Fixed URL for libccmio-2.6.1 (bug report #5 by Thomas Oliveira)
[foam-extend-3.2.git] / src / mesh / cfMesh / utilities / octrees / meshOctree / meshOctreeAddressing / meshOctreeAddressingParallelAddressing.C
1 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
2   =========                 |
3   \\      /  F ield         | cfMesh: A library for mesh generation
4    \\    /   O peration     |
5     \\  /    A nd           | Author: Franjo Juretic (
6      \\/     M anipulation  | Copyright (C) Creative Fields, Ltd.
7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 License
9     This file is part of cfMesh.
11     cfMesh is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
12     under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
13     Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
14     option) any later version.
16     cfMesh is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
17     ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
18     FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
19     for more details.
21     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22     along with cfMesh.  If not, see <>.
24 Description
26 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
28 #include "meshOctreeAddressing.H"
29 #include "meshOctree.H"
30 #include "demandDrivenData.H"
31 #include "helperFunctions.H"
33 #include <map>
35 # ifdef USE_OMP
36 #include <omp.h>
37 # endif
39 //#define DEBUGAddressing
41 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
43 namespace Foam
46 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
48 void meshOctreeAddressing::calcGlobalPointLabels() const
50     if( !Pstream::parRun() )
51         FatalErrorIn("void meshOctreeAddressing::calcGlobalPointLabels() const")
52             << "Cannot calculate global labels! Exitting" << exit(FatalError);
54     const VRWGraph& nodeLabels = this->nodeLabels();
55     const FRWGraph<label, 8>& nodeLeaves = this->nodeLeaves();
57     //- allocate containers
58     globalPointLabelPtr_ = new labelLongList(nodeLeaves.size(), -1);
59     labelLongList& globalPointLabel = *globalPointLabelPtr_;
61     globalPointToLocalPtr_ = new Map<label>();
62     Map<label>& globalToLocal = *globalPointToLocalPtr_;
64     pointProcsPtr_ = new VRWGraph(nodeLeaves.size());
65     VRWGraph& pointProcs = *pointProcsPtr_;
67     //- find the number of points local to each processor
68     //- The point is taken to be local if it belongs to one processor, only,
69     //- or to the leaf with the smallest label
70     labelList nLocalPoints(Pstream::nProcs(), 0);
72     forAll(nodeLeaves, pointI)
73     {
74         DynList<label> procs;
75         procs.append(Pstream::myProcNo());
76         FixedList<bool, 8> validLeaf(true);
78         for(label nlI=0;nlI<8;++nlI)
79         {
80             const label leafI = nodeLeaves(pointI, nlI);
82             if( leafI < 0 )
83             {
84                 validLeaf[nlI] = false;
85                 continue;
86             }
88             for(label i=0;i<nlI;++i)
89                 if( nodeLeaves(pointI, i) == nodeLeaves(pointI, nlI) )
90                 {
91                     validLeaf[nlI] = false;
92                     validLeaf[i] = false;
93                 }
95             procs.appendIfNotIn(octree_.returnLeaf(leafI).procNo());
96         }
98         label minLeaf(octree_.numberOfLeaves());
99         bool found(false);
101         for(label nlI=0;nlI<8;++nlI)
102         {
103             if( !validLeaf[nlI] )
104                 continue;
106             const label leafI = nodeLeaves(pointI, nlI);
108             minLeaf = Foam::min(leafI, minLeaf);
109             found = true;
110         }
112         if( found && octree_.returnLeaf(minLeaf).procNo() == Pstream::myProcNo() )
113         {
114             if( procs.size() > 1 )
115                 pointProcs.setRow(pointI, procs);
117             globalPointLabel[pointI] = -2;
118             ++nLocalPoints[Pstream::myProcNo()];
119         }
120     }
122     //- exchange data with other processors
123     Pstream::gatherList(nLocalPoints);
124     Pstream::scatterList(nLocalPoints);
126     //- find the starting point label
127     label startPoint(0);
128     for(label procI=0;procI<Pstream::myProcNo();++procI)
129         startPoint += nLocalPoints[procI];
131     //- assign global labels to local points
132     forAll(globalPointLabel, pointI)
133     {
134         if( globalPointLabel[pointI] == -2 )
135         {
136             globalPointLabel[pointI] = startPoint++;
138             if( pointProcs.sizeOfRow(pointI) != 0 )
139                 globalToLocal.insert(globalPointLabel[pointI], pointI);
140         }
141     }
143     //- distribute the labels to other processors
