Forward compatibility: flex
[foam-extend-3.2.git] / src / mesh / cfMesh / utilities / surfaceTools / correctEdgesBetweenPatches / correctEdgesBetweenPatchesDistributeFaces.C
1 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
2   =========                 |
3   \\      /  F ield         | cfMesh: A library for mesh generation
4    \\    /   O peration     |
5     \\  /    A nd           | Author: Franjo Juretic (
6      \\/     M anipulation  | Copyright (C) Creative Fields, Ltd.
7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 License
9     This file is part of cfMesh.
11     cfMesh is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
12     under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
13     Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
14     option) any later version.
16     cfMesh is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
17     ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
18     FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
19     for more details.
21     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22     along with cfMesh.  If not, see <>.
24 Description
26 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
28 #include "demandDrivenData.H"
29 #include "correctEdgesBetweenPatches.H"
30 #include "decomposeFaces.H"
31 #include "triSurface.H"
32 #include "meshSurfaceEngine.H"
33 #include "meshSurfaceCheckEdgeTypes.H"
34 #include "meshSurfacePartitioner.H"
35 #include "helperFunctions.H"
36 #include "helperFunctionsPar.H"
38 #include <map>
40 # ifdef USE_OMP
41 #include <omp.h>
42 # endif
44 //#define DEBUGMapping
46 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
48 namespace Foam
51 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
53 void correctEdgesBetweenPatches::decomposeProblematicFaces()
55     Info << "Decomposing problematic faces" << endl;
56     const meshSurfaceEngine& mse = meshSurface();
57     const labelList& bp = mse.bp();
58     const edgeList& edges = mse.edges();
59     const VRWGraph& pointEdges = mse.boundaryPointEdges();
60     const VRWGraph& faceEdges = mse.faceEdges();
61     const VRWGraph& edgeFaces = mse.edgeFaces();
62     const labelList& facePatches = mse.boundaryFacePatches();
64     //- mark feature edges
65     boolList featureBndEdge(edgeFaces.size(), false);
67     forAll(edgeFaces, beI)
68     {
69         if( edgeFaces.sizeOfRow(beI) != 2 )
70             continue;
72         if( facePatches[edgeFaces(beI, 0)] != facePatches[edgeFaces(beI, 1)] )
73             featureBndEdge[beI] = true;
74     }
76     if( Pstream::parRun() )
77     {
78         //- find feature edges at parallel boundaries and propagate the
79         //- information to all processors
80         const Map<label>& globalToLocalEdge =
81             mse.globalToLocalBndEdgeAddressing();
82         const VRWGraph& beAtProcs = mse.beAtProcs();
83         const Map<label>& otherProcPatch = mse.otherEdgeFacePatch();
84         forAllConstIter(Map<label>, globalToLocalEdge, it)
85         {
86             const label beI = it();
88             if( edgeFaces.sizeOfRow(beI) != 1 )
89                 continue;
90             if( facePatches[edgeFaces(beI, 0)] != otherProcPatch[beI] )
91                 featureBndEdge[beI] = true;
92         }
94         //- propagate information to all processors that need this information
95         std::map<label, labelLongList> exchangeData;
96         forAll(mse.beNeiProcs(), i)
97             exchangeData.insert
98             (
99                 std::make_pair(mse.beNeiProcs()[i], labelLongList())
100             );
102         //- append labels of feature edges that need to be sent to other
103         //- processors sharing that edge
104         forAllConstIter(Map<label>, globalToLocalEdge, it)
105         {
106             const label beI = it();
108             if( featureBndEdge[beI] )
109             {
110                 forAllRow(beAtProcs, beI, i)
111                 {
112                     const label procI = beAtProcs(beI, i);
113                     if( procI == Pstream::myProcNo() )
114                         continue;
116                     exchangeData[procI].append(it.key());
117                 }
118             }
119         }
121         labelLongList receivedData;
122         help::exchangeMap(exchangeData, receivedData);
124         label counter(0);
125         while( counter < receivedData.size() )
126         {
127             featureBndEdge[globalToLocalEdge[receivedData[counter++]]] = true;
128         }
129     }
131     const polyMeshGen& mesh = mse.mesh();
132     const faceListPMG& faces = mesh.faces();
133     const labelList& owner = mesh.owner();
134     const labelList& neighbour = mesh.neighbour();
136     boolList decomposeFace(faces.size(), false);
137     label nDecomposedFaces(0);
139     //- decompose internal faces with more than one feature edge
140     const label nIntFaces = mesh.nInternalFaces();
141     # ifdef USE_OMP
