Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
[foam-extend-3.2.git] / src / solidModels / constitutiveModel / tractionBoundaryGradient / tractionBoundaryGradient.C
1 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
2   =========                 |
3   \\      /  F ield         | foam-extend: Open Source CFD
4    \\    /   O peration     | Version:     3.2
5     \\  /    A nd           | Web:
6      \\/     M anipulation  | For copyright notice see file Copyright
7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 License
9     This file is part of foam-extend.
11     foam-extend is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
12     under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
13     Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
14     option) any later version.
16     foam-extend is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
17     WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
19     General Public License for more details.
21     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22     along with foam-extend.  If not, see <>.
24 Class
25     tractionBoundaryGradient
27 Author
28     Philip Cardiff UCD
30 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
32 #include "tractionBoundaryGradient.H"
33 #include "fvPatch.H"
34 #include "Switch.H"
35 //#include "plasticityModel.H"
36 #include "constitutiveModel.H"
37 #include "thermalModel.H"
40 // * * * * * * * * * * * Static Member Functions * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
42 Foam::tmp<Foam::vectorField> Foam::tractionBoundaryGradient::traction
44     const tensorField& gradField,
45     const word& workingFieldName,
46     const word& integralFieldName,
47     const fvPatch& patch,
48     const bool orthotropic,
49     const nonLinearGeometry::nonLinearType& nonLinear,
50     const bool incremental
53     // Create result
54     tmp<vectorField> ttraction
55     (
56         new vectorField(gradField.size(), vector::zero)
57     );
58     vectorField& traction = ttraction();
60     // Orthotropic material
61     if (orthotropic)
62     {
63         // For now, turn off orthotropic
64         FatalErrorIn
65         (
66             "tmp<vectorField> tractionBoundaryGradient::traction\n"
67             "(\n"
68             "    const tensorField& gradField,\n"
69             "    const word& workingFieldName,\n"
70             "    const word& integralFieldName,\n"
71             "    const fvPatch& patch,\n"
72             "    const bool orthotropic,\n"
73             "    const nonLinearGeometry::nonLinearType& nonLinear\n"
74             ") const"
75         )   << "tractionBoundaryGradient::traction is not written for"
76             << " orthotropic materials yet" << nl
77             << "you are probably trying to use solidContact boundaries "
78             << "with the orthotropic solver" << nl
79             << exit(FatalError);
80     }
81     else
82     {
83         // Lookup material properties from the solver
84         const fvPatchScalarField& mu =
85             patch.lookupPatchField<volScalarField, scalar>("mu");
87         const fvPatchScalarField& lambda =
88             patch.lookupPatchField<volScalarField, scalar>("lambda");
90         // only for nonlinear elastic properties
91         // if (rheology.type() == plasticityModel::typeName)
92         // {
93         //     const plasticityModel& plasticity =
94         //       refCast<const plasticityModel>(rheology);
96         //     mu = plasticity.newMu().boundaryField()[patch.index()];
97         //     lambda = plasticity.newLambda().boundaryField()[patch.index()];
98         // }
100         // Get patch normal
101         vectorField n =;
103         // Calculate traction
104         traction = 2*mu*(n & symm(gradField)) + lambda*tr(gradField)*n;
106         // Plasticity effects
107         const constitutiveModel& rheology =
108             patch.boundaryMesh().mesh().objectRegistry::
109             lookupObject<constitutiveModel>("rheologyProperties");
111         if (rheology.plasticityActive())
112         {
113             traction -=
114                 2*mu*(n & rheology.DEpsilonP().boundaryField()[patch.index()]);
115         }
117         // Thermal effects
118         if
119         (
120             patch.boundaryMesh().mesh().objectRegistry::
121             foundObject<thermalModel>("thermalProperties")
122         )
123         {
124             const thermalModel& thermo =
125                 patch.boundaryMesh().mesh().objectRegistry::
126                 lookupObject<thermalModel>("thermalProperties");
128             const fvPatchScalarField& threeKalpha =
129                 patch.lookupPatchField<volScalarField, scalar>
130                 ("((threeK*rho)*alpha)");
132             // Incremental thermal contribution
133             if (incremental)
134             {
135                 const fvPatchScalarField& DT =
136                     patch.lookupPatchField<volScalarField, scalar>("DT");
138                 traction -= (n*threeKalpha*DT);
139             }
140             else
141             {
142                 const fvPatchScalarField& T =
143                     patch.lookupPatchField<volScalarField, scalar>("T");
145                 const scalarField T0 =
146                     thermo.T0()().boundaryField()[patch.index()];
148                 traction -= (n*threeKalpha*(T - T0));
149             }
150         }
152         // Non-linear terms
153         if
154         (
155             nonLinear == nonLinearGeometry::UPDATED_LAGRANGIAN
156          || nonLinear == nonLinearGeometry::TOTAL_LAGRANGIAN
157         )
158         {
159             traction +=
160                 (n & (mu*(gradField & gradField.T())))
161               + 0.5*n*lambda*(gradField && gradField);
163             if
