(label j=0;j<nLayersJ_;++j)
538         {
539             const label own = j * nLayersI_ + i - 1;
540             const label nei = own + 1;
542             if( j < maxJ )
543             {
544                 //- generate a quad face
545                 FixedList<label, 4> mf;
547                 //- populate the points form cellPoints
548                 mf[0] = cellPoints[0][i][j];
549                 mf[1] = cellPoints[0][i][j+1];
550                 mf[2] = cellPoints[1][i][j+1];
551                 mf[3] = cellPoints[1][i][j];
553                 # ifdef DEBUGLayer
554                 Pout << "1. Adding missing face " << mf
555                      << " to cells " << own << " and " << nei << endl;
556                 # endif
558                 cellsFromCell_[own].append(mf);
559                 cellsFromCell_[nei].append(help::reverseFace(mf));
560             }
561             else
562             {
563                 DynList<label> mf;
564                 for(label index=j;index<cellPoints[0][i].size();++index)
565                     mf.append(cellPoints[0][i][index]);
566                 for(label index=cellPoints[1][i].size()-1;index>=j;--index)
567                     mf.append(cellPoints[1][i][index]);
569                 # ifdef DEBUGLayer
570                 Pout << "2. Adding missing face " << mf
571                      << " to cells " << own << " and " << nei << endl;
572                 # endif
574                 cellsFromCell_[own].append(mf);
575                 cellsFromCell_[nei].append(help::reverseFace(mf));
576             };
577         }
578     }
580     //- generate faces with the normal in j direction
581     for(label i=0;i<nLayersI_;++i)
582     {
583         for(label j=1;j<nLayersJ_;++j)
584         {
585             const label nei = j * nLayersI_ + i;
586             const label own = (j - 1) * nLayersI_ + i;
588             if( i < maxI )
589             {
590                 //- generate a quad face
591                 FixedList<label, 4> mf;
593                 //- populate the points form cellPoints
594                 mf[0] = cellPoints[0][i][j];
595                 mf[1] = cellPoints[1][i][j];
596                 mf[2] = cellPoints[1][i+1][j];
597                 mf[3] = cellPoints[0][i+1][j];
599                 # ifdef DEBUGLayer
600                 Pout << "3. Adding missing face " << mf
601                      << " to cells " << own << " and " << nei << endl;
602                 # endif
604                 cellsFromCell_[own].append(mf);
605                 cellsFromCell_[nei].append(help::reverseFace(mf));
606             }
607             else
608             {
609                 DynList<label> mf;
610                 for(label index=i;index<cellPoints[1].size();++index)
611                     mf.append(cellPoints[1][index][j]);
612                 for(label index=cellPoints[0].size()-1;index>=i;--index)
613                     mf.append(cellPoints[0][index][j]);
615                 # ifdef DEBUGLayer
616                 Pout << "4. Adding missing face " << mf
617                      << " to cells " << own << " and " << nei << endl;
618                 # endif
620                 cellsFromCell_[own].append(mf);
621                 cellsFromCell_[nei].append(help::reverseFace(mf));
622             };
623         }
624     }
626     # ifdef DEBUGLayer
627     Pout << "Cell " << cellI_ << " new cells are " << cellsFromCell_ << endl;
628     //::exit(1);
629     # endif
632 refineBoundaryLayers::refineEdgeHexCell::refineEdgeHexCell
634     const label cellI,
635     const refineBoundaryLayers& ref
638     cellI_(cellI),
639     nLayersI_(),
640     nLayersJ_(),
641     cellsFromCell_(),
642     bndLayers_(ref),
643     faceInDirection_(),
644     faceOrientation_(),
645     cellPoints_()
647     determineFacesInDirections();
649     populateExistingFaces();
651     generateMissingFaces();
654 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
656 void refineBoundaryLayers::refineCornerHexCell::determineFacesInDirections()
658     const polyMeshGen& mesh = bndLayers_.mesh_;
659     const cell& c = mesh.cells()[cellI_];
660     const faceListPMG& faces = mesh.faces();
661     const labelList& nLayersAtBndFace = bndLayers_.nLayersAtBndFace_;
663     # ifdef DEBUGLayer
664     Pout << "Generating new cells from corner hex cell " << cellI_ << endl;
665     Pout << "Cell faces " << c << endl;
666     # endif
668     const label startBoundary = mesh.boundaries()[0].patchStart();
670     //- find the number of layers for this cell
671     FixedList<label, 3> layersInDirection(-1), dirFace;
672     FixedList<bool, 6> usedDirection(false);
673     label currDir(0);
675     forAll(c, fI)
676     {
677         const label bfI = c[fI] - startBoundary;
679         if( (bfI < 0) || (bfI >= nLayersAtBndFace.size()) )
680             continue;
682         # ifdef DEBUGLayer
683         Pout << "Boundary face " << bfI << endl;
684         # endif
686         if( nLayersAtBndFace[bfI] < 2 )
687             continue;
689         usedDirection[fI] = true;
690         layersInDirection[currDir] = nLayersAtBndFace[bfI];
691         dirFace[currDir] = fI;
692         ++currDir;
693     }
695     //- find a common point for all three boundary faces
696     FixedList<DynList<label, 4>, 3> bndFaces;
697     forAll(dirFace, i)
698     {
699         bndFaces[i] = faces[c[dirFace[i]]];
700     }
702     const label commonPoint = help::sharedVertex(bndFaces);
704     # ifdef DEBUGLayer
705     Pout << "Used directions " << usedDirection << endl;
706     Pout << "Layers in direction " << layersInDirection << endl;
707     Pout << "dirFace " << dirFace << endl;
708     Pout << "Common point " << commonPoint << endl;
710     forAll(dirFace, i)
711         Pout << "bnd face " << i << " is " << faces[c[dirFace[i]]] << endl;
712     # endif
714     //- find the position of the common point in each boundary face
