[foam-extend-3.2.git] / src / decompositionMethods / parMetisDecomp / parMetisDecomp.C
1 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
2   =========                 |
3   \\      /  F ield         | foam-extend: Open Source CFD
4    \\    /   O peration     | Version:     3.2
5     \\  /    A nd           | Web:
6      \\/     M anipulation  | For copyright notice see file Copyright
7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 License
9     This file is part of foam-extend.
11     foam-extend is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
12     under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
13     Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
14     option) any later version.
16     foam-extend is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
17     WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
19     General Public License for more details.
21     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22     along with foam-extend.  If not, see <>.
24 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
26 #include "parMetisDecomp.H"
27 #include "metisDecomp.H"
28 #include "addToRunTimeSelectionTable.H"
29 #include "floatScalar.H"
30 #include "foamTime.H"
31 #include "labelIOField.H"
32 #include "syncTools.H"
33 #include "globalIndex.H"
35 #include <mpi.h>
37 extern "C"
39 #   include "parmetis.h"
42 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Static Data Members * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
44 namespace Foam
46     defineTypeNameAndDebug(parMetisDecomp, 0);
48     addToRunTimeSelectionTable
49     (
50         decompositionMethod,
51         parMetisDecomp,
52         dictionaryMesh
53     );
57 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * Private Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * //
59 //- Does prevention of 0 cell domains and calls parmetis.
60 Foam::label Foam::parMetisDecomp::decompose
62     Field<int>& xadj,
63     Field<int>& adjncy,
64     const pointField& cellCentres,
65     Field<int>& cellWeights,
66     Field<int>& faceWeights,
67     const List<int>& options,
68     List<int>& finalDecomp
71     // C style numbering
72     int numFlag = 0;
74     // Number of dimensions
75     int nDims = 3;
78     if (cellCentres.size() != xadj.size()-1)
79     {
80         FatalErrorIn("parMetisDecomp::decompose(..)")
81             << "cellCentres:" << cellCentres.size()
82             << " xadj:" << xadj.size()
83             << abort(FatalError);
84     }
87     // Get number of cells on all processors
88     List<int> nLocalCells(Pstream::nProcs());
89     nLocalCells[Pstream::myProcNo()] = xadj.size()-1;
90     Pstream::gatherList(nLocalCells);
91     Pstream::scatterList(nLocalCells);
93     // Get cell offsets.
94     List<int> cellOffsets(Pstream::nProcs()+1);
95     int nGlobalCells = 0;
96     forAll(nLocalCells, procI)
97     {
98         cellOffsets[procI] = nGlobalCells;
99         nGlobalCells += nLocalCells[procI];
100     }
101     cellOffsets[Pstream::nProcs()] = nGlobalCells;
103     // Convert pointField into the data type parMetis expects (float or double)
104     Field<real_t> xyz(3*cellCentres.size());
105     int compI = 0;
106     forAll(cellCentres, cellI)
107     {
108         const point& cc = cellCentres[cellI];
109         xyz[compI++] = float(cc.x());
110         xyz[compI++] = float(cc.y());
111         xyz[compI++] = float(cc.z());
112     }
114     // Make sure every domain has at least one cell
115     // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
116     // (Metis falls over with zero sized domains)
117     // Trickle cells from processors that have them up to those that
118     // don't.
121     // Number of cells to send to the next processor
122     // (is same as number of cells next processor has to receive)
123     List<int> nSendCells(Pstream::nProcs(), 0);
125     for (label procI = nLocalCells.size()-1; procI >=1; procI--)
126     {
127         if (nLocalCells[procI]-nSendCells[procI] < 1)
128         {
129             nSendCells[procI-1] = nSendCells[procI]-nLocalCells[procI]+1;
130         }
131     }
133     // First receive (so increasing the sizes of all arrays)
135     if (Pstream::myProcNo() >= 1 && nSendCells[Pstream::myProcNo()-1] > 0)
136     {
137         // Receive cells from previous processor
138         IPstream fromPrevProc(Pstream::blocking, Pstream::myProcNo()-1);
140         Field<int> prevXadj(fromPrevProc);
141         Field<int> prevAdjncy(fromPrevProc);
142         Field<real_t> prevXyz(fromPrevProc);
143         Field<int> prevCellWeights(fromPrevProc);
144         Field<int> prevFaceWeights(fromPrevProc);
146         if (prevXadj.size() != nSendCells[Pstream::myProcNo()-1])
