Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
[foam-extend-3.2.git] / src / mesh / cfMesh / utilities / boundaryLayers / refineBoundaryLayers / refineBoundaryLayersFunctions.C
1 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
2   =========                 |
3   \\      /  F ield         | cfMesh: A library for mesh generation
4    \\    /   O peration     |
5     \\  /    A nd           | Author: Franjo Juretic (
6      \\/     M anipulation  | Copyright (C) Creative Fields, Ltd.
7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 License
9     This file is part of cfMesh.
11     cfMesh is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
12     under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
13     Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
14     option) any later version.
16     cfMesh is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
17     ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
18     FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
19     for more details.
21     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22     along with cfMesh.  If not, see <>.
24 Description
26 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
28 #include "refineBoundaryLayers.H"
29 #include "meshSurfaceEngine.H"
30 #include "helperFunctions.H"
31 #include "polyMeshGenAddressing.H"
32 #include "polyMeshGen2DEngine.H"
33 #include "VRWGraphList.H"
34 #include "meshSurfacePartitioner.H"
35 #include "detectBoundaryLayers.H"
37 #include "labelledPair.H"
38 #include "labelledScalar.H"
40 # ifdef USE_OMP
41 #include <omp.h>
42 # endif
44 //#define DEBUGLayer
46 # ifdef DEBUGLayer
47 #include "OFstream.H"
48 # endif
50 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
52 namespace Foam
55 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
57 bool refineBoundaryLayers::analyseLayers()
59     const meshSurfaceEngine& mse = surfaceEngine();
60     const faceList::subList& bFaces = mse.boundaryFaces();
61     const labelList& facePatch = mse.boundaryFacePatches();
63     meshSurfacePartitioner mPart(mse);
64     detectBoundaryLayers dbl(mPart, is2DMesh_);
66     const label nGroups = dbl.nDistinctLayers();
67     const labelList& faceInLayer = dbl.faceInLayer();
69     //- get the hair edges
70     splitEdges_ = dbl.hairEdges();
72     # ifdef DEBUGLayer
73     OFstream file("hairEdges.vtk");
75     //- write the header
76     file << "# vtk DataFile Version 3.0\n";
77     file << "vtk output\n";
78     file << "ASCII\n";
79     file << "DATASET POLYDATA\n";
81     //- write points
82     file << "POINTS " << 2*splitEdges_.size() << " float\n";
83     forAll(splitEdges_, seI)
84     {
85         const point& p = mse.mesh().points()[splitEdges_[seI].start()];
87         file << p.x() << ' ' << p.y() << ' ' << p.z() << nl;
89         const point op = mse.mesh().points()[splitEdges_[seI].end()];
91         file << op.x() << ' ' << op.y() << ' ' << op.z() << nl;
92     }
94     //- write lines
95     file << "\nLINES " << splitEdges_.size()
96          << " " << 3*splitEdges_.size() << nl;
97     forAll(splitEdges_, eI)
98     {
99         file << 2 << " " << 2*eI << " " << (2*eI+1) << nl;
100     }
102     file << "\n";
103     # endif
105     //- create point to split edges addressing
106     splitEdgesAtPoint_.reverseAddressing(splitEdges_);
108     //- check if the layer is valid
109     bool validLayer(true);
110     # ifdef USE_OMP
111     # pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic, 40)
112     # endif
113     forAll(faceInLayer, bfI)
114     {
115         if( faceInLayer[bfI] < 0 )
116             continue;
118         const face& bf = bFaces[bfI];
120         forAll(bf, pI)
121             if( splitEdgesAtPoint_.sizeOfRow(bf[pI]) == 0 )
122                 validLayer = false;
123     }
125     # ifdef DEBUGLayer
126     Info << "Number of independent layers in the mesh is " << nGroups << endl;
127     Info << "Is valid layer " << validLayer << endl;
128     # endif
130     const PtrList<boundaryPatch>& boundaries = mesh_.boundaries();
132     //- create patch name to index addressing
133     std::map<word, label> patchNameToIndex;
134     forAll(boundaries, patchI)
135         patchNameToIndex[boundaries[patchI].patchName()] = patchI;
137     //- check layer labels over a patch
138     layerAtPatch_.setSize(boundaries.size());
139     forAll(layerAtPatch_, i)
140         layerAtPatch_[i].clear();