715     const edgeLongList& splitEdges = bndLayers_.splitEdges_;
716     const VRWGraph& splitEdgesAtPoint = bndLayers_.splitEdgesAtPoint_;
718     const face& baseFace = faces[c[dirFace[0]]];
719     const label posInBndFace = baseFace.which(commonPoint);
721     //- find split edges starting at the commonPoints
722     forAllRow(splitEdgesAtPoint, commonPoint, i)
723     {
724         const edge& se = splitEdges[splitEdgesAtPoint(commonPoint, i)];
726         if( se == baseFace.faceEdge(posInBndFace) )
727         {
728             //- this edge is in j direction
729             splitEdgeInDirection_[1] = splitEdgesAtPoint(commonPoint, i);
730         }
731         else if( se == baseFace.faceEdge(baseFace.rcIndex(posInBndFace)) )
732         {
733             //- this edge is in i diretion
734             splitEdgeInDirection_[0] = splitEdgesAtPoint(commonPoint, i);
735         }
736         else if( splitEdgesAtPoint.sizeOfRow(commonPoint) == 3 )
737         {
738             //- this point is in k direction
739             splitEdgeInDirection_[2] = splitEdgesAtPoint(commonPoint, i);
740         }
741         else
742         {
743             //- this situation is not allowed
744             FatalErrorIn
745             (
746                 "void refineBoundaryLayers::refineCornerHexCell::"
747                 "determineFacesInDirections()"
748             ) << "Cannot refine layer for cell " << cellI_ << abort(FatalError);
749         }
750     }
752     # ifdef DEBUGLayer
753     const VRWGraph& newVerticesForSplitEdge =
754         bndLayers_.newVerticesForSplitEdge_;
755     forAll(splitEdgeInDirection_, i)
756         Pout << "Split edge in direction " << i << " has nodes "
757              << splitEdges[splitEdgeInDirection_[i]]
758              << " number of points on split edge "
759              << newVerticesForSplitEdge.sizeOfRow(splitEdgeInDirection_[i])
760              << endl;
761     # endif
763     //- find the direction od other boundary faces
764     //- in the local coordinate system
765     FixedList<label, 3> permutation;
766     permutation[0] = 0;
768     label helper = help::positionOfEdgeInFace
769     (
770         baseFace.faceEdge(baseFace.rcIndex(posInBndFace)),
771         faces[c[dirFace[1]]]
772     );
774     if( helper >= 0 )
775     {
776         permutation[1] = 1;
777         permutation[2] = 2;
778     }
779     else
780     {
781         permutation[1] = 2;
782         permutation[2] = 1;
783     }
785     //- find the number of layers and a split in each direction
786     nLayersI_ = layersInDirection[permutation[2]];
787     nLayersJ_ = layersInDirection[permutation[1]];
788     nLayersK_ = layersInDirection[permutation[0]];
790     //- determine the directions of cell faces
791     //- store boundary faces first. Their normals point in the wrong direction
792     //- face at k = 0
793     faceInDirection_[0] = dirFace[permutation[0]];
794     faceOrientation_[0] = true;
795     //- face at j = 0
796     faceInDirection_[2] = dirFace[permutation[1]];
797     faceOrientation_[2] = true;
798     //- face at i = 0
799     faceInDirection_[4] = dirFace[permutation[2]];
800     faceOrientation_[4] = true;
802     //- find directions of other faces and thrie orientation
803     const labelList& owner = mesh.owner();
804     forAll(c, fI)
805     {
806         if( usedDirection[fI] )
807             continue;
809         const bool orientation = owner[c[fI]]==cellI_?false:true;
811         if( !help::shareAnEdge(faces[c[fI]], faces[c[faceInDirection_[0]]]) )
812         {
813             //- face at k = nLayersK_
814             faceInDirection_[1] = fI;
815             faceOrientation_[1] = orientation;
816         }
817         else if
818         (
819             !help::shareAnEdge(faces[c[fI]], faces[c[faceInDirection_[2]]])
820         )
821         {
822             //- face at j = nLayersJ_
823             faceInDirection_[3] = fI;
824             faceOrientation_[3] = orientation;
825         }
826         else if
827         (
828             !help::shareAnEdge(faces[c[fI]], faces[c[faceInDirection_[4]]])
829         )
830         {
831             //- face at i = nLayersI_
832             faceInDirection_[5] = fI;
833             faceOrientation_[5] = orientation;
834         }
835     }
837     # ifdef DEBUGLayer
838     forAll(faceInDirection_, i)
839         Pout << "Face in direction " << i
840              << " is " << faces[c[faceInDirection_[i]]]
841              << " orientation " << faceOrientation_[i] << endl;
842     Pout << "nLayersI = " << nLayersI_
843          << " nLayersJ = " << nLayersJ_
844          << " nLayersK = " << nLayersK_ << endl;
845     # endif
848 void refineBoundaryLayers::refineCornerHexCell::populateExistingFaces()
850     const cell& c = bndLayers_.mesh_.cells()[cellI_];
852     //- set the number of cells
853     cellsFromCell_.setSize(nLayersI_ * nLayersJ_ * nLayersK_);
854     forAll(cellsFromCell_, i)
855         cellsFromCell_[i].clear();
857     //- add new faces from existing faces into new cells
858     forAll(faceInDirection_, dirI)
859     {
860         bndLayers_.storeFacesIntoCells
861         (
862             c[faceInDirection_[dirI]], faceOrientation_[dirI],
863             dirI / 2, dirI % 2,
864             nLayersI_, nLayersJ_, nLayersK_,
865             cellsFromCell_
866         );
867     }
869     # ifdef DEBUGLayer
870     Pout << "cellsFromCell_ before new faces " << cellsFromCell_ << endl;
871     //::exit(1);
872     # endif
875 void refineBoundaryLayers::refineCornerHexCell::generateNewPoints()
877     const cell& c = bndLayers_.mesh_.cells()[cellI_];
879     //- allocate space for points generated inside the cell
880     cellPoints_.setSize(nLayersI_+1);
881     forAll(cellPoints_, i)
882     {
883         cellPoints_[i].setSize(nLayersJ_+1);
885         forAll(cellPoints_[i], j)
886         {
887             cellPoints_[i][j].setSize(nLayersK_+1);
