Fixed URL for libccmio-2.6.1 (bug report #5 by Thomas Oliveira)
[foam-extend-3.2.git] / applications / solvers / solidMechanics / elasticNonLinULSolidFoam / moveMeshLeastSquares.H
1 //--------------------------------------------------//
2 //- move mesh
3 //--------------------------------------------------//
5     //Info << "Moving mesh using least squares interpolation" << endl;
7     leastSquaresVolPointInterpolation pointInterpolation(mesh);
9     // Create point mesh
10     pointMesh pMesh(mesh);
11     //pointMesh pMesh(mesh);
13     wordList types
14     (
15         pMesh.boundary().size(),
16         calculatedFvPatchVectorField::typeName
17     );
19     pointVectorField pointDU
20     (
21         IOobject
22         (
23             "pointDU",
24             runTime.timeName(),
25             mesh
26         ),
27         pMesh,
28         dimensionedVector("zero", dimLength, vector::zero),
29         types
30     );
32     pointInterpolation.interpolate(DU, pointDU);
34     //pointDU.write();
36     const vectorField& pointDUI = pointDU.internalField();
38     //- Move mesh
39     //vectorField newPoints = mesh.allPoints();
40     pointVectorField newPoints
41     (
42         IOobject
43         (
44             "newPoints",
45             runTime.timeName(),
46             mesh
47         ),
48         pMesh,
49         dimensionedVector("zero", dimLength, vector::zero)
50         //mesh.allPoints()
51     );
52     newPoints.internalField() = mesh.allPoints();
54     // note: allPoints will have more points than pointDU
55     // if there are globalFaceZones
56     forAll (pointDUI, pointI)
57     {
58         newPoints[pointI] += pointDUI[pointI];
59     }
61     // Correct symmetryPlane points
63     forAll(mesh.boundaryMesh(), patchI)
64     {
65         if (isA<symmetryPolyPatch>(mesh.boundaryMesh()[patchI]))
66         {
67             const labelList& meshPoints =
68                 mesh.boundaryMesh()[patchI].meshPoints();
70             vector avgN =
71                 gAverage(mesh.boundaryMesh()[patchI].pointNormals());
73             vector i(1, 0, 0);
74             vector j(0, 1, 0);
75             vector k(0, 0, 1);
77             if (mag(avgN&i) > 0.95)
78             {
79                 forAll(meshPoints, pI)
80                 {
81                     newPoints[meshPoints[pI]].x() = 0;
82                 }
83             }
84             else if (mag(avgN&j) > 0.95)
85             {
86                 forAll(meshPoints, pI)
87                 {
88                     newPoints[meshPoints[pI]].y() = 0;
89                 }
90             }
91             else if (mag(avgN&k) > 0.95)
92             {
93                 forAll(meshPoints, pI)
94                 {
95                     newPoints[meshPoints[pI]].z() = 0;
96                 }
97             }
98         }
99     }
102 #   include "calcUnusedNewPoints.H"
104 //     // now we make sure processor patches are exactly the same
105 //     newPoints.correctBoundaryConditions();
107     twoDPointCorrector twoDCorrector(mesh);
108     twoDCorrector.correctPoints(newPoints);
109     mesh.movePoints(newPoints);
110     mesh.V00();
111     mesh.moving(false);
113     // Update n
114     n = mesh.Sf()/mesh.magSf();