141     List<DynList<label> > groupsAtPatch(boundaries.size());
142     forAll(faceInLayer, bfI)
143         groupsAtPatch[facePatch[bfI]].appendIfNotIn(faceInLayer[bfI]);
145     //- set the information which patches have an extruded layer
146     forAll(groupsAtPatch, patchI)
147     {
148         const DynList<label>& layers = groupsAtPatch[patchI];
150         forAll(layers, i)
151         {
152             if( layers[i] < 0 )
153             {
154                 layerAtPatch_[patchI].clear();
155                 break;
156             }
157             else
158             {
159                 layerAtPatch_[patchI].append(layers[i]);
160             }
161         }
162     }
164     # ifdef DEBUGLayer
165     Info << "Layer at patch " << layerAtPatch_ << endl;
166     # endif
168     //- set the information which patches are a single boundary layer face
169     patchesInLayer_.setSize(nGroups);
170     forAll(layerAtPatch_, patchI)
171     {
172         const DynList<label>& layers = layerAtPatch_[patchI];
174         forAll(layers, i)
175             patchesInLayer_[layers[i]].append
176             (
177                 boundaries[patchI].patchName()
178             );
179     }
181     # ifdef DEBUGLayer
182     Info << "Patches in layer " << patchesInLayer_ << endl;
183     # endif
185     //- set the number of boundary layers for each patch
186     labelList nLayersAtPatch(layerAtPatch_.size(), -1);
187     boolList protectedValue(layerAtPatch_.size(), false);
189     forAll(patchesInLayer_, layerI)
190     {
191         const DynList<word>& layerPatches = patchesInLayer_[layerI];
193         label maxNumLayers(1);
194         bool hasLocalValue(false);
196         //- find the maximum requested number of layers over the layer
197         forAll(layerPatches, lpI)
198         {
199             const word pName = layerPatches[lpI];
201             std::map<word, label>::const_iterator it =
202                 numLayersForPatch_.find(pName);
204             if( it != numLayersForPatch_.end() )
205             {
206                 //- check if the layer is interrupted at this patch
207                 if(
208                     discontinuousLayersForPatch_.find(pName) !=
209                     discontinuousLayersForPatch_.end()
210                 )
211                 {
212                     //- set the number of layers and lock this location
213                     nLayersAtPatch[patchNameToIndex[pName]] = it->second;
214                     protectedValue[patchNameToIndex[pName]] = true;
215                     hasLocalValue = true;
216                 }
217                 else
218                 {
219                     //- take the maximum number of layers
220                     maxNumLayers = Foam::max(maxNumLayers, it->second);
221                     hasLocalValue = true;
222                 }
223             }
224         }
226         //- apply the global value if no local values exist
227         if( !hasLocalValue )
228             maxNumLayers = globalNumLayers_;
230         //- apply the maximum number of ayer of all unprotected patches
231         forAll(layerPatches, lpI)
232         {
233             const label ptchI = patchNameToIndex[layerPatches[lpI]];
235             if( !protectedValue[ptchI] )
236                 nLayersAtPatch[ptchI] = maxNumLayers;
237         }
238     }
240     if( is2DMesh_ )
241     {
242         polyMeshGen2DEngine mesh2DEngine(mesh_);
243         const boolList& zMinPoint = mesh2DEngine.zMinPoints();
244         const boolList& zMaxPoint = mesh2DEngine.zMaxPoints();
246         const faceList::subList& bFaces = mse.boundaryFaces();
248         boolList allZMax(mesh_.boundaries().size(), true);
249         boolList allZMin(mesh_.boundaries().size(), true);
251         # ifdef USE_OMP
252         # pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic, 50)
253         # endif
254         forAll(bFaces, bfI)
255         {
256             const face& bf = bFaces[bfI];
258             forAll(bf, pI)
259             {
260                 if( !zMinPoint[bf[pI]] )
261                     allZMin[facePatch[bfI]] = false;
262                 if( !zMaxPoint[bf[pI]] )
263                     allZMax[facePatch[bfI]] = false;
264             }
265         }
267         //- mark empty patches as already used
268         forAll(allZMin, patchI)
269         {
270             if( allZMin[patchI] ^ allZMax[patchI] )
