Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
[foam-extend-3.2.git] / src / mesh / cfMesh / utilities / meshes / partTriMesh / partTriMeshParallelAddressing.C
1 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
2   =========                 |
3   \\      /  F ield         | cfMesh: A library for mesh generation
4    \\    /   O peration     |
5     \\  /    A nd           | Author: Franjo Juretic (
6      \\/     M anipulation  | Copyright (C) Creative Fields, Ltd.
7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 License
9     This file is part of cfMesh.
11     cfMesh is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
12     under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
13     Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
14     option) any later version.
16     cfMesh is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
17     ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
18     FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
19     for more details.
21     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22     along with cfMesh.  If not, see <>.
24 Description
26 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
28 #include "demandDrivenData.H"
29 #include "meshSurfacePartitioner.H"
30 #include "partTriMesh.H"
31 #include "triSurfModifier.H"
32 #include "meshSurfaceEngine.H"
33 #include "helperFunctionsPar.H"
34 #include "parTriFace.H"
36 #include <map>
38 //#define DEBUGSmooth
40 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
42 namespace Foam
45 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
47 void partTriMesh::createParallelAddressing
49     const labelList& nodeLabelForPoint,
50     const labelList& nodeLabelForFace
53     const meshSurfaceEngine& mse = mPart_.surfaceEngine();
55     const pointField& pts = surf_.points();
57     //- vertices marked as SMOOTH are used by the smoother
58     const direction useType = SMOOTH;
60     //- allocate global point labels
61     if( !globalPointLabelPtr_ )
62         globalPointLabelPtr_ = new labelLongList();
63     labelLongList& globalPointLabel = *globalPointLabelPtr_;
64     globalPointLabel.setSize(pts.size());
65     globalPointLabel = -1;
67     //- allocated point-processors addressing
68     if( !pAtProcsPtr_ )
69         pAtProcsPtr_ = new VRWGraph();
70     VRWGraph& pProcs = *pAtProcsPtr_;
71     pProcs.setSize(0);
72     pProcs.setSize(pts.size());
74     //- allocate global-to-local point addressing
75     if( !globalToLocalPointAddressingPtr_ )
76         globalToLocalPointAddressingPtr_ = new Map<label>();
77     Map<label>& globalToLocal = *globalToLocalPointAddressingPtr_;
78     globalToLocal.clear();
80     //- allocate storage for points at parallel boundaries
81     if( !pAtParallelBoundariesPtr_ )
82         pAtParallelBoundariesPtr_ = new labelLongList();
83     labelLongList& pAtParallelBoundaries = *pAtParallelBoundariesPtr_;
84     pAtParallelBoundaries.clear();
86     //- create point-processors addressing
87     std::map<label, labelLongList> exchangeData;
88     std::map<label, labelLongList>::iterator iter;
90     const Map<label>& globalToLocalPointAddressing =
91         mse.globalToLocalBndPointAddressing();
92     const VRWGraph& pAtProcs = mse.bpAtProcs();
93     const DynList<label>& pNeiProcs = mse.bpNeiProcs();
95     forAll(pNeiProcs, procI)
96         exchangeData.insert(std::make_pair(pNeiProcs[procI], labelLongList()));
98     //- make sure that the same vertices are marked for smoothing on all procs
99     //- this is performed by sending the labels of vertices which are not used
100     //- for tet mesh creation and the tet mesh vertices which are not moved
101     forAllConstIter(Map<label>, globalToLocalPointAddressing, it)
102     {
103         const label pI = it();
105         if(
106             nodeLabelForPoint[pI] == -1 ||
107             !pointType_[nodeLabelForPoint[pI]]
108         )
109         {
110             forAllRow(pAtProcs, pI, procI)
111             {
112                 const label neiProc = pAtProcs(pI, procI);
113                 if( neiProc == Pstream::myProcNo() )
