Forward compatibility: flex
[foam-extend-3.2.git] / src / mesh / cfMesh / utilities / boundaryLayers / detectBoundaryLayers / detectBoundaryLayersFunctions.C
1 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
2   =========                 |
3   \\      /  F ield         | cfMesh: A library for mesh generation
4    \\    /   O peration     |
5     \\  /    A nd           | Author: Franjo Juretic (
6      \\/     M anipulation  | Copyright (C) Creative Fields, Ltd.
7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 License
9     This file is part of cfMesh.
11     cfMesh is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
12     under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
13     Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
14     option) any later version.
16     cfMesh is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
17     ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
18     FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
19     for more details.
21     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22     along with cfMesh.  If not, see <>.
24 Description
26 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
28 #include "detectBoundaryLayers.H"
29 #include "meshSurfacePartitioner.H"
30 #include "helperFunctions.H"
31 #include "polyMeshGenAddressing.H"
32 #include "polyMeshGen2DEngine.H"
33 #include "VRWGraphList.H"
35 #include "labelledPair.H"
36 #include "labelledScalar.H"
38 # ifdef USE_OMP
39 #include <omp.h>
40 # endif
42 //#define DEBUGLayer
44 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
46 namespace Foam
49 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
51 namespace bndLayerOps
54 class meshBndLayerNeighbourOperator
56     const meshSurfaceEngine& mse_;
57     const label size_;
59 public:
61     meshBndLayerNeighbourOperator(const meshSurfaceEngine& mse)
62     :
63         mse_(mse),
64         size_(mse.boundaryFaces().size())
65     {}
67     label size() const
68     {
69         return size_;
70     }
72     void operator()(const label bfI, DynList<label>& neighbourFaces) const
73     {
74         neighbourFaces.clear();
76         const cellListPMG& cells = mse_.cells();
78         const labelList& faceOwner = mse_.faceOwners();
79         const label cellI = faceOwner[bfI];
80         const cell& c = cells[cellI];
82         const VRWGraph& faceEdges = mse_.faceEdges();
83         const VRWGraph& edgeFaces = mse_.edgeFaces();
85         forAllRow(faceEdges, bfI, feI)
86         {
87             const label edgeI = faceEdges(bfI, feI);
89             if( edgeFaces.sizeOfRow(edgeI) == 2 )
90             {
91                 label nei = edgeFaces(edgeI, 0);
93                 if( nei == bfI )
94                     nei = edgeFaces(edgeI, 1);
96                 //- faces must not be part of the same cell
97                 if( faceOwner[nei] == cellI )
98                     continue;
100                 //- owner cell of the other face must
101                 //- have cellI as its neighbour
102                 const cell& neiC = cells[faceOwner[nei]];
103                 bool sharedFace(false);
104                 forAll(c, fI)
105                 {
106                     forAll(neiC, fJ)
107                     {
108                         if( c[fI] == neiC[fJ] )
109                         {
110                             sharedFace = true;
111                             break;
112                         }
113                     }
115                     if( sharedFace )
116                         break;
117                 }
119                 if( sharedFace )
120                     neighbourFaces.append(nei);
121             }
122         }
123     }
125     template<class labelListType>
126     void collectGroups
127     (
128         std::map<label, DynList<label> >& neiGroups,
129         const labelListType& elementInGroup,
130         const DynList<label>& localGroupLabel
131     ) const
132     {
133         const polyMeshGen& mesh = mse_.mesh();
134         const faceListPMG& faces = mesh.faces();
135         const cellListPMG& cells = mesh.cells();
137         const edgeList& edges = mse_.edges();
