BUGFIX: Illegal use of uninitialised value (backport)
[foam-extend-3.2.git] / applications / utilities / parallelProcessing / reconstructParMesh / reconstructParMesh.C
1 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
2   =========                 |
3   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
4    \\    /   O peration     |
5     \\  /    A nd           | Copyright held by original author
6      \\/     M anipulation  |
7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 License
9     This file is part of OpenFOAM.
11     OpenFOAM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
12     under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
13     Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
14     option) any later version.
16     OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
17     ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
18     FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
19     for more details.
21     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22     along with OpenFOAM; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
23     Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
25 Application
26     reconstructParMesh
28 Author
29     Hrvoje Jasak, Wikki Ltd.  All rights reserved
31 Description
32     Reconstructs a mesh using geometrical matching and catenation.
33     Use following topological changes in parallel to create global mesh
34     and xxxxProcAddressing files in the processor meshes.
36 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
38 #include "fvCFD.H"
39 #include "processorMeshesReconstructor.H"
40 #include "fvFieldReconstructor.H"
41 #include "pointFieldReconstructor.H"
42 #include "tetPointFieldReconstructor.H"
43 #include "reconstructLagrangian.H"
45 #include "faCFD.H"
46 #include "faMesh.H"
47 #include "processorFaMeshes.H"
48 #include "faFieldReconstructor.H"
50 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
52 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
54     // enable -constant ... if someone really wants it
55     // enable -zeroTime to prevent accidentally trashing the initial fields
56     timeSelector::addOptions(false, true);
57     argList::noParallel();
58 #   include "addRegionOption.H"
59     argList::validOptions.insert("cellDist", "");
60     argList::validOptions.insert("fields", "\"(list of fields)\"");
61     argList::validOptions.insert("noLagrangian", "");
63 #   include "setRootCase.H"
65     bool writeCellDist = args.optionFound("cellDist");
67 #   include "createTime.H"
69     HashSet<word> selectedFields;
70     if (args.optionFound("fields"))
71     {
72         args.optionLookup("fields")() >> selectedFields;
73     }
75     bool noLagrangian = args.optionFound("noLagrangian");
77     // Determine the processor count directly
78     label nProcs = 0;
79     while (isDir(args.path()/(word("processor") + name(nProcs))))
80     {
81         ++nProcs;
82     }
84     if (!nProcs)
85     {
86         FatalErrorIn(args.executable())
87             << "No processor* directories found"
88             << exit(FatalError);
89     }
91     // Create the processor databases
92     PtrList<Time> databases(nProcs);
94     forAll (databases, procI)
95     {
96         databases.set
97         (
98             procI,
99             new Time
100             (
101                 Time::controlDictName,
102                 args.rootPath(),
103                 args.caseName()/fileName(word("processor") + name(procI))
104             )
105         );
106     }
108     // use the times list from the master processor
109     // and select a subset based on the command-line options
110     instantList timeDirs = timeSelector::select
111     (
112         databases[0].times(),
113         args
114     );
116     if (timeDirs.empty())
117     {
118         FatalErrorIn(args.executable())
119             << "No times selected"
120             << exit(FatalError);
121     }
123     Foam::word regionName = polyMesh::defaultRegion;
125     if (args.optionReadIfPresent("region", regionName))
126     {
127         Info<< "Selecting region " << regionName << " for time = "
128             << runTime.timeName() << Foam::nl << Foam::endl;
129     }
131     // Set all times on processor meshes equal to reconstructed mesh
132     forAll (databases, procI)
133     {
