Fixed URL for libccmio-2.6.1 (bug report #5 by Thomas Oliveira)
[foam-extend-3.2.git] / src / mesh / cfMesh / utilities / meshes / triSurf / triSurf.C
1 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
2   =========                 |
3   \\      /  F ield         | cfMesh: A library for mesh generation
4    \\    /   O peration     |
5     \\  /    A nd           | Author: Franjo Juretic (
6      \\/     M anipulation  | Copyright (C) Creative Fields, Ltd.
7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 License
9     This file is part of cfMesh.
11     cfMesh is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
12     under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
13     Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
14     option) any later version.
16     cfMesh is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
17     ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
18     FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
19     for more details.
21     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22     along with cfMesh.  If not, see <>.
24 Description
26 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
28 #include "triSurf.H"
29 #include "demandDrivenData.H"
30 #include "IFstream.H"
31 #include "OFstream.H"
32 #include "gzstream.h"
33 #include "triSurface.H"
35 #include "helperFunctions.H"
37 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
39 namespace Foam
42 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
44 void triSurf::readFromFTR(const fileName& fName)
46     IFstream fStream(fName);
48     fStream >> triSurfFacets::patches_;
50     fStream >> triSurfPoints::points_;
52     fStream >> triSurfFacets::triangles_;
55 void triSurf::writeToFTR(const fileName& fName) const
57     OFstream fStream(fName);
59     fStream << triSurfFacets::patches_;
61     fStream << nl;
63     fStream << triSurfPoints::points_;
65     fStream << nl;
67     fStream << triSurfFacets::triangles_;
70 void triSurf::readFromFMS(const fileName& fName)
72     IFstream fStream(fName);
74     //- read the list of patches defined on the surface mesh
75     fStream >> triSurfFacets::patches_;
77     //- read points
78     fStream >> triSurfPoints::points_;
80     //- read surface triangles
81     fStream >> triSurfFacets::triangles_;
83     //- read feature edges
84     fStream >> triSurfFeatureEdges::featureEdges_;
86     List<meshSubset> subsets;
88     //- read point subsets
89     fStream >> subsets;
90     forAll(subsets, subsetI)
91         triSurfPoints::pointSubsets_.insert(subsetI, subsets[subsetI]);
93     subsets.clear();
95     //- read facet subsets
96     fStream >> subsets;
97     forAll(subsets, subsetI)
98         triSurfFacets::facetSubsets_.insert(subsetI, subsets[subsetI]);
100     subsets.clear();
102     //- read subsets on feature edges
103     fStream >> subsets;
104     forAll(subsets, subsetI)
105         triSurfFeatureEdges::featureEdgeSubsets_.insert
106         (
107             subsetI,
108             subsets[subsetI]
109         );
112 void triSurf::writeToFMS(const fileName& fName) const
114     OFstream fStream(fName);
116     //- write patches
117     fStream << triSurfFacets::patches_;
119     fStream << nl;
121     //- write points
122     fStream << triSurfPoints::points_;
124     fStream << nl;
126     //- write triangles
127     fStream << triSurfFacets::triangles_;
129     fStream << nl;
131     //- write feature edges
132     fStream << triSurfFeatureEdges::featureEdges_;
134     fStream << nl;
136     //- write point subsets
137     List<meshSubset> subsets;
138     label i(0);
139     subsets.setSize(pointSubsets_.size());
140     forAllConstIter(Map<meshSubset>, pointSubsets_, it)
141         subsets[i++] = it();
142     fStream << subsets;
144     fStream << nl;
146     //- write subsets of facets
147     subsets.setSize(triSurfFacets::facetSubsets_.size());
148     i = 0;
149     forAllConstIter(Map<meshSubset>, triSurfFacets::facetSubsets_, it)
150         subsets[i++] = it();
151     fStream << subsets;
153     fStream << nl;
155     //- write subets of feature edges
156     subsets.setSize(triSurfFeatureEdges::featureEdgeSubsets_.size());
157     i = 0;
158     forAllConstIter
159     (
160         Map<meshSubset>,
161         triSurfFeatureEdges::featureEdgeSubsets_,
162         it
163     )
164         subsets[i++] = it();
165     fStream << subsets;
168 void triSurf::topologyCheck()