888             cellPoints_[i][j] = -1;
889         }
890     }
892     //- collect information about points generated on faces of the cell
893     forAll(faceInDirection_, dirI)
894     {
895         bndLayers_.sortFacePoints
896         (
897             c[faceInDirection_[dirI]],
898             facePoints_[dirI],
899             faceOrientation_[dirI]
900         );
901     }
903     # ifdef DEBUGLayer
904     Pout << "Face points " << facePoints_ << endl;
905     # endif
907     //- fill in cellPoints at the boundary
908     forAll(cellPoints_, i)
909     {
910         forAll(cellPoints_[i], j)
911         {
912             cellPoints_[i][j][0] = facePoints_[0][i][j];
913             cellPoints_[i][j][nLayersK_] = facePoints_[1][i][j];
914         }
915     }
917     forAll(cellPoints_, i)
918     {
919         forAll(cellPoints_[i][0], k)
920         {
921             cellPoints_[i][0][k] = facePoints_[2][k][i];
922             cellPoints_[i][nLayersJ_][k] = facePoints_[3][k][i];
923         }
924     }
926     forAll(cellPoints_[0], j)
927     {
928         forAll(cellPoints_[0][j], k)
929         {
930             cellPoints_[0][j][k] = facePoints_[4][j][k];
931             cellPoints_[nLayersI_][j][k] = facePoints_[5][j][k];
932         }
933     }
935     //- useful data for generating missing points
936     const edgeLongList& splitEdges = bndLayers_.splitEdges_;
937     const edge& seDirI = splitEdges[splitEdgeInDirection_[0]];
938     const edge& seDirJ = splitEdges[splitEdgeInDirection_[1]];
939     const edge& seDirK = splitEdges[splitEdgeInDirection_[2]];
940     const VRWGraph& ptsAtEdge = bndLayers_.newVerticesForSplitEdge_;
942     //- const references to vertices of the cell ordered in a local
943     //- i, j, k coordinate system
944     pointFieldPMG& points = bndLayers_.mesh_.points();
945     const point v000 = points[seDirI.start()];
946     const point v100 = points[seDirI.end()];
947     const point v110 = points[facePoints_[0].lastElement().lastElement()];
948     const point v010 = points[seDirJ.end()];
949     const point v001 = points[seDirK.end()];
950     const point v101 = points[facePoints_[1].lastElement()[0]];
951     const point v111 = points[facePoints_[1].lastElement().lastElement()];
952     const point v011 = points[facePoints_[1][0].lastElement()];
954     for(label i=1;i<nLayersI_;++i)
955     {
956         const scalar u
957         (
958             Foam::mag
959             (
960                 points[ptsAtEdge(splitEdgeInDirection_[0], i)] -
961                 points[seDirI.start()]
962             ) /
963             seDirI.mag(points)
964         );
966         for(label j=1;j<nLayersJ_;++j)
967         {
968             const scalar v
969             (
970                 Foam::mag
971                 (
972                     points[ptsAtEdge(splitEdgeInDirection_[1], j)] -
973                     points[seDirJ.start()]
974                 ) /
975                 seDirJ.mag(points)
976             );
978             for(label k=1;k<nLayersK_;++k)
979             {
980                 const scalar w
981                 (
982                     Foam::mag
983                     (
984                         points[ptsAtEdge(splitEdgeInDirection_[2], k)] -
985                         points[seDirK.start()]
986                     ) /
987                     seDirK.mag(points)
988                 );
990                 # ifdef DEBUGLayer
991                 Pout << "Generating point in corner cell local coordinates "
992                      << "u = " << u << " v = " << v << " w = " << w << endl;
993                 # endif
995                 //- calculate coordinates of the new vertex
996                 const point newP =
997                     (1.0 - u) * (1.0 - v) * (1.0 - w) * v000 +
998                     u * (1.0 - v) * (1.0 - w) * v100 +
999                     u * v * (1.0 - w) * v110 +
1000                     (1.0 - u) * v * (1.0 - w) * v010 +
1001                     (1.0 - u) * (1.0 - v) * w * v001 +
1002                     u * (1.0 - v) * w * v101 +
1003                     u * v * w * v111 +
1004                     (1.0 - u) * v * w * v011;
1006                 # ifdef DEBUGLayer
1007                 Pout << "New point " << points.size() << " in corner hex "
1008                     << "has coordinates " << newP << endl;
1009                 # endif
1011                 //- add the point to the mesh
1012                 cellPoints_[i][j][k] = points.size();
1013                 points.append(newP);
1014             }
1015         }
1016     }
1018     # ifdef DEBUGLayer
1019     Pout << "New cell points " << cellPoints_ << endl;
1020     //::exit(1);
1021     # endif
1024 void refineBoundaryLayers::refineCornerHexCell::generateMissingFaces()
1026     //- generate face in direction i
1027     for(label i=1;i<nLayersI_;++i)
1028     {
1029         //- generate quad faces
1030         for(label j=0;j<nLayersJ_;++j)
1031         {
1032             for(label k=0;k<nLayersK_;++k)
1033             {
1034                 //- skip generating last face because it might not be a quad
1035                 if( (j == (nLayersJ_-1)) && (k == (nLayersK_-1)) )
1036                     continue;
1038                 const label own
1039                 (
1040                     k * nLayersI_ * nLayersJ_ +
1041                     j * nLayersI_ +
1042                     i - 1
1043                 );
1044                 const label nei = own + 1;
1046                 FixedList<label, 4> mf;
1048                 mf[0] = cellPoints_[i][j][k];
1049                 mf[1] = cellPoints_[i][j+1][k];
1050                 mf[2] = cellPoints_[i][j+1][k+1];
1051                 mf[3] = cellPoints_[i][j][k+1];
1053                 cellsFromCell_[own].append(mf);
1054                 cellsFromCell_[nei].append(help::reverseFace(mf));
1055             }
1056         }