134         Info<< "Reading database for processor " << procI << endl;
136         databases[procI].setTime(runTime.timeName(), runTime.timeIndex());
137     }
139     // Read all meshes and addressing to reconstructed mesh
140     processorMeshesReconstructor procMeshes(databases, regionName);
142     autoPtr<fvMesh> meshPtr = procMeshes.reconstructMesh(runTime);
145     // Mesh write will be controlled by hand
146     meshPtr->write();
147     procMeshes.writeAddressing();
148     meshPtr->setMotionWriteOpt(IOobject::NO_WRITE);
149     meshPtr->setTopoWriteOpt(IOobject::NO_WRITE);
151     // Write cell decomposition
152     if (writeCellDist)
153     {
154         // Write as volScalarField for post-processing
155         Info<< "Writing cellDist to time " << runTime.timeName()
156             << endl;
157         volScalarField cellDist
158         (
159             IOobject
160             (
161                 "cellDist",
162                 runTime.timeName(),
163                 meshPtr(),
164                 IOobject::NO_READ,
165                 IOobject::NO_WRITE
166             ),
167             meshPtr(),
168             dimensionedScalar("cellDist", dimless, 0),
169             zeroGradientFvPatchScalarField::typeName
170         );
171         scalarField& cellDistIn = cellDist.internalField();
173         label cellI = 0;
175         forAll (procMeshes.meshes(), procI)
176         {
177             for
178             (
179                 label i = 0;
180                 i < procMeshes.meshes()[procI].nCells();
181                 i++
182             )
183             {
184                 cellDistIn[cellI] = procI;
185                 cellI++;
186             }
187         }
189         cellDist.write();
190     }
192     // Get region prefix for lagrangian
193     fileName regionPrefix = "";
194     if (regionName != fvMesh::defaultRegion)
195     {
196         regionPrefix = regionName;
197     }
200     // Loop over all times
201     forAll (timeDirs, timeI)
202     {
203         // Set time for global database
204         runTime.setTime(timeDirs[timeI], timeI);
206         Info << "Time = " << runTime.timeName() << endl << endl;
208         // Set time for all databases
209         forAll (databases, procI)
210         {
211             databases[procI].setTime(timeDirs[timeI], timeI);
212         }
214         polyMesh::readUpdateState procStat = procMeshes.readUpdate();
216         if (procStat == polyMesh::UNCHANGED)
217         {
218             Info<< "Mesh unchanged" << endl;
220             meshPtr->setMotionWriteOpt(IOobject::NO_WRITE);
221             meshPtr->setTopoWriteOpt(IOobject::NO_WRITE);
222         }
223         else if (procStat == polyMesh::POINTS_MOVED)
224         {
225             Info<< "Mesh motion detected.  Reconstruct motion points"
226                 << endl;
228             // Reconstruct the points for moving mesh cases and write them out
229             procMeshes.reconstructPoints(meshPtr());
231             // Set write options
232             meshPtr->setMotionWriteOpt(IOobject::AUTO_WRITE);
233             meshPtr->setTopoWriteOpt(IOobject::NO_WRITE);
235             // Global mesh write
236             meshPtr->write();
237         }
238         else if
239         (
240             procStat == polyMesh::TOPO_CHANGE
241          || procStat == polyMesh::TOPO_PATCH_CHANGE
242         )
243         {
244             Info<< "Topological change detected.  Reconstructing mesh"
245                 << endl;
247             // Reconstruct mesh
248             meshPtr = procMeshes.reconstructMesh(runTime);
250             // Set write options
251             meshPtr->setMotionWriteOpt(IOobject::AUTO_WRITE);
252             meshPtr->setTopoWriteOpt(IOobject::AUTO_WRITE);
253             procMeshes.writeAddressing();
255             // Global mesh write
256             meshPtr->write();
258             // Write out mapping in processor directories
259             forAll (databases, procI)
260             {
261                 databases[procI].write();
262             }
264             if (writeCellDist)
265             {
266                 // Write as volScalarField for post-processing
267                 Info<< "Writing cellDist to time " << runTime.timeName()
268                     << endl;
269                 volScalarField cellDist
270                 (
271                     IOobject
