Better bounding on topo change
[foam-extend-3.2.git] / src / foam / interpolations / GGIInterpolation / GGIInterpolationWeights.C
1 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
2   =========                 |
3   \\      /  F ield         | foam-extend: Open Source CFD
4    \\    /   O peration     | Version:     3.2
5     \\  /    A nd           | Web:
6      \\/     M anipulation  | For copyright notice see file Copyright
7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 License
9     This file is part of foam-extend.
11     foam-extend is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
12     under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
13     Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
14     option) any later version.
16     foam-extend is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
17     WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
19     General Public License for more details.
21     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22     along with foam-extend.  If not, see <>.
24 Description
25     Mass-conservative face interpolation of face data between two
26     primitivePatches
28 Author
29     Hrvoje Jasak, Wikki Ltd.  All rights reserved
31 Modification by:
32     Martin Beaudoin, Hydro-Quebec, (2008)
34 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
36 #include "GGIInterpolationTemplate.H"
37 #include "objectHit.H"
38 #include "boolList.H"
39 #include "DynamicList.H"
40 #include "dimensionedConstants.H"
42 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
44 namespace Foam
47 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Static Data Members * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
49 template<class MasterPatch, class SlavePatch>
50 const Foam::debug::tolerancesSwitch
51 GGIInterpolation<MasterPatch, SlavePatch>::areaErrorTol_
53     "GGIAreaErrorTol",
54     1.0e-8,
55     "Minimum GGI face to face intersection area. The smallest accepted GGI weighting factor."
58 template<class MasterPatch, class SlavePatch>
59 const Foam::debug::tolerancesSwitch
60 GGIInterpolation<MasterPatch, SlavePatch>::featureCosTol_
62     "GGIFeatureCosTol",
63     0.8,
64     "Minimum cosine value between 2 GGI patch neighbouring facet normals."
67 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * Private Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * //
69 template<class MasterPatch, class SlavePatch>
70 void GGIInterpolation<MasterPatch, SlavePatch>::calcAddressing() const
72     if
73     (
74         masterAddrPtr_
75      || masterWeightsPtr_
76      || slaveAddrPtr_
77      || slaveWeightsPtr_
78      || uncoveredMasterAddrPtr_
79      || uncoveredSlaveAddrPtr_
80     )
81     {
82         FatalErrorIn
83         (
84             "void GGIInterpolation<MasterPatch, SlavePatch>::"
85             "calcAddressing() const"
86         )   << "Addressing already calculated"
87             << abort(FatalError);
88     }
90     if (debug)
91     {
92         InfoIn
93         (
94             "void GGIInterpolation<MasterPatch, SlavePatch>::"
95             "calcAddressing() const"
96         )   << "Evaluation of GGI weighting factors:" << endl;
97     }
99     // Create the dynamic lists to hold the addressing
101     // The final master/slave list, after filtering out the "false" neighbours
102     List<DynamicList<label, 8> > masterNeighbors(masterPatch_.size());
103     List<DynamicList<label, 8> > slaveNeighbors(slavePatch_.size());
105     // The weights
106     List<DynamicList<scalar, 8> > masterNeighborsWeights(masterPatch_.size());
107     List<DynamicList<scalar, 8> > slaveNeighborsWeights(slavePatch_.size());
109     // First, find a rough estimate of each slave and master facet
110     // neighborhood by filtering out all the faces located outside of
111     // an Axis-Aligned Bounding Box (AABB).  Warning: This algorithm
112     // is based on the evaluation of AABB boxes, which is pretty fast;
113     // but still the complexity of the algorithm is n^2, wich is
114     // pretty bad for GGI patches composed of 100,000 of facets...  So
115     // here is the place where we could certainly gain major speedup
116     // for larger meshes.