144     //- it is done by sending the global leaf label and the node labels
145     //- to processors which contain the leaves as part of buffer layers
146     //- it is performed in reduce-like manner
147     const labelLongList& globalLeafLabel = this->globalLeafLabel();
148     const Map<label>& globalToLocalLeaf = this->globalToLocalLeafAddressing();
149     const VRWGraph& leafAtProcs = this->leafAtProcs();
150     const labelList& neiProcs = octree_.neiProcs();
152     DynList<label> below, above;
153     forAll(neiProcs, i)
154     {
155         if( neiProcs[i] < Pstream::myProcNo() )
156         {
157             above.append(neiProcs[i]);
158         }
159         else if( neiProcs[i] > Pstream::myProcNo() )
160         {
161             below.append(neiProcs[i]);
162         }
163     }
165     VRWGraph procLeaves;
166     procLeaves.reverseAddressing(Pstream::nProcs(), leafAtProcs);
168     //- scatter the data from the processors above to the processors below
169     //- receive the data from the processors above
170     forAll(above, aboveI)
171     {
172         //- receive the data
173         labelList receivedLabels;
174         IPstream fromOtherProc(Pstream::blocking, above[aboveI]);
175         fromOtherProc >> receivedLabels;
177         label counter(0);
178         while( counter < receivedLabels.size() )
179         {
180             const label leafI = globalToLocalLeaf[receivedLabels[counter++]];
182             if( nodeLabels.sizeOfRow(leafI) == 0 )
183                 FatalErrorIn
184                 (
185                    "void meshOctreeAddressing::"
186                     "calcGlobalPointLabels() const"
187                 ) << "1. Leaf " << leafI << " is not used in the mesh!"
188                  << " Exitting.." << abort(FatalError);
190             for(label i=0;i<8;++i)
191             {
192                 const label nI = nodeLabels(leafI, i);
194                 const label globalLabel = receivedLabels[counter++];
196                 const label nProcs = receivedLabels[counter++];
197                 for(label ppI=0;ppI<nProcs;++ppI)
198                     pointProcs.appendIfNotIn(nI, receivedLabels[counter++]);
200                 if( globalLabel < 0 )
201                     continue;
203                 label& gpl = globalPointLabel[nI];
205                 if( (gpl != -1) && (gpl != globalLabel) )
206                     FatalErrorIn
207                     (
208                         "void meshOctreeAddressing::"
209                         "calcGlobalPointLabels() const"
210                     ) << "Wrong global label for point " << nI
211                       << " Exitting.." << abort(FatalError);
213                 gpl = globalLabel;
214                 globalToLocal.insert(globalLabel, nI);
215             }
216         }
217     }
219     //- send the data to the processors below
220     forAll(below, belowI)
221     {
222         const label neiProc = below[belowI];
224         labelLongList dts;
225         forAllRow(procLeaves, neiProc, i)
226         {
227             const label leafI = procLeaves(neiProc, i);
229             if( nodeLabels.sizeOfRow(leafI) == 0 )
230                 continue;
232             dts.append(globalLeafLabel[leafI]);
233             for(label nI=0;nI<8;++nI)
234             {
235                 const label nodeI = nodeLabels(leafI, nI);
236                 dts.append(globalPointLabel[nodeI]);
238                 //- add the current processor
239                 pointProcs.appendIfNotIn(nodeI, Pstream::myProcNo());
241                 dts.append(pointProcs.sizeOfRow(nodeI));
242                 forAllRow(pointProcs, nodeI, ppI)
243                     dts.append(pointProcs(nodeI, ppI));
244             }
245         }
247         //- send the data
248         OPstream toOtherProc(Pstream::blocking, neiProc, dts.byteSize());
249         toOtherProc << dts;
250     }
252     //- gather the data from the processors below to the processors above
253     //- receive the data from the processors below
254     forAllReverse(below, belowI)
255     {
256         //- receive the data
257         labelList receivedLabels;
258         IPstream fromOtherProc(Pstream::blocking, below[belowI]);
259         fromOtherProc >> receivedLabels;
261         label counter(0);
262         while( counter < receivedLabels.size() )
263         {
264             const label leafI = globalToLocalLeaf[receivedLabels[counter++]];
266             if( nodeLabels.sizeOfRow(leafI) == 0 )
267                 FatalErrorIn
268                 (
269                    "void meshOctreeAddressing::"
270                     "calcGlobalPointLabels() const"
271                 ) << "2. Leaf " << leafI << " is not used in the mesh!"