138         const labelList& faceOwner = mse_.faceOwners();
139         const VRWGraph& edgeFaces = mse_.edgeFaces();
140         const Map<label>& otherProc = mse_.otherEdgeFaceAtProc();
141         const Map<label>& globalToLocal =
142             mse_.globalToLocalBndEdgeAddressing();
144         std::map<label, LongList<labelPair> > exchangeData;
145         forAll(mse_.beNeiProcs(), procI)
146             exchangeData[mse_.beNeiProcs()[procI]].clear();
148         forAllConstIter(Map<label>, globalToLocal, it)
149         {
150             const label beI = it();
152             //- combine data if the cell attached to this face has a face
153             //- attached to the inter-processor boundary
154             //- this must hold for boundary layer cells
155             const cell& c = cells[faceOwner[edgeFaces(beI, 0)]];
157             bool validCell(false);
158             forAll(c, fI)
159             {
160                 const face& f = faces[c[fI]];
162                 forAll(f, eI)
163                 {
164                     const edge fe = f.faceEdge(eI);
166                     if
167                     (
168                         (fe == edges[beI]) &&
169                         (mesh.faceIsInProcPatch(c[fI]) >= 0)
170                     )
171                     {
172                         validCell = true;
173                         break;
174                     }
175                 }
177                 if( validCell )
178                     break;
179             }
181             if( !validCell )
182                 continue;
184             const label groupI = elementInGroup[edgeFaces(beI, 0)];
186             if( groupI < 0 )
187                 continue;
189             const label lgI = localGroupLabel[groupI];
190             exchangeData[otherProc[beI]].append(labelPair(it.key(), lgI));
191         }
193         LongList<labelPair> receivedData;
194         help::exchangeMap(exchangeData, receivedData);
196         forAll(receivedData, i)
197         {
198             const labelPair& lp = receivedData[i];
200             const label beI = globalToLocal[lp.first()];
202             const cell& c = cells[faceOwner[edgeFaces(beI, 0)]];
204             //- combine data if the cell attached to this face has a face
205             //- attached to the inter-processor boundary
206             //- this must hold for boundary layer cells
207             bool validCell(false);
208             forAll(c, fI)
209             {
210                 const face& f = faces[c[fI]];
212                 forAll(f, eI)
213                 {
214                     const edge fe = f.faceEdge(eI);
216                     if
217                     (
218                         (fe == edges[beI]) &&
219                         (mesh.faceIsInProcPatch(c[fI]) >= 0)
220                     )
221                     {
222                         validCell = true;
223                         break;
224                     }
225                 }
227                 if( validCell )
228                     break;
229             }
231             if( !validCell )
232                 continue;
234             const label groupI = elementInGroup[edgeFaces(beI, 0)];
236             if( groupI < 0 )
237                 continue;
239             DynList<label>& ng = neiGroups[localGroupLabel[groupI]];
241             //- store the connection over the inter-processor boundary
242             ng.appendIfNotIn(lp.second());
243         }
244     }
247 class meshBndLayerSelectorOperator
249     const meshSurfaceEngine& mse_;
251 public:
253     meshBndLayerSelectorOperator(const meshSurfaceEngine& mse)
254     :
255         mse_(mse)
256     {}
258     bool operator()(const label bfI) const
259     {
260         const labelList& faceOwner = mse_.faceOwners();
261         const polyMeshGen& mesh = mse_.mesh();
262         const faceListPMG& faces = mesh.faces();
264         const cell& c = mesh.cells()[faceOwner[bfI]];
265         const PtrList<boundaryPatch>& boundaries = mesh.boundaries();
266         const label start = boundaries[0].patchStart();
268         label nBndFaces(0), baseFace(-1), otherBase(-1), nQuads(0);