1058         //- generate faces which might not be a quads
1059         DynList<label> mf;
1061         mf.append(cellPoints_[i][nLayersJ_-1][nLayersK_-1]);
1063         //- this face might not be a quad
1064         //- add points fom the last face in direction j
1065         const DynList<DynList<label> >& f3 = facePoints_[3];
1066         for(label index=nLayersK_-1;index<f3.size()-1;++index)
1067             mf.append(f3[index][i]);
1069         //- add points from the last face in direction k
1070         const DynList<DynList<label> >& f1 = facePoints_[1];
1071         for(label index=f1[i].size()-1;index>=nLayersJ_-1;--index)
1072             mf.append(f1[i][index]);
1074         const label own
1075         (
1076             (nLayersK_-1) * nLayersI_ * nLayersJ_ +
1077             (nLayersJ_-1) * nLayersI_ +
1078             i - 1
1079         );
1081         const label nei = own + 1;
1083         # ifdef DEBUGLayer
1084         Pout << "Additional face in direction i = " << i
1085              << " j = " << (nLayersJ_-1)
1086              << " has owner " << own
1087              << " neighbour " << nei << " with nodes " << mf << endl;
1088         # endif
1090         cellsFromCell_[own].append(mf);
1091         cellsFromCell_[nei].append(help::reverseFace(mf));
1092     }
1094     //- generate faces in direction j
1095     for(label j=1;j<nLayersJ_;++j)
1096     {
1097         //- generate quad faces
1098         for(label i=0;i<nLayersI_;++i)
1099         {
1100             for(label k=0;k<nLayersK_;++k)
1101             {
1102                 //- skip generating late face because it might not be a quad
1103                 if( (i == (nLayersI_-1)) && (k == (nLayersK_-1)) )
1104                     continue;
1106                 const label own
1107                 (
1108                     k * nLayersI_ * nLayersJ_ +
1109                     (j-1) * nLayersI_ +
1110                     i
1111                 );
1113                 const label nei
1114                 (
1115                     k * nLayersI_ * nLayersJ_ +
1116                     j * nLayersI_ +
1117                     i
1118                 );
1120                 FixedList<label, 4> mf;
1122                 mf[0] = cellPoints_[i][j][k];
1123                 mf[1] = cellPoints_[i][j][k+1];
1124                 mf[2] = cellPoints_[i+1][j][k+1];
1125                 mf[3] = cellPoints_[i+1][j][k];
1127                 cellsFromCell_[own].append(mf);
1128                 cellsFromCell_[nei].append(help::reverseFace(mf));
1129             }
1130         }
1132         //- generate a face which might not be a quad
1133         DynList<label> mf;
1135         mf.append(cellPoints_[nLayersI_-1][j][nLayersK_-1]);
1137         //- add points from the last face in direction k
1138         const DynList<DynList<label> >& fp1 = facePoints_[1];
1139         for(label index=nLayersI_-1;index<fp1.size()-1;++index)
1140             mf.append(fp1[index][j]);
1142         //- add points from the last face in direction i
1143         const DynList<DynList<label> >& fp5 = facePoints_[5];
1144         for(label index=fp5[j].size()-1;index>=nLayersK_-1;--index)
1145             mf.append(fp5[j][index]);
1147         const label own
1148         (
1149             (nLayersK_-1) * nLayersI_ * nLayersJ_ +
1150             (j-1) * nLayersI_ +
1151             (nLayersI_ - 1)
1152         );
1154         const label nei
1155         (
1156             (nLayersK_-1) * nLayersI_ * nLayersJ_ +
1157             j * nLayersI_ +
1158             (nLayersI_ - 1)
1159         );
1161         # ifdef DEBUGLayer
1162         Pout << "Additional face at i = " << (nLayersI_-1)
1163              << " j = " << j << " k = " << (nLayersK_-1)
1164              << " has owner " << own
1165              << " neighbour " << nei << " with nodes " << mf << endl;
1166         # endif
1168         cellsFromCell_[own].append(mf);
1169         cellsFromCell_[nei].append(help::reverseFace(mf));
1170     }
1172     //- generate faces in direction k
1173     for(label k=1;k<nLayersK_;++k)
1174     {
1175         //- generate quad faces
1176         for(label i=0;i<nLayersI_;++i)
1177         {
1178             for(label j=0;j<nLayersJ_;++j)
1179             {
1180                 //- skip the last face because it might not be a quad
1181                 if( (i == (nLayersI_-1)) && (j == (nLayersJ_-1)) )
1182                     continue;
1184                 const label own
1185                 (
1186                     (k-1) * nLayersI_ * nLayersJ_ +
1187                     j * nLayersI_ +
1188                     i
1189                 );
1191                 const label nei
1192                 (
1193                     k * nLayersI_ * nLayersJ_ +
1194                     j * nLayersI_ +
1195                     i
1196                 );
1198                 FixedList<label, 4> mf;
1200                 mf[0] = cellPoints_[i][j][k];
1201                 mf[1] = cellPoints_[i+1][j][k];
1202                 mf[2] = cellPoints_[i+1][j+1][k];
1203                 mf[3] = cellPoints_[i][j+1][k];
1205                 cellsFromCell_[own].append(mf);
1206                 cellsFromCell_[nei].append(help::reverseFace(mf));
1207             }
1208         }
1210         //- generate a face which might not be a quad
1211         DynList<label> mf;
1213         mf.append(cellPoints_[nLayersI_-1][nLayersJ_-1][k]);
1215         //- this face might not be a quad
1216         //- add points from the last face in direction i
1217         const DynList<DynList<label> >& fp5 = facePoints_[5];
1218         for(label index=nLayersJ_-1;index<fp5.size()-1;++index)
1219             mf.append(fp5[index][k]);
1221         //- add points from the last face in direction j
1222         const DynList<DynList<label> >& fp3 = facePoints_[3];
1223         for(label index=fp3[k].size()-1;index>=nLayersI_-1;--index)
1224             mf.append(fp3[k][index]);