147         {
148             FatalErrorIn("parMetisDecomp::decompose(..)")
149                 << "Expected from processor " << Pstream::myProcNo()-1
150                 << " connectivity for " << nSendCells[Pstream::myProcNo()-1]
151                 << " nCells but only received " << prevXadj.size()
152                 << abort(FatalError);
153         }
155         // Insert adjncy
156         prepend(prevAdjncy, adjncy);
157         // Adapt offsets and prepend xadj
158         xadj += prevAdjncy.size();
159         prepend(prevXadj, xadj);
160         // Coords
161         prepend(prevXyz, xyz);
162         // Weights
163         prepend(prevCellWeights, cellWeights);
164         prepend(prevFaceWeights, faceWeights);
165     }
168     // Send to my next processor
170     if (nSendCells[Pstream::myProcNo()] > 0)
171     {
172         // Send cells to next processor
173         OPstream toNextProc(Pstream::blocking, Pstream::myProcNo()+1);
175         int nCells = nSendCells[Pstream::myProcNo()];
176         int startCell = xadj.size()-1 - nCells;
177         int startFace = xadj[startCell];
178         int nFaces = adjncy.size()-startFace;
180         // Send for all cell data: last nCells elements
181         // Send for all face data: last nFaces elements
182         toNextProc
183             << Field<int>::subField(xadj, nCells, startCell)-startFace
184             << Field<int>::subField(adjncy, nFaces, startFace)
185             << SubField<real_t>(xyz, nDims*nCells, nDims*startCell)
186             <<
187             (
188                 cellWeights.size()
189               ? static_cast<const Field<int>&>
190                 (
191                     Field<int>::subField(cellWeights, nCells, startCell)
192                 )
193               : Field<int>(0)
194             )
195             <<
196             (
197                 faceWeights.size()
198               ? static_cast<const Field<int>&>
199                 (
200                     Field<int>::subField(faceWeights, nFaces, startFace)
201                 )
202               : Field<int>(0)
203             );
205         // Remove data that has been sent
206         if (faceWeights.size())
207         {
208             faceWeights.setSize(faceWeights.size()-nFaces);
209         }
210         if (cellWeights.size())
211         {
212             cellWeights.setSize(cellWeights.size()-nCells);
213         }
214         xyz.setSize(xyz.size()-nDims*nCells);
215         adjncy.setSize(adjncy.size()-nFaces);
216         xadj.setSize(xadj.size() - nCells);
217     }
221     // Adapt number of cells
222     forAll(nSendCells, procI)
223     {
224         // Sent cells
225         nLocalCells[procI] -= nSendCells[procI];
227         if (procI >= 1)
228         {
229             // Received cells
230             nLocalCells[procI] += nSendCells[procI-1];
231         }
232     }
233     // Adapt cellOffsets
234     nGlobalCells = 0;
235     forAll(nLocalCells, procI)
236     {
237         cellOffsets[procI] = nGlobalCells;
238         nGlobalCells += nLocalCells[procI];
239     }
242     if (nLocalCells[Pstream::myProcNo()] != (xadj.size()-1))
243     {
244         FatalErrorIn("parMetisDecomp::decompose(..)")
245             << "Have connectivity for " << xadj.size()-1
246             << " cells but nLocalCells:" << nLocalCells[Pstream::myProcNo()]
247             << abort(FatalError);
248     }
250     // Weight info
251     int wgtFlag = 0;
252     int* vwgtPtr = NULL;
253     int* adjwgtPtr = NULL;
255     if (cellWeights.size())
256     {
257         vwgtPtr = cellWeights.begin();
258         wgtFlag += 2;       // Weights on vertices
259     }
260     if (faceWeights.size())
261     {
262         adjwgtPtr = faceWeights.begin();
263         wgtFlag += 1;       // Weights on edges
264     }
267     // Number of weights or balance constraints
268     int nCon = 1;
269     // Per processor, per constraint the weight
270     Field<real_t> tpwgts(nCon*nProcessors_, 1./nProcessors_);
271     // Imbalance tolerance
272     Field<real_t> ubvec(nCon, 1.02);
273     if (nProcessors_ == 1)
274     {
275         // If only one processor there is no imbalance.