170     const pointField& pts = this->points();
171     const LongList<labelledTri>& trias = this->facets();
173     //- check for inf and nan points
174     # ifdef USE_OMP
175     # pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic, 100)
176     # endif
177     forAll(pts, pointI)
178     {
179         const point& p = pts[pointI];
181         if( help::isnan(p) || help::isinf(p) )
182         {
183             # ifdef USE_OMP
184             # pragma omp critical
185             # endif
186             {
187                 FatalErrorIn
188                 (
189                     "void triSurf::topologyCheck()"
190                 ) << "Point " << pointI << " has invalid coordinates "
191                   << p << exit(FatalError);
192             }
193         }
194     }
196     //- check whether the nodes are within the scope
197     //- report duplicate nodes in the same triangle
198     # ifdef USE_OMP
199     # pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic, 100)
200     # endif
201     forAll(trias, triI)
202     {
203         const labelledTri& ltri = trias[triI];
205         forAll(ltri, pI)
206         {
207             if( ltri[pI] < 0 || (ltri[pI] >= pts.size()) )
208             {
209                 # ifdef USE_OMP
210                 # pragma omp critical
211                 # endif
212                 FatalErrorIn
213                 (
214                     "void triSurf::topologyCheck()"
215                 ) << "Point " << ltri[pI] << " in triangle " << ltri
216                   << " is out of scope 0 " << pts.size() << exit(FatalError);
217             }
219             if( ltri[pI] == ltri[(pI+1)%3] || ltri[pI] == ltri[(pI+2)%3] )
220             {
221                 # ifdef USE_OMP
222                 # pragma omp critical
223                 # endif
224                 WarningIn
225                 (
226                     "void triSurf::topologyCheck()"
227                 ) << "Triangle " << ltri << " has duplicated points. "
228                   << "This may cause problems in the meshing process!" << endl;
229             }
230         }
231     }
233     //- check feature edges
234     const edgeLongList& featureEdges = this->featureEdges();
236     # ifdef USE_OMP
237     # pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic, 100)
238     # endif
239     forAll(featureEdges, eI)
240     {
241         const edge& fe = featureEdges[eI];
243         forAll(fe, pI)
244         {
245             if( fe[pI] < 0 || (fe[pI] >= pts.size()) )
246             {
247                 # ifdef USE_OMP
248                 # pragma omp critical
249                 # endif
250                 FatalErrorIn
251                 (
252                     "void triSurf::topologyCheck()"
253                 ) << "Feature edge " << fe << " point " << fe[pI]
254                   << " is out of scope 0 " << pts.size() << exit(FatalError);
255             }
256         }
258         if( fe.start() == fe.end() )
259         {
260             # ifdef USE_OMP
261             # pragma omp critical
262             # endif
263             WarningIn
264             (
265                 "void triSurf::topologyCheck()"
266             ) << "Feature edge " << fe << " has duplicated points. "
267               << "This may cause problems in the meshing process!" << endl;
268         }
269     }
271     //- check point subsets
272     DynList<label> subsetIds;
273     this->pointSubsetIndices(subsetIds);
274     forAll(subsetIds, i)
275     {
276         labelLongList elmts;
277         this->pointsInSubset(subsetIds[i], elmts);
279         forAll(elmts, elmtI)
280         {
281             const label elI = elmts[elmtI];
283             if( elI < 0 || elI >= pts.size() )
284             {
285                 # ifdef USE_OMP
286                 # pragma omp critical
287                 # endif
288                 FatalErrorIn
289                 (
290                     "void triSurf::topologyCheck()"
291                 ) << "Point " << elI << " in point subset "
292                   << this->pointSubsetName(subsetIds[i])
293                   << " is out of scope 0 " << pts.size() << exit(FatalError);
294             }
295         }
296     }
298     //- check face subsets
299     subsetIds.clear();
300     this->facetSubsetIndices(subsetIds);
301     forAll(subsetIds, i)
302     {
303         labelLongList elmts;
304         this->facetsInSubset(subsetIds[i], elmts);