272                  << " Exitting.." << abort(FatalError);
274             for(label i=0;i<8;++i)
275             {
276                 const label nI = nodeLabels(leafI, i);
278                 const label globalLabel = receivedLabels[counter++];
280                 const label nProcs = receivedLabels[counter++];
281                 for(label ppI=0;ppI<nProcs;++ppI)
282                     pointProcs.appendIfNotIn(nI, receivedLabels[counter++]);
284                 if( globalLabel < 0 )
285                     continue;
287                 label & gpl = globalPointLabel[nI];
289                 if( (gpl != -1) && (gpl != globalLabel) )
290                     FatalErrorIn
291                     (
292                         "void meshOctreeAddressing::"
293                         "calcGlobalPointLabels() const"
294                     ) << "Wrong global label for point " << nI
295                       << " Exitting.." << abort(FatalError);
297                 gpl = globalLabel;
298                 globalToLocal.insert(globalLabel, nI);
299             }
300         }
301     }
303     //- send the data to the processors below
304     forAllReverse(above, aboveI)
305     {
306         const label neiProc = above[aboveI];
308         labelLongList dts;
309         forAllRow(procLeaves, neiProc, i)
310         {
311             const label leafI = procLeaves(neiProc, i);
313             if( nodeLabels.sizeOfRow(leafI) == 0 )
314                 continue;
316             dts.append(globalLeafLabel[leafI]);
317             for(label nI=0;nI<8;++nI)
318             {
319                 const label nodeI = nodeLabels(leafI, nI);
320                 dts.append(globalPointLabel[nodeI]);
322                 //- add the current processor
323                 pointProcs.appendIfNotIn(nodeI, Pstream::myProcNo());
325                 dts.append(pointProcs.sizeOfRow(nodeI));
326                 forAllRow(pointProcs, nodeI, ppI)
327                     dts.append(pointProcs(nodeI, ppI));
328             }
329         }
331         //- send the data
332         OPstream toOtherProc(Pstream::blocking, neiProc, dts.byteSize());
333         toOtherProc << dts;
334     }
337 void meshOctreeAddressing::calcGlobalFaceLabels() const
339     if( !Pstream::parRun() )
340         FatalErrorIn("void meshOctreeAddressing::calcGlobalFaceLabels() const")
341             << "Cannot calculate global labels! Exitting" << exit(FatalError);
343     FatalError << "Not implemented" << exit(FatalError);
346 void meshOctreeAddressing::calcGlobalLeafLabels() const
348     if( !Pstream::parRun() )
349         FatalErrorIn("void meshOctreeAddressing::calcGlobalLeafLabels() const")
350             << "Cannot calculate global labels! Exitting" << exit(FatalError);
352     //- allocate the memory
353     globalLeafLabelPtr_ = new labelLongList(octree_.numberOfLeaves(), -1);
354     labelLongList& globalLeafLabel = *globalLeafLabelPtr_;
356     globalLeafToLocalPtr_ = new Map<label>();
357     Map<label>& globalToLocal = *globalLeafToLocalPtr_;
359     leafAtProcsPtr_ = new VRWGraph(octree_.numberOfLeaves());
360     VRWGraph& leafAtProcs = *leafAtProcsPtr_;
362     //- find the number of leaves local to each processor
363     labelList nLeavesAtProc(Pstream::nProcs(), 0);
365     label nLeaves(0);
367     # ifdef USE_OMP
368     # pragma omp parallel for schedule(static) reduction(+:nLeaves)
369     # endif
370     for(label leafI=0;leafI<octree_.numberOfLeaves();++leafI)
371     {
372         const meshOctreeCubeBasic& oc = octree_.returnLeaf(leafI);
374         if( oc.procNo() == Pstream::myProcNo() )
375             ++nLeaves;
376     }
378     nLeavesAtProc[Pstream::myProcNo()] = nLeaves;
380     //- exchange the data with other processors
381     Pstream::gatherList(nLeavesAtProc);
382     Pstream::scatterList(nLeavesAtProc);
384     //- find the starting labels for
385     nLeaves = 0;
386     for(label procI=0;procI<Pstream::myProcNo();++procI)
387         nLeaves += nLeavesAtProc[procI];
389     //- set the global labels to local leaves
390     labelLongList otherProcLeaves;