118     // The candidates master neighbours
119     // Choice of algorithm:
120     // 1) Axis-aligned bounding box
121     // 2) Octree search with bounding box
122     // 3) 3-D vector distance
123     // 4) n-Squared search
124     labelListList candidateMasterNeighbors;
126     if (reject_ == AABB)
127     {
128          findNeighboursAABB(candidateMasterNeighbors);
129     }
130     else if (reject_ == BB_OCTREE)
131     {
132          findNeighboursBBOctree(candidateMasterNeighbors);
133     }
134     else if (reject_ == THREE_D_DISTANCE)
135     {
136          findNeighbours3D(candidateMasterNeighbors);
137     }
138     else if (reject_ == N_SQUARED)
139     {
140         candidateMasterNeighbors.setSize(masterPatch_.size());
142         // Mark N-squared search
143         labelList nSquaredList(slavePatch_.size());
144         forAll (nSquaredList, i)
145         {
146             nSquaredList[i] = i;
147         }
149         forAll (candidateMasterNeighbors, j)
150         {
151             candidateMasterNeighbors[j] = nSquaredList;
152         }
153     }
155     // Next, we move to the 2D world.  We project each slave and
156     // master face onto a local plane defined by the master face
157     // normal.  We filter out a few false neighbors using the
158     // Separating Axes Theorem
160     // It is in this local plane that we will refine our list of
161     // neighbors.  So for a given a neighbor face, we need as many
162     // projections as there are neighbors closeby.
164     const pointField& masterPatchPoints = masterPatch_.points();
165     const vectorField masterPatchNormals = masterPatch_.faceNormals();
167     // Store the polygon made by projecting the face points onto the
168     // face normal
169     // The master faces polygons
170     List<pointField>  masterFace2DPolygon(masterPatch_.size());
172     // Tolerance factor for the Separation of Axes Theorem == distErrorTol_
174     forAll (masterPatch_, faceMi)
175     {
176         // First, we make sure that all the master faces points are
177         // recomputed onto the 2D plane defined by the master faces
178         // normals.
179         // For triangles, this is useless, but for N-gons
180         // with more than 3 points, this is essential.
181         // The intersection between the master and slave faces will be
182         // done in these 2D reference frames
184         // A few basic information to keep close-by
185         vector currentMasterFaceNormal = masterPatchNormals[faceMi];
186         vector currentMasterFaceCentre =
187             masterPatch_[faceMi].centre(masterPatchPoints);
189         scalarField facePolygonErrorProjection;
191         // Project the master faces points onto the normal face plane to
192         // form a flattened polygon
193         masterFace2DPolygon[faceMi] =
194             projectPointsOnPlane
195             (
196                 masterPatch_[faceMi].points(masterPatchPoints),
197                 currentMasterFaceCentre,
198                 currentMasterFaceNormal,
199                 facePolygonErrorProjection
200             );
202         // Next we compute an orthonormal basis (u, v, w) aligned with
203         // the face normal for doing the 3D to 2D projection.
204         //
205         // "w" is aligned on the face normal.  We need to select a "u"
206         // direction, it can be anything as long as it lays on the
207         // projection plane.  We chose to use the direction from the
208         // master face center to the most distant projected master face
209         // point on the plane.  Finally, we get "v" by evaluating the
210         // cross-product w^u = v.  And we make sure that u, v, and w are
211         // normalized.
212         //
213         //
214         //                                                       u  =  vector from face center to most distant projected master face point.
215         //                                               /       .
216         //           ^y                                / |       .      .w = normal to master face
217         //           |                               /   |       .    .
218         //           |                             /     |       .  .
219         //           |                            |      |       .
220         //           |                            |      /        .
221         //           |                            |    /           .
222         //           |                            |  /              .
223         //           ---------> x                 |/                 .
224         //          /                                                 v = w^u
225         //         /
226         //        /
227         //       z
228         //
229         //
231         orthoNormalBasis uvw =
232             computeOrthonormalBasis
233             (
234                 currentMasterFaceCentre,
235                 currentMasterFaceNormal,
236                 masterFace2DPolygon[faceMi]
237             );
239         // Recompute the master polygon into this orthoNormalBasis
240         // We should only see a rotation along the normal of the face here
241         List<point2D> masterPointsInUV;
242         scalarField masterErrorProjectionAlongW;
244         masterPointsInUV =
245             projectPoints3Dto2D
246             (
247                 uvw,
248                 currentMasterFaceCentre,
249                 masterFace2DPolygon[faceMi],
250                 masterErrorProjectionAlongW   // Should be at zero all the way
251             );
253         // Compute the surface area of the polygon;
254         // We need this for computing the weighting factors
255         scalar surfaceAreaMasterPointsInUV = area2D(masterPointsInUV);
257         // Check if polygon is CW.. Should not, it should be CCW; but
258         // better and cheaper to check here
259         if (surfaceAreaMasterPointsInUV < 0.0)
260         {
261             reverse(masterPointsInUV);
262             surfaceAreaMasterPointsInUV = -surfaceAreaMasterPointsInUV;
264             // Just generate a warning until we can verify this is a non issue
265             InfoIn
266             (
267                 "void GGIInterpolation<MasterPatch, SlavePatch>::"
268                 "calcAddressing()"
269             )   << "The master projected polygon was CW instead of CCW.  "
270                 << "This is strange..."  << endl;
271         }
273         // Next, project the candidate master neighbours faces points
274         // onto the same plane using the new orthonormal basis
275         const labelList& curCMN = candidateMasterNeighbors[faceMi];
277         forAll (curCMN, neighbI)
278         {
279             // For each points, compute the dot product with u,v,w.  The
280             // [u,v] component will gives us the 2D cordinates we are
281             // looking for for doing the 2D intersection The w component
282             // is basically the projection error normal to the projection
283             // plane
285             // NB: this polygon is most certainly CW w/r to the uvw
286             // axis because of the way the normals are oriented on
287             // each side of the GGI interface... We will switch the
288             // polygon to CCW in due time...
