Fixed URL for libccmio-2.6.1 (bug report #5 by Thomas Oliveira)
[foam-extend-3.2.git] / src / dynamicMesh / dynamicFvMesh / fvMeshAdder / fvMeshAdderTemplates.C
1 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
2   =========                 |
3   \\      /  F ield         | foam-extend: Open Source CFD
4    \\    /   O peration     | Version:     3.2
5     \\  /    A nd           | Web:
6      \\/     M anipulation  | For copyright notice see file Copyright
7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 License
9     This file is part of foam-extend.
11     foam-extend is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
12     under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
13     Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
14     option) any later version.
16     foam-extend is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
17     WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
19     General Public License for more details.
21     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22     along with foam-extend.  If not, see <>.
24 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
27 #include "volFields.H"
28 #include "surfaceFields.H"
29 #include "emptyFvPatchField.H"
31 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
33 template<class Type>
34 void Foam::fvMeshAdder::map
36     const Field<Type>& oldFld,
37     const labelList& oldToNew,
38     Field<Type>& fld
41     forAll(oldFld, cellI)
42     {
43         label newCellI = oldToNew[cellI];
45         if (newCellI >= 0 && newCellI < fld.size())
46         {
47             fld[newCellI] = oldFld[cellI];
48         }
49     }
53 template<class Type>
54 void Foam::fvMeshAdder::MapVolField
56     const mapAddedPolyMesh& meshMap,
58     GeometricField<Type, fvPatchField, volMesh>& fld,
59     const GeometricField<Type, fvPatchField, volMesh>& fldToAdd
62     const fvMesh& mesh = fld.mesh();
64     // Internal field
65     // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
67     {
68         // Store old internal field
69         Field<Type> oldInternalField(fld.internalField());
71         // Modify internal field
72         Field<Type>& intFld = fld.internalField();
74         intFld.setSize(mesh.nCells());
76         map(oldInternalField, meshMap.oldCellMap(), intFld);
77         map(fldToAdd.internalField(), meshMap.addedCellMap(), intFld);
78     }
81     // Patch fields from old mesh
82     // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
84     {
85         const labelList& oldPatchMap = meshMap.oldPatchMap();
86         const labelList& oldPatchStarts = meshMap.oldPatchStarts();
87         const labelList& oldPatchSizes = meshMap.oldPatchSizes();
89         // Reorder old patches in order of new ones. Put removed patches at end.
91         label unusedPatchI = 0;
93         forAll(oldPatchMap, patchI)
94         {
95             label newPatchI = oldPatchMap[patchI];
97             if (newPatchI != -1)
98             {
99                 unusedPatchI++;
100             }
101         }
103         label nUsedPatches = unusedPatchI;
105         // Reorder list for patchFields
106         labelList oldToNew(oldPatchMap.size());
108         forAll(oldPatchMap, patchI)
109         {
110             label newPatchI = oldPatchMap[patchI];
112             if (newPatchI != -1)
113             {
114                 oldToNew[patchI] = newPatchI;
115             }
116             else
117             {
118                 oldToNew[patchI] = unusedPatchI++;
119             }
120         }
123         // Sort deleted ones last so is now in newPatch ordering
124         fld.boundaryField().reorder(oldToNew);
125         // Extend to covers all patches
126         fld.boundaryField().setSize(mesh.boundaryMesh().size());
127         // Delete unused patches
128         for
129         (
130             label newPatchI = nUsedPatches;
131             newPatchI < fld.boundaryField().size();
132             newPatchI++
133         )
134         {
135             fld.boundaryField().set(newPatchI, NULL);
136         }
139         // Map old values
140         // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
142         forAll(oldPatchMap, patchI)
143         {
144             label newPatchI = oldPatchMap[patchI];
146             if (newPatchI != -1)
147             {
148                 labelList newToOld
149                 (
150                     calcPatchMap
151                     (
152                         oldPatchStarts[patchI],
153                         oldPatchSizes[patchI],
154                         meshMap.oldFaceMap(),
155                         mesh.boundaryMesh()[newPatchI],
156                         0                   // unmapped value
157                     )
158                 );
160                 directFvPatchFieldMapper patchMapper
161                 (
162                     oldPatchSizes[patchI],
163                     newToOld
164                 );
167                 // Create new patchField with same type as existing one.
168                 // Note:
169                 // - boundaryField already in new order so access with newPatchI
170                 // - fld.boundaryField()[newPatchI] both used for type and old
171                 //   value
172                 // - hope that field mapping allows aliasing since old and new
173                 //   are same memory!
