Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
[foam-extend-3.2.git] / src / meshTools / surfaceSets / surfaceSets.C
1 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
2   =========                 |
3   \\      /  F ield         | foam-extend: Open Source CFD
4    \\    /   O peration     | Version:     3.2
5     \\  /    A nd           | Web:
6      \\/     M anipulation  | For copyright notice see file Copyright
7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 License
9     This file is part of foam-extend.
11     foam-extend is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
12     under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
13     Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
14     option) any later version.
16     foam-extend is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
17     WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
19     General Public License for more details.
21     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22     along with foam-extend.  If not, see <>.
24 Description
26 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
28 #include "surfaceSets.H"
29 #include "polyMesh.H"
30 #include "triSurface.H"
31 #include "triSurfaceSearch.H"
32 #include "pointSet.H"
33 #include "cellSet.H"
34 #include "surfaceToCell.H"
35 #include "cellToPoint.H"
36 #include "cellToCell.H"
37 #include "pointToCell.H"
38 #include "meshSearch.H"
39 #include "cellClassification.H"
42 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Static Data Members * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
45 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * Private Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * //
47 //Foam::scalar Foam::surfaceSets::minEdgeLen
48 //(
49 //    const primitiveMesh& mesh,
50 //    const label pointI
51 //)
52 //{
53 //    const edgeList& edges = mesh.edges();
55 //    const pointField& points = mesh.points();
57 //    const labelList& pEdges = mesh.pointEdges()[pointI];
59 //    scalar minLen = GREAT;
61 //    forAll(pEdges, i)
62 //    {
63 //        minLen = min(minLen, edges[pEdges[i]].mag(points));
64 //    }
65 //    return minLen;
66 //}
69 //// Returns true if cell uses at least one selected point
70 //bool Foam::surfaceSets::usesPoint
71 //(
72 //    const primitiveMesh& mesh,
73 //    const boolList& selectedPoint,
74 //    const label cellI
75 //)
76 //{
77 //    const labelList& cFaces = mesh.cells()[cellI];
79 //    forAll(cFaces, cFaceI)
80 //    {
81 //        label faceI = cFaces[cFaceI];
83 //        const face& f = mesh.faces()[faceI];
85 //        forAll(f, fp)
86 //        {
87 //            if (selectedPoint[f[fp]])
88 //            {
89 //                return true;
90 //            }
91 //        }
92 //    }
93 //    return false;
94 //}
98 //// Remove cells in allCells which are connected to other cells in allCells
99 //// by outside vertices only. Since these outside vertices will be moved onto
100 //// a surface they might result in flat cells.
101 //Foam::label Foam::surfaceSets::removeHangingCells
103 //    const primitiveMesh& mesh,
104 //    const triSurfaceSearch& querySurf,
105 //    labelHashSet& internalCells
108 //    const pointField& points = mesh.points();
109 //    const cellList& cells = mesh.cells();
110 //    const faceList& faces = mesh.faces();
112 //    // Determine cells that have all points on the boundary.
113 //    labelHashSet flatCandidates(getHangingCells(mesh, internalCells));
115 //    // All boundary points will become visible after subsetting and will be
116 //    // snapped
117 //    // to surface. Calculate new volume for cells using only these points and
118 //    // check if it does not become too small.
120 //    // Get points used by flatCandidates.
