Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
[foam-extend-3.2.git] / src / mesh / cfMesh / utilities / tetrahedra / tetCreatorOctree / tetCreatorOctreeTetsAroundEdges.C
1 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
2   =========                 |
3   \\      /  F ield         | cfMesh: A library for mesh generation
4    \\    /   O peration     |
5     \\  /    A nd           | Author: Franjo Juretic (
6      \\/     M anipulation  | Copyright (C) Creative Fields, Ltd.
7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 License
9     This file is part of cfMesh.
11     cfMesh is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
12     under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
13     Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
14     option) any later version.
16     cfMesh is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
17     ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
18     FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
19     for more details.
21     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22     along with cfMesh.  If not, see <>.
24 Description
26 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
28 #include "tetCreatorOctree.H"
29 #include "demandDrivenData.H"
30 #include "meshOctree.H"
32 //#define DEBUGTets
34 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
36 namespace Foam
39 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
41 void tetCreatorOctree::createTetsAroundEdges()
43     Info << "Creating tets around edges" << endl;
45     const labelList& cubeLabel = *cubeLabelPtr_;
46     const VRWGraph& nodeLabels = octreeCheck_.nodeLabels();
47     const FRWGraph<label, 8>& pLeaves = octreeCheck_.nodeLeaves();
48     const VRWGraph& subNodeLabels = *subNodeLabelsPtr_;
49     const VRWGraph& faceCentreLabel = *faceCentreLabelPtr_;
50     const meshOctree& octree = octreeCheck_.octree();
51     const FixedList<FixedList<meshOctreeCubeCoordinates, 8>, 8>& vlPos =
52         octree.positionsOfLeavesAtNodes();
54     //- find maximum refinement level of octree leaves attached to each vertex
55     List<direction> nodeLevel(octreeCheck_.numberOfNodes());
57     forAll(pLeaves, nodeI)
58     {
59         direction level(0);
61         for(label plI=0;plI<8;++plI)
62         {
63             const label leafI = pLeaves(nodeI, plI);
65             if( leafI < 0 )
66                 continue;
68             level = Foam::max(level, octree.returnLeaf(leafI).level());
69         }
71         nodeLevel[nodeI] = level;
72     }
74     //- start creating tets around edges which have both vertices at the same
75     //- refinement level which is equal to the max refinement level of boxes
76     //- incident to such edges
77     forAllReverse(sortedLeaves_, levelI)
78     {
79         const labelLongList& curLevelLeaves = sortedLeaves_[levelI];
81         forAll(curLevelLeaves, leafI)
82         {
83             const label curLeaf = curLevelLeaves[leafI];
85             if( cubeLabel[curLeaf] == -1 )
86                 continue;
88             const meshOctreeCubeCoordinates& cc =
89                 octree.returnLeaf(curLeaf).coordinates();
91             # ifdef DEBUGTets
92             Info << "Search cube " << curLeaf << " has coordinates "
93                 << octree.returnLeaf(curLeaf).coordinates() << endl;
94             Info << "Node labels for cube are " << nodeLabels[curLeaf] << endl;
95             # endif
97             //- start checking edges
98             for(label eI=0;eI<12;++eI)
99             {
100                 const label startNode =
101                     meshOctreeCubeCoordinates::edgeNodes_[eI][0];
103                 const label start = nodeLabels(curLeaf, startNode);
104                 const label end =
105                     nodeLabels
106                     (
107                         curLeaf,
108                         meshOctreeCubeCoordinates::edgeNodes_[eI][1]
109                     );
111                 # ifdef DEBUGTets
112                 Info << "Creating tets around edge " << eI << endl;
113                 Info << "Edge nodes are " << start << " and " << end << endl;
114                 Info << "Coordinates start " << tetPoints_[start]
115                      << " end " << tetPoints_[end] << endl;
116                 # endif
118                 bool create(true);
120                 if(
121                     (nodeLevel[start] == direction(levelI)) &&
122                     (nodeLevel[end] == direction(levelI))
123                 )
124                 {
125                     //- edge has both vertices at the same refinement level
126                     //- as the current leaf
127                     FixedList<label, 4> edgeCubes;
128                     const label fI = 2*(eI/4)+1;
130                     const label* fNodes =
131                         meshOctreeCubeCoordinates::faceNodes_[fI];
133                     //- store octree leaves at this edge
134                     //- they are all adjacent to the start point
135                     for(label i=0;i<4;++i)
136                         edgeCubes[i] = pLeaves(start, fNodes[i]);
138                     # ifdef DEBUGTets
139                     forAll(edgeCubes, i)
140                     {
141                         Info << "Cube " << i << " is " << edgeCubes[i] << endl;
143                         if( edgeCubes[i] < 0 )
144                             continue;
146                         Info << "Cubes has node labels "
147                              << nodeLabels[edgeCubes[i]] << endl;
148                     }
149                     # endif
151                     DynList<label> centreNodes;
153                     forAll(edgeCubes, i)
154                     {
155                         const label cLabel = edgeCubes[i];
157                         if( (cLabel == -1) || (cubeLabel[cLabel] == -1) )
158                         {
159                             centreNodes.append(-1);