269         forAll(c, fI)
270         {
271             if( faces[c[fI]].size() == 4 )
272                 ++nQuads;
274             if( (c[fI] - start) == bfI )
275             {
276                 baseFace = fI;
277                 ++nBndFaces;
278             }
279         }
281         if( nQuads == 6 )
282         {
283             //- cell is a hex
284             return true;
285         }
287         if( (nQuads + 2) != c.size() )
288             return false;
290         if( nBndFaces != 1 )
291             return false;
293         label nQuadsAttachedToBaseFace(0);
294         forAll(c, fI)
295         {
296             if( fI == baseFace )
297                 continue;
299             const bool sEdge =
300                 help::shareAnEdge(faces[c[baseFace]], faces[c[fI]]);
302             if( (faces[c[fI]].size() == 4) && sEdge )
303             {
304                 ++nQuadsAttachedToBaseFace;
305             }
306             else if( !sEdge )
307             {
308                 if( otherBase != -1 )
309                     return false;
311                 otherBase = fI;
312             }
313         }
315         if(
316             (nQuads == 6) ||
317             (
318                 ((nQuadsAttachedToBaseFace + 2) == c.size()) &&
319                 otherBase != -1 &&
320                 !help::shareAnEdge(faces[c[baseFace]], faces[c[otherBase]])
321             )
322         )
323             return true;
325         return false;
326     }
329 } // End namespace bndLayerOps
331 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
333 void detectBoundaryLayers::analyseLayers()
335     Info << "Analysing mesh for bnd layer existence" << endl;
337     const meshSurfaceEngine& mse = meshSurface_.surfaceEngine();
338     const polyMeshGen& mesh = mse.mesh();
339     const PtrList<boundaryPatch>& boundaries = mesh.boundaries();
341     //- allocate data needed in parallel loops
342     mse.faceOwners();
343     mse.faceEdges();
344     mse.edgeFaces();
345     mse.edges();
346     mse.boundaryPointEdges();
348     //- find layers in patch
349     nFirstLayers_ =
350         help::groupMarking
351         (
352             layerAtBndFace_,
353             bndLayerOps::meshBndLayerNeighbourOperator(mse),
354             bndLayerOps::meshBndLayerSelectorOperator(mse)
355         );
357     # ifdef DEBUGLayer
358     labelList layerSubsetId(nFirstLayers_);
359     polyMeshGen& pmg = const_cast<polyMeshGen&>(mesh);
360     forAll(layerSubsetId, i)
361         layerSubsetId[i] = pmg.addCellSubset("bndLayer"+help::scalarToText(i));
364     forAll(layerAtBndFace_, bfI)
365     {
366         if( layerAtBndFace_[bfI] < 0 )
367             continue;
369         pmg.addCellToSubset
370         (
371             layerSubsetId[layerAtBndFace_[bfI]],
372             mse.faceOwners()[bfI]
373         );
374     }
375     # endif
377     if( is2DMesh_ )
378     {
379         polyMeshGen2DEngine mesh2DEngine(mse.mesh());
380         const boolList& zMinPoint = mesh2DEngine.zMinPoints();
381         const boolList& zMaxPoint = mesh2DEngine.zMaxPoints();
383         const faceList::subList& bFaces = mse.boundaryFaces();
385         # ifdef USE_OMP
386         # pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic, 50)
387         # endif
388         forAll(bFaces, bfI)
389         {
390             const face& bf = bFaces[bfI];
392             bool allZMin(true), allZMax(true);
393             forAll(bf, pI)
394             {
395                 if( !zMinPoint[bf[pI]] )
396                     allZMin = false;
397                 if( !zMaxPoint[bf[pI]] )
398                     allZMax = false;
399             }
401             if( allZMax ^ allZMin )
402                 layerAtBndFace_[bfI] = -1;
403         }
404     }
406     //- check the number of layer found at a patch
407     typedef std::map<label, DynList<label> > patchToLayerType;
408     patchToLayerType patchToLayer;
410     const labelList& facePatch = meshSurface_.boundaryFacePatches();
412     forAll(facePatch, bfI)
413     {
414         patchToLayer[facePatch[bfI]].appendIfNotIn(layerAtBndFace_[bfI]);
