Fixed URL for libccmio-2.6.1 (bug report #5 by Thomas Oliveira)
[foam-extend-3.2.git] / applications / solvers / solidMechanics / deprecatedSolvers / newContactStressFoam / contactPatchPair.C
1 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
2   =========                 |
3   \\      /  F ield         | foam-extend: Open Source CFD
4    \\    /   O peration     | Version:     3.2
5     \\  /    A nd           | Web:
6      \\/     M anipulation  | For copyright notice see file Copyright
7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 License
9     This file is part of foam-extend.
11     foam-extend is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
12     under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
13     Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
14     option) any later version.
16     foam-extend is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
17     WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
19     General Public License for more details.
21     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22     along with foam-extend.  If not, see <>.
24 Description
26 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
28 #include "contactPatchPair.H"
29 #include "contactProblem.H"
30 #include "surfaceFields.H"
32 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Constructors  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
34 // Construct from components
35 Foam::contactPatchPair::contactPatchPair
37     const word& name,
38     const contactProblem& cp,
39     const word& masterPatchName,
40     const word& slavePatchName,
41     const dimensionedScalar& frictionCoeff,
42     const scalar contactTol,
43     const intersection::algorithm alg,
44     const intersection::direction dir
47     name_(name),
48     cp_(cp),
49     masterPatch_(masterPatchName, cp.mesh().boundaryMesh()),
50     slavePatch_(slavePatchName, cp.mesh().boundaryMesh()),
51     frictionCoeff_(frictionCoeff),
52     contactTol_(contactTol),
53     masterInterpolate_
54     (
55         cp.mesh().boundaryMesh()[masterPatch_.index()]
56     ),
57     slaveInterpolate_
58     (
59         cp.mesh().boundaryMesh()[slavePatch_.index()]
60     ),
61     masterToSlaveInterpolate_
62     (
63         cp.mesh().boundaryMesh()[masterPatch_.index()],   // from patch
64         cp.mesh().boundaryMesh()[slavePatch_.index()],    // to patch
65         alg,
66         dir
67     ),
68     slaveToMasterInterpolate_
69     (
70         cp.mesh().boundaryMesh()[slavePatch_.index()],    // from patch
71         cp.mesh().boundaryMesh()[masterPatch_.index()],   // to patch
72         alg,
73         dir
74     )
78 // Construct from dictionary
79 Foam::contactPatchPair::contactPatchPair
81     const word& name,
82     const contactProblem& cp,
83     const dictionary& dict
86     name_(name),
87     cp_(cp),
88     masterPatch_(dict.lookup("masterPatch"), cp.mesh().boundaryMesh()),
89     slavePatch_(dict.lookup("slavePatch"), cp.mesh().boundaryMesh()),
90     frictionCoeff_(dict.lookup("frictionCoeff")),
91     contactTol_(readScalar(dict.lookup("contactTol"))),
92     masterInterpolate_
93     (
94         cp.mesh().boundaryMesh()[masterPatch_.index()]
95     ),
96     slaveInterpolate_
97     (
98         cp.mesh().boundaryMesh()[slavePatch_.index()]
99     ),
100     masterToSlaveInterpolate_
101     (
102         cp.mesh().boundaryMesh()[masterPatch_.index()],    // from patch
103         cp.mesh().boundaryMesh()[slavePatch_.index()],     // to patch
107     ),
108     slaveToMasterInterpolate_
109     (
110         cp.mesh().boundaryMesh()[slavePatch_.index()],     // from patch
111         cp.mesh().boundaryMesh()[masterPatch_.index()],    // to patch
115     )
119 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Destructor  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
122 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
124 Foam::tmp<Foam::scalarField>
125 Foam::contactPatchPair::masterTouchFraction() const
127     // Get reference to displacement field and mesh
128     const volVectorField& U = cp_.U();
129     const fvMesh& mesh = cp_.mesh();
131     // Interpolate slave displacement into master vertices
132     vectorField masterVertexU =
133         slaveToMasterInterpolate_.pointInterpolate<vector>
134         (
135             slaveInterpolate_.faceToPointInterpolate
136             (
137                 U.boundaryField()[slavePatch_.index()]
138             )
139         );
141     const vectorField& projectionDir =
142         mesh.boundaryMesh()[masterPatch_.index()].pointNormals();
145     // Calculate master gap function
146     scalarField vertexMasterGap =
147     (
148         (
149             masterVertexU
150           - masterInterpolate_.faceToPointInterpolate
151             (
152                 U.boundaryField()[masterPatch_.index()]
153             )
154         )
155         & projectionDir
156     ) + slaveToMasterInterpolate_.pointDistanceToIntersection() - contactTol_;
158     // Calculate area in contact
160     const faceList& masterPatchLocalFaces =
161         mesh.boundaryMesh()[masterPatch_.index()].localFaces();