276         ubvec[0] = 1;
277     }
279     MPI_Comm comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD;
281     // output: cell -> processor addressing
282     finalDecomp.setSize(nLocalCells[Pstream::myProcNo()]);
284     // output: number of cut edges
285     int edgeCut = 0;
288     ParMETIS_V3_PartGeomKway
289     (
290         cellOffsets.begin(),    // vtxDist
291         xadj.begin(),
292         adjncy.begin(),
293         vwgtPtr,                // vertexweights
294         adjwgtPtr,              // edgeweights
295         &wgtFlag,
296         &numFlag,
297         &nDims,
298         xyz.begin(),
299         &nCon,
300         &nProcessors_,          // nParts
301         tpwgts.begin(),
302         ubvec.begin(),
303         const_cast<List<int>&>(options).begin(),
304         &edgeCut,
305         finalDecomp.begin(),
306         &comm
307     );
310     // If we sent cells across make sure we undo it
311     // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
313     // Receive back from next processor if I sent something
314     if (nSendCells[Pstream::myProcNo()] > 0)
315     {
316         IPstream fromNextProc(Pstream::blocking, Pstream::myProcNo()+1);
318         List<int> nextFinalDecomp(fromNextProc);
320         if (nextFinalDecomp.size() != nSendCells[Pstream::myProcNo()])
321         {
322             FatalErrorIn("parMetisDecomp::decompose(..)")
323                 << "Expected from processor " << Pstream::myProcNo()+1
324                 << " decomposition for " << nSendCells[Pstream::myProcNo()]
325                 << " nCells but only received " << nextFinalDecomp.size()
326                 << abort(FatalError);
327         }
329         append(nextFinalDecomp, finalDecomp);
330     }
332     // Send back to previous processor.
333     if (Pstream::myProcNo() >= 1 && nSendCells[Pstream::myProcNo()-1] > 0)
334     {
335         OPstream toPrevProc(Pstream::blocking, Pstream::myProcNo()-1);
337         int nToPrevious = nSendCells[Pstream::myProcNo()-1];
339         toPrevProc <<
340             SubList<int>
341             (
342                 finalDecomp,
343                 nToPrevious,
344                 finalDecomp.size()-nToPrevious
345             );
347         // Remove locally what has been sent
348         finalDecomp.setSize(finalDecomp.size()-nToPrevious);
349     }
351     return edgeCut;
355 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Constructors  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
357 Foam::parMetisDecomp::parMetisDecomp
359     const dictionary& decompositionDict,
360     const polyMesh& mesh
363     decompositionMethod(decompositionDict),
364     mesh_(mesh)
368 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
370 Foam::labelList Foam::parMetisDecomp::decompose
372     const pointField& cc,
373     const scalarField& cWeights
376     if (cc.size() != mesh_.nCells())
377     {
378         FatalErrorIn
379         (
380             "parMetisDecomp::decompose"
381             "(const pointField&, const scalarField&)"
382         )   << "Can use this decomposition method only for the whole mesh"
383             << endl
384             << "and supply one coordinate (cellCentre) for every cell." << endl
385             << "The number of coordinates " << cc.size() << endl
386             << "The number of cells in the mesh " << mesh_.nCells()
387             << exit(FatalError);
388     }
390     // For running sequential ...
391     if (Pstream::nProcs() <= 1)
392     {
393         return metisDecomp(decompositionDict_, mesh_).decompose
394         (
395             cc,
396             cWeights
397         );
398     }
401     // Connections
402     Field<int> adjncy;
403     // Offsets into adjncy
404     Field<int> xadj;
405     calcDistributedCSR
406     (
407         mesh_,
408         adjncy,
409         xadj
410     );
413     // decomposition options. 0 = use defaults
414     List<int> options(3, 0);
415     //options[0] = 1;     // don't use defaults but use values below
416     //options[1] = -1;    // full debug info
417     //options[2] = 15;    // random number seed
419     // cell weights (so on the vertices of the dual)
420     Field<int> cellWeights;
422     // face weights (so on the edges of the dual)
423     Field<int> faceWeights;
426     // Check for externally provided cellweights and if so initialise weights
427     scalar minWeights = gMin(cWeights);
428     if (cWeights.size() > 0)
429     {
430         if (minWeights <= 0)
431         {
432             WarningIn
433             (
434                 "metisDecomp::decompose"
435                 "(const pointField&, const scalarField&)"
436             )   << "Illegal minimum weight " << minWeights
437                 << endl;
438         }
440         if (cWeights.size() != mesh_.nCells())
441         {
442             FatalErrorIn
443             (
444                 "parMetisDecomp::decompose"
445                 "(const pointField&, const scalarField&)"
446             )   << "Number of cell weights " << cWeights.size()
447                 << " does not equal number of cells " << mesh_.nCells()
448                 << exit(FatalError);
449         }
451         // Convert to integers.
