Forward compatibility: flex
[foam-extend-3.2.git] / src / dbns / numericFlux / numericFlux.C
1 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
2   =========                 |
3   \\      /  F ield         | foam-extend: Open Source CFD
4    \\    /   O peration     | Version:     3.2
5     \\  /    A nd           | Web:
6      \\/     M anipulation  | For copyright notice see file Copyright
7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 License
9     This file is part of foam-extend.
11     foam-extend is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
12     under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
13     Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
14     option) any later version.
16     foam-extend is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
17     WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
19     General Public License for more details.
21     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22     along with foam-extend.  If not, see <>.
24 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
26 #include "numericFlux.H"
28 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Constructors  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
30 // Construct from components
31 template<class Flux, class Limiter>
32 Foam::numericFlux<Flux, Limiter>::numericFlux
34     const volScalarField& p,
35     const volVectorField& U,
36     const volScalarField& T,
37     basicThermo& thermo
40     numericFluxBase<Flux>(),
41     mesh_(p.mesh()),
42     p_(p),
43     U_(U),
44     T_(T),
45     thermo_(thermo),
46     rhoFlux_
47     (
48         IOobject
49         (
50             "phi",
51             mesh_.time().timeName(),
52             mesh_,
53             IOobject::NO_READ,
54             IOobject::NO_WRITE
55         ),
56         (linearInterpolate(thermo_.rho()*U_) & mesh_.Sf())
57     ),
58     rhoUFlux_
59     (
60         IOobject
61         (
62             "rhoUFlux",
63             mesh_.time().timeName(),
64             mesh_,
65             IOobject::NO_READ,
66             IOobject::NO_WRITE
67         ),
68         rhoFlux_*linearInterpolate(U_)
69     ),
70     rhoEFlux_
71     (
72         IOobject
73         (
74             "rhoEFlux",
75             mesh_.time().timeName(),
76             mesh_,
77             IOobject::NO_READ,
78             IOobject::NO_WRITE
79         ),
80         rhoFlux_*linearInterpolate(thermo.Cv()*T_ + 0.5*magSqr(U_))
81     ),
82     gradP_(fvc::grad(p_)),
83     gradU_(fvc::grad(U_)),
84     gradT_(fvc::grad(T_))
88 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
90 template<class Flux, class Limiter>
91 void Foam::numericFlux<Flux, Limiter>::computeFlux()
93     // Get face-to-cell addressing: face area point from owner to neighbour
94     const unallocLabelList& owner = mesh_.owner();
95     const unallocLabelList& neighbour = mesh_.neighbour();
97     // Get the face area vector
98     const surfaceVectorField& Sf = mesh_.Sf();
99     const surfaceScalarField& magSf = mesh_.magSf();
101     const volVectorField& cellCentre = mesh_.C();
102     const surfaceVectorField& faceCentre = mesh_.Cf();
104     // Thermodynamics
105     const volScalarField Cv = thermo_.Cv();
106     const volScalarField R  = thermo_.Cp() - Cv;
108     gradP_ = fvc::grad(p_);
109     gradP_.correctBoundaryConditions();
111     gradU_ = fvc::grad(U_);
112     gradU_.correctBoundaryConditions();
114     gradT_ = fvc::grad(T_);
115     gradT_.correctBoundaryConditions();
117     MDLimiter<scalar, Limiter> scalarPLimiter
118     (
119         this->p_,
120         this->gradP_
121     );
123     MDLimiter<vector, Limiter> vectorULimiter
124     (
125         this->U_,
126         this->gradU_
127     );
129     MDLimiter<scalar, Limiter> scalarTLimiter
130     (
131         this->T_,
132         this->gradT_
133     );
135     // Get limiters
136     const volScalarField& pLimiter = scalarPLimiter.phiLimiter();
137     const volVectorField& ULimiter = vectorULimiter.phiLimiter();
138     const volScalarField& TLimiter = scalarTLimiter.phiLimiter();
140     // Calculate fluxes at internal faces
141     forAll (owner, faceI)
142     {
143         const label own = owner[faceI];
144         const label nei = neighbour[faceI];
146         const vector deltaRLeft = faceCentre[faceI] - cellCentre[own];
147         const vector deltaRRight = faceCentre[faceI] - cellCentre[nei];
149         // calculate fluxes with reconstructed primitive variables at faces
150         Flux::evaluateFlux
151         (
152             rhoFlux_[faceI],
153             rhoUFlux_[faceI],
154             rhoEFlux_[faceI],
155             p_[own] + pLimiter[own]*(deltaRLeft & gradP_[own]),
156             p_[nei] + pLimiter[nei]*(deltaRRight & gradP_[nei]),
157             U_[own] + cmptMultiply(ULimiter[own], (deltaRLeft & gradU_[own])),
158             U_[nei] + cmptMultiply(ULimiter[nei], (deltaRRight & gradU_[nei])),
159             T_[own] + TLimiter[own]*(deltaRLeft & gradT_[own]),
160             T_[nei] + TLimiter[nei]*(deltaRRight & gradT_[nei]),
161             R[own],
162             R[nei],
163             Cv[own],
164             Cv[nei],
165             Sf[faceI],
166             magSf[faceI]
167         );
168     }
170     // Update boundary field and values
171     forAll (rhoFlux_.boundaryField(), patchi)
172     {
173         const fvPatch& curPatch = p_.boundaryField()[patchi].patch();
175         // Fluxes
176         fvsPatchScalarField& pRhoFlux  = rhoFlux_.boundaryField()[patchi];
177         fvsPatchVectorField& pRhoUFlux = rhoUFlux_.boundaryField()[patchi];
178         fvsPatchScalarField& pRhoEFlux = rhoEFlux_.boundaryField()[patchi];