272                     (
273                         "cellDist",
274                         runTime.timeName(),
275                         meshPtr(),
276                         IOobject::NO_READ,
277                         IOobject::NO_WRITE
278                     ),
279                     meshPtr(),
280                     dimensionedScalar("cellDist", dimless, 0),
281                     zeroGradientFvPatchScalarField::typeName
282                 );
283                 scalarField& cellDistIn = cellDist.internalField();
285                 label cellI = 0;
287                 forAll (procMeshes.meshes(), procI)
288                 {
289                     for
290                     (
291                         label i = 0;
292                         i < procMeshes.meshes()[procI].nCells();
293                         i++
294                     )
295                     {
296                         cellDistIn[cellI] = procI;
297                         cellI++;
298                     }
299                 }
301                 cellDist.write();
302             }
303         }
304         else
305         {
306             FatalErrorIn(args.executable())
307                 << "Unknown readUpdate state"
308                 << abort(FatalError);
309         }
311         fvMesh& mesh = meshPtr();
313         // Get list of objects from processor0 database
314         IOobjectList objects(procMeshes.meshes()[0], databases[0].timeName());
317         // If there are any FV fields, reconstruct them
319         if
320         (
321             objects.lookupClass(volScalarField::typeName).size()
322          || objects.lookupClass(volVectorField::typeName).size()
323          || objects.lookupClass(volSphericalTensorField::typeName).size()
324          || objects.lookupClass(volSymmTensorField::typeName).size()
325          || objects.lookupClass(volTensorField::typeName).size()
326          || objects.lookupClass(surfaceScalarField::typeName).size()
327          || objects.lookupClass(surfaceVectorField::typeName).size()
328          || objects.lookupClass(surfaceSphericalTensorField::typeName).size()
329          || objects.lookupClass(surfaceSymmTensorField::typeName).size()
330          || objects.lookupClass(surfaceTensorField::typeName).size()
331         )
332         {
333             Info << "Reconstructing FV fields" << nl << endl;
335             fvFieldReconstructor fvReconstructor
336             (
337                 mesh,
338                 procMeshes.meshes(),
339                 procMeshes.faceProcAddressing(),
340                 procMeshes.cellProcAddressing(),
341                 procMeshes.boundaryProcAddressing()
342             );
344             fvReconstructor.reconstructFvVolumeFields<scalar>
345             (
346                 objects,
347                 selectedFields
348             );
349             fvReconstructor.reconstructFvVolumeFields<vector>
350             (
351                 objects,
352                 selectedFields
353             );
354             fvReconstructor.reconstructFvVolumeFields<sphericalTensor>
355             (
356                 objects,
357                 selectedFields
358             );
359             fvReconstructor.reconstructFvVolumeFields<symmTensor>
360             (
361                 objects,
362                 selectedFields
363             );
364             fvReconstructor.reconstructFvVolumeFields<tensor>
365             (
366                 objects,
367                 selectedFields
368             );
370             fvReconstructor.reconstructFvSurfaceFields<scalar>
371             (
372                 objects,
373                 selectedFields
374             );
375             fvReconstructor.reconstructFvSurfaceFields<vector>
376             (
377                 objects,
378                 selectedFields
379             );
380             fvReconstructor.reconstructFvSurfaceFields<sphericalTensor>
381             (
382                 objects,
383                 selectedFields
384             );
385             fvReconstructor.reconstructFvSurfaceFields<symmTensor>
386             (
387                 objects,
388                 selectedFields
389             );
390             fvReconstructor.reconstructFvSurfaceFields<tensor>
391             (
392                 objects,
393                 selectedFields