1226         const label own
1227         (
1228             (k-1) * nLayersI_ * nLayersJ_ +
1229             (nLayersJ_-1) * nLayersI_ +
1230             (nLayersI_ - 1)
1231         );
1233         const label nei
1234         (
1235             k * nLayersI_ * nLayersJ_ +
1236             (nLayersJ_-1) * nLayersI_ +
1237             (nLayersI_ - 1)
1238         );
1240         # ifdef DEBUGLayer
1241         Pout << "Additional face at position i = " << (nLayersI_-1)
1242              << " j = " << (nLayersJ_-1) << " k = " << k
1243              << " has owner " << own
1244              << " neighbour " << nei << " with nodes " << mf << endl;
1245         # endif
1247         cellsFromCell_[own].append(mf);
1248         cellsFromCell_[nei].append(help::reverseFace(mf));
1249     }
1251     # ifdef DEBUGLayer
1252     Pout << "Generated cells " << cellsFromCell_ << endl;
1254     forAll(cellsFromCell_, cI)
1255     {
1256         const DynList<DynList<label, 4>, 6>& cellFaces = cellsFromCell_[cI];
1258         DynList<edge, 12> edges;
1259         DynList<label, 12> nAppearances;
1261         forAll(cellFaces, fI)
1262         {
1263             const DynList<label, 4>& f = cellFaces[fI];
1265             forAll(f, eI)
1266             {
1267                 const edge e(f[eI], f.fcElement(eI));
1269                 const label pos = edges.containsAtPosition(e);
1271                 if( pos < 0 )
1272                 {
1273                     edges.append(e);
1274                     nAppearances.append(1);
1275                 }
1276                 else
1277                 {
1278                     ++nAppearances[pos];
1279                 }
1280             }
1281         }
1283         forAll(nAppearances, eI)
1284             if( nAppearances[eI] != 2 )
1285             {
1286                 Pout << "Edge hex cell " << cI << " edge " << edges[eI]
1287                     << " is present " << nAppearances[eI] << " times!" << endl;
1288                 abort(FatalError);
1289             }
1290     }
1292     //::exit(1);
1293     # endif
1296 refineBoundaryLayers::refineCornerHexCell::refineCornerHexCell
1298     const label cellI,
1299     const refineBoundaryLayers& ref
1302     cellI_(cellI),
1303     nLayersI_(),
1304     nLayersJ_(),
1305     nLayersK_(),
1306     splitEdgeInDirection_(),
1307     cellsFromCell_(),
1308     bndLayers_(ref),
1309     faceInDirection_(),
1310     faceOrientation_(),
1311     facePoints_(),
1312     cellPoints_()
1314     determineFacesInDirections();
1316     populateExistingFaces();
1318     generateNewPoints();
1320     generateMissingFaces();
1323 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
1325 void refineBoundaryLayers::generateNewCells()
1327     labelList nCellsFromCell(mesh_.cells().size(), 1);
1328     labelList refType(mesh_.cells().size(), 0);
1330     const meshSurfaceEngine& mse = surfaceEngine();
1331     const labelList& faceOwners = mse.faceOwners();
1333     //- calculate the number new cells generated from a cell
1334     forAll(faceOwners, bfI)
1335     {
1336         const label cellI = faceOwners[bfI];
1338         nCellsFromCell[cellI] *= nLayersAtBndFace_[bfI];
1340         if( nLayersAtBndFace_[bfI] > 1 )
1341             ++refType[cellI];
1342     }
1344     //- add cells which shall be refined in a subset
1345     if( cellSubsetName_ != "" )
1346     {
1347         label subsetI = mesh_.cellSubsetIndex(cellSubsetName_);
1348         if( subsetI >= 0 )
1349             Warning << "The subset with name " << cellSubsetName_
1350                     << " already exists. Skipping generation of a new subset"
1351                     << endl;
1353         subsetI = mesh_.addCellSubset(cellSubsetName_);
1355         forAll(nCellsFromCell, cI)
1356             if( nCellsFromCell[cI] > 1 )
1357                 mesh_.addCellToSubset(subsetI, cI);
1358     }
1360     //- check the number of cells which will be generated
1361     label nNewCells(0);
1362     forAll(nCellsFromCell, cellI)
1363         nNewCells += (nCellsFromCell[cellI] - 1);
1365     # ifdef DEBUGLayer
1366     forAll(nCellsFromCell, cellI)
1367     {
1368         Pout << "\nCell " << cellI << endl;
1369         Pout << "nCellsFromCell " << nCellsFromCell[cellI] << endl;
1370         Pout << "Ref type " << refType[cellI] << endl;
1371     }
1372     #  endif
1374     const label totalNumNewCells = returnReduce(nNewCells, sumOp<label>());
1375     Info << "Number of newly generated cells " << totalNumNewCells << endl;
1377     //- create mesh modifier
1378     polyMeshGenModifier meshModifier(mesh_);
1379     faceListPMG& faces = meshModifier.facesAccess();
1381     const label numFacesBefore = newFaces_.size();
1383     //- set the number of cells to the new value
1384     cellListPMG& cells = meshModifier.cellsAccess();
1385     label nCells = cells.size();
1386     cells.setSize(nCells+nNewCells);
1388     //- start creating new cells
1389     //- store the information which new cells were generated from
1390     //- an existing cell
1391     VRWGraph newCellsFromCell(refType.size());
1393     VRWGraph pointNewFaces;
1394     pointNewFaces.reverseAddressing(newFaces_);
1396     forAll(nCellsFromCell, cellI)
1397     {
1398         if( refType[cellI] == 0 )
1399         {
1400             //- this cell is not refined
1401             //- update face labels
1402             newCellsFromCell.append(cellI, cellI);
1404             cell& c = cells[cellI];
1406             //- copy the new faces of this cell
1407             DynList<label, 64> newC;
1408             forAll(c, fI)
1409             {
1410                 forAllRow(facesFromFace_, c[fI], cfI)
1411                     newC.append(facesFromFace_(c[fI], cfI));
1412             }
1414             //- update the cell
1415             c.setSize(newC.size());
1416             forAll(c, fI)
1417                 c[fI] = newC[fI];
1418         }