114                     continue;
116                 exchangeData[neiProc].append(it.key());
117             }
118         }
119     }
121     //- exchange data with other processors
122     labelLongList receivedData;
123     help::exchangeMap(exchangeData, receivedData);
125     //- set the values according to other processors
126     forAll(receivedData, i)
127     {
128         const label pointI = globalToLocalPointAddressing[receivedData[i]];
130         if( nodeLabelForPoint[pointI] == -1 )
131             continue;
133         pointType_[nodeLabelForPoint[pointI]] = NONE;
134     }
136     for(iter=exchangeData.begin();iter!=exchangeData.end();++iter)
137         iter->second.clear();
139     //- start creating global-to-local addressing
140     //- find the starting point labels
141     label startPoint(0), nLocalPoints(0), nSharedPoints(0);
143     //- count the number of points at processor boundaries
144     forAllConstIter(Map<label>, globalToLocalPointAddressing, it)
145     {
146         const label pI = it();
148         if( nodeLabelForPoint[pI] == -1 )
149             continue;
150         if( !(pointType_[nodeLabelForPoint[pI]] & useType) )
151             continue;
153         ++nSharedPoints;
155         label pMin(Pstream::myProcNo());
156         forAllRow(pAtProcs, pI, procI)
157             pMin = Foam::min(pMin, pAtProcs(pI, procI));
159         if( pMin == Pstream::myProcNo() )
160             ++nLocalPoints;
161     }
163     labelList nPointsAtProc(Pstream::nProcs());
164     nSharedPoints -= nLocalPoints;
165     nPointsAtProc[Pstream::myProcNo()] = pts.size() - nSharedPoints;
166     Pstream::gatherList(nPointsAtProc);
167     Pstream::scatterList(nPointsAtProc);
169     for(label i=0;i<Pstream::myProcNo();++i)
170         startPoint += nPointsAtProc[i];
172     //- create global labels for points at processor boundaries
173     forAllConstIter(Map<label>, globalToLocalPointAddressing, it)
174     {
175         const label pI = it();
177         if( nodeLabelForPoint[pI] == -1 )
178             continue;
180         const label pLabel = nodeLabelForPoint[pI];
182         if( !(pointType_[pLabel] & useType) )
183             continue;
185         label pMin(Pstream::myProcNo());
186         forAllRow(pAtProcs, pI, procI)
187         {
188             const label neiProc = pAtProcs(pI, procI);
189             pProcs.append(pLabel, neiProc);
190             pMin = Foam::min(pMin, neiProc);
191         }
193         if( pMin != Pstream::myProcNo() )
194             continue;
196         globalPointLabel[pLabel] = startPoint++;
198         forAllRow(pAtProcs, pI, procI)
199         {
200             const label neiProc = pAtProcs(pI, procI);
202             if( neiProc == Pstream::myProcNo() )
203                 continue;
205             //- the following information is sent to other processor
206             //- 1. global point label in the original mesh
207             //- 2. global point label in the tet mesh
208             exchangeData[neiProc].append(it.key());
209             exchangeData[neiProc].append(globalPointLabel[pLabel]);
210         }
211     }
213     //- exchange data with other processors
214     receivedData.clear();
215     help::exchangeMap(exchangeData, receivedData);
217     label counter(0);
218     while( counter < receivedData.size() )
219     {
220         const label gpI = receivedData[counter++];
221         const label tgI = receivedData[counter++];
222         const label pLabel =
223             nodeLabelForPoint[globalToLocalPointAddressing[gpI]];
225         globalPointLabel[pLabel] = tgI;
226     }
228     //- set global labels for remaining points
229     forAll(globalPointLabel, pI)
230     {
231         if( globalPointLabel[pI] == -1 )
232             globalPointLabel[pI] = startPoint++;
233     }
235     //- create global to local mapping
236     forAll(globalPointLabel, pI)
237     {
238         if( pProcs.sizeOfRow(pI) != 0 )
239         {
240             pAtParallelBoundaries.append(pI);
241             globalToLocal.insert(globalPointLabel[pI], pI);
242         }
243     }