452         cellWeights.setSize(cWeights.size());
453         forAll(cellWeights, i)
454         {
455             cellWeights[i] = int(cWeights[i]/minWeights);
456         }
457     }
460     // Check for user supplied weights and decomp options
461     if (decompositionDict_.found("metisCoeffs"))
462     {
463         const dictionary& metisCoeffs =
464             decompositionDict_.subDict("metisCoeffs");
465         word weightsFile;
467         if (metisCoeffs.readIfPresent("cellWeightsFile", weightsFile))
468         {
469             Info<< "parMetisDecomp : Using cell-based weights read from "
470                 << weightsFile << endl;
472             labelIOField cellIOWeights
473             (
474                 IOobject
475                 (
476                     weightsFile,
477                     mesh_.time().timeName(),
478                     mesh_,
479                     IOobject::MUST_READ,
480                     IOobject::AUTO_WRITE
481                 )
482             );
483             cellWeights.transfer(cellIOWeights);
485             if (cellWeights.size() != mesh_.nCells())
486             {
487                 FatalErrorIn
488                 (
489                     "parMetisDecomp::decompose"
490                     "(const pointField&, const scalarField&)"
491                 )   << "Number of cell weights " << cellWeights.size()
492                     << " read from " << cellIOWeights.objectPath()
493                     << " does not equal number of cells " << mesh_.nCells()
494                     << exit(FatalError);
495             }
496         }
498         if (metisCoeffs.readIfPresent("faceWeightsFile", weightsFile))
499         {
500             Info<< "parMetisDecomp : Using face-based weights read from "
501                 << weightsFile << endl;
503             labelIOField weights
504             (
505                 IOobject
506                 (
507                     weightsFile,
508                     mesh_.time().timeName(),
509                     mesh_,
510                     IOobject::MUST_READ,
511                     IOobject::AUTO_WRITE
512                 )
513             );
515             if (weights.size() != mesh_.nFaces())
516             {
517                 FatalErrorIn
518                 (
519                     "parMetisDecomp::decompose"
520                     "(const pointField&, const scalarField&)"
521                 )   << "Number of face weights " << weights.size()
522                     << " does not equal number of internal and boundary faces "
523                     << mesh_.nFaces()
524                     << exit(FatalError);
525             }
527             faceWeights.setSize(adjncy.size());
529             // Assume symmetric weights. Keep same ordering as adjncy.