164             (
165                 incremental
166              && nonLinear == nonLinearGeometry::TOTAL_LAGRANGIAN
167             )
168             {
169                 // Incremental total Lagrangian
171                 const fvPatchTensorField& gradU =
172                     patch.lookupPatchField<volTensorField, tensor>
173                     (
174                         "grad(" + integralFieldName + ")"
175                     );
177                 traction +=
178                     (
179                         n
180                       & (
181                           mu*
182                           (
183                               (gradU & gradField.T())
184                             + (gradField & gradU.T())
185                             )
186                         )
187                     )
188                   + 0.5*n*lambda*tr
189                     (
190                         (gradU & gradField.T())
191                       + (gradField & gradU.T())
192                     );
193             }
194         }
197         // Add old stress for incremental approaches
198         if (incremental)
199         {
200             // add on old traction
201             const fvPatchSymmTensorField& sigma =
202                 patch.lookupPatchField<volSymmTensorField, symmTensor>
203                 (
204                     "sigma"
205                 );
207             traction += (n & sigma);
208         }
210         // Visco-elastic effects
211         if (rheology.viscoActive())
212         {
213             const fvPatchSymmTensorField& DSigmaCorr =
214                 patch.lookupPatchField<volSymmTensorField, symmTensor>
215                 (
216                     "DSigmaCorr"
217                 );
219             traction += (n & DSigmaCorr);
220         }
222         // Updated Lagrangian or total Lagrangian large strain
223         if
224         (
225             nonLinear == nonLinearGeometry::UPDATED_LAGRANGIAN
226          || nonLinear == nonLinearGeometry::TOTAL_LAGRANGIAN
227         )
228         {
229             tensorField F = I + gradField;
231             if
232             (
233                 incremental
234              && nonLinear == nonLinearGeometry::TOTAL_LAGRANGIAN
235             )
236             {
237                 // Incremental total Lagrangian
239                 const fvPatchTensorField& gradU =
240                     patch.lookupPatchField<volTensorField, tensor>
241                     (
242                         "grad(" + integralFieldName + ")"
243                     );
245                 F += gradU;
246             }
248             tensorField Finv = inv(F);
249             scalarField J = det(F);
251             // Rotate second Piola Kirchhoff traction to be Cauchy traction
252             traction = (traction & F)/(mag(J * Finv & n));
253         }
254     }
256     return ttraction;
260 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Operators  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
262 Foam::tmp<Foam::vectorField> Foam::tractionBoundaryGradient::snGrad
264     const vectorField& traction,
265     const scalarField& pressure,
266     const word& workingFieldName,
267     const word& integralFieldName,
268     const fvPatch& patch,
269     const bool orthotropic,
270     const nonLinearGeometry::nonLinearType& nonLinear,
271     const bool incremental
274     // Create result
275     tmp<vectorField> tgradient(new vectorField(traction.size(), vector::zero));
276     vectorField& gradient = tgradient();
278     // Orthotropic material
279     if (orthotropic)
280     {
281         // Get mechanical properties
282         const constitutiveModel& rheology =
283             patch.boundaryMesh().mesh().objectRegistry::
284             lookupObject<constitutiveModel>("rheologyProperties");
286         const diagTensorField K =
287             rheology.K()().boundaryField()[patch.index()];
289         const symmTensor4thOrderField C =
290             rheology.C()().boundaryField()[patch.index()];
292         // Required fields
293         vectorField n =;
294         const diagTensorField Kinv = inv(K);
295         const fvPatchTensorField& gradField =
296             patch.lookupPatchField<volTensorField, tensor>
297             (
298                 "grad(" + workingFieldName + ")"
299             );
301         // Calculate the traction to apply
302         vectorField Traction(n.size(), vector::zero);
303         tensorField sigmaExp(n.size(), tensor::zero);
305         // Total Lagrangian, small strain
306         if
307         (
308             !incremental
309          && nonLinear == nonLinearGeometry::OFF
310         )
311         {
312             // Use total traction
313             Traction = (traction - n*pressure);
315             sigmaExp = (n*(n&(C && symm(gradField)))) - (K & gradField);
316         }
317         // Incremental total Lagrangian small strain
318         else if
319         (
320             incremental
321          && nonLinear == nonLinearGeometry::OFF
322         )
323         {
324             const fvPatchSymmTensorField& sigma =
325                 patch.lookupPatchField<volSymmTensorField, symmTensor>
326                 (
327                     "sigma"
328                 );
330             // Increment of traction
331             Traction = (traction - n*pressure) - (n & sigma);
333             sigmaExp = (n*(n&(C && symm(gradField)))) - (K & gradField);
334         }
335         // Updated Lagrangian large strain
336         else if
337         (
338             nonLinear == nonLinearGeometry::UPDATED_LAGRANGIAN
339         )
340         {
341             const fvPatchSymmTensorField& sigma =
342                 patch.lookupPatchField<volSymmTensorField, symmTensor>
343                 (
344                     "sigma"