174                 fld.boundaryField().set
175                 (
176                     newPatchI,
177                     fvPatchField<Type>::New
178                     (
179                         fld.boundaryField()[newPatchI], // old field
180                         mesh.boundary()[newPatchI],     // new fvPatch
181                         fld.dimensionedInternalField(), // new internal field
182                         patchMapper                     // mapper (new to old)
183                     )
184                 );
185             }
186         }
187     }
191     // Patch fields from added mesh
192     // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
194     {
195         const labelList& addedPatchMap = meshMap.addedPatchMap();
197         // Add addedMesh patches
198         forAll(addedPatchMap, patchI)
199         {
200             label newPatchI = addedPatchMap[patchI];
202             if (newPatchI != -1)
203             {
204                 const polyPatch& newPatch = mesh.boundaryMesh()[newPatchI];
205                 const polyPatch& oldPatch =
206                     fldToAdd.mesh().boundaryMesh()[patchI];
208                 if (!fld.boundaryField()(newPatchI))
209                 {
210                     // First occurrence of newPatchI. Map from existing
211                     // patchField
213                     // From new patch faces to patch faces on added mesh.
214                     labelList newToAdded
215                     (
216                         calcPatchMap
217                         (
218                             oldPatch.start(),
219                             oldPatch.size(),
220                             meshMap.addedFaceMap(),
221                             newPatch,
222                             0                       // unmapped values
223                         )
224                     );
226                     directFvPatchFieldMapper patchMapper
227                     (
228                         oldPatch.size(),
229                         newToAdded
230                     );
232                     fld.boundaryField().set
233                     (
234                         newPatchI,
235                         fvPatchField<Type>::New
236                         (
237                             fldToAdd.boundaryField()[patchI], // added field
238                             mesh.boundary()[newPatchI],       // new fvPatch
239                             fld.dimensionedInternalField(),   // new int. field
240                             patchMapper                       // mapper
241                         )
242                     );
243                 }
244                 else
245                 {
246                     // PatchField will have correct size already. Just slot in
247                     // my elements.
249                     // From new patch faces to patch faces on added mesh. This
250                     // time keep unmapped elements -1.
251                     labelList newToAdded
252                     (
253                         calcPatchMap
254                         (
255                             oldPatch.start(),
256                             oldPatch.size(),
257                             meshMap.addedFaceMap(),
258                             newPatch,
259                             -1                      // unmapped values
260                         )
261                     );
263                     const fvPatchField<Type>& addedFld =
264                         fldToAdd.boundaryField()[patchI];
266                     fvPatchField<Type>& newFld = fld.boundaryField()[newPatchI];
268                     forAll(newFld, i)
269                     {
270                         label oldFaceI = newToAdded[i];
272                         if (oldFaceI >= 0 && oldFaceI < addedFld.size())
273                         {
274                             newFld[i] = addedFld[oldFaceI];
275                         }
276                     }
277                 }
278             }
279         }
280     }
284 template<class Type>
285 void Foam::fvMeshAdder::MapVolFields
287     const mapAddedPolyMesh& meshMap,
288     const fvMesh& mesh,
289     const fvMesh& meshToAdd
292     HashTable<const GeometricField<Type, fvPatchField, volMesh>*> fields
293     (
294         mesh.objectRegistry::lookupClass
295         <GeometricField<Type, fvPatchField, volMesh> >
296         ()
297     );
299     HashTable<const GeometricField<Type, fvPatchField, volMesh>*> fieldsToAdd
300     (
301         meshToAdd.objectRegistry::lookupClass
302         <GeometricField<Type, fvPatchField, volMesh> >
303         ()
304     );
306     // It is necessary to enforce that all old-time fields are stored
307     // before the mapping is performed.  Otherwise, if the
308     // old-time-level field is mapped before the field itself, sizes
309     // will not match.