289             List<point2D> neighbPointsInUV;
290             scalarField neighbErrorProjectionAlongW;
292             // We use the xyz points directly, with a possible transformation
293             pointField curSlaveFacePoints =
294                 slavePatch_[curCMN[neighbI]].points(slavePatch_.points());
296             if (doTransform())
297             {
298                 // Transform points to master plane
299                 if (forwardT_.size() == 1)
300                 {
301                     transform
302                     (
303                         curSlaveFacePoints,
304                         forwardT_[0],
305                         curSlaveFacePoints
306                     );
307                 }
308                 else
309                 {
310                     transform
311                     (
312                         curSlaveFacePoints,
313                         forwardT_[curCMN[neighbI]],
314                         curSlaveFacePoints
315                     );
316                 }
317             }
319             // Apply the translation offset in order to keep the
320             // neighbErrorProjectionAlongW values to a minimum
321             if (doSeparation())
322             {
323                 if (forwardSep_.size() == 1)
324                 {
325                     curSlaveFacePoints += forwardSep_[0];
326                 }
327                 else
328                 {
329                     curSlaveFacePoints += forwardSep_[curCMN[neighbI]];
330                 }
331             }
333             neighbPointsInUV =
334                 projectPoints3Dto2D
335                 (
336                     uvw,
337                     currentMasterFaceCentre,
338                     curSlaveFacePoints,
339                     neighbErrorProjectionAlongW
340                 );
342             // We are now ready to filter out the "bad" neighbours.
343             // For this, we will apply the Separating Axes Theorem
344             //
346             // This will be the second and last quick reject test.
347             // We will use the 2D projected points for both the master
348             // patch and its neighbour candidates
349             if
350             (
351                 detect2dPolygonsOverlap
352                 (
353                     masterPointsInUV,
354                     neighbPointsInUV,
355                     sqrt(areaErrorTol_()) // distErrorTol
356                 )
357             )
358             {
359                 // We have an overlap between the master face and this
360                 // neighbor face.
361                 label faceMaster = faceMi;
362                 label faceSlave  = curCMN[neighbI];
364                 // Compute the surface area of the neighbour polygon;
365                 // We need this for computing the weighting factors
366                 scalar surfaceAreaNeighbPointsInUV = area2D(neighbPointsInUV);
368                 // Check for CW polygons. It most certainly is, and
369                 // the polygon intersection algorithms are expecting
370                 // to work with CCW point ordering for the polygons
371                 if (surfaceAreaNeighbPointsInUV < 0.0)
372                 {
373                     reverse(neighbPointsInUV);
374                     surfaceAreaNeighbPointsInUV = -surfaceAreaNeighbPointsInUV;
375                 }
378                 // We compute the intersection area using the
379                 // Sutherland-Hodgman algorithm.  Of course, if the
380                 // intersection area is 0, that would constitute the last and
381                 // final reject test, but it would also be an indication that
382                 // our 2 previous rejection tests are a bit laxed...  or that
383                 // maybe we are in presence of concave polygons....
384                 scalar intersectionArea =
385                     polygonIntersection
386                     (
387                         masterPointsInUV,
388                         neighbPointsInUV
389                     );
391                 if (intersectionArea > VSMALL) // Or > areaErrorTol_ ???