1419         else if( refType[cellI] == 1 )
1420         {
1421             //- generate new cells from this prism refined in one direction
1422             DynList<DynList<DynList<label, 8>, 10>, 64> cellsFromCell;
1423             generateNewCellsPrism(cellI, cellsFromCell);
1425             forAll(cellsFromCell, cI)
1426             {
1427                 const DynList<DynList<label, 8>, 10>& nc = cellsFromCell[cI];
1429                 const label newCellI = cI==0?cellI:nCells++;
1431                 newCellsFromCell.append(cellI, newCellI);
1433                 cell& c = cells[newCellI];
1434                 c.setSize(nc.size());
1436                 //- find face labels for this cell
1437                 forAll(nc, fI)
1438                 {
1439                     const DynList<label, 8>& nf = nc[fI];
1441                     label faceLabel(-1);
1442                     forAllRow(pointNewFaces, nf[0], pfI)
1443                     {
1444                         const label nfI = pointNewFaces(nf[0], pfI);
1446                         if( help::areFacesEqual(nf, newFaces_[nfI]) )
1447                         {
1448                             c[fI] = nfI;
1449                             faceLabel = nfI;
1450                             break;
1451                         }
1452                     }
1454                     if( faceLabel < 0 )
1455                     {
1456                         forAll(nf, pI)
1457                             pointNewFaces.append(nf[pI], newFaces_.size());
1458                         c[fI] = newFaces_.size();
1459                         newFaces_.appendList(nf);
1460                     }
1461                 }
1462             }
1463         }
1464         else if( refType[cellI] == 2 )
1465         {
1466             //- generate new cell from a hex cell where two layers intersect
1467             //- generate mostly hex cells;
1468             refineEdgeHexCell refEdgeHex(cellI, *this);
1469             const DynList<DynList<DynList<label, 4>, 6>, 256>& cellsFromCell =
1470                 refEdgeHex.newCells();
1472             forAll(cellsFromCell, cI)
1473             {
1474                 const DynList<DynList<label, 4>, 6>& nc = cellsFromCell[cI];
1476                 # ifdef DEBUGLayer
1477                 Pout << "Adding cell " << (cI==0?cellI:nCells)
1478                      << " originating from cell " << cellI << endl;
1479                 # endif
1481                 const label newCellI = cI==0?cellI:nCells++;
1483                 newCellsFromCell.append(cellI, newCellI);
1485                 cell& c = cells[newCellI];
1486                 c.setSize(nc.size());
1488                 //- find face labels for this cell
1489                 forAll(nc, fI)
1490                 {
1491                     const DynList<label, 4>& nf = nc[fI];
1493                     label faceLabel(-1);
1494                     forAllRow(pointNewFaces, nf[0], pfI)
1495                     {
1496                         const label nfI = pointNewFaces(nf[0], pfI);
1498                         if( help::areFacesEqual(nf, newFaces_[nfI]) )
1499                         {
1500                             c[fI] = nfI;
1501                             faceLabel = nfI;
1502                             break;
1503                         }
1504                     }
1506                     if( faceLabel < 0 )
1507                     {
1508                         forAll(nf, pI)
1509                             pointNewFaces.append(nf[pI], newFaces_.size());
1510                         c[fI] = newFaces_.size();
1511                         newFaces_.appendList(nf);
1512                     }
1513                 }
1514             }
1515         }
1516         else if( refType[cellI] == 3 )
1517         {
1518             //- generate new cells from a hex at a corner where three
1519             //- layers intersect
1520             //- generate mostly hex cells
1521             refineCornerHexCell refCell(cellI, *this);
1522             const DynList<DynList<DynList<label, 4>, 6>, 256>& cellsFromCell =
1523                 refCell.newCells();
1525             //- new points have been generated
1526             pointNewFaces.setSize(mesh_.points().size());
1528             //- recognise face cells in the graph of new faces
1529             forAll(cellsFromCell, cI)
1530             {
1531                 const DynList<DynList<label, 4>, 6>& nc = cellsFromCell[cI];
1533                 const label newCellI = cI==0?cellI:nCells++;
1535                 newCellsFromCell.append(cellI, newCellI);
1537                 cell& c = cells[newCellI];
1538                 c.setSize(nc.size());
1540                 //- find face labels for this cell
1541                 forAll(nc, fI)
1542                 {
1543                     const DynList<label, 4>& nf = nc[fI];
1545                     label faceLabel(-1);
1546                     forAllRow(pointNewFaces, nf[0], pfI)
1547                     {
1548                         const label nfI = pointNewFaces(nf[0], pfI);
1550                         if( help::areFacesEqual(nf, newFaces_[nfI]) )
1551                         {
1552                             c[fI] = nfI;
1553                             faceLabel = nfI;
1554                             break;
1555                         }
1556                     }
1558                     if( faceLabel < 0 )
1559                     {
1560                         forAll(nf, pI)
1561                             pointNewFaces.append(nf[pI], newFaces_.size());
1562                         c[fI] = newFaces_.size();
1563                         newFaces_.appendList(nf);
1564                     }
1565                 }
1566             }
1567         }
1568         else
1569         {
1570             FatalErrorIn
1571             (
1572                 "void refineBoundaryLayers::generateNewCells()"