163     const pointField& masterPatchLocalPoints =
164         mesh.boundaryMesh()[masterPatch_.index()].localPoints();
166     tmp<scalarField> ttouchFrac
167     (
168         new scalarField(masterPatchLocalFaces.size(), 0)
169     );
170     scalarField& touchFrac = ttouchFrac();
172     forAll (masterPatchLocalFaces, faceI)
173     {
174         touchFrac[faceI] =
175             masterPatchLocalFaces[faceI].areaInContact
176             (
177                 masterPatchLocalPoints,
178                 vertexMasterGap
179             );
180     }
182     return ttouchFrac;
186 Foam::tmp<Foam::scalarField>
187 Foam::contactPatchPair::slaveTouchFraction() const
189     // Get reference to displacement field and mesh
190     const volVectorField& U = cp_.U();
191     const fvMesh& mesh = cp_.mesh();
193     // Interpolate master displacement into slave vertices
194     vectorField slaveVertexU =
195         masterToSlaveInterpolate_.pointInterpolate<vector>
196         (
197             masterInterpolate_.faceToPointInterpolate
198             (
199                 U.boundaryField()[masterPatch_.index()]
200             )
201         );
203     const vectorField& projectionDir =
204         mesh.boundaryMesh()[slavePatch_.index()].pointNormals();
207     // Calculate slave gap function
208     scalarField vertexSlaveGap =
209     (
210         (
211             slaveVertexU
212           - slaveInterpolate_.faceToPointInterpolate
213             (
214                 U.boundaryField()[slavePatch_.index()]
215             )
216         )
217         & projectionDir
218     ) + masterToSlaveInterpolate_.pointDistanceToIntersection() - contactTol_;
220     // Calculate area in contact
222     const faceList& slavePatchLocalFaces =
223         mesh.boundaryMesh()[slavePatch_.index()].localFaces();
225     const pointField& slavePatchLocalPoints =
226         mesh.boundaryMesh()[slavePatch_.index()].localPoints();
228     tmp<scalarField> ttouchFrac
229     (
230         new scalarField(slavePatchLocalFaces.size(), 0)
231     );
232     scalarField& touchFrac = ttouchFrac();
234     forAll (slavePatchLocalFaces, faceI)
235     {
236         touchFrac[faceI] =
237             slavePatchLocalFaces[faceI].areaInContact
238             (
239                 slavePatchLocalPoints,
240                 vertexSlaveGap
241             );
242     }
244     return ttouchFrac;
248 void Foam::contactPatchPair::correct
250     const FieldField<Field, vector>& curTraction,
251     FieldField<Field, vector>& newTraction,
252     FieldField<Field, vector>& refValue,
253     FieldField<Field, scalar>& valueFraction
256     // Get reference to displacement field and mesh
257     const volVectorField::GeometricBoundaryField& Upatches =
258         cp_.U().boundaryField();
260     const fvMesh& mesh = cp_.mesh();
261     const surfaceVectorField::GeometricBoundaryField& Apatches =
262         mesh.Sf().boundaryField();
263     const surfaceScalarField::GeometricBoundaryField& magApatches =
264         mesh.magSf().boundaryField();
266     // Get patch indices
267     const label masterIndex = masterPatch_.index();
268     const label slaveIndex = slavePatch_.index();
270     // Calculate patch normals
271     vectorField nMasterPatch = Apatches[masterIndex]/magApatches[masterIndex];
273     vectorField nSlavePatch = Apatches[slaveIndex]/magApatches[slaveIndex];
276     // Calculate slave pressure and tangential force
278     scalarField slavePressure = -( nSlavePatch & curTraction[slaveIndex]);
280     // Enforce gradient condition on the master patch
282     // Calculate relative tangential velocity for master patch
283     vectorField relUmaster =
284         slaveToMasterInterpolate_.faceInterpolate<vector>
285         (
286             Upatches[slaveIndex]
287         )
288       - Upatches[masterIndex];
290     relUmaster -= nMasterPatch*(nMasterPatch & relUmaster);
291     relUmaster /= mag(relUmaster) + VSMALL;
293     // Calculate tangential master traction
294     scalarField magMasterTangential =
295         Foam::mag((I - nMasterPatch*nMasterPatch) & curTraction[masterIndex]);
297     // Calculate master pressure
298     scalarField masterPressure =
299         max
300         (
301             slaveToMasterInterpolate_.faceInterpolate<scalar>
302             (
303                 slavePressure
304             ),
305             scalar(0)
306         );
308     // Calculate master traction, using the positive part of
309     // slave pressure and tangential fricton
310     // Mind the signs: pressure = negative gradient (minus master normal)
311     //                 friction = positive pressure
312     newTraction[masterIndex] +=
313         masterTouchFraction()*
314         (
315            -nMasterPatch*masterPressure
316           + relUmaster*
317             min
318             (
319                 frictionCoeff_.value()*masterPressure,
320                 magMasterTangential
321             )
322         );
324     // Enforce direction mixed condition on the slave patch
326     // Calculate slave fraction.  Correct for negative pressure
327     // (if the pressure is negative, the contact is released)
328     //HJ, fiddle pos pressure!!!