392                 {
393                     // We compute the GGI weights based on this
394                     // intersection area, and on the individual face
395                     // area on each side of the GGI.
397                     // Since all the intersection have been computed
398                     // in the projected UV space we need to compute
399                     // the weights using the surface area from the
400                     // faces projection as well. That way, we make
401                     // sure all our factors will sum up to 1.0.
403                     masterNeighbors[faceMaster].append(faceSlave);
404                     slaveNeighbors[faceSlave].append(faceMaster);
406                     masterNeighborsWeights[faceMaster].append
407                     (
408                         intersectionArea/surfaceAreaMasterPointsInUV
409                     );
411                     slaveNeighborsWeights[faceSlave].append
412                     (
413                         intersectionArea/surfaceAreaNeighbPointsInUV
414                     );
415                 }
416                 else
417                 {
418                     WarningIn
419                     (
420                         "GGIInterpolation<MasterPatch, SlavePatch>::"
421                         "calcAddressing()"
422                     )   << "polygonIntersection is returning a "
423                         << "zero surface area between " << nl
424                         << "     Master face: " << faceMi
425                         << " and Neighbour face: " << curCMN[neighbI]
426                         << " intersection area = " << intersectionArea << nl
427                         << "Please check the two quick-check algorithms for "
428                         << "GGIInterpolation.  Something is  missing." << endl;
429                 }
430             }
431         }
433         // We went through all the possible neighbors for this face.
434     }
437     // Allocate the member attributes and pack addressing
438     masterAddrPtr_ = new labelListList(masterPatch_.size());
439     labelListList& ma  = *masterAddrPtr_;
441     masterWeightsPtr_ = new scalarListList(masterPatch_.size());
442     scalarListList& maW = *masterWeightsPtr_;
444     forAll (ma, mfI)
445     {
446         ma[mfI].transfer(masterNeighbors[mfI].shrink());
447         maW[mfI].transfer(masterNeighborsWeights[mfI].shrink());
448     }
450     slaveAddrPtr_ = new labelListList(slavePatch_.size());
451     labelListList& sa = *slaveAddrPtr_;
453     slaveWeightsPtr_ = new scalarListList(slavePatch_.size());
454     scalarListList& saW = *slaveWeightsPtr_;
456     forAll (sa, sfI)
457     {
458         sa[sfI].transfer(slaveNeighbors[sfI].shrink());
459         saW[sfI].transfer(slaveNeighborsWeights[sfI].shrink());
460     }
462     // Now that the neighbourhood is known, let's go hunting for
463     // non-overlapping faces
464     uncoveredMasterAddrPtr_ =
465         new labelList
466         (
467             findNonOverlappingFaces(maW, masterNonOverlapFaceTol_)
468         );
470     uncoveredSlaveAddrPtr_ =
471         new labelList
472         (
473             findNonOverlappingFaces(saW, slaveNonOverlapFaceTol_)
474         );
476     // Rescaling the weighting factors so they will sum up to 1.0
477     // See the comment for the method ::rescaleWeightingFactors() for
478     // more information.  By default, we always rescale.  But for some
479     // special kind of GGI interpolation, like the mixingPlaneGGI,
480     // then we need the brute values, so no rescaling in that
481     // case. Hence the little flag rescaleGGIWeightingFactors_
483     if (rescaleGGIWeightingFactors_)
484     {
485         rescaleWeightingFactors();
486     }
490 // Rescaling the weighting factors so they will sum up to 1.0 This is
491 // necessary for the slave weighting factors because intersection with
492 // master neighbours are usually computed from different projection
493 // plane, so the weighting factor don't quite sum up to 1.0 For the
494 // slave weighting factors, we are usually talking of delta of the
495 // order of 10e-6 here.
497 // For the master weighting factor, this is another story. We truly
498 // expect that the master weighting factors will exactly sum up to 1.0
499 // if all the neighbours are properly identified.
501 // However, for concentric circular geometry, if the circumferantial
502 // resolution is too coarse, we will end up with some part of the face
503 // surface that are not taken into account because they do not
504 // physically overlap any neighbours.  For example, think of 2
505 // concentric circular patches, slightly rotated one relatively to the
506 // other.  A good case: the ercoftac conical diffuser, Case0...  GGI
507 // located right between the cylindrical and conical parts, rotate the
508 // cylindrical by 15 degrees.  For this case, we will need to devise a
509 // decent strategy in order to intelligently take care of these
510 // "missing weights"
512 // The purpose of the ::rescaleWeightingFactors() method is mainly for
513 // this.