391     for(label leafI=0;leafI<octree_.numberOfLeaves();++leafI)
392     {
393         const meshOctreeCubeBasic& oc = octree_.returnLeaf(leafI);
395         if( oc.procNo() == Pstream::myProcNo() )
396         {
397             globalLeafLabel[leafI] = nLeaves++;
398         }
399         else
400         {
401             otherProcLeaves.append(leafI);
402             leafAtProcs.append(leafI, Pstream::myProcNo());
403             leafAtProcs.append(leafI, oc.procNo());
404         }
405     }
407     //- the rest of the code is needed in case an additional layer of
408     //- of octree leaves belonging to other processors is added in order to
409     //- simplify the procedure for generation of mesh templates
411     //- allocate the map for exchanging of data
412     std::map<label, LongList<meshOctreeCubeBasic> > exchangeData;
413     const labelList& neiProcs = octree_.neiProcs();
414     forAll(neiProcs, procI)
415     {
416         const std::pair<label, LongList<meshOctreeCubeBasic> > pp
417         (
418             neiProcs[procI],
419             LongList<meshOctreeCubeBasic>()
420         );
422         exchangeData.insert(pp);
423     }
425     //- Here we have to combine the information from all processors
426     //- it is started such that all processors send the leaves to the processor
427     //- that contains them locally
429     //- fill the map with data
430     forAll(otherProcLeaves, i)
431     {
432         const meshOctreeCubeBasic& oc = octree_.returnLeaf(otherProcLeaves[i]);
433         meshOctreeCubeBasic coc(oc);
434         coc.setProcNo(Pstream::myProcNo());
435         exchangeData[oc.procNo()].append(coc);
436     }
438     //- exchange the data with other processors
439     LongList<meshOctreeCubeBasic> rLeaves;
440     help::exchangeMap(exchangeData, rLeaves, Pstream::scheduled);
442     //- update the local data
443     forAll(rLeaves, i)
444     {
445         const label cLabel = octree_.findLeafLabelForPosition(rLeaves[i]);
447         globalToLocal.insert(globalLeafLabel[cLabel], cLabel);
448         leafAtProcs.appendIfNotIn(cLabel, Pstream::myProcNo());
449         leafAtProcs.appendIfNotIn(cLabel, rLeaves[i].procNo());
450     }
452     //- now the global leaf labels shall be sent from the processors
453     //- that own the leaves to the processors that also contain them
454     std::map<label, labelLongList> exchangeLabels;
455     std::map<label, LongList<meshOctreeCubeBasic> >::iterator it;
456     for(it=exchangeData.begin();it!=exchangeData.end();++it)
457     {
458         it->second.clear();
459         exchangeLabels.insert(std::make_pair(it->first, labelLongList()));
460     }
462     //- fill in the data
463     forAll(leafAtProcs, leafI)
464     {
465         if( octree_.returnLeaf(leafI).procNo() == Pstream::myProcNo() )
466         {
467             forAllRow(leafAtProcs, leafI, i)
468             {
469                 const label procI = leafAtProcs(leafI, i);
471                 if( procI == Pstream::myProcNo() )
472                     continue;
474                 exchangeData[procI].append(octree_.returnLeaf(leafI));
475                 exchangeLabels[procI].append(globalLeafLabel[leafI]);
476             }
477         }
478     }
480     //- exchange the data
481     rLeaves.clear();
482     help::exchangeMap(exchangeData, rLeaves, Pstream::scheduled);
483     labelLongList rLabels;
484     help::exchangeMap(exchangeLabels, rLabels, Pstream::scheduled);
486     if( rLeaves.size() != rLabels.size() )
487         FatalErrorIn("void meshOctreeAddressing::calcGlobalLeafLabels() const")
488             << "Invalid list size!" << abort(FatalError);
490     //- set the labels to the leaves originating from other processors
491     forAll(rLeaves, i)
492     {
493         const label cLabel = octree_.findLeafLabelForPosition(rLeaves[i]);
495         globalLeafLabel[cLabel] = rLabels[i];
496         globalToLocal.insert(rLabels[i], cLabel);
497     }
499     //- update leafAtProcs for all processors
500     exchangeLabels.clear();
501     forAll(neiProcs, procI)