160                             continue;
161                         }
163                         const meshOctreeCubeCoordinates& oc =
164                             octree.returnLeaf(cLabel).coordinates();
166                         # ifdef DEBUGTets
167                         Info << "Edge cube " << i << " is " << oc << endl;
168                         Info << "Node labels ";
169                         forAllRow(nodeLabels, cLabel, k)
170                             Info << nodeLabels(cLabel, k) << " ";
171                         Info << endl;
172                         # endif
174                         if( oc.level() == direction(levelI) )
175                         {
176                             if( cLabel < curLeaf )
177                             {
178                                 create = false;
179                                 break;
180                             }
182                             # ifdef DEBUGTets
183                             Info << "Adding centre label " << cubeLabel[cLabel]
184                                 << endl;
185                             # endif
187                             centreNodes.append(cubeLabel[cLabel]);
189                             //- adding face centre labels
190                             if( faceCentreLabel.sizeOfRow(cLabel) != 0 )
191                             {
192                                 const label helpFace = eI/4;
194                                 const label fcl =
195                                     faceCentreLabel
196                                     (
197                                         cLabel,
198                                         faceCentreHelper_[helpFace][i]
199                                     );
201                                 if( fcl != -1 )
202                                     centreNodes.append(fcl);
203                             }
205                             # ifdef DEBUGTets
206                             Info << "Centre nodes after cube " << i
207                                 << " are " << centreNodes << endl;
208                             # endif
209                         }
210                         else if( oc.level() < direction(levelI) )
211                         {
212                             # ifdef DEBUGTets
213                             Info << "Edge cube " << cLabel << endl;
214                             Info << "cc " << cc << endl;
215                             Info << "oc " << oc << endl;
216                             Info << "Adding pos "
217                                  << vlPos[startNode][fNodes[i]] << endl;
218                             # endif
220                             const meshOctreeCubeCoordinates sc
221                             (
222                                 cc + vlPos[startNode][fNodes[i]]
223                             );
225                             # ifdef DEBUGTets
226                             Info << "sc " << sc << endl;
227                             # endif
229                             label pos(-1);
231                             for(label j=0;j<8;j++)
232                             {
233                                 if( sc == oc.refineForPosition(j) )
234                                 {
235                                     pos = j;
236                                     break;
237                                 }
238                             }
240                             if( pos == -1 )
241                                 FatalErrorIn
242                                 (
243                                     "void tetCreatorOctree::"
244                                     "createTetsAroundEdges()"
245                                 ) << "Cannot find cube position"
246                                   << abort(FatalError);
248                             # ifdef DEBUGTets
249                             Info << "Pos " << pos << endl;
250                             # endif
252                             centreNodes.append(subNodeLabels(cLabel, pos));
254                             # ifdef DEBUGTets
255                             Info << "Centre node " << i << " is "
256                                 << subNodeLabels(cLabel, pos)
257                                 << " coordinates "
258                                 << tetPoints_[subNodeLabels(cLabel, pos)]
259                                 << endl;
260                             # endif
261                         }
262                     }
264                     //- create tets around this edge
265                     if( create )
266                     {
267                         const label nCentres = centreNodes.size();
269                         forAll(centreNodes, i)
270                         {
271                             if( centreNodes[i] == -1 )
272                                 continue;
273                             if( centreNodes[(i+1)%nCentres] == -1 )
274                                 continue;
276                             partTet tet
277                             (
278                                 centreNodes[i],
279                                 centreNodes[(i+1)%nCentres],
280                                 start,
281                                 end
282                             );
284                             tets_.append(tet);
286                             # ifdef DEBUGTets
287                             Info << "Last added tet "
288                                 << tets_.size()-1 <<" is "
289                                 << tets_[tets_.size()-1] << endl;
290                             # endif
291                         }
292                     }
293                 }
294             }
295         }
296     }
299 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
301 } // End namespace Foam
303 // ************************************************************************* //