245     //- mark vertices at parallel boundaries
246     forAll(pointType_, pI)
247         if( (pointType_[pI] & useType) && (pProcs.sizeOfRow(pI) != 0) )
248             pointType_[pI] |= PARALLELBOUNDARY;
250     //- create neighbour processors addressing
251     if( !neiProcsPtr_ )
252         neiProcsPtr_ = new DynList<label>();
253     DynList<label>& neiProcs = *neiProcsPtr_;
255     for(iter=exchangeData.begin();iter!=exchangeData.end();++iter)
256         neiProcs.append(iter->first);
259 void partTriMesh::createBufferLayers()
261     pointField& pts = triSurfModifier(surf_).pointsAccess();
263     VRWGraph& pProcs = *pAtProcsPtr_;
264     labelLongList& globalPointLabel = *globalPointLabelPtr_;
265     Map<label>& globalToLocal = *globalToLocalPointAddressingPtr_;
266     const DynList<label>& neiProcs = *this->neiProcsPtr_;
268     if( !pAtBufferLayersPtr_ )
269         pAtBufferLayersPtr_ = new labelLongList();
270     labelLongList& pAtBufferLayers = *pAtBufferLayersPtr_;
271     pAtBufferLayers.clear();
273     //- create the map
274     std::map<label, LongList<parTriFace> > exchangeTrias;
275     forAll(neiProcs, procI)
276         exchangeTrias.insert
277         (
278             std::make_pair(neiProcs[procI], LongList<parTriFace>())
279         );
281     //- loop over triangles and add the ones having vertices at parallel
282     //- boundaries for sending
283     forAll(surf_, triI)
284     {
285         const labelledTri& pt = surf_[triI];
287         DynList<label> sendToProcs;
288         forAll(pt, i)
289         {
290             const label pLabel = pt[i];
292             if( pointType_[pLabel] & PARALLELBOUNDARY )
293             {
294                 forAllRow(pProcs, pLabel, i)
295                 {
296                     const label neiProc = pProcs(pLabel, i);
298                     if( neiProc == Pstream::myProcNo() )
299                         continue;
301                     sendToProcs.appendIfNotIn(neiProc);
302                 }
303             }
304         }
306         if( sendToProcs.size() )
307         {
308             const parTriFace tri
309             (
310                 globalPointLabel[pt[0]],
311                 globalPointLabel[pt[1]],
312                 globalPointLabel[pt[2]],
313                 triangle<point, point>(pts[pt[0]], pts[pt[1]], pts[pt[2]])
314             );
316             forAll(sendToProcs, i)
317             {
318                 exchangeTrias[sendToProcs[i]].append(tri);
320                 forAll(pt, j)
321                 {
322                     if( pProcs.sizeOfRow(pt[j]) == 0 )
323                         pAtBufferLayers.append(pt[j]);
325                     pProcs.appendIfNotIn(pt[j], sendToProcs[i]);
326                 }
327             }
328         }
329     }
331     //- receive triangles sent to this processor
332     std::map<label, List<parTriFace> > receivedTriangles;
333     help::exchangeMap(exchangeTrias, receivedTriangles);
334     exchangeTrias.clear();
336     //- add triangles into the mesh and update the addressing
337     Map<label> newGlobalToLocal;
338     std::map<label, point> addCoordinates;
339     label nPoints = pts.size();
340     for
341     (
342         std::map<label, List<parTriFace> >::const_iterator it =
343         receivedTriangles.begin();
344         it!=receivedTriangles.end();
345         ++it
346     )
347     {
348         const List<parTriFace>& receivedTrias = it->second;
350         forAll(receivedTrias, i)
351         {
352             const parTriFace& tri = receivedTrias[i];
354             DynList<label, 3> triPointLabels(3);
355             for(label j=0;j<3;++j)
356             {
357                 const label gpI = tri.globalLabelOfPoint(j);
359                 if( globalToLocal.found(gpI) )
360                 {
361                     //- point already exists in the triangulation
362                     const label pI = globalToLocal[gpI];
363                     triPointLabels[j] = pI;
364                 }
365                 else if( newGlobalToLocal.found(gpI) )
366                 {
367                     //- point is already added into the triangulation