311     for
312     (
313         typename HashTable<const GeometricField<Type, fvPatchField, volMesh>*>::
314             iterator fieldIter = fields.begin();
315         fieldIter != fields.end();
316         ++fieldIter
317     )
318     {
319         const_cast<GeometricField<Type, fvPatchField, volMesh>*>(fieldIter())
320             ->storeOldTimes();
321     }
324     for
325     (
326         typename HashTable<const GeometricField<Type, fvPatchField, volMesh>*>::
327             iterator fieldIter = fields.begin();
328         fieldIter != fields.end();
329         ++fieldIter
330     )
331     {
332         GeometricField<Type, fvPatchField, volMesh>& fld =
333             const_cast<GeometricField<Type, fvPatchField, volMesh>&>
334             (
335                 *fieldIter()
336             );
338         if (fieldsToAdd.found(
339         {
340             Pout<< "Mapping field " << << endl;
342             const GeometricField<Type, fvPatchField, volMesh>& fldToAdd =
343                 *fieldsToAdd[];
345             MapVolField<Type>(meshMap, fld, fldToAdd);
346         }
347         else
348         {
349             WarningIn("fvMeshAdder::MapVolFields")
350                 << "Not mapping field " <<
351                 << " since not present on mesh to add"
352                 << endl;
353         }
354     }
358 template<class Type>
359 void Foam::fvMeshAdder::MapSurfaceField
361     const mapAddedPolyMesh& meshMap,
363     GeometricField<Type, fvsPatchField, surfaceMesh>& fld,
364     const GeometricField<Type, fvsPatchField, surfaceMesh>& fldToAdd
367     const fvMesh& mesh = fld.mesh();
368     const labelList& oldPatchStarts = meshMap.oldPatchStarts();
370     // Internal field
371     // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
373     // Store old internal field
374     {
375         Field<Type> oldField(fld);
377         // Modify internal field
378         Field<Type>& intFld = fld.internalField();
380         intFld.setSize(mesh.nInternalFaces());
382         map(oldField, meshMap.oldFaceMap(), intFld);
383         map(fldToAdd, meshMap.addedFaceMap(), intFld);
385         // Faces that were boundary faces but are not anymore.
386         // Use owner value (so lowest numbered cell, i.e. from 'old' not 'added'
387         // mesh)
388         forAll(fld.boundaryField(), patchI)
389         {
390             const fvsPatchField<Type>& pf = fld.boundaryField()[patchI];
392             label start = oldPatchStarts[patchI];
394             forAll(pf, i)
395             {
396                 label newFaceI = meshMap.oldFaceMap()[start + i];
398                 if (newFaceI >= 0 && newFaceI < mesh.nInternalFaces())
399                 {
400                     intFld[newFaceI] = pf[i];
401                 }
402             }
403         }
404     }
407     // Patch fields from old mesh
408     // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
410     {
411         const labelList& oldPatchMap = meshMap.oldPatchMap();
412         const labelList& oldPatchSizes = meshMap.oldPatchSizes();
414         // Reorder old patches in order of new ones. Put removed patches at end.
416         label unusedPatchI = 0;
418         forAll(oldPatchMap, patchI)
419         {
420             label newPatchI = oldPatchMap[patchI];
422             if (newPatchI != -1)
423             {
424                 unusedPatchI++;
425             }
426         }
428         label nUsedPatches = unusedPatchI;
430         // Reorder list for patchFields
431         labelList oldToNew(oldPatchMap.size());
433         forAll(oldPatchMap, patchI)
434         {
435             label newPatchI = oldPatchMap[patchI];
437             if (newPatchI != -1)
438             {
439                 oldToNew[patchI] = newPatchI;
440             }
441             else
442             {
443                 oldToNew[patchI] = unusedPatchI++;
444             }
445         }
448         // Sort deleted ones last so is now in newPatch ordering
449         fld.boundaryField().reorder(oldToNew);
450         // Extend to covers all patches
451         fld.boundaryField().setSize(mesh.boundaryMesh().size());
452         // Delete unused patches
453         for
454         (
455             label newPatchI = nUsedPatches;
456             newPatchI < fld.boundaryField().size();
457             newPatchI++
458         )
459         {
460             fld.boundaryField().set(newPatchI, NULL);
461         }
464         // Map old values
465         // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
467         forAll(oldPatchMap, patchI)
468         {
469             label newPatchI = oldPatchMap[patchI];
471             if (newPatchI != -1)
472             {
473                 labelList newToOld
474                 (
475                     calcPatchMap
476                     (
477                         oldPatchStarts[patchI],
478                         oldPatchSizes[patchI],
479                         meshMap.oldFaceMap(),
480                         mesh.boundaryMesh()[newPatchI],
481                         0                   // unmapped value
482                     )
483                 );
485                 directFvPatchFieldMapper patchMapper
486                 (
487                     oldPatchSizes[patchI],
488                     newToOld
489                 );
492                 // Create new patchField with same type as existing one.
493                 // Note:
494                 // - boundaryField already in new order so access with newPatchI
495                 // - fld.boundaryField()[newPatchI] both used for type and old
496                 //   value
497                 // - hope that field mapping allows aliasing since old and new
498                 //   are same memory!