121 //    labelHashSet outsidePoints(flatCandidates.size());
123 //    // Snap outside points to surface
124 //    pointField newPoints(points);
126 //    for
127 //    (
128 //        labelHashSet::const_iterator iter = flatCandidates.begin();
129 //        iter != flatCandidates.end();
130 //        ++iter
131 //    )
132 //    {
133 //        const cell& cFaces = cells[iter.key()];
135 //        forAll(cFaces, cFaceI)
136 //        {
137 //            const face& f = faces[cFaces[cFaceI]];
139 //            forAll(f, fp)
140 //            {
141 //                label pointI = f[fp];
143 //                if (outsidePoints.insert(pointI))
144 //                {
145 //                    // Calculate new position for this outside point
146 //                    tmp<pointField> tnearest =
147 //                        querySurf.calcNearest(pointField(1, points[pointI]));
148 //                    newPoints[pointI] = tnearest()[0];
149 //                }
150 //            }
151 //        }
152 //    }
155 //    // Calculate new volume for mixed cells
156 //    label nRemoved = 0;
157 //    for
158 //    (
159 //        labelHashSet::const_iterator iter = flatCandidates.begin();
160 //        iter != flatCandidates.end();
161 //        ++iter
162 //    )
163 //    {
164 //        label cellI = iter.key();
166 //        const cell& cll = cells[cellI];
168 //        scalar newVol = cll.mag(newPoints, faces);
169 //        scalar oldVol = mesh.cellVolumes()[cellI];
171 //        if (newVol < 0.1 * oldVol)
172 //        {
173 //            internalCells.erase(cellI);
174 //            nRemoved++;
175 //        }
176 //    }
178 //    return nRemoved;
182 //// Select all points out of pointSet where the distance to the surface is less
183 //// than a factor times a local length scale (minimum length of connected edges)
184 //void Foam::surfaceSets::getNearPoints
186 //    const primitiveMesh& mesh,
187 //    const triSurface&,
188 //    const triSurfaceSearch& querySurf,
189 //    const scalar edgeFactor,
190 //    const pointSet& candidateSet,
191 //    pointSet& nearPointSet
194 //    if (edgeFactor <= 0)
195 //    {
196 //        return;
197 //    }
199 //    labelList candidates(candidateSet.toc());
201 //    pointField candidatePoints(candidates.size());
202 //    forAll(candidates, i)
203 //    {
204 //        candidatePoints[i] = mesh.points()[candidates[i]];
205 //    }
207 //    tmp<pointField> tnearest = querySurf.calcNearest(candidatePoints);
208 //    const pointField& nearest = tnearest();
210 //    const pointField& points = mesh.points();
212 //    forAll(candidates, i)
213 //    {
214 //        label pointI = candidates[i];
216 //        scalar minLen = minEdgeLen(mesh, pointI);
218 //        scalar dist = mag(nearest[i] - points[pointI]);
220 //        if (dist < edgeFactor * minLen)
221 //        {
222 //            nearPointSet.insert(pointI);
223 //        }
224 //    }
228 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Constructors  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
231 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
233 void Foam::surfaceSets::getSurfaceSets
235     const polyMesh& mesh,
236     const fileName&,
237     const triSurface&,
238     const triSurfaceSearch& querySurf,
239     const pointField& outsidePts,
241     const label nCutLayers,
243     labelHashSet& inside,
244     labelHashSet& outside,
245     labelHashSet& cut
248     // Construct search engine on mesh
249     meshSearch queryMesh(mesh, true);
252     // Check all 'outside' points
253     forAll(outsidePts, outsideI)
254     {
255         const point& outsidePoint = outsidePts[outsideI];
257         // Find cell point is in. Linear search.
258         if (queryMesh.findCell(outsidePoint, -1, false) == -1)
259         {
260             FatalErrorIn
261             (
262                 "surfaceSets::getSurfaceSets"
263                 "(const polyMesh&, const fileName&, const triSurface&"
264                 ", const triSurfaceSearch&, const pointField&"
265                 ", labelHashSet&, labelHashSet&, labelHashSet&)"
266             )   << "outsidePoint " << outsidePoint
267                 << " is not inside any cell"
268                 << exit(FatalError);
269         }
270     }
272     // Cut faces with surface and classify cells
273     cellClassification cellType
274     (
275         mesh,
276         queryMesh,
277         querySurf,
278         outsidePts
279     );
281     if (nCutLayers > 0)
282     {
283         // Trim cutCells so they are max nCutLayers away (as seen in point-cell
284         // walk) from outside cells.
285         cellType.trimCutCells
286         (
287             nCutLayers,
288             cellClassification::OUTSIDE,
289             cellClassification::INSIDE
290         );
291     }
293     forAll(cellType, cellI)
294     {
295         label cType = cellType[cellI];
297         if (cType == cellClassification::CUT)
298         {
299             cut.insert(cellI);
300         }
301         else if (cType == cellClassification::INSIDE)
302         {
303             inside.insert(cellI);
304         }
305         else if (cType == cellClassification::OUTSIDE)
306         {
307             outside.insert(cellI);
308         }
309     }
313 Foam::labelHashSet Foam::surfaceSets::getHangingCells
315     const primitiveMesh& mesh,
316     const labelHashSet& internalCells
319     const cellList& cells = mesh.cells();
320     const faceList& faces = mesh.faces();
323     // Divide points into
324     // -referenced by internal only
325     // -referenced by outside only
326     // -mixed
328     List<pointStatus> pointSide(mesh.nPoints(), NOTSET);
330     for (label cellI = 0; cellI < mesh.nCells(); cellI++)
331     {
332         if (internalCells.found(cellI))
333         {
334             // Inside cell. Mark all vertices seen from this cell.
