1 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
3 \\ / F ield | foam-extend: Open Source CFD
4 \\ / O peration | Version: 3.2
5 \\ / A nd | Web: http://www.foam-extend.org
6 \\/ M anipulation | For copyright notice see file Copyright
7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9 This file is part of foam-extend.
11 foam-extend is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
12 under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
13 Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
14 option) any later version.
16 foam-extend is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
17 WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
19 General Public License for more details.
21 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22 along with foam-extend. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
24 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
26 #include "hllcALEFlux.H"
28 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Member Functions * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
30 void Foam::hllcALEFlux::evaluateFlux
44 const scalar& CvRight,
50 // Step 1: decode left and right:
52 const vector normalVector = Sf/magSf;
54 // Ratio of specific heat capacities
55 const scalar kappaLeft = (RLeft + CvLeft)/CvLeft;
56 const scalar kappaRight = (RRight + CvRight)/CvRight;
58 // Compute conservative variables assuming perfect gas law
61 const scalar rhoLeft = pLeft/(RLeft*TLeft);
62 const scalar rhoRight = pRight/(RRight*TRight);
65 const vector rhoULeft = rhoLeft*ULeft;
66 const vector rhoURight = rhoRight*URight;
69 const scalar rhoELeft = rhoLeft*(CvLeft*TLeft + 0.5*magSqr(ULeft));
70 const scalar rhoERight = rhoRight*(CvRight*TRight + 0.5*magSqr(URight));
72 // Compute left and right total enthalpies:
73 const scalar HLeft = (rhoELeft + pLeft)/rhoLeft;
74 const scalar HRight = (rhoERight + pRight)/rhoRight;
76 // Compute velocity relative to mesh
77 const vector URelLeft = ULeft - dotX;
78 const vector URelRight = URight - dotX;
80 // Compute qLeft and qRight (q_{l,r} = U_{l,r} \bullet n)
81 const scalar qLeft = (URelLeft & normalVector);
82 const scalar qRight = (URelRight & normalVector);
84 // Speed of sound, for left and right side, assuming perfect gas
86 Foam::sqrt(max(0 , kappaLeft*pLeft/rhoLeft));
89 Foam::sqrt(max(0, kappaRight*pRight/rhoRight));
93 // needs rho_{l,r}, U_{l,r}, H_{l,r}, kappa_{l,r}, Gamma_{l,r}, q_{l,r}
94 // compute Roe weights
95 const scalar rhoLeftSqrt = Foam::sqrt(max(0.0,rhoLeft));
96 const scalar rhoRightSqrt = Foam::sqrt(max(0.0,rhoRight));
98 const scalar wLeft = rhoLeftSqrt
99 /stabilise((rhoLeftSqrt + rhoRightSqrt),VSMALL);
100 const scalar wRight = 1 - wLeft;
102 // Roe averaged velocity
103 const vector UTilde = wLeft*ULeft + wRight*URight;
105 // Roe averaged relative face velocity
106 const scalar contrURelTilde = ((UTilde - dotX) & normalVector);
108 // Roe averaged contravariant velocity
109 const scalar contrUTilde = (UTilde & normalVector);
111 // Roe averaged total enthalpy
112 const scalar HTilde = wLeft*HLeft + wRight*HRight;
114 // Roe averaged kappa
115 // TODO: needs to be verified!
116 const scalar kappaTilde = wLeft*kappaLeft + wRight*kappaRight;
118 // Speed of sound with Roe reconstruction values
119 // TODO: not sure if the correct (flow speed) and kappa is used here
120 const scalar aTilde =
121 Foam::sqrt(max(0.0,(kappaTilde-1.0)*(HTilde-0.5*sqr(contrUTilde))));
123 // Step 3: compute signal speeds for face:
124 const scalar SLeft = min(qLeft-aLeft, contrURelTilde-aTilde);
125 const scalar SRight = max(qRight+aRight, contrURelTilde+aTilde);
127 const scalar SStar = (rhoRight*qRight*(SRight-qRight)
128 - rhoLeft*qLeft*(SLeft - qLeft) + pLeft - pRight )/
129 stabilise((rhoRight*(SRight-qRight)-rhoLeft*(SLeft-qLeft)),VSMALL);
131 // Compute pressure in star region from the right side
132 const scalar pStarRight =
133 rhoRight*(qRight - SRight)*(qRight - SStar) + pRight;
135 // Should be equal to the left side
136 const scalar pStarLeft =
137 rhoLeft*(qLeft - SLeft)*(qLeft - SStar) + pLeft;
139 // Give a warning if this is not the case
140 if ( mag(pStarRight-pStarLeft) > 1e-6 )
142 Info << "mag(pStarRight-pStarLeft) > VSMALL " << endl;
145 // Use pStarRight for pStar, as in theory, pStarRight == pStarLeft
146 const scalar pStar = pStarRight;
148 // Step 4: upwinding - compute states:
149 scalar convectionSpeed = 0.0;
150 scalar rhoState = 0.0;
151 vector rhoUState = vector::zero;
152 scalar rhoEState = 0.0;
155 // TODO: Maybe one can use pos/neg implementation, but then one has to
156 // evaluate all 4 states at each iteration!
157 // label A = pos(SLeft);
158 // label B = pos(SStar);
159 // label C = pos(SRight);
160 // please double check the bool operators again, if one want's to
162 // scalar convectionSpeed = A*B*C*qLeft+(1-A)*B*C*SStar
163 // +(1-A)*(1-B)*C*SStar+(1-A)*(1-B)*(1-C)*qRight:
168 convectionSpeed = qLeft;
170 rhoUState = rhoULeft;
171 rhoEState = rhoELeft;
176 scalar omegaLeft = scalar(1.0)/stabilise((SLeft - SStar), VSMALL);
178 // Compute left star region
179 convectionSpeed = SStar;
180 rhoState = omegaLeft*(SLeft - qLeft)*rhoLeft;
181 rhoUState = omegaLeft*((SLeft - qLeft)*rhoULeft
182 + (pStar - pLeft)*normalVector);
183 rhoEState = omegaLeft*((SLeft - qLeft)*rhoELeft
184 - pLeft*qLeft + pStar*SStar);
187 else if (pos(SRight))
189 scalar omegaRight = scalar(1.0)/stabilise((SRight - SStar), VSMALL);
191 // Compute right star region
192 convectionSpeed = SStar;
193 rhoState = omegaRight*(SRight - qRight)*rhoRight;
194 rhoUState = omegaRight*((SRight - qRight)*rhoURight
195 + (pStar - pRight)*normalVector);
196 rhoEState = omegaRight*((SRight - qRight)*rhoERight
197 - pRight*qRight + pStar*SStar);
200 else if (neg(SRight))
203 convectionSpeed = qRight;
205 rhoUState = rhoURight;
206 rhoEState = rhoERight;
211 Info << "Error in HLLC Riemann solver" << endl;
214 rhoFlux = (convectionSpeed*rhoState)*magSf;
215 rhoUFlux = (convectionSpeed*rhoUState+pState*normalVector)*magSf;
216 rhoEFlux = (convectionSpeed*(rhoEState+pState)
217 + pState*(dotX & normalVector))*magSf;
221 // ************************************************************************* //