368                     triPointLabels[j] = newGlobalToLocal[gpI];
369                     pProcs.appendIfNotIn(newGlobalToLocal[gpI], it->first);
370                 }
371                 else
372                 {
373                     //- point does not exist in the triangulation
374                     //- and is not yet added in
375                     newGlobalToLocal.insert(gpI, nPoints);
376                     triPointLabels[j] = nPoints;
378                     point tp;
379                     if( j == 0 )
380                     {
381                         tp = tri.trianglePoints().a();
382                     }
383                     else if( j == 1 )
384                     {
385                         tp = tri.trianglePoints().b();
386                     }
387                     else
388                     {
389                         tp = tri.trianglePoints().c();
390                     }
391                     addCoordinates[nPoints] = tp;
392                     ++nPoints;
394                     pointLabelInMeshSurface_.append(-1);
395                     pointType_.append(NONE);
397                     DynList<label> triAtProcs;
398                     triAtProcs.append(it->first);
400                     globalPointLabel.append(gpI);
401                     triAtProcs.append(Pstream::myProcNo());
402                     pProcs.appendList(triAtProcs);
403                 }
404             }
406             //- append tet
407             surf_.appendTriangle
408             (
409                 labelledTri
410                 (
411                     triPointLabels[0],
412                     triPointLabels[1],
413                     triPointLabels[2],
414                     -1
415                 )
416             );
417         }
418     }
420     //- store newly added points
421     pts.setSize(nPoints);
422     for
423     (
424         std::map<label, point>::const_iterator it=addCoordinates.begin();
425         it!=addCoordinates.end();
426         ++it
427     )
428         pts[it->first] = it->second;
430     addCoordinates.clear();
432     //- insert the global labels of the buffer points
433     //- into the globalToLocal map
434     forAllConstIter(Map<label>, newGlobalToLocal, it)
435         globalToLocal.insert(it.key(), it());
437     //- update addressing of the surface mesh
438     surf_.clearAddressing();
441 void partTriMesh::updateBufferLayers()
443     const pointField& points = surf_.points();
444     const labelLongList& bufferLayerPoints = this->bufferLayerPoints();
445     const VRWGraph& pProcs = this->pointAtProcs();
446     const labelLongList& globalPointLabel = this->globalPointLabel();
447     const Map<label>& globalToLocal = this->globalToLocalPointAddressing();
448     const DynList<label>& neiProcs = this->neiProcs();
450     //- create the map
451     std::map<label, LongList<labelledPoint> > exchangeData;
452     forAll(neiProcs, i)
453         exchangeData.insert
454         (
455             std::make_pair(neiProcs[i], LongList<labelledPoint>())
456         );
458     //- add points into the map
459     forAll(bufferLayerPoints, pI)
460     {
461         const label pointI = bufferLayerPoints[pI];
463         forAllRow(pProcs, pointI, i)
464         {
465             const label neiProc = pProcs(pointI, i);
467             if( neiProc == Pstream::myProcNo() )
468                 continue;
470             exchangeData[neiProc].append
471             (
472                 labelledPoint(globalPointLabel[pointI], points[pointI])
473             );
474         }
475     }
477     LongList<labelledPoint> receivedData;
478     help::exchangeMap(exchangeData, receivedData);
480     forAll(receivedData, i)
481     {
482         const labelledPoint& lp = receivedData[i];
484         this->updateVertex
485         (
486             globalToLocal[lp.pointLabel()],
487             lp.coordinates()
488         );
489     }
492 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
494 } // End namespace Foam
496 // ************************************************************************* //