415     }
417     //- all faces of a patch must be in the same layer
418     layerAtPatch_.setSize(boundaries.size());
419     forAll(layerAtPatch_, i)
420         layerAtPatch_[i].clear();
422     for
423     (
424         patchToLayerType::const_iterator it=patchToLayer.begin();
425         it!=patchToLayer.end();
426         ++it
427     )
428     {
429         const DynList<label>& layersAtPatch = it->second;
431         forAll(layersAtPatch, i)
432         {
433             if( layersAtPatch[i] < 0 )
434             {
435                 layerAtPatch_[it->first].clear();
436                 break;
437             }
438             else
439             {
440                 layerAtPatch_[it->first].append(layersAtPatch[i]);
441             }
442         }
443     }
445     //- set the layer ID to -1 for all faces where the patch is set to -1
446     forAll(facePatch, bfI)
447     {
448         if( layerAtPatch_[facePatch[bfI]].size() == 0 )
449             layerAtBndFace_[bfI] = -1;
450     }
452     # ifdef DEBUGLayer
453     Info << "Layer at patch " << layerAtPatch_ << endl;
454     forAll(layerAtBndFace_, bfI)
455         if( layerAtBndFace_[bfI] < 0 )
456             Info << "0.2 No layer at boundary face " << bfI << endl;
457     # endif
460 bool detectBoundaryLayers::findHairsForFace
462     const label bfI,
463     DynList<edge>& hairEdges
464 ) const
466     const meshSurfaceEngine& mse = meshSurface_.surfaceEngine();
467     const polyMeshGen& mesh = mse.mesh();
469     const label nInternalFaces = mesh.boundaries()[0].patchStart();
471     const labelList& faceOwner = mse.faceOwners();
473     const faceListPMG& faces = mesh.faces();
474     const cell& c = mesh.cells()[faceOwner[bfI]];
476     //- check cell topology
477     DynList<edge, 48> edges;
478     DynList<DynList<label, 2>, 48> edgeFaces;
479     DynList<DynList<label, 10>, 24> faceEdges;
480     faceEdges.setSize(c.size());
481     label baseFace(-1);
482     forAll(c, fI)
483     {
484         if( c[fI] - nInternalFaces == bfI )
485         {
486             baseFace = fI;
487         }
489         const face& f = faces[c[fI]];
490         faceEdges[fI].setSize(f.size());
492         forAll(f, eI)
493         {
494             const edge e = f.faceEdge(eI);
496             label pos = edges.containsAtPosition(e);
498             if( pos < 0 )
499             {
500                 pos = edges.size();
501                 edges.append(e);
502                 edgeFaces.setSize(pos+1);
503             }
505             edgeFaces[pos].append(fI);
506             faceEdges[fI][eI] = pos;
507         }
508     }
510     //- check does the base face exist and is the number of faces
511     //- in the cell corresponding to a prism cell
512     if( (baseFace < 0) || ((c.size() - faces[c[baseFace]].size()) != 2) )
513         return false;
515     //- check if all faces attached to the base face are quads
516     bool isPrism(true);
518     const face& bf = faces[c[baseFace]];
519     hairEdges.setSize(bf.size());
521     forAll(bf, pI)
522     {
523         const label nextEdge = faceEdges[baseFace][pI];
524         const label prevEdge = faceEdges[baseFace][bf.rcIndex(pI)];
526         if( edgeFaces[nextEdge].size() != 2 || edgeFaces[prevEdge].size() != 2 )
527         {
528             isPrism = false;
529             break;
530         }
532         //- find the face attached to the edge after the current point
533         label otherNextFace = edgeFaces[nextEdge][0];
534         if( otherNextFace == baseFace )
535             otherNextFace = edgeFaces[nextEdge][1];
537         //- find the face attached to the edge before the current point
538         label otherPrevFace = edgeFaces[prevEdge][0];
539         if( otherPrevFace == baseFace )
540             otherPrevFace = edgeFaces[prevEdge][1];
542         label commonEdge;
543         for(commonEdge=0;commonEdge<edges.size();++commonEdge)
544             if(
545                 edgeFaces[commonEdge].contains(otherNextFace) &&
546                 edgeFaces[commonEdge].contains(otherPrevFace)
547             )
548                 break;
550         if( commonEdge == edges.size() )
