1 Star-CD uses a so-called 'cell table' to organize properties. The ccm and
2 star4 converters preserve this information as a Map of dictionaries under
3 "constant/cellTable" and as cell data under "constant/polyMesh/cellTableId".
5 The combination of both files allows subsequent creating of cellSets and
6 cellZones for any combination of properties (eg, porosities and solids).
8 Additionally, the reverse converters can use this information when
9 converting foam meshes back to the Star-CD formats.
11 The names of the dictionary elements (eg, Label, MaterialType, etc) are
12 chosen to match those used by the ccm-format.
14 Here is a sample dictionary entry:
16 <int> // unique positive int
18 Label <word>; // optional
19 MaterialType <word>; // optional (fluid|solid)
20 MaterialId <int>; // optional
21 PorosityId <int>; // optional
22 GroupId <int>; // optional
23 SpinId <int>; // optional