271             {
272                 nLayersAtPatch[patchI] = -1;
273                 layerAtPatch_[patchI].clear();
274             }
275         }
276     }
278     //- perform reduction over all processors
279     reduce(nLayersAtPatch, maxOp<labelList>());
281     # ifdef DEBUGLayer
282     Pout << "nLayersAtPatch " << nLayersAtPatch << endl;
283     # endif
285     //- set the number of boundary layers which shall be generated above
286     //- each boundary face
287     nLayersAtBndFace_.setSize(facePatch.size());
288     nLayersAtBndFace_ = globalNumLayers_;
290     # ifdef USE_OMP
291     # pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic, 50)
292     # endif
293     forAll(nLayersAtBndFace_, bfI)
294     {
295         const label patchI = facePatch[bfI];
297         if( nLayersAtPatch[patchI] < 0 )
298         {
299             nLayersAtBndFace_[bfI] = 1;
300         }
301         else
302         {
303             nLayersAtBndFace_[bfI] = nLayersAtPatch[patchI];
305             if( specialMode_ )
306             {
307                 ++nLayersAtBndFace_[bfI];
308             }
309         }
310     }
312     # ifdef DEBUGLayer
313     forAll(nLayersAtBndFace_, bfI)
314     Pout << "Boundary face " << bfI << " in patch "
315         << facePatch[bfI] << " num layers " << nLayersAtBndFace_[bfI] << endl;
316     //::exit(1);
317     # endif
319     return validLayer;
322 void refineBoundaryLayers::generateNewVertices()
324     const PtrList<boundaryPatch>& boundaries = mesh_.boundaries();
325     pointFieldPMG& points = mesh_.points();
327     const meshSurfaceEngine& mse = surfaceEngine();
328     const faceList::subList& bFaces = mse.boundaryFaces();
329     const VRWGraph& pointFaces = mse.pointFaces();
330     const labelList& facePatch = mse.boundaryFacePatches();
331     const labelList& bp = mse.bp();
333     //- allocate the data from storing parameters applying to a split edge
334     LongList<scalar> firstLayerThickness(splitEdges_.size());
335     LongList<scalar> thicknessRatio(splitEdges_.size());
336     labelLongList nNodesAtEdge(splitEdges_.size());
337     labelLongList nLayersAtEdge(splitEdges_.size());
339     //- count the number of vertices for each split edge
340     # ifdef USE_OMP
341     const label nThreads = 3 * omp_get_num_procs();
342     # else
343     const label nThreads = 1;
344     # endif
346     # ifdef USE_OMP
347     # pragma omp parallel num_threads(nThreads)
348     # endif
349     {
350         //- start counting vertices at each thread
351         # ifdef USE_OMP
352         # pragma omp for schedule(static, 1)
353         # endif
354         forAll(splitEdges_, seI)
355         {
356             const edge& e = splitEdges_[seI];
358             //- get the requested number of boundary layers
359             label nLayers(1);
360             scalar ratio(globalThicknessRatio_);
361             scalar thickness(globalMaxThicknessFirstLayer_);
362             bool overridenThickness(false);
364             const label bpI = bp[e.start()];
366             forAllRow(pointFaces, bpI, pfI)
367             {
368                 const label bfI = pointFaces(bpI, pfI);
369                 const label pos = help::positionOfEdgeInFace(e, bFaces[bfI]);
370                 if( pos >= 0 )
371                     continue;
373                 const word& patchName =
374                     boundaries[facePatch[bfI]].patchName();
376                 //- overrride the global value with the maximum number of layers
377                 //- at this edge
378                 nLayers = Foam::max(nLayers, nLayersAtBndFace_[bfI]);
380                 //- override with the maximum ratio
381                 const std::map<word, scalar>::const_iterator rIt =
382                     thicknessRatioForPatch_.find(patchName);
383                 if( rIt != thicknessRatioForPatch_.end() )
384                 {
385                     ratio = rIt->second;
386                 }
388                 //- override with the minimum thickness set for this edge
389                 const std::map<word, scalar>::const_iterator tIt =
390                     maxThicknessForPatch_.find(patchName);
391                 if( tIt != maxThicknessForPatch_.end() )
392                 {
393                     if( overridenThickness )
394                     {
395                         thickness = Foam::min(thickness, tIt->second);