345                 );
347             tensorField F = I + gradField;
348             tensorField Finv = inv(F);
349             scalarField J = det(F);
350             vectorField nCurrent = Finv & n;
351             nCurrent /= mag(nCurrent) + SMALL;
352             vectorField tractionCauchy = traction - nCurrent*pressure;
354             // Increment of 2nd Piola-Kirchhoff traction
355             Traction = mag(J*(Finv & n))*(tractionCauchy & Finv) - (n & sigma);
357             sigmaExp = n*(n &(C && symm(gradField))) - (K & gradField);
358         }
359         else
360         {
361             FatalErrorIn
362             (
363                 "tmp<vectorField> tractionBoundaryGradient::snGrad\n"
364                 "(\n"
365                 "    const vectorField& traction,\n"
366                 "    const scalarField& pressure,\n"
367                 "    const word& workingFieldName,\n"
368                 "    const word& integralFieldName,\n"
369                 "    const fvPatch& patch,\n"
370                 "    const bool orthotropic,\n"
371                 "    const nonLinearGeometry::nonLinearType& nonLinear,\n"
372                 "    const bool incremental\n"
373                 ") const"
374             )   << "solidTractionOrtho boundary condition not suitable for "
375                 << " field " << workingFieldName << " and "
376                 << nonLinearGeometry::nonLinearNames_[nonLinear]
377                 << abort(FatalError);
378         }
380         gradient = n & (Kinv & ( n*(Traction) - sigmaExp ));
381     }
382     else
383     {
384         // Standard isotropic solvers
386         // Lookup material properties from the solver
387         const fvPatchScalarField& mu =
388             patch.lookupPatchField<volScalarField, scalar>("mu");
390         const fvPatchScalarField& lambda =
391             patch.lookupPatchField<volScalarField, scalar>("lambda");
393         // only for nonlinear elastic properties
394         // if (rheology.type() == plasticityModel::typeName)
395         // {
396         //     const plasticityModel& plasticity =
397         //       refCast<const plasticityModel>(rheology);
399         //     mu = plasticity.newMu().boundaryField()[patch.index()];
400         //     lambda = plasticity.newLambda().boundaryField()[patch.index()];
401         // }
403         vectorField n =;
405         // gradient of the field
406         const fvPatchTensorField& gradField =
407             patch.lookupPatchField<volTensorField, tensor>
408             (
409                 "grad(" + workingFieldName + ")"
410             );
413         vectorField Traction(n.size(), vector::zero);
415         // Total Lagrangian, small strain
416         if
417         (
418             !incremental
419          && nonLinear == nonLinearGeometry::OFF
420         )
421         {
422             // Use total traction
423             Traction = (traction - n*pressure);
424         }
425         // Incremental total Lagrangian small strain
426         else if
427         (
428             incremental
429          && nonLinear == nonLinearGeometry::OFF
430         )
431         {
432             const fvPatchSymmTensorField& sigma =
433                 patch.lookupPatchField<volSymmTensorField, symmTensor>
434                 (
435                     "sigma"
436                 );
438             // Increment of traction
439             Traction = (traction - n*pressure) - (n & sigma);
440         }
441         else if
442         (
443             nonLinear == nonLinearGeometry::UPDATED_LAGRANGIAN
444          || nonLinear == nonLinearGeometry::TOTAL_LAGRANGIAN
445         )
446         {
447             const fvPatchSymmTensorField& sigma =
448                 patch.lookupPatchField<volSymmTensorField, symmTensor>
449                 (
450                     "sigma"
451                 );
453             tensorField F = I + gradField;
455             if
456             (
457                 incremental
458              && nonLinear == nonLinearGeometry::TOTAL_LAGRANGIAN
459             )
460             {
461                 // Incremental total Lagrangian
463                 const fvPatchTensorField& gradU =
464                     patch.lookupPatchField<volTensorField, tensor>
465                     (
466                         "grad(" + integralFieldName + ")"
467                     );
469                 F += gradU;
470             }
472             tensorField Finv = hinv(F);
473             scalarField J = det(F);
474             vectorField nCurrent = Finv & n;
475             nCurrent /= mag(nCurrent) + SMALL;
476             vectorField tractionCauchy = traction - nCurrent*pressure;
478             Traction = mag(J*(Finv & n))*(tractionCauchy & Finv);
480             if (incremental)
481             {
482                 // Increment of 2nd Piola-Kirchhoff traction
483                 Traction -= (n & sigma);
484             }
485         }
486         else
487         {
488             FatalErrorIn
489             (
490                 "tmp<vectorField> tractionBoundaryGradient::snGrad\n"
491                 "(\n"
492                 "    const vectorField& traction,\n"
493                 "    const scalarField& pressure,\n"
494                 "    const word& workingFieldName,\n"
495                 "    const word& integralFieldName,\n"
496                 "    const fvPatch& patch,\n"
497                 "    const bool orthotropic,\n"
498                 "    const nonLinearGeometry::nonLinearType& nonLinear,\n"
499                 "    const bool incremental\n"
500                 ") const"
501             )   << " field " << workingFieldName << " and "
502                 << nonLinearGeometry::nonLinearNames_[nonLinear]
503                 << " nonLinear are not compatible!"
