Fixed URL for libccmio-2.6.1 (bug report #5 by Thomas Oliveira)
[foam-extend-3.2.git] / src / tetFiniteElement / tetFemMatrix / tetFemMatrixSolve.C
1 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
2   =========                 |
3   \\      /  F ield         | foam-extend: Open Source CFD
4    \\    /   O peration     | Version:     3.2
5     \\  /    A nd           | Web:
6      \\/     M anipulation  | For copyright notice see file Copyright
7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 License
9     This file is part of foam-extend.
11     foam-extend is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
12     under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
13     Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
14     option) any later version.
16     foam-extend is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
17     WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
19     General Public License for more details.
21     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22     along with foam-extend.  If not, see <>.
24 Description
25     Tetrahedral Finite Element matrix basic solvers.
27 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
29 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
31 namespace Foam
34 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Solvers * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
36 template<class Type>
37 lduSolverPerformance tetFemMatrix<Type>::solve
39      const dictionary& solverControls
42     if (debug)
43     {
44         Info<< "tetFemMatrix<Type>::solve(const dictionary&) : "
45                "solving tetFemMatrix<Type>"
46             << endl;
47     }
49     // Check the matrix
50     if (debug > 1)
51     {
52         this->check();
53     }
55     lduSolverPerformance solverPerfVec
56     (
57         "tetFemMatrix<Type>::solve",
59     );
61     // Add boundary source for gradient-type conditions
62     addBoundarySourceDiag();
64     // Store the boundary coefficients for insertion of boundary conditions
65     storeBoundaryCoeffs();
67     typename Type::labelType validComponents
68     (
69         pow
70         (
71             psi_.mesh()().solutionD(),
72             pTraits<typename powProduct<Vector<label>, Type::rank>::type>::zero
73         )
74     );
76     // Make a copy of interfaces: no longer a reference
77     // HJ, 20/Nov/2007
78     lduInterfaceFieldPtrsList interfaces = psi_.boundaryField().interfaces();
80     for (direction cmpt = 0; cmpt < Type::nComponents; cmpt++)
81     {
82         if (validComponents[cmpt] == -1) continue;
84         scalarField psiCmpt = psi_.internalField().component(cmpt);
85         scalarField sourceCmpt = source_.component(cmpt);
87         // Set component boundary conditions
88         setComponentBoundaryConditions(cmpt, psiCmpt, sourceCmpt);
90         // Add the coupling coefficients
91         addCouplingCoeffs();
93         addCouplingSource(sourceCmpt);
95         // Prepare for coupled interface update
96         FieldField<Field, scalar> coupledBouCoeffs
97         (
98             psi_.boundaryField().size()
99         );
101         FieldField<Field, scalar> coupledIntCoeffs
102         (
103             psi_.boundaryField().size()
104         );
106         forAll(psi_.boundaryField(), patchI)
107         {
108             const tetPolyPatchField<Type>& ptf = psi_.boundaryField()[patchI];
110             coupledBouCoeffs.set
111             (
112                 patchI,
113                 ptf.cutBouCoeffs(*this)
114             );
116             coupledIntCoeffs.set
117             (
118                 patchI,
119                 ptf.cutIntCoeffs(*this)
120             );
121         }
123         eliminateCouplingCoeffs();
125         scalarField res(psi_.size(), 0);
126         lduMatrix::residual
127         (
128             res,
129             psiCmpt,
130             sourceCmpt,
131             coupledBouCoeffs,
132             interfaces,
133             cmpt
134         );
136         lduSolverPerformance solverPerf = lduSolver::New
137         (
138    + pTraits<Type>::componentNames[cmpt],
139             *this,
140             coupledBouCoeffs,
141             coupledIntCoeffs,
142             interfaces,
143             solverControls
144         )->solve(psiCmpt, sourceCmpt, cmpt);
146         solverPerf.print();
148         if
149         (
150             solverPerf.initialResidual() > solverPerfVec.initialResidual()
151          && !solverPerf.singular()
152         )
153         {
154             solverPerfVec = solverPerf;
155         }
157         psi_.internalField().replace(cmpt, psiCmpt);
159         reconstructMatrix();
160     }
162     if (debug)
163     {
164         Info<< "tetFemMatrix<Type>::solve : correcting boundary conditions"
165             << endl;
166     }
168     psi_.correctBoundaryConditions();
170     return solverPerfVec;
174 template<class Type>
175 lduSolverPerformance tetFemMatrix<Type>::solve()
177     return solve(psi_.mesh().solutionDict().solver(;
181 // Return the matrix residual
182 template<class Type>
183 tmp<Field<Type> > tetFemMatrix<Type>::residual()
185     tmp<Field<Type> > tres(psi_.size());
187     // Store the boundary coefficients for insertion of boundary conditions
188     storeBoundaryCoeffs();
190     // Make a copy of interfaces: no longer a reference
191     // HJ, 20/Nov/2007
192     lduInterfaceFieldPtrsList interfaces = psi_.boundaryField().interfaces();
194     // Loop over field components
195     for (direction cmpt = 0; cmpt < Type::nComponents; cmpt++)
196     {
197         scalarField PsiInternalCmpt = psi_.internalField().component(cmpt);
198         scalarField sourceCmpt = source_.component(cmpt);
200         setComponentBoundaryConditions(cmpt, PsiInternalCmpt, sourceCmpt);
202         // Add the coupling coefficients
203         addCouplingCoeffs();
204         addCouplingSource(sourceCmpt);
206         // Prepare for coupled interface update
207         FieldField<Field, scalar> coupledBouCoeffs(psi_.boundaryField().size());
209         forAll(psi_.boundaryField(), patchI)
210         {
211             const tetPolyPatchField<Type>& ptf = psi_.boundaryField()[patchI];
212             coupledBouCoeffs.set
213             (
214                 patchI,
215                 new scalarField(ptf.cutBouCoeffs(*this))
216             );
217         }
219         eliminateCouplingCoeffs();
221         tres().replace
222         (
223             cmpt,
224             lduMatrix::residual
225             (
226                 psi_.internalField().component(cmpt),
227                 sourceCmpt,
228                 coupledBouCoeffs,
229                 interfaces,
230                 cmpt
231             )
232         );
234         reconstructMatrix();
235     }
237     return tres;
241 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
243 } // End namespace Foam
245 // ************************************************************************* //