Forward compatibility: flex
[foam-extend-3.2.git] / src / ODE / ODESolvers / RK / RK.C
1 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
2   =========                 |
3   \\      /  F ield         | foam-extend: Open Source CFD
4    \\    /   O peration     | Version:     3.2
5     \\  /    A nd           | Web:
6      \\/     M anipulation  | For copyright notice see file Copyright
7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 License
9     This file is part of foam-extend.
11     foam-extend is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
12     under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
13     Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
14     option) any later version.
16     foam-extend is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
17     WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
19     General Public License for more details.
21     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22     along with foam-extend.  If not, see <>.
24 Description
25     Fifth-order Cash-Karp embedded Runge-Kutta scheme with error control and
26     adjustive time-step size
27     Numerical Recipes in C, Secn 16.2 page 714-722
28     Alternative reference in Numerical Recipes in C++
30 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
32 #include "RK.H"
33 #include "addToRunTimeSelectionTable.H"
35 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Static Data Members * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
37 defineTypeNameAndDebug(Foam::RK, 0);
39 namespace Foam
41     addToRunTimeSelectionTable(ODESolver, RK, ODE);
43 const scalar
44     RK::safety=0.9, RK::pGrow=-0.2, RK::pShrink=-0.25, RK::errCon=1.89e-4;
46 const scalar
47     RK::a2 = 0.2, RK::a3 = 0.3, RK::a4 = 0.6, RK::a5 = 1.0, RK::a6 = 0.875,
48     RK::b21 = 0.2, RK::b31 = 3.0/40.0, RK::b32 = 9.0/40.0,
49     RK::b41 = 0.3, RK::b42 = -0.9, RK::b43 = 1.2,
50     RK::b51 = -11.0/54.0, RK::b52 = 2.5, RK::b53 = -70.0/27.0,
51     RK::b54 = 35.0/27.0,
52     RK::b61 = 1631.0/55296.0, RK::b62 = 175.0/512.0, RK::b63 = 575.0/13824.0,
53     RK::b64 = 44275.0/110592.0, RK::b65 = 253.0/4096.0,
54     RK::c1 = 37.0/378.0, RK::c3 = 250.0/621.0,
55     RK::c4 = 125.0/594.0, RK::c6 = 512.0/1771.0,
56     RK::dc1 = RK::c1 - 2825.0/27648.0, RK::dc3 = RK::c3 - 18575.0/48384.0,
57     RK::dc4 = RK::c4 - 13525.0/55296.0, RK::dc5 = -277.00/14336.0,
58     RK::dc6 = RK::c6 - 0.25;
62 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Constructors  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
64 Foam::RK::RK(ODE& ode)
66     ODESolver(ode),
67     yTemp_(ode.nEqns()),
68     ak2_(ode.nEqns()),
69     ak3_(ode.nEqns()),
70     ak4_(ode.nEqns()),
71     ak5_(ode.nEqns()),
72     ak6_(ode.nEqns()),
73     yErr_(ode.nEqns()),
74     yTemp2_(ode.nEqns())
78 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
80 void Foam::RK::solve
82     const scalar x,
83     const scalarField& y,
84     const scalarField& dydx,
85     const scalar h,
86     scalarField& yout,
87     scalarField& yerr
88 ) const
90     forAll(yTemp_, i)
91     {
92         yTemp_[i] = y[i] + b21*h*dydx[i];
93     }
95     ode_.derivatives(x + a2*h, yTemp_, ak2_);
97     forAll(yTemp_, i)
98     {
99         yTemp_[i] = y[i] + h*(b31*dydx[i] + b32*ak2_[i]);
100     }
102     ode_.derivatives(x + a3*h, yTemp_, ak3_);
104     forAll(yTemp_, i)
105     {
106         yTemp_[i] = y[i] + h*(b41*dydx[i] + b42*ak2_[i] + b43*ak3_[i]);
107     }
109     ode_.derivatives(x + a4*h, yTemp_, ak4_);
111     forAll(yTemp_, i)
112     {
113         yTemp_[i] = y[i]
114           + h*(b51*dydx[i] + b52*ak2_[i] + b53*ak3_[i] + b54*ak4_[i]);
115     }
117     ode_.derivatives(x + a5*h, yTemp_, ak5_);
119     forAll(yTemp_, i)
120     {
121         yTemp_[i] = y[i]
122           + h*
123             (
124                 b61*dydx[i] + b62*ak2_[i] + b63*ak3_[i]
125               + b64*ak4_[i] + b65*ak5_[i]
126             );
127     }
129     ode_.derivatives(x + a6*h, yTemp_, ak6_);
131     forAll(yout, i)
132     {
133         yout[i] = y[i]
134           + h*(c1*dydx[i] + c3*ak3_[i] + c4*ak4_[i] + c6*ak6_[i]);
135     }
137     forAll(yerr, i)
138     {
139         yerr[i] =
140             h*
141             (
142                 dc1*dydx[i] + dc3*ak3_[i] + dc4*ak4_[i]
143               + dc5*ak5_[i] + dc6*ak6_[i]
144             );
145     }
149 void Foam::RK::solve
151     scalar& x,
152     scalarField& y,
153     scalarField& dydx,
154     const scalar eps,
155     const scalarField& yScale,
156     const scalar hTry,
157     scalar& hDid,
158     scalar& hNext
159 ) const
161     scalar h = hTry;
162     scalar maxErr = 0.0;
164     for (;;)
165     {
166         solve(x, y, dydx, h, yTemp2_, yErr_);
168         maxErr = 0.0;
169         for (register label i=0; i<ode_.nEqns(); i++)
170         {
171             maxErr = max(maxErr, mag(yErr_[i]/yScale[i]));
172         }
173         maxErr /= eps;
175         if (maxErr <= 1.0)
176         {
177             break;
178         }
180         {
181             scalar hTemp = safety*h*pow(maxErr, pShrink);
182             h = (h >= 0.0 ? max(hTemp, 0.1*h) : min(hTemp, 0.1*h));
183         }
185         if (h < VSMALL)
186         {
187             FatalErrorIn("RK::solve")
188                 << "stepsize underflow"
189                 << exit(FatalError);
190         }
191     }
193     hDid = h;
195     x += h;
196     y = yTemp2_;
198     if (maxErr > errCon)
199     {
200         hNext = safety*h*pow(maxErr, pGrow);
201     }
202     else
203     {
204         hNext = 5.0*h;
205     }
209 // ************************************************************************* //