396                     }
397                     else
398                     {
399                         thickness = tIt->second;
400                         overridenThickness = true;
401                     }
402                 }
403             }
405             //- store the information
406             firstLayerThickness[seI] = thickness;
407             thicknessRatio[seI] = ratio;
408             nLayersAtEdge[seI] = nLayers;
410             if( !specialMode_ )
411             {
412                 nNodesAtEdge[seI] = nLayers + 1;
413             }
414             else
415             {
416                 nNodesAtEdge[seI] = 3;
417             }
418         }
419     }
421     if( Pstream::parRun() )
422     {
423         //- transfer the information over all processor for edges
424         //- at inter-processor boundaries
425         const labelLongList& globalEdgeLabel =
426             mesh_.addressingData().globalEdgeLabel();
427         const VRWGraph& edgeAtProcs = mesh_.addressingData().edgeAtProcs();
428         const Map<label>& globalToLocal =
429             mesh_.addressingData().globalToLocalEdgeAddressing();
430         const DynList<label>& neiProcs = mesh_.addressingData().edgeNeiProcs();
431         const edgeList& edges = mesh_.addressingData().edges();
432         const VRWGraph& pointEdges = mesh_.addressingData().pointEdges();
434         //- exchange point number of layers
435         std::map<label, LongList<labelPair> > exchangeNumLayers;
436         std::map<label, LongList<labelPair> > exchangeNumNodesAtEdge;
437         std::map<label, LongList<labelledScalar> > exchangeThickness;
438         std::map<label, LongList<labelledScalar> > exchangeRatio;
439         forAll(neiProcs, i)
440         {
441             exchangeNumNodesAtEdge.insert
442             (
443                 std::make_pair(neiProcs[i], LongList<labelPair>())
444             );
445             exchangeNumLayers.insert
446             (
447                 std::make_pair(neiProcs[i], LongList<labelPair>())
448             );
449             exchangeThickness.insert
450             (
451                 std::make_pair(neiProcs[i], LongList<labelledScalar>())
452             );
453             exchangeRatio.insert
454             (
455                 std::make_pair(neiProcs[i], LongList<labelledScalar>())
456             );
457         }
459         //- exchange the number of layers
460         forAll(splitEdges_, seI)
461         {
462             const edge& se = splitEdges_[seI];
464             const label s = se.start();
465             label edgeI(-1);
466             forAllRow(pointEdges, s, peI)
467             {
468                 const label eI = pointEdges(s, peI);
470                 if( edges[eI] == se )
471                 {
472                     edgeI = eI;
473                     break;
474                 }
475             }
477             const label geI = globalEdgeLabel[edgeI];
479             if( globalToLocal.found(geI) )
480             {
481                 forAllRow(edgeAtProcs, edgeI, i)
482                 {
483                     const label neiProc = edgeAtProcs(edgeI, i);
485                     if( neiProc == Pstream::myProcNo() )
486                         continue;
488                     exchangeNumNodesAtEdge[neiProc].append
489                     (
490                         labelPair(geI, nNodesAtEdge[seI])
491                     );
492                     exchangeNumLayers[neiProc].append
493                     (
494                         labelPair(geI, nLayersAtEdge[seI])
495                     );
496                     exchangeThickness[neiProc].append
497                     (
498                         labelledScalar(geI, firstLayerThickness[seI])
499                     );
500                     exchangeRatio[neiProc].append
501                     (
502                         labelledScalar(geI, thicknessRatio[seI])
503                     );
504                 }
505             }
506         }
508         //- exchange number of nodes at split edge
509         LongList<labelPair> receivedNumLayers;
510         help::exchangeMap(exchangeNumNodesAtEdge, receivedNumLayers);
512         forAll(receivedNumLayers, i)
513         {
514             const labelPair& lp = receivedNumLayers[i];
515             const label eI = globalToLocal[lp.first()];
516             const edge& e = edges[eI];