142     # pragma omp parallel for schedule(guided) reduction(+ : nDecomposedFaces)
143     # endif
144     for(label faceI=0;faceI<nIntFaces;++faceI)
145     {
146         const face& f = faces[faceI];
148         label nFeatureEdges(0);
150         forAll(f, eI)
151         {
152             const edge e = f.faceEdge(eI);
154             const label bs = bp[e[0]];
155             const label be = bp[e[1]];
156             if( (bs != -1) && (be != -1) )
157             {
158                 //- check if this edge is a boundary edges and a feature edge
159                 forAllRow(pointEdges, bs, i)
160                 {
161                     const label beI = pointEdges(bs, i);
163                     if( (edges[beI] == e) && featureBndEdge[beI] )
164                         ++nFeatureEdges;
165                 }
166             }
167         }
169         if( nFeatureEdges > 1 )
170         {
171             ++nDecomposedFaces;
172             decomposeFace[faceI] = true;
173             decomposeCell_[owner[faceI]] = true;
174             decomposeCell_[neighbour[faceI]] = true;
175         }
176     }
178     //- decompose boundary faces in case the feature edges are not connected
179     //- into a single open chain of edges
180     # ifdef USE_OMP
181     # pragma omp parallel for schedule(guided) reduction(+ : nDecomposedFaces)
182     # endif
183     forAll(faceEdges, bfI)
184     {
185         boolList featureEdge(faceEdges.sizeOfRow(bfI), false);
187         forAllRow(faceEdges, bfI, feI)
188             if( featureBndEdge[faceEdges(bfI, feI)] )
189                 featureEdge[feI] = true;
191         if( !help::areElementsInChain(featureEdge) )
192         {
193             ++nDecomposedFaces;
194             decomposeFace[nIntFaces+bfI] = true;
195             decomposeCell_[owner[nIntFaces+bfI]] = true;
196         }
197     }
199     if( Pstream::parRun() )
200     {
201         //- decompose processor faces having more than one feature edge
202         const PtrList<processorBoundaryPatch>& procBoundaries =
203             mesh.procBoundaries();
205         forAll(procBoundaries, patchI)
206         {
207             const label start = procBoundaries[patchI].patchStart();
208             const label end = start + procBoundaries[patchI].patchSize();
210             # ifdef USE_OMP
211             # pragma omp parallel for schedule(guided) \
212             reduction(+ : nDecomposedFaces)
213             # endif
214             for(label faceI=start;faceI<end;++faceI)
215             {
216                 const face& f = faces[faceI];
218                 label nFeatureEdges(0);
220                 forAll(f, eI)
221                 {
222                     const edge e = f.faceEdge(eI);
224                     const label bs = bp[e[0]];
225                     const label be = bp[e[1]];
226                     if( (bs != -1) && (be != -1) )
227                     {
228                         //- check if this edge is a boundary edge
229                         //- and a feature edge
230                         forAllRow(pointEdges, bs, i)
231                         {
232                             const label beI = pointEdges(bs, i);
234                             if( (edges[beI] == e) && featureBndEdge[beI] )
235                                 ++nFeatureEdges;
236                         }
237                     }
238                 }
240                 if( nFeatureEdges > 1 )
241                 {
242                     ++nDecomposedFaces;
243                     decomposeFace[faceI] = true;
244                     decomposeCell_[owner[faceI]] = true;
245                 }
246             }
247         }
248     }
250     reduce(nDecomposedFaces, sumOp<label>());
252     if( nDecomposedFaces != 0 )
253     {
254         Info << nDecomposedFaces << " faces decomposed into triangles" << endl;
256         decompose_ = true;
257         decomposeFaces df(mesh_);
258         df.decomposeMeshFaces(decomposeFace);
260         clearMeshSurface();
261         mesh_.clearAddressingData();
262     }
264     Info << "Finished decomposing problematic faces" << endl;
267 void correctEdgesBetweenPatches::decomposeConcaveFaces()
269     const meshSurfaceEngine& mse = meshSurface();
270     const labelList& bPoints = mse.boundaryPoints();
271     const labelList& bp = mse.bp();
272     const edgeList& edges = mse.edges();
273     const VRWGraph& edgeFaces = mse.edgeFaces();
274     const VRWGraph& bpEdges = mse.boundaryPointEdges();
275     const labelList& facePatch = mse.boundaryFacePatches();
277     //- classify edges at the surface
278     meshSurfaceCheckEdgeTypes edgeChecker(mse);
279     const List<direction>& edgeType = edgeChecker.edgeTypes();
281     //- find concave points
282     boolList concavePoint(bPoints.size(), false);
284     labelList edgeInPatch(edges.size(), -1);
286     direction problematicTypes = 0;
287     problematicTypes |= meshSurfaceCheckEdgeTypes::CONCAVEEDGE;
