Fixed URL for libccmio-2.6.1 (bug report #5 by Thomas Oliveira)
[foam-extend-3.2.git] / applications / solvers / solidMechanics / elasticNonLinULSolidFoam / calculatePointBoundaryWeights.H
1 //void volPointInterpolation::makeBoundaryWeights() const
2 //{
3 // const labelList& ptc = boundaryPoints();
5 // Calculate the correction vectors and weighting factors
6 //pointBoundaryWeightsPtr_ = new FieldField<Field, scalar>(ptc.size());
7 //FieldField<Field, scalar>& w = *pointBoundaryWeightsPtr_;
8 FieldField<Field, scalar> w(ptc.size());
11     const labelListList& pf = mesh.pointFaces();
13     const volVectorField& centres = mesh.C();
15     const fvBoundaryMesh& bm = mesh.boundary();
17     pointScalarField volPointSumWeights
18     (
19         IOobject
20         (
21             "volPointSumWeights",
22             mesh.polyMesh::instance(),
23             mesh
24         ),
25         pMesh,
26         dimensionedScalar("zero", dimless, 0)
27     );
29     forAll (ptc, pointI)
30     {
31         const label curPoint = ptc[pointI];
33         const labelList& curFaces = pf[curPoint];
35         //w.hook(new scalarField(curFaces.size())); //philipc no hook function
36         w.set
37        (
38            pointI,
39            new scalarField(curFaces.size())
40        );
42        scalarField& curWeights = w[pointI];
44        label nFacesAroundPoint = 0;
46        const vector& pointLoc = mesh.points()[curPoint];
48        // Go through all the faces
49        forAll (curFaces, faceI)
50        {
51            if (!mesh.isInternalFace(curFaces[faceI]))
52            {
53                // This is a boundary face.  If not in the empty patch
54                // or coupled calculate the extrapolation vector
55                label patchID =
56                    mesh.boundaryMesh().whichPatch(curFaces[faceI]);
58                if
59                (
60                    !isA<emptyFvPatch>(bm[patchID])
61                    && !(
62                        bm[patchID].coupled()
63                        //&& Pstream::parRun()
64                        //&& !mesh.parallelData().cyclicParallel()
65                    )
66                )
67                {
68                    curWeights[nFacesAroundPoint] =
69                        1.0/mag
70                        (
71                            pointLoc
72                          - centres.boundaryField()[patchID]
73                            [
74                                bm[patchID].patch().whichFace(curFaces[faceI])
75                            ]
76                        );
78                    nFacesAroundPoint++;
79                }
80            }
81        }
83        // Reset the sizes of the local weights
84        curWeights.setSize(nFacesAroundPoint);
86        // Collect the sum of weights for parallel correction
87        volPointSumWeights[curPoint] += sum(curWeights);
88     }
90     // Do parallel correction of weights
92     // Update coupled boundaries
93     // Work-around for cyclic parallels.
94     /*if (Pstream::parRun() && !mesh.parallelData().cyclicParallel())
95     {
96         forAll (volPointSumWeights.boundaryField(), patchI)
97         {
98             if (volPointSumWeights.boundaryField()[patchI].coupled())
99             {
100                 volPointSumWeights.boundaryField()[patchI].initAddField();
101             }
102         }
104         forAll (volPointSumWeights.boundaryField(), patchI)
105         {
106             if (volPointSumWeights.boundaryField()[patchI].coupled())
107             {
108                 volPointSumWeights.boundaryField()[patchI].addField
109                 (
110                     volPointSumWeights.internalField()
111                 );
112             }
113         }
114     }*/
116     // Re-scale the weights for the current point
117     forAll (ptc, pointI)
118     {
119         w[pointI] /= volPointSumWeights[ptc[pointI]];
120     }