517             label seI(-1);
518             forAllRow(splitEdgesAtPoint_, e.start(), i)
519             {
520                 const label seJ = splitEdgesAtPoint_(e.start(), i);
521                 if( splitEdges_[seJ] == e )
522                 {
523                     seI = seJ;
524                     break;
525                 }
526             }
527             nNodesAtEdge[seI] = std::max(nNodesAtEdge[seI], lp.second());
528         }
530         //- exchange number of layers
531         receivedNumLayers.clear();
532         help::exchangeMap(exchangeNumLayers, receivedNumLayers);
534         forAll(receivedNumLayers, i)
535         {
536             const labelPair& lp = receivedNumLayers[i];
537             const label eI = globalToLocal[lp.first()];
538             const edge& e = edges[eI];
539             label seI(-1);
540             forAllRow(splitEdgesAtPoint_, e.start(), i)
541             {
542                 const label seJ = splitEdgesAtPoint_(e.start(), i);
543                 if( splitEdges_[seJ] == e )
544                 {
545                     seI = seJ;
546                     break;
547                 }
548             }
549             nLayersAtEdge[seI] = std::max(nLayersAtEdge[seI], lp.second());
550         }
552         //- exchange thickness ratio
553         LongList<labelledScalar> receivedScalar;
554         help::exchangeMap(exchangeRatio, receivedScalar);
556         forAll(receivedScalar, i)
557         {
558             const labelledScalar& ls = receivedScalar[i];
559             const label eI = globalToLocal[ls.scalarLabel()];
560             const edge& e = edges[eI];
561             label seI(-1);
562             forAllRow(splitEdgesAtPoint_, e.start(), i)
563             {
564                 const label seJ = splitEdgesAtPoint_(e.start(), i);
565                 if( splitEdges_[seJ] == e )
566                 {
567                     seI = seJ;
568                     break;
569                 }
570             }
571             thicknessRatio[seI] = std::max(thicknessRatio[seI], ls.value());
572         }
574         //- exchange maximum thickness of the first layer
575         receivedScalar.clear();
576         help::exchangeMap(exchangeThickness, receivedScalar);
578         forAll(receivedScalar, i)
579         {
580             const labelledScalar& ls = receivedScalar[i];
581             const label eI = globalToLocal[ls.scalarLabel()];
582             const edge& e = edges[eI];
583             label seI(-1);
584             forAllRow(splitEdgesAtPoint_, e.start(), i)
585             {
586                 const label seJ = splitEdgesAtPoint_(e.start(), i);
587                 if( splitEdges_[seJ] == e )
588                 {
589                     seI = seJ;
590                     break;
591                 }
592             }
593             firstLayerThickness[seI] =
594                 std::min(firstLayerThickness[seI], ls.value());
595         }
596     }
598     //- calculate the number of additional vertices which will be generated
599     //- on edges of the mesh
600     DynList<label> numPointsAtThread;
601     numPointsAtThread.setSize(nThreads);
602     numPointsAtThread = 0;
604     # ifdef USE_OMP
605     # pragma omp parallel for num_threads(nThreads) schedule(static, 1)
606     # endif
607     forAll(nNodesAtEdge, seI)
608     {
609         # ifdef USE_OMP
610         const label threadI = omp_get_thread_num();
611         # else
612         const label threadI(0);
613         # endif
615         numPointsAtThread[threadI] += nNodesAtEdge[seI] - 2;
616     }
618     //- allocate the space in a graph storing ids of points on a split edge
619     newVerticesForSplitEdge_.setSizeAndRowSize(nNodesAtEdge);
621     //- calculate the number of points which will be generated
622     //- on split edges
623     label numPoints = points.size();
624     forAll(numPointsAtThread, threadI)
625     {
626         const label nPts = numPointsAtThread[threadI];
627         numPointsAtThread[threadI] = numPoints;
628         numPoints += nPts;
629     }
631     points.setSize(numPoints);
633     # ifdef DEBUGLayer
634     Info << "Generating split vertices" << endl;
635     # endif
637     //- generate vertices on split edges
638     # ifdef USE_OMP
639     # pragma omp parallel num_threads(nThreads)
640     # endif
641     {
642         # ifdef USE_OMP
643         const label threadI = omp_get_thread_num();