530             List<int> nFacesPerCell(mesh_.nCells(), 0);
532             // Handle internal faces
533             for (label faceI = 0; faceI < mesh_.nInternalFaces(); faceI++)
534             {
535                 label w = weights[faceI];
537                 label own = mesh_.faceOwner()[faceI];
538                 label nei = mesh_.faceNeighbour()[faceI];
540                 faceWeights[xadj[own] + nFacesPerCell[own]++] = w;
541                 faceWeights[xadj[nei] + nFacesPerCell[nei]++] = w;
542             }
543             // Coupled boundary faces
544             const polyBoundaryMesh& patches = mesh_.boundaryMesh();
546             forAll(patches, patchI)
547             {
548                 const polyPatch& pp = patches[patchI];
550                 if (pp.coupled())
551                 {
552                     label faceI = pp.start();
554                     forAll(pp, i)
555                     {
556                         label w = weights[faceI];
557                         label own = mesh_.faceOwner()[faceI];
558                         faceWeights[xadj[own] + nFacesPerCell[own]++] = w;
559                         faceI++;
560                     }
561                 }
562             }
563         }
565         if (metisCoeffs.readIfPresent("options", options))
566         {
567             Info<< "Using Metis options     " << options
568                 << nl << endl;
570             if (options.size() != 3)
571             {
572                 FatalErrorIn
573                 (
574                     "parMetisDecomp::decompose"
575                     "(const pointField&, const scalarField&)"
576                 )   << "Number of options " << options.size()
577                     << " should be three." << exit(FatalError);
578             }
579         }
580     }
583     // Do actual decomposition
584     List<int> finalDecomp;
585     decompose
586     (
587         xadj,
588         adjncy,
589         cc,
590         cellWeights,
591         faceWeights,
592         options,
593         finalDecomp
594     );
596     // Copy back to labelList
597     labelList decomp(finalDecomp.size());
598     forAll(decomp, i)
599     {
600         decomp[i] = finalDecomp[i];
601     }
602     return decomp;
606 Foam::labelList Foam::parMetisDecomp::decompose
608     const labelList& cellToRegion,
609     const pointField& regionPoints,
610     const scalarField& regionWeights
613     const labelList& faceOwner = mesh_.faceOwner();
614     const labelList& faceNeighbour = mesh_.faceNeighbour();
615     const polyBoundaryMesh& patches = mesh_.boundaryMesh();
617     if (cellToRegion.size() != mesh_.nCells())
618     {
619         FatalErrorIn
620         (
621             "parMetisDecomp::decompose(const labelList&, const pointField&)"
622         )   << "Size of cell-to-coarse map " << cellToRegion.size()
623             << " differs from number of cells in mesh " << mesh_.nCells()
624             << exit(FatalError);
625     }
628     // Global region numbering engine
629     globalIndex globalRegions(regionPoints.size());
632     // Get renumbered owner region on other side of coupled faces
633     // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
635     List<int> globalNeighbour(mesh_.nFaces()-mesh_.nInternalFaces());
637     forAll(patches, patchI)
638     {
639         const polyPatch& pp = patches[patchI];
641         if (pp.coupled())
642         {
643             label faceI = pp.start();
644             label bFaceI = pp.start() - mesh_.nInternalFaces();
646             forAll(pp, i)
647             {
648                 label ownRegion = cellToRegion[faceOwner[faceI]];
649                 globalNeighbour[bFaceI++] = globalRegions.toGlobal(ownRegion);
650                 faceI++;
651             }
652         }
653     }
655     // Get the cell on the other side of coupled patches
656     syncTools::swapBoundaryFaceList(mesh_, globalNeighbour, false);
659     // Get globalCellCells on coarse mesh
660     // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
662     labelListList globalRegionRegions;
663     {
664         List<DynamicList<label> > dynRegionRegions(regionPoints.size());
666         // Internal faces first
667         forAll(faceNeighbour, faceI)
668         {
669             label ownRegion = cellToRegion[faceOwner[faceI]];
670             label neiRegion = cellToRegion[faceNeighbour[faceI]];
672             if (ownRegion != neiRegion)
673             {
674                 label globalOwn = globalRegions.toGlobal(ownRegion);
675                 label globalNei = globalRegions.toGlobal(neiRegion);
677                 if (findIndex(dynRegionRegions[ownRegion], globalNei) == -1)
678                 {
679                     dynRegionRegions[ownRegion].append(globalNei);
680                 }
681                 if (findIndex(dynRegionRegions[neiRegion], globalOwn) == -1)
682                 {
683                     dynRegionRegions[neiRegion].append(globalOwn);
684                 }
685             }
686         }
688         // Coupled boundary faces
689         forAll(patches, patchI)
690         {
691             const polyPatch& pp = patches[patchI];
693             if (pp.coupled())
694             {
695                 label faceI = pp.start();
696                 label bFaceI = pp.start() - mesh_.nInternalFaces();
698                 forAll(pp, i)
699                 {
700                     label ownRegion = cellToRegion[faceOwner[faceI]];
701                     label globalNei = globalNeighbour[bFaceI++];
702                     faceI++;
704                     if
705                     (
706                         findIndex(dynRegionRegions[ownRegion], globalNei)
707                      == -1
708                     )
709                     {
710                         dynRegionRegions[ownRegion].append(globalNei);
711                     }
712                 }
713             }
714         }
716         globalRegionRegions.setSize(dynRegionRegions.size());
717         forAll(dynRegionRegions, i)
718         {
719             globalRegionRegions[i].transfer(dynRegionRegions[i]);
720         }
721     }
723     labelList regionDecomp
724     (
725         decompose
726         (
727             globalRegionRegions,
728             regionPoints,
729             regionWeights
730         )
731     );
733     // Rework back into decomposition for original mesh_
734     labelList cellDistribution(cellToRegion.size());
736     forAll(cellDistribution, cellI)
737     {
738         cellDistribution[cellI] = regionDecomp[cellToRegion[cellI]];
739     }
741     return cellDistribution;
745 Foam::labelList Foam::parMetisDecomp::decompose
747     const labelListList& globalCellCells,
748     const pointField& cellCentres,
749     const scalarField& cWeights
752     if (cellCentres.size() != globalCellCells.size())
753     {
754         FatalErrorIn
755         (
756             "parMetisDecomp::decompose(const labelListList&"
757             ", const pointField&, const scalarField&)"
758         )   << "Inconsistent number of cells (" << globalCellCells.size()
759             << ") and number of cell centres (" << cellCentres.size()
760             << ") or weights (" << cWeights.size() << ")." << exit(FatalError);
761     }
763     // For running sequential ...
