Bugfix: added mapping methods to point patch vector fields that have pointField ...
[foam-extend-4.0.git] / tutorials / incompressible / pimpleDyMFoam / movingCylinders / setBatchMotion
1 faceSet topLayerCyl1 new cellToFace cyl1 all
2 faceSet topLayerCyl1 subset cellToFace c1Top all
3 cellSet topLayerCyl1MasterCells new cellToCell c1Top
5 faceSet botLayerCyl1 new cellToFace cyl1 all
6 faceSet botLayerCyl1 subset cellToFace c1Bot all
7 cellSet botLayerCyl1MasterCells new cellToCell c1Bot
9 faceSet topLayerCyl2 new cellToFace cyl2 all
10 faceSet topLayerCyl2 subset cellToFace c2Top all
11 cellSet topLayerCyl2MasterCells new cellToCell c2Top
13 faceSet botLayerCyl2 new cellToFace cyl2 all
14 faceSet botLayerCyl2 subset cellToFace c2Bot all
15 cellSet botLayerCyl2MasterCells new cellToCell c2Bot
17 cellSet c1Top delete
18 cellSet c1Bot delete
19 cellSet c2Top delete
20 cellSet c2Bot delete
23 quit
25 cd constant/polyMesh/sets/
26 \rm *_old *_old.gz
28 setsToZones