644         # else
645         const label threadI(0);
646         # endif
648         label& nPoints = numPointsAtThread[threadI];
650         # ifdef USE_OMP
651         # pragma omp for schedule(static, 1)
652         # endif
653         forAll(splitEdges_, seI)
654         {
655             const edge& e = splitEdges_[seI];
657             const vector v = e.vec(points);
658             const scalar magv = mag(v);
660             const label nLayers = newVerticesForSplitEdge_.sizeOfRow(seI) - 1;
662             scalar firstThickness = magv / nLayersAtEdge[seI];
663             if( thicknessRatio[seI] > (1. + SMALL) )
664             {
665                 firstThickness =
666                     magv /
667                     (
668                         (1 - Foam::pow(thicknessRatio[seI], nLayersAtEdge[seI]))
669                         / (1.0 - thicknessRatio[seI])
670                     );
672                 # ifdef DEBUGLayer
673                 Pout << "Thread " << threadI << endl;
674                 Pout << "Generating vertices at split edge "
675                      << " start point " << points[e.start()]
676                      << " end point " << points[e.end()] << endl;
677                 Pout << "Edge length " << magv << endl;
678                 Pout << "Thickness of the first layer "
679                      << firstThickness << endl;
680                 # endif
681             }
683             firstThickness =
684                 Foam::min
685                 (
686                     Foam::max(firstLayerThickness[seI], SMALL),
687                     firstThickness
688                 );
690             if( specialMode_ )
691             {
692                 scalar t = firstThickness;
694                 for(label i=1;i<nLayersAtEdge[seI]-1;++i)
695                     t += firstThickness * Foam::pow(thicknessRatio[seI], i);
697                 firstThickness = t;
698             }
700             //- generate vertices for this edge
701             newVerticesForSplitEdge_(seI, 0) = e.start();
703             scalar param = firstThickness;
704             const vector vec = v / (magv + VSMALL);
706             for(label pI=1;pI<nLayers;++pI)
707             {
708                 //- generate the new vertex
709                 const point newP = points[e.start()] + param * vec;
711                 # ifdef DEBUGLayer
712                 Pout << "Split edge " << seI << " edge points " << e
713                     << " start point " << points[e.start()]
714                     << " end point " << points[e.end()]
715                     << " param " << param
716                     << " new point " << nPoints
717                     << " has coordinates " << newP << endl;
718                 # endif
720                 param += firstThickness * Foam::pow(thicknessRatio[seI], pI);
722                 newVerticesForSplitEdge_(seI, pI) = nPoints;
723                 points[nPoints++] = newP;
724             }
726             newVerticesForSplitEdge_(seI, nLayers) = e.end();
727         }
728     }
730     if( specialMode_ )
731     {
732         //- set the number of layers to 2
733         forAll(nLayersAtBndFace_, bfI)
734             if( nLayersAtBndFace_[bfI] > 1 )
735                 nLayersAtBndFace_[bfI] = 2;
736     }
738     # ifdef DEBUGLayer
739     for(label procI=0;procI<Pstream::nProcs();++procI)
740     {
741         if( procI == Pstream::myProcNo() )
742         {
743             forAll(splitEdges_, seI)
744             {
745                 Pout << "\nSplit edge " << seI << " nodes " << splitEdges_[seI]
746                     << " coordinates " << points[splitEdges_[seI][0]]
747                     << " " << points[splitEdges_[seI][1]]
748                     << " has new points "
749                     << newVerticesForSplitEdge_[seI] << endl;
751                 forAllRow(newVerticesForSplitEdge_, seI, i)
752                     Pout << "Point " << i << " on edge ha coordinates "
753                          << points[newVerticesForSplitEdge_(seI, i)] << endl;
754             }
755         }
757         returnReduce(1, sumOp<label>());
758     }
760     Info << "Finished generating vertices at split edges" << endl;
761     //::exit(1);
762     # endif
765 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
767 } // End namespace Foam
769 // ************************************************************************* //