335             const labelList& cFaces = cells[cellI];
337             forAll(cFaces, cFaceI)
338             {
339                 const face& f = faces[cFaces[cFaceI]];
341                 forAll(f, fp)
342                 {
343                     label pointI = f[fp];
345                     if (pointSide[pointI] == NOTSET)
346                     {
347                         pointSide[pointI] = INSIDE;
348                     }
349                     else if (pointSide[pointI] == OUTSIDE)
350                     {
351                         pointSide[pointI] = MIXED;
352                     }
353                     else
354                     {
355                         // mixed or inside stay same
356                     }
357                 }
358             }
359         }
360         else
361         {
362             // Outside cell
363             const labelList& cFaces = cells[cellI];
365             forAll(cFaces, cFaceI)
366             {
367                 const face& f = faces[cFaces[cFaceI]];
369                 forAll(f, fp)
370                 {
371                     label pointI = f[fp];
373                     if (pointSide[pointI] == NOTSET)
374                     {
375                         pointSide[pointI] = OUTSIDE;
376                     }
377                     else if (pointSide[pointI] == INSIDE)
378                     {
379                         pointSide[pointI] = MIXED;
380                     }
381                     else
382                     {
383                         // mixed or outside stay same
384                     }
385                 }
386             }
387         }
388     }
391     //OFstream mixedStr("mixed.obj");
392     //
393     //forAll(pointSide, pointI)
394     //{
395     //    if (pointSide[pointI] == MIXED)
396     //    {
397     //        const point& pt = points[pointI];
398     //
399     //        mixedStr << "v " << pt.x() << ' ' << pt.y() << ' ' << pt.z()
400     //            << endl;
401     //    }
402     //}
405     // Determine cells using mixed points only
407     labelHashSet mixedOnlyCells(internalCells.size());
409     for
410     (
411         labelHashSet::const_iterator iter = internalCells.begin();
412         iter != internalCells.end();
413         ++iter
414     )
415     {
416         label cellI = iter.key();
418         const cell& cFaces = cells[cellI];
420         label usesMixedOnly = true;
422         forAll(cFaces, i)
423         {
424             const face& f = faces[cFaces[i]];
426             forAll(f, fp)
427             {
428                 if (pointSide[f[fp]] != MIXED)
429                 {
430                     usesMixedOnly = false;
431                     break;
432                 }
433             }
435             if (!usesMixedOnly)
436             {
437                 break;
438             }
439         }
440         if (usesMixedOnly)
441         {
442             mixedOnlyCells.insert(cellI);
443         }
444     }
446     return mixedOnlyCells;
450 //void Foam::surfaceSets::writeSurfaceSets
452 //    const polyMesh& mesh,
453 //    const fileName& surfName,
454 //    const triSurface& surf,
455 //    const triSurfaceSearch& querySurf,
456 //    const pointField& outsidePts,
457 //    const scalar edgeFactor
460 //    // Cellsets for inside/outside determination
461 //    cellSet rawInside(mesh, "rawInside", mesh.nCells()/10);
462 //    cellSet rawOutside(mesh, "rawOutside", mesh.nCells()/10);
463 //    cellSet cutCells(mesh, "cutCells", mesh.nCells()/10);
465 //    // Get inside/outside/cut cells
466 //    getSurfaceSets
467 //    (
468 //        mesh,
469 //        surfName,
470 //        surf,
471 //        querySurf,
472 //        outsidePts,
474 //        rawInside,
475 //        rawOutside,
476 //        cutCells
477 //    );
480 //    Pout<< "rawInside:" << rawInside.size() << endl;
482 //    label nRemoved;
483 //    do
484 //    {
485 //        nRemoved = removeHangingCells(mesh, querySurf, rawInside);
487 //        Pout<< nl
488 //            << "Removed " << nRemoved
489 //            << " rawInside cells that have all their points on the outside"
490 //            << endl;
491 //    }
492 //    while (nRemoved != 0);
494 //    Pout<< "Writing inside cells (" << rawInside.size() << ") to cellSet "
495 //        << rawInside.instance()/rawInside.local()/
496 //        << endl << endl;
497 //    rawInside.write();
501 //    // Select outside cells
502 //    surfaceToCell outsideSource
503 //    (
504 //        mesh,
505 //        surfName,
506 //        surf,
507 //        querySurf,
508 //        outsidePts,
509 //        false,          // includeCut
510 //        false,          // includeInside
511 //        true,           // includeOutside
512 //        -GREAT,         // nearDist
513 //        -GREAT          // curvature
514 //    );
516 //    outsideSource.applyToSet(topoSetSource::NEW, rawOutside);
518 //    Pout<< "rawOutside:" << rawOutside.size() << endl;
520 //    do
521 //    {
522 //        nRemoved = removeHangingCells(mesh, querySurf, rawOutside);
524 //        Pout<< nl
525 //            << "Removed " << nRemoved
526 //            << " rawOutside cells that have all their points on the outside"
527 //            << endl;
528 //    }
529 //    while (nRemoved != 0);
531 //    Pout<< "Writing outside cells (" << rawOutside.size() << ") to cellSet "
532 //        << rawOutside.instance()/rawOutside.local()/
533 //        << endl << endl;
534 //    rawOutside.write();
537 //    // Select cut cells by negating inside and outside set.