504                 << abort(FatalError);
505       }
507         //- visco-elastic
508         const constitutiveModel& rheology =
509             patch.boundaryMesh().mesh().objectRegistry::
510             lookupObject<constitutiveModel>("rheologyProperties");
512         if (rheology.viscoActive())
513         {
514             const fvPatchSymmTensorField& DSigmaCorr =
515                 patch.lookupPatchField<volSymmTensorField, symmTensor>
516                 (
517                     "DSigmaCorr"
518                 );
520             Traction -= (n & DSigmaCorr);
521         }
523         // Calculate the normal gradient based on the traction
525         gradient =
526             Traction
527             - (n & (mu*gradField.T() - (mu + lambda)*gradField))
528             - n*lambda*tr(gradField);
530         //- Plasticity contribution
531         if (rheology.plasticityActive())
532         {
533             gradient +=
534                 2*mu*(n & rheology.DEpsilonP().boundaryField()[patch.index()]);
535         }
537         // Thermal effects
538         if
539         (
540             patch.boundaryMesh().mesh().objectRegistry::
541             foundObject<thermalModel>("thermalProperties")
542         )
543         {
544             const thermalModel& thermo =
545                 patch.boundaryMesh().mesh().objectRegistry::
546                 lookupObject<thermalModel>("thermalProperties");
548             const fvPatchScalarField& threeKalpha =
549                 patch.lookupPatchField<volScalarField, scalar>
550                 (
551                     "((threeK*rho)*alpha)"
552                 );
554                 if (!incremental)
555                 {
556                     const fvPatchScalarField& DT =
557                         patch.lookupPatchField<volScalarField, scalar>("DT");
559                     gradient += n*threeKalpha*DT;
560                 }
561                 else
562                 {
563                     const fvPatchScalarField& T =
564                         patch.lookupPatchField<volScalarField, scalar>("T");
566                     const scalarField T0 =
567                         thermo.T0()().boundaryField()[patch.index()];
569                     gradient += n*threeKalpha*(T - T0);
570                 }
571         }
573         // Higher order non-linear terms
574         if
575         (
576             nonLinear == nonLinearGeometry::UPDATED_LAGRANGIAN
577          || nonLinear == nonLinearGeometry::TOTAL_LAGRANGIAN
578         )
579         {
580             // no extra relaxation
581             gradient -=
582                 (n & (mu*(gradField & gradField.T())))
583                 // + 0.5*n*lambda*(gradField && gradField);
584               + 0.5*n*lambda*tr(gradField & gradField.T());
586             if
587             (
588                 incremental
589              && nonLinear == nonLinearGeometry::TOTAL_LAGRANGIAN
590             )
591             {
592                 // gradU is const in a time step
593                 const fvPatchTensorField& gradU =
594                     patch.lookupPatchField<volTensorField, tensor>("grad(U)");
596                 gradient -=
597                     (
598                         n &
599                         (
600                             mu*
601                             (
602                                 (gradField & gradU.T())
603                               + (gradU & gradField.T())
604                             )
605                         )
606                     )
607                   + 0.5*n*lambda*tr
608                     (
609                         (gradField & gradU.T())
610                       + (gradU & gradField.T())
611                     );
612             }
613         }
615         gradient /= (2.0*mu + lambda);
616     }
618     return tgradient;
622 // ************************************************************************* //