1573             ) << "Cannot refine boundary layer for cell "
1574               << cellI << abort(FatalError);
1575         }
1576     }
1578     //- check the orientation of new faces, because owner and neighbour cells
1579     //- may require a face to be flipped
1580     const label nOrigInternalFaces = mesh_.nInternalFaces();
1582     # ifdef USE_OMP
1583     # pragma omp parallel
1584     # endif
1585     {
1586         const labelList& owner = mesh_.owner();
1587         const labelList& neighbour = mesh_.neighbour();
1589         # ifdef USE_OMP
1590         # pragma omp for schedule(dynamic, 40)
1591         # endif
1592         for(label fI=0;fI<nOrigInternalFaces;++fI)
1593         {
1594             const label own = owner[fI];
1595             const label nei = neighbour[fI];
1597             if( facesFromFace_.sizeOfRow(fI) == 1 )
1598                 continue;
1600             forAllRow(facesFromFace_, fI, cfI)
1601             {
1602                 const label nfI = facesFromFace_(fI, cfI);
1604                 //- find the new owner and neighbour cells of the new face
1605                 label newOwner(-1), newNeighbour(-1);
1606                 forAllRow(newCellsFromCell, own, cI)
1607                 {
1608                     const cell& cOwn = cells[newCellsFromCell(own, cI)];
1610                     const label pos = help::positionInList(nfI, cOwn);
1612                     if( pos >= 0 )
1613                     {
1614                         newOwner = newCellsFromCell(own, cI);
1615                         break;
1616                     }
1617                 }
1619                 forAllRow(newCellsFromCell, nei, cI)
1620                 {
1621                     const cell& cNei = cells[newCellsFromCell(nei, cI)];
1623                     const label pos = help::positionInList(nfI, cNei);
1625                     if( pos >= 0 )
1626                     {
1627                         newNeighbour = newCellsFromCell(nei, cI);
1628                         break;
1629                     }
1630                 }
1632                 if( newOwner > newNeighbour )
1633                 {
1634                     DynList<label> rf;
1635                     rf.setSize(newFaces_.sizeOfRow(nfI));
1637                     forAll(rf, i)
1638                         rf[i] = newFaces_(nfI, i);
1640                     rf = help::reverseFace(rf);
1642                     newFaces_.setRow(nfI, rf);
1643                 }
1644             }
1645         }
1646     }
1648     //- update cell sets
1649     mesh_.updateCellSubsets(newCellsFromCell);
1650     newCellsFromCell.setSize(0);
1652     //- point-faces addressing is not needed any more
1653     pointNewFaces.setSize(0);
1655     //- copy newFaces to the mesh
1656     # ifdef DEBUGLayer
1657     Pout << "Copying internal faces " << endl;
1658     Pout << "Original number of internal faces " << nOrigInternalFaces << endl;
1659     # endif
1661     //- store internal faces originating from existing faces
1662     labelLongList newFaceLabel(newFaces_.size());
1663     faces.setSize(newFaces_.size());
1665     label currFace = 0;
1666     for(label faceI=0;faceI<nOrigInternalFaces;++faceI)
1667     {
1668         forAllRow(facesFromFace_, faceI, ffI)
1669         {
1670             face& f = faces[currFace];
1671             newFaceLabel[currFace] = currFace;
1672             ++currFace;
1674             const label newFaceI = facesFromFace_(faceI, ffI);
1676             f.setSize(newFaces_.sizeOfRow(newFaceI));
1678             forAll(f, pI)
1679                 f[pI] = newFaces_(newFaceI, pI);
1680         }
1681     }
1683     //- store newly-generated internal faces
1684     # ifdef DEBUGLayer
1685     Pout << "Copying newly generated internal faces" << endl;
1686     Pout << "nNewInternalFaces " << currFace << endl;
1687     Pout << "numFacesBefore " << numFacesBefore << endl;
1688     Pout << "Total number of faces " << newFaces_.size() << endl;
1689     # endif
1691     for(label faceI=numFacesBefore;faceI<newFaces_.size();++faceI)
1692     {
1693         newFaceLabel[faceI] = currFace;
1694         face& f = faces[currFace];
1695         ++currFace;
1697         f.setSize(newFaces_.sizeOfRow(faceI));
1699         forAll(f, pI)
1700             f[pI] = newFaces_(faceI, pI);
1701     }
1703     //- store new boundary faces
1704     # ifdef DEBUGLayer
1705     Pout << "Copying boundary faces " << endl;
1706     Pout << "currFace " << currFace << endl;
1707     Pout << "Faces size " << faces.size() << endl;
1708     Pout << "Initial number of faces " << facesFromFace_.size() << endl;
1709     # endif
1711     PtrList<boundaryPatch>& boundaries = meshModifier.boundariesAccess();
1712     forAll(boundaries, patchI)
1713     {
1714         const label start = boundaries[patchI].patchStart();
1715         const label size = boundaries[patchI].patchSize();
1717         const label newStart = currFace;
1718         label nNewFacesInPatch(0);
1719         for(label fI=0;fI<size;++fI)
1720         {
1721             const label faceI = start + fI;
1723             forAllRow(facesFromFace_, faceI, nfI)
1724             {
1725                 face& f = faces[currFace];
1727                 //- update the new label
1728                 const label origFaceI = facesFromFace_(faceI, nfI);
1729                 newFaceLabel[origFaceI] = currFace;
1730                 facesFromFace_(faceI, nfI) = currFace;
1731                 ++currFace;
1733                 //- copy the face into the mesh
1734                 f.setSize(newFaces_.sizeOfRow(origFaceI));
1735                 forAll(f, pI)
1736                     f[pI] = newFaces_(origFaceI, pI);
1738                 ++nNewFacesInPatch;
1739             }
1740         }
1742         //- update patch
1743         boundaries[patchI].patchStart() = newStart;
1744         boundaries[patchI].patchSize() = nNewFacesInPatch;
1745     }