394             );
395         }
396         else
397         {
398             Info << "No FV fields" << nl << endl;
399         }
402         // If there are any point fields, reconstruct them
403         if
404         (
405             objects.lookupClass(pointScalarField::typeName).size()
406          || objects.lookupClass(pointVectorField::typeName).size()
407          || objects.lookupClass(pointSphericalTensorField::typeName).size()
408          || objects.lookupClass(pointSymmTensorField::typeName).size()
409          || objects.lookupClass(pointTensorField::typeName).size()
410         )
411         {
412             Info << "Reconstructing point fields" << nl << endl;
414             pointMesh pMesh(mesh);
415             PtrList<pointMesh> pMeshes(procMeshes.meshes().size());
417             forAll (pMeshes, procI)
418             {
419                 pMeshes.set(procI, new pointMesh(procMeshes.meshes()[procI]));
420             }
422             pointFieldReconstructor pointReconstructor
423             (
424                 pMesh,
425                 pMeshes,
426                 procMeshes.pointProcAddressing(),
427                 procMeshes.boundaryProcAddressing()
428             );
430             pointReconstructor.reconstructFields<scalar>(objects);
431             pointReconstructor.reconstructFields<vector>(objects);
432             pointReconstructor.reconstructFields<sphericalTensor>(objects);
433             pointReconstructor.reconstructFields<symmTensor>(objects);
434             pointReconstructor.reconstructFields<tensor>(objects);
435         }
436         else
437         {
438             Info << "No point fields" << nl << endl;
439         }
441         // If there are any tetFem fields, reconstruct them
442         if
443         (
444             objects.lookupClass(tetPointScalarField::typeName).size()
445          || objects.lookupClass(tetPointVectorField::typeName).size()
446          || objects.lookupClass(tetPointSphericalTensorField::typeName).size()
447          || objects.lookupClass(tetPointSymmTensorField::typeName).size()
448          || objects.lookupClass(tetPointTensorField::typeName).size()
450          || objects.lookupClass(elementScalarField::typeName).size()
451          || objects.lookupClass(elementVectorField::typeName).size()
452         )
453         {
454             Info << "Reconstructing tet point fields" << nl << endl;
456             tetPolyMesh tetMesh(mesh);
457             PtrList<tetPolyMesh> tetMeshes(procMeshes.meshes().size());
459             forAll (tetMeshes, procI)
460             {
461                 tetMeshes.set
462                 (
463                     procI,
464                     new tetPolyMesh(procMeshes.meshes()[procI])
465                 );
466             }
468             tetPointFieldReconstructor tetPointReconstructor
469             (
470                 tetMesh,
471                 tetMeshes,
472                 procMeshes.pointProcAddressing(),
473                 procMeshes.faceProcAddressing(),
474                 procMeshes.cellProcAddressing(),
475                 procMeshes.boundaryProcAddressing()
476             );
478             // Reconstruct tet point fields
479             tetPointReconstructor.reconstructTetPointFields<scalar>(objects);
480             tetPointReconstructor.reconstructTetPointFields<vector>(objects);
481             tetPointReconstructor.
482                 reconstructTetPointFields<sphericalTensor>(objects);
483             tetPointReconstructor.
484                 reconstructTetPointFields<symmTensor>(objects);
485             tetPointReconstructor.reconstructTetPointFields<tensor>(objects);
487             tetPointReconstructor.reconstructElementFields<scalar>(objects);
488             tetPointReconstructor.reconstructElementFields<vector>(objects);
489         }
490         else
491         {
492             Info << "No tetFem fields" << nl << endl;
493         }
496         // If there are any clouds, reconstruct them.
497         // The problem is that a cloud of size zero will not get written so
498         // in pass 1 we determine the cloud names and per cloud name the
499         // fields. Note that the fields are stored as IOobjectList from
500         // the first processor that has them. They are in pass2 only used
501         // for name and type (scalar, vector etc).
