1 When possible please contact us using the means listed on http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/fpdb/index.php?title=Contact_-_Get_Help
2 That way you'll get better help faster, and spread the workload for us more evenly.
4 This list is somewhat incomplete! Contact steffen if you're missing from it.
6 This is a list of everyone who contributed to fpdb. I'll be contacting everyone to ask whether/what contact details they want added. If you're using git feel free to update your own info. Everything is optional.
8 Each entry is in the following format:
11 other contacts (mail, IRC, IM)
17 steffen@schaumburger.info
18 IRC: steffen123/steffen123_/steffen123__
19 Jabber: steffen@schaumburger.info
25 carl.gherardi@gmail.com
37 Jabber: dooglus@gmail.com
38 git: http://repo.or.cz/w/fpdb-dooglus.git
70 Translations (alphabetically by language)
74 kibbitzer (French fr_FR)
75 Julien_ (French fr_FR)
76 PassThePeas (French fr_FR)
77 tribumarchal (French fr_FR)
79 Steffen Schaumburg (German de_DE)
80 Erki Ferenc (Hungarian hu_HU)
81 seppone1991 (Italian it_IT)
82 OvidijusSv (Lithuanian lt_LT)
84 pkpkpkdo (Portugese pt_BR)
90 Testers and everyone answering forum questions - xaviax, Dog, uncooper etc. You know who you are.