538 //    cutCells.invert(mesh.nCells());
540 //    cellToCell deleteInsideSource(mesh,;
542 //    deleteInsideSource.applyToSet(topoSetSource::DELETE, cutCells);
543 //    Pout<< "Writing cut cells (" << cutCells.size() << ") to cellSet "
544 //        << cutCells.instance()/cutCells.local()/
545 //        << endl << endl;
546 //    cutCells.write();
549 //    //
550 //    // Remove cells with points too close to surface.
551 //    //
554 //    // Get all points in cutCells.
555 //    pointSet cutPoints(mesh, "cutPoints", 4*cutCells.size());
556 //    cellToPoint cutSource(mesh, "cutCells", cellToPoint::ALL);
557 //    cutSource.applyToSet(topoSetSource::NEW, cutPoints);
559 //    // Get all points that are too close to surface.
560 //    pointSet nearPoints(mesh, "nearPoints", cutPoints.size());
562 //    getNearPoints
563 //    (
564 //        mesh,
565 //        surf,
566 //        querySurf,
567 //        edgeFactor,
568 //        cutPoints,
569 //        nearPoints
570 //    );
572 //    Pout<< nl
573 //        << "Selected " << nearPoints.size()
574 //        << " points that are closer than " << edgeFactor
575 //        << " times the local minimum lengthscale to the surface"
576 //        << nl << endl;
579 //    // Remove cells that use any of the points in nearPoints
580 //    // from the inside and outsideCells.
581 //    nearPoints.write();
582 //    pointToCell pToCell(mesh,, pointToCell::ANY);
586 //    // Start off from copy of rawInside, rawOutside
587 //    cellSet inside(mesh, "inside", rawInside);
588 //    cellSet outside(mesh, "outside", rawOutside);
590 //    pToCell.applyToSet(topoSetSource::DELETE, inside);
591 //    pToCell.applyToSet(topoSetSource::DELETE, outside);
593 //    Pout<< nl
594 //        << "Removed " << rawInside.size() - inside.size()
595 //        << " inside cells that are too close to the surface" << endl;
597 //    Pout<< nl
598 //        << "Removed " << rawOutside.size() - outside.size()
599 //        << " inside cells that are too close to the surface" << nl << endl;
603 //    //
604 //    // Remove cells with one or no faces on rest of cellSet. Note: Problem is
605 //    // not these cells an sich but rather that all of their vertices will be
606 //    // outside vertices and thus projected onto surface. Which might (if they
607 //    // project onto same surface) result in flattened cells.
608 //    //
610 //    do
611 //    {
612 //        nRemoved = removeHangingCells(mesh, querySurf, inside);
614 //        Pout<< nl
615 //            << "Removed " << nRemoved
616 //            << " inside cells that have all their points on the outside"
617 //            << endl;
618 //    }
619 //    while (nRemoved != 0);
620 //    do
621 //    {
622 //        nRemoved = removeHangingCells(mesh, querySurf, outside);
624 //        Pout<< nl
625 //            << "Removed " << nRemoved
626 //            << " outside cells that have all their points on the inside"
627 //            << endl;
628 //    }
629 //    while (nRemoved != 0);
632 //    //
633 //    // Write
634 //    //
637 //    Pout<< "Writing inside cells (" << inside.size() << ") to cellSet "
638 //        << inside.instance()/inside.local()/
639 //        << endl << endl;
641 //    inside.write();
643 //    Pout<< "Writing outside cells (" << outside.size() << ") to cellSet "
644 //        << outside.instance()/outside.local()/
645 //        << endl << endl;
647 //    outside.write();
651 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Member Operators  * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
654 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Friend Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
657 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Friend Operators  * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
660 // ************************************************************************* //