502         exchangeLabels.insert(std::make_pair(neiProcs[procI], labelLongList()));
504     forAllConstIter(Map<label>, globalToLocal, iter)
505     {
506         const label leafI = iter();
508         if( octree_.returnLeaf(leafI).procNo() != Pstream::myProcNo() )
509             continue;
511         forAllRow(leafAtProcs, leafI, i)
512         {
513             const label procI = leafAtProcs(leafI, i);
515             if( procI == Pstream::myProcNo() )
516                 continue;
518             labelLongList& dts = exchangeLabels[procI];
519             dts.append(iter.key());
521             dts.append(leafAtProcs.sizeOfRow(leafI));
522             forAllRow(leafAtProcs, leafI, j)
523                 dts.append(leafAtProcs(leafI, j));
524         }
525     }
527     //- exchange the data
528     rLabels.clear();
529     help::exchangeMap(exchangeLabels, rLabels, Pstream::scheduled);
531     //- update the local data
532     label counter(0);
533     while( counter < rLabels.size() )
534     {
535         const label gLabel = rLabels[counter++];
537         if( !globalToLocal.found(gLabel) )
538             FatalError << "Cannot find global label " << gLabel
539                 << exit(FatalError);
541         const label leafI = globalToLocal[gLabel];
543         const label numberOfProcs = rLabels[counter++];
544         for(label i=0;i<numberOfProcs;++i)
545             leafAtProcs.append(leafI, rLabels[counter++]);
546     }
548     # ifdef DEBUGAddressing
549     returnReduce(1, sumOp<label>());
550     const List<direction>& boxType = this->boxType();
551     const VRWGraph& nodeLabels = this->nodeLabels();
552     for(label i=0;i<Pstream::nProcs();++i)
553     {
554         if( i == Pstream::myProcNo() )
555         {
556             forAll(globalLeafLabel, leafI)
557             {
558                 Pout << "Leaf " << leafI << "of type " << label(boxType[leafI])
559                     << " has global label " << globalLeafLabel[leafI]
560                     << " and coordinates " << octree_.returnLeaf(leafI)
561                     << " and located at procs " << leafAtProcs[leafI]
562                     << " node labels " << nodeLabels[leafI] << endl;
564                 if( octree_.returnLeaf(leafI).procNo() == Pstream::myProcNo() )
565                     continue;
566                 if( globalToLocal[globalLeafLabel[leafI]] != leafI )
567                     FatalError << "Crap!!" << abort(FatalError);
568             }
569         }
571         returnReduce(1, sumOp<label>());
572     }
574     //- check if the leaf at procs is ok
575     exchangeData.clear();
576     for(label i=0;i<Pstream::nProcs();++i)
577     {
578         if( i == Pstream::myProcNo() )
579             continue;
581         exchangeData[i];
582     }
584     for(label leafI=0;leafI<octree_.numberOfLeaves();++leafI)
585         for(label i=0;i<Pstream::nProcs();++i)
586         {
587             if( i == Pstream::myProcNo() )
588                 continue;
590             exchangeData[i].append(octree_.returnLeaf(leafI));
591         }
593     std::map<label, List<meshOctreeCubeBasic> > rMap;
594     help::exchangeMap(exchangeData, rMap);
596     for(std::map<label, List<meshOctreeCubeBasic> >::const_iterator it=rMap.begin();it!=rMap.end();++it)
597     {
598         const List<meshOctreeCubeBasic>& data = it->second;
600         forAll(data, i)
601         {
602             const label leafI = octree_.findLeafLabelForPosition(data[i]);
604             if( leafI < 0 )
605                 continue;
607             if( !leafAtProcs.contains(leafI, it->first) )
608                 FatalError << "Problem!!" << leafI
609                     << " does not contain processor " << it->first
610                     << " contains procs " << leafAtProcs[leafI]
611                     << abort(FatalError);
612         }
613     }
615     returnReduce(1, sumOp<label>());
616     # endif
619 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
621 } // End namespace Foam
623 // ************************************************************************* //