551         {
552             isPrism = false;
553             break;
554         }
556         //- there exists a common edge which shall be used as a hair
557         if( edges[commonEdge].start() == bf[pI] )
558         {
559             hairEdges[pI] = edges[commonEdge];
560         }
561         else
562         {
563             hairEdges[pI] = edges[commonEdge].reverseEdge();
564         }
565     }
567     return isPrism;
570 void detectBoundaryLayers::generateHairEdges()
572     hairEdges_.clear();
573     hairEdgesAtBoundaryPoint_.clear();
575     const meshSurfaceEngine& mse = meshSurface_.surfaceEngine();
576     const faceList::subList& bFaces = mse.boundaryFaces();
577     mse.faceOwners();
578     const VRWGraph& pFaces = mse.pointFaces();
579     const labelList& bp = mse.bp();
581     # ifdef USE_OMP
582     # pragma omp parallel if( bFaces.size() > 1000 )
583     # endif
584     {
585         edgeLongList localEdges;
587         # ifdef USE_OMP
588         # pragma omp for schedule(dynamic, 100)
589         # endif
590         forAll(bFaces, bfI)
591         {
592             if( layerAtBndFace_[bfI] < 0 )
593                 continue;
595             //- find hair edges for this face
596             DynList<edge> hairEdges;
597             if( !findHairsForFace(bfI, hairEdges) )
598                 continue;
600             const face& bf = bFaces[bfI];
602             forAll(bf, pI)
603             {
604                 //- store hair edges in a list
605                 const edge& he = hairEdges[pI];
607                 if( he.start() != bf[pI] )
608                     FatalErrorIn
609                     (
610                         "void detectBoundaryLayers::generateHairEdges()"
611                     ) << "Wrong starting point" << abort(FatalError);
613                 localEdges.append(he);
614             }
615         }
617         # ifdef USE_OMP
618         //- find the starting element for this thread
619         label startEl;
620         # pragma omp critical
621         {
622             startEl = hairEdges_.size();
624             hairEdges_.setSize(startEl+localEdges.size());
625         }
627         # pragma omp barrier
629         //- copy the local data to splitEdges_
630         forAll(localEdges, i)
631             hairEdges_[startEl++] = localEdges[i];
632         # else
633         //- just transfer the data to splitEdges_
634         hairEdges_.transfer(localEdges);
635         # endif
636     }
638     //- filter out duplicate edges
639     VRWGraph pHairEdges;
640     pHairEdges.reverseAddressing(hairEdges_);
642     boolList duplicateEdge(hairEdges_.size(), false);
643     # ifdef USE_OMP
644     # pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic, 50)
645     # endif
646     forAll(pHairEdges, pointI)
647     {
648         forAllRow(pHairEdges, pointI, pheI)
649         {
650             const label heI = pHairEdges(pointI, pheI);
651             const edge& he = hairEdges_[heI];
653             for(label pheJ=pheI+1;pheJ<pHairEdges.sizeOfRow(pointI);++pheJ)
654             {
655                 const label heJ = pHairEdges(pointI, pheJ);
656                 const edge& nhe = hairEdges_[heJ];
658                 if( he == nhe )
659                     duplicateEdge[heJ] = true;
660             }
661         }
662     }
664     label counter(0);
665     forAll(hairEdges_, heI)
666     {
667         if( !duplicateEdge[heI] )
668         {
669             if( heI > counter )
670             {
671                 hairEdges_[counter++] = hairEdges_[heI];
672             }
673             else
674             {
675                 ++counter;
676             }
677         }
678     }
680     hairEdges_.setSize(counter);
682     //- create point to split edges addressing
683     hairEdgesAtBoundaryPoint_.setSize(pFaces.size());
685     forAll(hairEdges_, heI)
686     {
687         const edge& he = hairEdges_[heI];
688         hairEdgesAtBoundaryPoint_.append(bp[he.start()], heI);
689     }
692 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
694 } // End namespace Foam
696 // ************************************************************************* //