503         if (!noLagrangian)
504         {
505             HashTable<IOobjectList> cloudObjects;
507             forAll (databases, procI)
508             {
509                 fileNameList cloudDirs
510                 (
511                     readDir
512                     (
513                         databases[procI].timePath()/regionPrefix/cloud::prefix,
514                         fileName::DIRECTORY
515                     )
516                 );
518                 forAll (cloudDirs, i)
519                 {
520                     // Check if we already have cloud objects for
521                     // this cloudname
522                     HashTable<IOobjectList>::const_iterator iter =
523                         cloudObjects.find(cloudDirs[i]);
525                     if (iter == cloudObjects.end())
526                     {
527                         // Do local scan for valid cloud objects
528                         IOobjectList sprayObjs
529                         (
530                             procMeshes.meshes()[procI],
531                             databases[procI].timeName(),
532                             cloud::prefix/cloudDirs[i]
533                         );
535                         IOobject* positionsPtr = sprayObjs.lookup("positions");
537                         if (positionsPtr)
538                         {
539                             cloudObjects.insert(cloudDirs[i], sprayObjs);
540                         }
541                     }
542                 }
543             }
546             if (cloudObjects.size())
547             {
548                 // Pass2: reconstruct the cloud
549                 forAllConstIter(HashTable<IOobjectList>, cloudObjects, iter)
550                 {
551                     const word cloudName = string::validate<word>(iter.key());
553                     // Objects (on arbitrary processor)
554                     const IOobjectList& sprayObjs = iter();
556                     Info<< "Reconstructing lagrangian fields for cloud "
557                         << cloudName << nl << endl;
559                     reconstructLagrangianPositions
560                     (
561                         mesh,
562                         cloudName,
563                         procMeshes.meshes(),
564                         procMeshes.faceProcAddressing(),
565                         procMeshes.cellProcAddressing()
566                     );
567                     reconstructLagrangianFields<label>
568                     (
569                         cloudName,
570                         mesh,
571                         procMeshes.meshes(),
572                         sprayObjs
573                     );
574                     reconstructLagrangianFields<scalar>
575                     (
576                         cloudName,
577                         mesh,
578                         procMeshes.meshes(),
579                         sprayObjs
580                     );
581                     reconstructLagrangianFields<vector>
582                     (
583                         cloudName,
584                         mesh,
585                         procMeshes.meshes(),
586                         sprayObjs
587                     );
588                     reconstructLagrangianFields<sphericalTensor>
589                     (
590                         cloudName,
591                         mesh,
592                         procMeshes.meshes(),
593                         sprayObjs
594                     );
595                     reconstructLagrangianFields<symmTensor>
596                     (
597                         cloudName,
598                         mesh,
599                         procMeshes.meshes(),
600                         sprayObjs
601                     );
602                     reconstructLagrangianFields<tensor>
603                     (
604                         cloudName,
605                         mesh,
606                         procMeshes.meshes(),
607                         sprayObjs
608                     );
609                 }
610             }
611             else
612             {
613                 Info << "No lagrangian fields" << nl << endl;
614             }
615         }
617         // If there are any FA fields, reconstruct them
619         if
620         (
621             objects.lookupClass(areaScalarField::typeName).size()
622          || objects.lookupClass(areaVectorField::typeName).size()
623          || objects.lookupClass(areaSphericalTensorField::typeName).size()
624          || objects.lookupClass(areaSymmTensorField::typeName).size()
625          || objects.lookupClass(areaTensorField::typeName).size()
626          || objects.lookupClass(edgeScalarField::typeName).size()
627         )
628         {
629             Info << "Reconstructing FA fields" << nl << endl;
631             faMesh aMesh(mesh);
633             processorFaMeshes procFaMeshes(procMeshes.meshes());
635             faFieldReconstructor faReconstructor
636             (
637                 aMesh,
638                 procFaMeshes.meshes(),
639                 procFaMeshes.edgeProcAddressing(),
640                 procFaMeshes.faceProcAddressing(),
641                 procFaMeshes.boundaryProcAddressing()
642             );
644             faReconstructor.reconstructFaAreaFields<scalar>(objects);
645             faReconstructor.reconstructFaAreaFields<vector>(objects);
646             faReconstructor
647                .reconstructFaAreaFields<sphericalTensor>(objects);
648             faReconstructor.reconstructFaAreaFields<symmTensor>(objects);
649             faReconstructor.reconstructFaAreaFields<tensor>(objects);
651             faReconstructor.reconstructFaEdgeFields<scalar>(objects);
652         }
653         else
654         {
655             Info << "No FA fields" << nl << endl;
656         }
658         // If there are any "uniform" directories copy them from
659         // the master processor
661         fileName uniformDir0 = databases[0].timePath()/"uniform";
662         if (isDir(uniformDir0))
663         {
664             cp(uniformDir0, runTime.timePath());
665         }
666     }
668     Info<< "End.\n" << endl;
670     return 0;
674 // ************************************************************************* //