329     scalarField slaveFrac = slaveTouchFraction();
331     // Calculate slave displacement
332     vectorField slaveVertexU =
333         masterToSlaveInterpolate_.pointInterpolate<vector>
334         (
335             masterInterpolate_.faceToPointInterpolate
336             (
337                 Upatches[masterIndex]
338             )
339         );
341     const vectorField& projectionDir =
342         mesh.boundaryMesh()[slaveIndex].pointNormals();
344     // Calculate slave displacement
345     vectorField slaveDisp =
346         slaveInterpolate_.pointToFaceInterpolate
347         (
348             slaveVertexU
349           + masterToSlaveInterpolate_.pointDistanceToIntersection()
350             *projectionDir
351         );
353     // Accumulate normal of slave displacement
354     refValue[slaveIndex] +=
355         nSlavePatch*
356         min
357         (
358             pos(slaveFrac)*
359             (
360                 (nSlavePatch & Upatches[slaveIndex])
361               + slaveFrac*contactTol_
362             ),
363             (nSlavePatch & slaveDisp)
364         );
367     // Accumulate slave friction
369     // Calculate relative tangential velocity for slave patch
370     vectorField relUslave =
371         masterToSlaveInterpolate_.faceInterpolate<vector>
372         (
373             Upatches[masterIndex]
374         )
375       - Upatches[slaveIndex];
377     relUslave -= nSlavePatch*(nSlavePatch & relUslave);
378     relUslave /= mag(relUslave) + VSMALL;
380     // Take out normal component out of slave traction and find the
381     // magnitude of the tangential traction.
382     scalarField magSlaveTangential =
383         Foam::mag((I - nSlavePatch*nSlavePatch) & curTraction[slaveIndex]);
385     // Calculate slave traction
386     newTraction[slaveIndex] +=
387         slaveFrac*relUslave*
388         min
389         (
390             frictionCoeff_.value()*max(slavePressure, scalar(0)),
391             magSlaveTangential
392         );
394     // Accumulate slave touch fraction
395     valueFraction[slaveIndex] += slaveFrac;
398     Info << "slavePressure: " << slavePressure << nl
399          << "slaveTouchFrac: " << slaveTouchFraction() << nl
400 //          << "slaveFrac: " << slaveFrac << nl
401          << "refValueSlave: " << refValue[slaveIndex].component(vector::Y) << nl
402 //          << "slaveTraction: " << newTraction[slaveIndex] << nl
403          << "masterTouchFrac: " << masterTouchFraction() << nl
404 //          << "interpolated slave pressure: "
405 //          << slaveToMasterInterpolate_.faceInterpolate<scalar>
406 //             (
407 //                 slavePressure
408 //             )
409 //          << nl
410 //          << "masterTraction: "
411 //          << newTraction[masterIndex].component(vector::Y)
412          << endl;
417 void Foam::contactPatchPair::writeDict(Ostream& os) const
419     os  << nl << name() << nl << token::BEGIN_BLOCK;
421     os  << "masterPatch " << << token::END_STATEMENT << nl
422         << "slavePatch " << << token::END_STATEMENT << nl
423         << "frictionCoeff " << frictionCoeff_ << token::END_STATEMENT << nl
424         << "contactTol " << contactTol_ << token::END_STATEMENT << nl
425         << "projectionAlgo "
426         << intersection::algorithmNames_
427                [masterToSlaveInterpolate_.projectionAlgo()]
428         << token::END_STATEMENT << nl
429         << "projectionDir "
430         << intersection::directionNames_
431                [masterToSlaveInterpolate_.projectionDir()]
432         << token::END_STATEMENT << nl
433         << token::END_BLOCK << endl;
437 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Member Operators  * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
440 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Friend Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
443 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Friend Operators  * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
446 // ************************************************************************* //