306         forAll(elmts, elmtI)
307         {
308             const label elI = elmts[elmtI];
310             if( elI < 0 || elI >= trias.size() )
311             {
312                 # ifdef USE_OMP
313                 # pragma omp critical
314                 # endif
315                 FatalErrorIn
316                 (
317                     "void triSurf::topologyCheck()"
318                 ) << "Triangle " << elI << " in facet subset "
319                   << this->facetSubsetName(subsetIds[i])
320                   << " is out of scope 0 " << trias.size() << exit(FatalError);
321             }
322         }
323     }
325     //- check feature edge subsets
326     subsetIds.clear();
327     this->edgeSubsetIndices(subsetIds);
328     forAll(subsetIds, i)
329     {
330         labelLongList elmts;
331         this->edgesInSubset(subsetIds[i], elmts);
333         forAll(elmts, elmtI)
334         {
335             const label elI = elmts[elmtI];
337             if( elI < 0 || elI >= featureEdges.size() )
338             {
339                 # ifdef USE_OMP
340                 # pragma omp critical
341                 # endif
342                 FatalErrorIn
343                 (
344                     "void triSurf::topologyCheck()"
345                 ) << "Feature edge " << elI << " in edge subset "
346                   << this->edgeSubsetName(subsetIds[i])
347                   << " is out of scope 0 " << featureEdges.size()
348                   << exit(FatalError);
349             }
350         }
351     }
354 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
356 triSurf::triSurf()
358     triSurfPoints(),
359     triSurfFacets(),
360     triSurfFeatureEdges(),
361     triSurfAddressing(triSurfPoints::points_, triSurfFacets::triangles_)
364 //- Construct from parts
365 triSurf::triSurf
367     const LongList<labelledTri>& triangles,
368     const geometricSurfacePatchList& patches,
369     const edgeLongList& featureEdges,
370     const pointField& points
373     triSurfPoints(points),
374     triSurfFacets(triangles, patches),
375     triSurfFeatureEdges(featureEdges),
376     triSurfAddressing(triSurfPoints::points_, triSurfFacets::triangles_)
378     topologyCheck();
381 //- Read from file
382 triSurf::triSurf(const fileName& fName)
384     triSurfPoints(),
385     triSurfFacets(),
386     triSurfFeatureEdges(),
387     triSurfAddressing(triSurfPoints::points_, triSurfFacets::triangles_)
389     readSurface(fName);
391     topologyCheck();
394 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Destructor  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
396 triSurf::~triSurf()
399 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
401 void triSurf::readSurface(const fileName& fName)
403     if( fName.ext() == "fms" || fName.ext() == "FMS" )
404     {
405         readFromFMS(fName);
406     }
407     else if( fName.ext() == "ftr" || fName.ext() == "FTR" )
408     {
409         readFromFTR(fName);
410     }
411     else
412     {
413         triSurface copySurface(fName);
415         //- copy the points
416         triSurfPoints::points_.setSize(copySurface.points().size());
417         forAll(copySurface.points(), pI)
418             triSurfPoints::points_[pI] = copySurface.points()[pI];
420         //- copy the triangles
421         triSurfFacets::triangles_.setSize(copySurface.size());
422         forAll(copySurface, tI)
423             triSurfFacets::triangles_[tI] = copySurface[tI];
425         //- copy patches
426         triSurfFacets::patches_ = copySurface.patches();
427     }
430 void triSurf::writeSurface(const fileName& fName) const
432     if( fName.ext() == "fms" || fName.ext() == "FMS" )
433     {
434         writeToFMS(fName);
435     }
436     else if( fName.ext() == "ftr" || fName.ext() == "FTR" )
437     {
438         writeToFTR(fName);
439     }
440     else
441     {
442         const pointField& pts = this->points();
443         const LongList<labelledTri>& facets = this->facets();
444         const geometricSurfacePatchList& patches = this->patches();
446         List<labelledTri> newTrias(facets.size());
447         forAll(facets, tI)
448             newTrias[tI] = facets[tI];
450         triSurface newSurf(newTrias, patches, pts);
451         newSurf.write(fName);
452     }
455 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
457 } // End namespace Foam
459 // ************************************************************************* //