180         // Patch fields
181         const fvPatchScalarField& pp = p_.boundaryField()[patchi];
182         const vectorField& pU = U_.boundaryField()[patchi];
183         const scalarField& pT = T_.boundaryField()[patchi];
185         const scalarField& pCv = Cv.boundaryField()[patchi];
186         const scalarField& pR = R.boundaryField()[patchi];
188         // Gradients
189         const fvPatchVectorField& pGradP = gradP_.boundaryField()[patchi];
190         const fvPatchTensorField& pGradU = gradU_.boundaryField()[patchi];
191         const fvPatchVectorField& pGradT = gradT_.boundaryField()[patchi];
193         // Limiters
194         const fvPatchScalarField& pPatchLim = pLimiter.boundaryField()[patchi];
195         const fvPatchVectorField& UPatchLim = ULimiter.boundaryField()[patchi];
196         const fvPatchScalarField& TPatchLim = TLimiter.boundaryField()[patchi];
198         // Face areas
199         const fvsPatchVectorField& pSf = Sf.boundaryField()[patchi];
200         const fvsPatchScalarField& pMagSf = magSf.boundaryField()[patchi];
202         if (pp.coupled())
203         {
204             // Coupled patch
205             const scalarField ppLeft  =
206                 p_.boundaryField()[patchi].patchInternalField();
208             const scalarField ppRight =
209                 p_.boundaryField()[patchi].patchNeighbourField();
211             const vectorField pULeft  =
212                 U_.boundaryField()[patchi].patchInternalField();
214             const vectorField pURight =
215                 U_.boundaryField()[patchi].patchNeighbourField();
217             const scalarField pTLeft  =
218                 T_.boundaryField()[patchi].patchInternalField();
220             const scalarField pTRight =
221                 T_.boundaryField()[patchi].patchNeighbourField();
223             // Gradients
224             const vectorField pgradPLeft = pGradP.patchInternalField();
225             const vectorField pgradPRight = pGradP.patchNeighbourField();
227             const tensorField pgradULeft = pGradU.patchInternalField();
228             const tensorField pgradURight = pGradU.patchNeighbourField();
230             const vectorField pgradTLeft = pGradT.patchInternalField();
231             const vectorField pgradTRight = pGradT.patchNeighbourField();
233             // Geometry: call the raw cell-to-face vector by calling
234             // the base patch (cell-to-face) delta coefficient
235             // Work out the right delta from the cell-to-cell delta
236             // across the coupled patch and left delta
237             vectorField pDeltaRLeft = curPatch.fvPatch::delta();
238             vectorField pDdeltaRRight = pDeltaRLeft -;
240             // Limiters
242             const scalarField ppLimiterLeft = pPatchLim.patchInternalField();
243             const scalarField ppLimiterRight = pPatchLim.patchNeighbourField();
245             const vectorField pULimiterLeft = UPatchLim.patchInternalField();
246             const vectorField pULimiterRight = UPatchLim.patchNeighbourField();
248             const scalarField pTLimiterLeft = TPatchLim.patchInternalField();
249             const scalarField pTLimiterRight = TPatchLim.patchNeighbourField();
251             forAll (pp, facei)
252             {
253                 Flux::evaluateFlux
254                 (
255                     pRhoFlux[facei],
256                     pRhoUFlux[facei],
257                     pRhoEFlux[facei],
259                     ppLeft[facei]
260                   + ppLimiterLeft[facei]*
261                     (pDeltaRLeft[facei] & pgradPLeft[facei]),
263                     ppRight[facei]
264                   + ppLimiterRight[facei]*
265                     (pDdeltaRRight[facei] & pgradPRight[facei]),
267                     pULeft[facei]
268                   + cmptMultiply
269                     (
270                         pULimiterLeft[facei],
271                         pDeltaRLeft[facei] & pgradULeft[facei]
272                     ),
274                     pURight[facei]
275                   + cmptMultiply
276                     (
277                         pULimiterRight[facei],
278                         pDdeltaRRight[facei] & pgradURight[facei]
279                     ),
281                     pTLeft[facei]
282                   + pTLimiterLeft[facei]*
283                     (pDeltaRLeft[facei] & pgradTLeft[facei]),
285                     pTRight[facei]
286                   + pTLimiterRight[facei]*
287                     (pDdeltaRRight[facei] & pgradTRight[facei]),
289                     pR[facei],
290                     pR[facei],
291                     pCv[facei],
292                     pCv[facei],
293                     pSf[facei],
294                     pMagSf[facei]
295                 );
296             }
297         }
298         else
299         {
300             forAll (pp, facei)
301             {
302                 // Calculate fluxes
303                 Flux::evaluateFlux
304                 (
305                     pRhoFlux[facei],
306                     pRhoUFlux[facei],
307                     pRhoEFlux[facei],
308                     pp[facei],
309                     pp[facei],
310                     pU[facei],
311                     pU[facei],
312                     pT[facei],
313                     pT[facei],
314                     pR[facei],
315                     pR[facei],
316                     pCv[facei],
317                     pCv[facei],
318                     pSf[facei],
319                     pMagSf[facei]
320                 );
321             }
322         }
323     }
327 // ************************************************************************* //