514 template<class MasterPatch, class SlavePatch>
515 void GGIInterpolation<MasterPatch, SlavePatch>::rescaleWeightingFactors() const
517     scalarListList& maW = *masterWeightsPtr_;
518     scalarListList& saW = *slaveWeightsPtr_;
520     // Memorize the largest correction needed in order to provide some
521     // basic info to the user
522     scalar largestSWC = 0;
523     scalar sumSWC = 0;
524     scalar curSWC = 0;
526     scalar largestMWC = 0;
527     scalar sumMWC = 0;
528     scalar curMWC = 0;
530     // Rescaling the slave weights
531     if (debug)
532     {
533         if
534         (
535             uncoveredMasterFaces().size() > 0
536          || uncoveredSlaveFaces().size() > 0
537         )
538         {
539             InfoIn
540             (
541                 "void GGIInterpolation<MasterPatch, SlavePatch>::"
542                 "rescaleWeightingFactors() const"
543             )   << "Uncovered faces found.  On master: "
544                 << uncoveredMasterFaces().size()
545                 << " on slave: " << uncoveredSlaveFaces().size() << endl;
546         }
547       }
549     forAll (saW, saWi)
550     {
551         scalar slaveWeightSum = Foam::sum(saW[saWi]);
553         if (saW[saWi].size() > 0)
554         {
555             saW[saWi] = saW[saWi]/slaveWeightSum;
557             // Some book-keeping
558             curSWC = mag(1.0 - slaveWeightSum);
559             largestSWC = Foam::max(largestSWC, curSWC);
561             sumSWC += curSWC;
562         }
563     }
565     // Rescaling the master weights
566     forAll (maW, maWi)
567     {
568         scalar masterWeightSum = Foam::sum(maW[maWi]);
570         if (maW[maWi].size() > 0)
571         {
572             maW[maWi] = maW[maWi]/masterWeightSum;
574             // Some book-keeping
575             curMWC = mag(1.0 - masterWeightSum);
576             largestMWC = Foam::max(largestMWC, curMWC);
578             sumMWC += curMWC;
579         }
580     }
582     if (debug)
583     {
584         if (saW.size() > 0 && maW.size() > 0)
585         {
586             Info<< "  Largest slave weighting factor correction : "
587                 << largestSWC
588                 << " average: " << sumSWC/saW.size() << nl
589                 << "  Largest master weighting factor correction: "
590                 << largestMWC
591                 << " average: " << sumMWC/maW.size() << endl;
592         }
593     }
597 // Find non-overlapping faces from both master and slave patches
598 // The default non-overlapping criteria is total absence of neighbours.
599 // Later on, ths criteria will be based on minimum surface intersection, or
600 // minimum weight factor
601 template<class MasterPatch, class SlavePatch>
602 tmp<labelField>
603 GGIInterpolation<MasterPatch, SlavePatch>::findNonOverlappingFaces
605     const scalarListList& patchWeights,
606     const scalar& nonOverlapFaceTol   //  = min sum of the neighbour weights
607 ) const
609     tmp<labelField> tpatchFaceNonOverlapAddr(new labelField());
610     labelField& patchFaceNonOverlapAddr = tpatchFaceNonOverlapAddr();
612     DynamicList<label, 64> patchFaceNonOverlap(patchWeights.size());
614     // Scan the list of patch weights, looking for empty lists
615     forAll (patchWeights, paWi)
616     {
617         scalar sumWeightsFace = sum(patchWeights[paWi]);
619         if (sumWeightsFace <= nonOverlapFaceTol)
620         {
621             // Store local index.
622             patchFaceNonOverlap.append(paWi);
623         }
624     }
626     if (patchFaceNonOverlap.size() > 0)
627     {
628         patchFaceNonOverlapAddr.transfer(patchFaceNonOverlap.shrink());
629     }
631     if (debug)
632     {
633         InfoIn("GGIInterpolation::findNonOverlappingFaces")
634             << "   : Found " << patchFaceNonOverlapAddr.size()
635             << " non-overlapping faces for this GGI patch" << endl;
636     }
638     return tpatchFaceNonOverlapAddr;
641 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
643 } // End namespace Foam
645 // ************************************************************************* //