499                 fld.boundaryField().set
500                 (
501                     newPatchI,
502                     fvsPatchField<Type>::New
503                     (
504                         fld.boundaryField()[newPatchI], // old field
505                         mesh.boundary()[newPatchI],     // new fvPatch
506                         fld.dimensionedInternalField(), // new internal field
507                         patchMapper                     // mapper (new to old)
508                     )
509                 );
510             }
511         }
512     }
516     // Patch fields from added mesh
517     // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
519     {
520         const labelList& addedPatchMap = meshMap.addedPatchMap();
522         // Add addedMesh patches
523         forAll(addedPatchMap, patchI)
524         {
525             label newPatchI = addedPatchMap[patchI];
527             if (newPatchI != -1)
528             {
529                 const polyPatch& newPatch = mesh.boundaryMesh()[newPatchI];
530                 const polyPatch& oldPatch =
531                     fldToAdd.mesh().boundaryMesh()[patchI];
533                 if (!fld.boundaryField()(newPatchI))
534                 {
535                     // First occurrence of newPatchI. Map from existing
536                     // patchField
538                     // From new patch faces to patch faces on added mesh.
539                     labelList newToAdded
540                     (
541                         calcPatchMap
542                         (
543                             oldPatch.start(),
544                             oldPatch.size(),
545                             meshMap.addedFaceMap(),
546                             newPatch,
547                             0                       // unmapped values
548                         )
549                     );
551                     directFvPatchFieldMapper patchMapper
552                     (
553                         oldPatch.size(),
554                         newToAdded
555                     );
557                     fld.boundaryField().set
558                     (
559                         newPatchI,
560                         fvsPatchField<Type>::New
561                         (
562                             fldToAdd.boundaryField()[patchI],// added field
563                             mesh.boundary()[newPatchI],      // new fvPatch
564                             fld.dimensionedInternalField(),  // new int. field
565                             patchMapper                      // mapper
566                         )
567                     );
568                 }
569                 else
570                 {
571                     // PatchField will have correct size already. Just slot in
572                     // my elements.
574                     // From new patch faces to patch faces on added mesh. This
575                     // time keep unmapped elements -1.
576                     labelList newToAdded
577                     (
578                         calcPatchMap
579                         (
580                             oldPatch.start(),
581                             oldPatch.size(),
582                             meshMap.addedFaceMap(),
583                             newPatch,
584                             -1                      // unmapped values
585                         )
586                     );
588                     const fvsPatchField<Type>& addedFld =
589                         fldToAdd.boundaryField()[patchI];
591                     fvsPatchField<Type>& newFld =
592                         fld.boundaryField()[newPatchI];
594                     forAll(newFld, i)
595                     {
596                         label oldFaceI = newToAdded[i];
598                         if (oldFaceI >= 0 && oldFaceI < addedFld.size())
599                         {
600                             newFld[i] = addedFld[oldFaceI];
601                         }
602                     }
603                 }
604             }
605         }
606     }
610 template<class Type>
611 void Foam::fvMeshAdder::MapSurfaceFields
613     const mapAddedPolyMesh& meshMap,
614     const fvMesh& mesh,
615     const fvMesh& meshToAdd
618     typedef GeometricField<Type, fvsPatchField, surfaceMesh> fldType;
620     HashTable<const fldType*> fields
621     (
622         mesh.objectRegistry::lookupClass<fldType>()
623     );
625     HashTable<const fldType*> fieldsToAdd
626     (
627         meshToAdd.objectRegistry::lookupClass<fldType>()
628     );
630     // It is necessary to enforce that all old-time fields are stored
631     // before the mapping is performed.  Otherwise, if the
632     // old-time-level field is mapped before the field itself, sizes
633     // will not match.
635     for
636     (
637         typename HashTable<const fldType*>::
638             iterator fieldIter = fields.begin();
639         fieldIter != fields.end();
640         ++fieldIter
641     )
642     {
643         const_cast<fldType*>(fieldIter())
644             ->storeOldTimes();
645     }
648     for
649     (
650         typename HashTable<const fldType*>::
651             iterator fieldIter = fields.begin();
652         fieldIter != fields.end();
653         ++fieldIter
654     )
655     {
656         fldType& fld = const_cast<fldType&>(*fieldIter());
658         if (fieldsToAdd.found(
659         {
660             Pout<< "Mapping field " << << endl;
662             const fldType& fldToAdd = *fieldsToAdd[];
664             MapSurfaceField<Type>(meshMap, fld, fldToAdd);
665         }
666         else
667         {
668             WarningIn("fvMeshAdder::MapSurfaceFields")
669                 << "Not mapping field " <<
670                 << " since not present on mesh to add"
671                 << endl;
672         }
673     }
677 // ************************************************************************* //