288     problematicTypes |= meshSurfaceCheckEdgeTypes::UNDETERMINED;
290     # ifdef USE_OMP
291     # pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic, 100)
292     # endif
293     forAll(edgeType, eI)
294     {
295         if( edgeType[eI] & meshSurfaceCheckEdgeTypes::PATCHEDGE )
296         {
297             if( edgeFaces.sizeOfRow(eI) )
298                 edgeInPatch[eI] = facePatch[edgeFaces(eI, 0)];
300             continue;
301         }
303         if( edgeType[eI] & problematicTypes)
304         {
305             const edge& e = edges[eI];
307             concavePoint[bp[e.start()]] = true;
308             concavePoint[bp[e.end()]] = true;
309         }
310     }
312     if( Pstream::parRun() )
313     {
314         const Map<label>& globalToLocal =
315             mse.globalToLocalBndEdgeAddressing();
316         const VRWGraph& beAtProcs = mse.beAtProcs();
318         std::map<label, labelLongList> exchangeData;
319         forAll(mse.beNeiProcs(), i)
320             exchangeData[mse.beNeiProcs()[i]].clear();
322         forAllConstIter(Map<label>, globalToLocal, it)
323         {
324             const label beI = it();
326             if( edgeInPatch[beI] < 0 )
327                 continue;
329             forAllRow(beAtProcs, beI, i)
330             {
331                 const label neiProc = beAtProcs(beI, i);
333                 if( neiProc == Pstream::myProcNo() )
334                     continue;
336                 labelLongList& dts = exchangeData[neiProc];
338                 dts.append(it.key());
339                 dts.append(edgeInPatch[beI]);
340             }
341         }
343         labelLongList receivedData;
344         help::exchangeMap(exchangeData, receivedData);
346         for(label i=0;i<receivedData.size();)
347         {
348             const label beI = globalToLocal[receivedData[i++]];
349             const label patchI = receivedData[i++];
350             if( edgeInPatch[beI] == -1 )
351             {
352                 edgeInPatch[beI] = patchI;
353             }
354             else if( edgeInPatch[beI] != patchI )
355             {
356                 FatalErrorIn
357                 (
358                     "void correctEdgesBetweenPatches::decomposeConcaveFaces()"
359                 ) << "Invalid patch!" << abort(FatalError);
360             }
361         }
362     }
364     //- decompose internal faces attached to concave vertices which have two
365     //- or more edges at the boundary
366     const faceListPMG& faces = mesh_.faces();
367     const labelList& owner = mesh_.owner();
368     const labelList& neighbour = mesh_.neighbour();
370     boolList decomposeFace(faces.size(), false);
371     label nDecomposed(0);
373     # ifdef USE_OMP
374     # pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic, 100) \
375     reduction(+ : nDecomposed)
376     # endif
377     for(label faceI=0;faceI<mesh_.nInternalFaces();++faceI)
378     {
379         const face& f = faces[faceI];
381         bool hasConcave(false);
382         label nBndEdges(0);
383         DynList<label> bndEdgePatches;
385         forAll(f, pI)
386         {
387             const label bpI = bp[f[pI]];
389             if( bpI < 0 )
390                 continue;
392             if( concavePoint[bpI] )
393                 hasConcave = true;
395             //- points is at a concave edge
396             //- count the number of boundary edge
397             const edge e = f.faceEdge(pI);
399             forAllRow(bpEdges, bpI, bpeI)
400             {
401                 const label beI = bpEdges(bpI, bpeI);
402                 const edge& ee = edges[beI];
404                 if( e == ee )
405                 {
406                     ++nBndEdges;
407                     bndEdgePatches.appendIfNotIn(edgeInPatch[beI]);
408                     break;
409                 }
410             }
411         }
413         if( hasConcave && (nBndEdges > 1) && (bndEdgePatches.size() > 1) )
414         {
415             //- the face has two or more edges at the boundary
416             //- Hence, it is marked for decomposition
417             decomposeFace[faceI] = true;
419             decomposeCell_[owner[faceI]] = true;
420             decomposeCell_[neighbour[faceI]] = true;
422             ++nDecomposed;
423         }
424     }
426     //- finally, perform decomposition of marked faces
427     if( returnReduce(nDecomposed, sumOp<label>()) != 0 )
428     {
429         Info << "Decomposing " << nDecomposed << " internal faces" << endl;
430         decomposeFaces(mesh_).decomposeMeshFaces(decomposeFace);
432         decompose_ = true;
434         clearMeshSurface();
435         mesh_.clearAddressingData();
436     }
439 void correctEdgesBetweenPatches::patchCorrection()
441     Info << "Performing patch correction" << endl;
443     const meshSurfaceEngine& mse = meshSurface();
445     meshSurfacePartitioner surfacePartitioner(mse);
447     const labelList& bPoints = mse.boundaryPoints();