1747     if( Pstream::parRun() )
1748     {
1749         # ifdef DEBUGLayer
1750         Pout << "Copying processor faces" << endl;
1751         # endif
1753         //- copy faces at inter-processor boundaries
1754         PtrList<processorBoundaryPatch>& procBoundaries =
1755             meshModifier.procBoundariesAccess();
1757         forAll(procBoundaries, patchI)
1758         {
1759             const label start = procBoundaries[patchI].patchStart();
1760             const label size = procBoundaries[patchI].patchSize();
1762             const label newStart = currFace;
1763             label nNewFacesInPatch(0);
1764             for(label fI=0;fI<size;++fI)
1765             {
1766                 const label faceI = start + fI;
1767                 forAllRow(facesFromFace_, faceI, nfI)
1768                 {
1769                     face& f = faces[currFace];
1771                     //- update the new label
1772                     const label origFaceI = facesFromFace_(faceI, nfI);
1773                     newFaceLabel[origFaceI] = currFace;
1774                     facesFromFace_(faceI, nfI) = currFace;
1775                     ++currFace;
1777                     //- copy the face into the mesh
1778                     f.setSize(newFaces_.sizeOfRow(origFaceI));
1779                     forAll(f, pI)
1780                         f[pI] = newFaces_(origFaceI, pI);
1782                     ++nNewFacesInPatch;
1783                 }
1784             }
1786             //- update patch
1787             procBoundaries[patchI].patchStart() = newStart;
1788             procBoundaries[patchI].patchSize() = nNewFacesInPatch;
1789         }
1790     }
1792     # ifdef DEBUGLayer
1793     Pout << "Faces after refinement " << faces << endl;
1794     Pout << "newFaceLabel " << newFaceLabel << endl;
1795     # endif
1797     //- update face subsets
1798     mesh_.updateFaceSubsets(facesFromFace_);
1799     facesFromFace_.setSize(0);
1800     newFaces_.setSize(0);
1802     //- update cells to match the faces
1803     # ifdef DEBUGLayer
1804     Pout << "Updating cells to match new faces" << endl;
1805     # endif
1807     forAll(cells, cellI)
1808     {
1809         cell& c = cells[cellI];
1811         forAll(c, fI)
1812             c[fI] = newFaceLabel[c[fI]];
1813     }
1815     # ifdef DEBUGLayer
1816     Pout << "Cleaning mesh " << endl;
1817     # endif
1819     //- delete all adressing which is no longer up-to-date
1820     meshModifier.clearAll();
1821     deleteDemandDrivenData(msePtr_);
1823     # ifdef DEBUGLayer
1824     for(label procI=0;procI<Pstream::nProcs();++procI)
1825     {
1826         if( procI == Pstream::myProcNo() )
1827         {
1828             forAll(cells, cellI)
1829             {
1830                 const cell& c = cells[cellI];
1832                 DynList<edge> edges;
1833                 DynList<label> nAppearances;
1834                 forAll(c, fI)
1835                 {
1836                     const face& f = faces[c[fI]];
1838                     forAll(f, eI)
1839                     {
1840                         const edge e = f.faceEdge(eI);
1842                         const label pos = edges.containsAtPosition(e);
1844                         if( pos < 0 )
1845                         {
1846                             edges.append(e);
1847                             nAppearances.append(1);
1848                         }
1849                         else
1850                         {
1851                             ++nAppearances[pos];
1852                         }
1853                     }
1854                 }
1856                 bool badCell(false);
1857                 forAll(nAppearances, i)
1858                     if( nAppearances[i] != 2 )
1859                     {
1860                         badCell = true;
1861                         break;
1863                     }
1865                 if( badCell )
1866                 {
1867                     Pout << "Cell " << cellI
1868                          << " is not topologically closed" << endl;
1870                     forAll(c, fI)
1871                         Pout << "Face " << c[fI] << " with points "
1872                              << faces[c[fI]] << endl;
1873                     Pout << "Cell edges " << edges << endl;
1874                     Pout << "nAppearances " << nAppearances << endl;
1875                     ::exit(1);
1876                 }
1877             }
1878         }
1880         returnReduce(1, sumOp<label>());
1881     }
1883     const labelList& owner = mesh_.owner();
1884     const labelList& neighbour = mesh_.neighbour();
1885     const label nInternalFaces = mesh_.nInternalFaces();
1887     for(label procI=0;procI<Pstream::nProcs();++procI)
1888     {
1889         if( procI == Pstream::myProcNo() )
1890         {
1891             forAll(faces, faceI)
1892             {
1893                 if( faceI < nInternalFaces && neighbour[faceI] < 0 )
1894                 {
1895                     Pout << "Num interface faces " << nInternalFaces
1896                          << " current face " << faceI
1897                          << " face points " << faces[faceI] << endl;
1898                     ::exit(1);
1899                 }
1900                 Pout << "Face " << faceI << " owner " << owner[faceI]
1901                      << " neighbour " << neighbour[faceI]
1902                      << " face points " << faces[faceI] << endl;
1903             }
1905             forAll(cells, cellI)
1906                 Pout << "Cell " << cellI << " has faces "
1907                      << cells[cellI] << endl;
1908         }
1910         returnReduce(procI, maxOp<label>());
1911     }
1912     # endif
1914     Info << "Finished generating new cells " << endl;
1917 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
1919 } // End namespace Foam
1921 // ************************************************************************* //