Forward compatibility: flex
[foam-extend-3.2.git] / applications / utilities / postProcessing / dataConversion / foamToTecplot360 / tecio / examples / simtest / simtest.f90
2 ! Simple example fortran program to write a
3 ! binary datafile for tecplot. This example
4 ! does the following:
6 ! 1. Open a datafile called "t.plt"
7 ! 2. Assign values for X,Y, and P
8 ! 3. Write out a zone dimensioned 4x5
9 ! 4. Close the datafile.
12 program test
14 INCLUDE 'tecio.f90'
16 character*1 NULLCHR
17 Integer*4 Debug,III,NPts,NElm
19 Dimension X(4,5), Y(4,5), P(4,5)
20 Real*8 SolTime
21 Integer*4 VIsDouble, FileType
22 Integer*4 ZoneType,StrandID,ParentZn,IsBlock
23 Integer*4 ICellMax,JCellMax,KCellMax,NFConns,FNMode,ShrConn
24 POINTER (NullPtr,Null)
25 Integer*4 Null(*)
28 NullPtr = 0
29 Debug = 1
30 FileType = 0
31 VIsDouble = 0
32 IMax = 4
33 JMax = 5
34 KMax = 1
35 ZoneType = 0
36 SolTime = 360.0
37 StrandID = 0
38 ParentZn = 0
39 IsBlock = 1
40 ICellMax = 0
41 JCellMax = 0
42 KCellMax = 0
43 NFConns = 0
44 FNMode = 0
45 ShrConn = 0
47 !... Open the file and write the tecplot datafile
48 !... header information.
51 'X Y P'//NULLCHR, &
52 't.plt'//NULLCHR, &
53 '.'//NULLCHR, &
54 FileType, &
55 Debug, &
56 VIsDouble)
58 Do 10 I = 1,4
59 Do 10 J = 1,5
60 X(I,J) = I
61 Y(I,J) = J
62 P(I,J) = I*J
63 10 Continue
65 !... Write the zone header information.
67 I = TecZne112('Simple Zone'//NULLCHR, &
68 ZoneType, &
69 IMax, &
70 JMax, &
71 KMax, &
72 ICellMax, &
73 JCellMax, &
74 KCellMax, &
75 SolTime, &
76 StrandID, &
77 ParentZn, &
78 IsBlock, &
79 NFConns, &
80 FNMode, &
81 0, &
82 0, &
83 0, &
84 Null, &
85 Null, &
86 Null, &
87 ShrConn)
89 !... Write out the field data.
91 III = IMax*JMax
92 I = TecDat112(III,X,0)
93 I = TecDat112(III,Y,0)
94 I = TecDat112(III,P,0)
96 I = TecEnd112()
97 Stop
98 End