764     if (Pstream::nProcs() <= 1)
765     {
766         return metisDecomp(decompositionDict_, mesh_).decompose
767         (
768             globalCellCells,
769             cellCentres,
770             cWeights
771         );
772     }
775     // Make Metis Distributed CSR (Compressed Storage Format) storage
777     // Connections
778     Field<int> adjncy;
780     // Offsets into adjncy
781     Field<int> xadj;
783     calcCSR(globalCellCells, adjncy, xadj);
785     // decomposition options. 0 = use defaults
786     List<int> options(3, 0);
787     //options[0] = 1;     // don't use defaults but use values below
788     //options[1] = -1;    // full debug info
789     //options[2] = 15;    // random number seed
791     // cell weights (so on the vertices of the dual)
792     Field<int> cellWeights;
794     // face weights (so on the edges of the dual)
795     Field<int> faceWeights;
798     // Check for externally provided cellweights and if so initialise weights
799     scalar minWeights = gMin(cWeights);
800     if (cWeights.size() > 0)
801     {
802         if (minWeights <= 0)
803         {
804             WarningIn
805             (
806                 "parMetisDecomp::decompose(const labelListList&"
807                 ", const pointField&, const scalarField&)"
808             )   << "Illegal minimum weight " << minWeights
809                 << endl;
810         }
812         if (cWeights.size() != globalCellCells.size())
813         {
814             FatalErrorIn
815             (
816                 "parMetisDecomp::decompose(const labelListList&"
817                 ", const pointField&, const scalarField&)"
818             )   << "Number of cell weights " << cWeights.size()
819                 << " does not equal number of cells " << globalCellCells.size()
820                 << exit(FatalError);
821         }
823         // Convert to integers.
824         cellWeights.setSize(cWeights.size());
825         forAll(cellWeights, i)
826         {
827             cellWeights[i] = int(cWeights[i]/minWeights);
828         }
829     }
832     // Check for user supplied weights and decomp options
833     if (decompositionDict_.found("metisCoeffs"))
834     {
835         const dictionary& metisCoeffs =
836             decompositionDict_.subDict("metisCoeffs");
838         if (metisCoeffs.readIfPresent("options", options))
839         {
840             Info<< "Using Metis options     " << options
841                 << nl << endl;
843             if (options.size() != 3)
844             {
845                 FatalErrorIn
846                 (
847                     "parMetisDecomp::decompose(const labelListList&"
848                     ", const pointField&, const scalarField&)"
849                 )   << "Number of options " << options.size()
850                     << " should be three." << exit(FatalError);
851             }
852         }
853     }
856     // Do actual decomposition
857     List<int> finalDecomp;
858     decompose
859     (
860         xadj,
861         adjncy,
862         cellCentres,
863         cellWeights,
864         faceWeights,
865         options,
866         finalDecomp
867     );
869     // Copy back to labelList
870     labelList decomp(finalDecomp.size());
871     forAll(decomp, i)
872     {
873         decomp[i] = finalDecomp[i];
874     }
875     return decomp;
879 // ************************************************************************* //