448     const VRWGraph& faceEdges = mse.faceEdges();
449     const VRWGraph& edgeFaces = mse.edgeFaces();
450     const faceList::subList& bFaces = mse.boundaryFaces();
451     const labelList& bp = mse.bp();
452     const labelList& boundaryFaceOwners = mse.faceOwners();
453     const labelList& facePatches = mse.boundaryFacePatches();
455     //- set flag 1 to corner vertices, flag 2 to edge vertices
456     List<direction> nodeType(bPoints.size(), direction(0));
458     //- set corner flags
459     const labelHashSet& corners = surfacePartitioner.corners();
460     forAllConstIter(labelHashSet, corners, it)
461         nodeType[it.key()] |= 1;
463     //- set flgs to edge vertices
464     const labelHashSet& edgePoints = surfacePartitioner.edgePoints();
465     forAllConstIter(labelHashSet, edgePoints, it)
466         nodeType[it.key()] |= 2;
468     //- set flags for feature edges
469     boolList featureEdge(edgeFaces.size(), false);
471     # ifdef USE_OMP
472     # pragma omp parallel for schedule(guided)
473     # endif
474     forAll(edgeFaces, eI)
475     {
476         if( edgeFaces.sizeOfRow(eI) != 2 )
477             continue;
479         if( facePatches[edgeFaces(eI, 0)] != facePatches[edgeFaces(eI, 1)] )
480             featureEdge[eI] = true;
481     }
483     if( Pstream::parRun() )
484     {
485         //- set flags for edges at parallel boundaries
486         const Map<label>& otherProcPatch = mse.otherEdgeFacePatch();
488         forAllConstIter(Map<label>, otherProcPatch, it)
489             if( facePatches[edgeFaces(it.key(), 0)] != it() )
490                 featureEdge[it.key()] = true;
491     }
493     //- decompose bad faces into triangles
494     newBoundaryFaces_.clear();
495     newBoundaryOwners_.clear();
496     newBoundaryPatches_.clear();
497     face triF(3);
499     label nDecomposedFaces(0);
500     forAll(bFaces, bfI)
501     {
502         const face& bf = bFaces[bfI];
504         bool store(true);
506         forAll(bf, i)
507         {
508             if(
509                 (nodeType[bp[bf[i]]] == direction(2)) &&
510                 featureEdge[faceEdges(bfI, i)] &&
511                 featureEdge[faceEdges(bfI, bf.rcIndex(i))]
512             )
513             {
514                 if( bf.size() > 4 )
515                 {
516                     store = false;
517                     ++nDecomposedFaces;
518                     decomposeCell_[boundaryFaceOwners[bfI]] = true;
519                     decompose_ = true;
521                     //- decompose into triangles
522                     const point p = bf.centre(mesh_.points());
523                     triF[2] = mesh_.points().size();
524                     mesh_.points().append(p);
526                     forAll(bf, j)
527                     {
528                         triF[0] = bf[j];
529                         triF[1] = bf.nextLabel(j);
531                         newBoundaryFaces_.appendList(triF);
532                         newBoundaryOwners_.append(boundaryFaceOwners[bfI]);
533                         newBoundaryPatches_.append(facePatches[bfI]);
534                     }
536                     break;
537                 }
538                 else if( bf.size() == 4 )
539                 {
540                     store = false;
541                     ++nDecomposedFaces;
542                     decomposeCell_[boundaryFaceOwners[bfI]] = true;
543                     decompose_ = true;
545                     //- decompose the quad into 2 triangles
546                     triF[0] = bf[i];
548                     triF[1] = bf.nextLabel(i);
549                     triF[2] = bf[(i+2)%4];
550                     newBoundaryFaces_.appendList(triF);
551                     newBoundaryOwners_.append(boundaryFaceOwners[bfI]);
552                     newBoundaryPatches_.append(facePatches[bfI]);
554                     triF[1] = bf[(i+2)%4];
555                     triF[2] = bf.prevLabel(i);
556                     newBoundaryFaces_.appendList(triF);
557                     newBoundaryOwners_.append(boundaryFaceOwners[bfI]);
558                     newBoundaryPatches_.append(facePatches[bfI]);
560                     break;
561                 }
562             }
563         }
565         if( store )
566         {
567             //- face has not been altered
568             newBoundaryFaces_.appendList(bf);
569             newBoundaryOwners_.append(boundaryFaceOwners[bfI]);
570             newBoundaryPatches_.append(facePatches[bfI]);
571         }
572     }
574     reduce(decompose_, maxOp<bool>());
576     if( returnReduce(nDecomposedFaces, sumOp<label>()) != 0 )
577     {
578         replaceBoundary();
579         clearMeshSurface();
580         mesh_.clearAddressingData();
581     }
583     Info << "Finished with patch correction" << endl;
586 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
588 } // End namespace Foam
590 // ************************************************************************* //