Add new filter 'Currency'. I occasionally play for play money, but don't want the...
[fpdb-dooglus.git] / pyfpdb /
1 #!/usr/bin/env python
2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
4 #Copyright 2008-2011 Steffen Schaumburg
5 #This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 #it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
7 #the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
9 #This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 #but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 #GNU General Public License for more details.
14 #You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
15 #along with this program. If not, see <>.
16 #In the "official" distribution you can find the license in agpl-3.0.txt.
18 import L10n
19 _ = L10n.get_translation()
21 import sys
22 import threading
23 import pygtk
24 pygtk.require('2.0')
25 import gtk
26 import os
27 import traceback
28 from time import time, strftime, localtime
29 try:
30 calluse = not 'matplotlib' in sys.modules
31 import matplotlib
32 if calluse:
33 matplotlib.use('GTKCairo')
34 from matplotlib.figure import Figure
35 from matplotlib.backends.backend_gtk import FigureCanvasGTK as FigureCanvas
36 from matplotlib.backends.backend_gtkagg import NavigationToolbar2GTKAgg as NavigationToolbar
37 from import candlestick
39 from numpy import diff, nonzero, sum, cumsum, max, min, append
41 except ImportError, inst:
42 print _("""Failed to load numpy and/or matplotlib in Session Viewer""")
43 print "ImportError: %s" % inst.args
45 import Card
46 import fpdb_import
47 import Database
48 import Filters
49 import Charset
51 DEBUG = False
53 class GuiSessionViewer (threading.Thread):
54 def __init__(self, config, querylist, mainwin, debug=True):
55 self.debug = debug
56 self.conf = config
57 self.sql = querylist
58 self.window = mainwin
60 self.liststore = None
62 self.MYSQL_INNODB = 2
63 self.PGSQL = 3
64 self.SQLITE = 4
66 self.fig = None
67 self.canvas = None
68 = None
69 self.graphBox = None
71 # create new db connection to avoid conflicts with other threads
72 self.db = Database.Database(self.conf, sql=self.sql)
73 self.cursor = self.db.cursor
75 settings = {}
76 settings.update(self.conf.get_db_parameters())
77 settings.update(self.conf.get_import_parameters())
78 settings.update(self.conf.get_default_paths())
80 # text used on screen stored here so that it can be configured
81 self.filterText = {'handhead':_('Hand Breakdown for all levels listed above')}
83 filters_display = { "Heroes" : True,
84 "Sites" : True,
85 "Games" : True,
86 "Currencies": True,
87 "Limits" : True,
88 "LimitSep" : True,
89 "LimitType" : True,
90 "Type" : False,
91 "Seats" : True,
92 "SeatSep" : False,
93 "Dates" : True,
94 "Groups" : False,
95 "GroupsAll" : False,
96 "Button1" : True,
97 "Button2" : False
100 self.filters = Filters.Filters(self.db, self.conf, self.sql, display = filters_display)
101 self.filters.registerButton1Name("_Refresh")
102 self.filters.registerButton1Callback(self.refreshStats)
104 # ToDo: store in config
105 # ToDo: create popup to adjust column config
106 # columns to display, keys match column name returned by sql, values in tuple are:
107 # is column displayed, column heading, xalignment, formatting
108 self.columns = [ (1.0, "SID" )
109 , (1.0, "Hands" )
110 , (0.5, "Start" )
111 , (0.5, "End" )
112 , (1.0, "Rate" )
113 , (1.0, "Open" )
114 , (1.0, "Close" )
115 , (1.0, "Low" )
116 , (1.0, "High" )
117 , (1.0, "Range" )
118 , (1.0, "Profit")
121 self.detailFilters = [] # the data used to enhance the sql select
123 self.main_hbox = gtk.HPaned()
125 self.stats_frame = gtk.Frame()
128 main_vbox = gtk.VPaned()
130 self.graphBox = gtk.VBox(False, 0)
131 self.graphBox.set_size_request(400,400)
133 self.stats_vbox = gtk.VBox(False, 0)
135 self.stats_frame.add(self.stats_vbox)
137 self.main_hbox.pack1(self.filters.get_vbox())
138 self.main_hbox.pack2(main_vbox)
139 main_vbox.pack1(self.graphBox)
140 main_vbox.pack2(self.stats_frame)
143 # make sure Hand column is not displayed
144 #[x for x in self.columns if x[0] == 'hand'][0][1] = False
145 # if DEBUG == False:
146 # warning_string = _("Session Viewer is proof of concept code only, and contains many bugs.\n")
147 # warning_string += _("Feel free to use the viewer, but there is no guarantee that the data is accurate.\n")
148 # warning_string += _("If you are interested in developing the code further please contact us via the usual channels.\n")
149 # warning_string += _("Thank you")
150 # self.warning_box(warning_string)
152 def warning_box(self, str, diatitle=_("FPDB WARNING")):
153 diaWarning = gtk.Dialog(title=diatitle, parent=self.window, flags=gtk.DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT, buttons=(gtk.STOCK_OK,gtk.RESPONSE_OK))
155 label = gtk.Label(str)
156 diaWarning.vbox.add(label)
159 response =
160 diaWarning.destroy()
161 return response
163 def get_vbox(self):
164 """returns the vbox of this thread"""
165 return self.main_hbox
169 def refreshStats(self, widget, data):
170 try: self.stats_vbox.destroy()
171 except AttributeError: pass
172 self.stats_vbox = gtk.VBox(False, 0)
174 self.stats_frame.add(self.stats_vbox)
175 self.fillStatsFrame(self.stats_vbox)
177 def fillStatsFrame(self, vbox):
178 sites = self.filters.getSites()
179 heroes = self.filters.getHeroes()
180 siteids = self.filters.getSiteIds()
181 games = self.filters.getGames()
182 currencies = self.filters.getCurrencies()
183 limits = self.filters.getLimits()
184 seats = self.filters.getSeats()
185 sitenos = []
186 playerids = []
188 for i in ('show', 'none'):
189 if i in limits:
190 limits.remove(i)
192 # Which sites are selected?
193 for site in sites:
194 if sites[site] == True:
195 sitenos.append(siteids[site])
196 _hname = Charset.to_utf8(heroes[site])
197 result = self.db.get_player_id(self.conf, site, _hname)
198 if result is not None:
199 playerids.append(result)
201 if not sitenos:
202 #Should probably pop up here.
203 print _("No sites selected - defaulting to PokerStars")
204 sitenos = [2]
205 if not games:
206 print _("No games found")
207 return
208 if not currencies:
209 print _("No currencies found")
210 return
211 if not playerids:
212 print _("No player ids found")
213 return
214 if not limits:
215 print _("No limits found")
216 return
218 self.createStatsPane(vbox, playerids, sitenos, games, currencies, limits, seats)
220 def createStatsPane(self, vbox, playerids, sitenos, games, currencies, limits, seats):
221 starttime = time()
223 (results, quotes) = self.generateDatasets(playerids, sitenos, games, currencies, limits, seats)
225 if DEBUG:
226 for x in quotes:
227 print "start %s\tend %s \thigh %s\tlow %s" % (x[1], x[2], x[3], x[4])
229 self.generateGraph(quotes)
231 heading = gtk.Label(self.filterText['handhead'])
233 vbox.pack_start(heading, expand=False, padding=3)
235 # Scrolled window for detailed table (display by hand)
236 swin = gtk.ScrolledWindow(hadjustment=None, vadjustment=None)
237 swin.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC, gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC)
239 vbox.pack_start(swin, expand=True, padding=3)
241 vbox1 = gtk.VBox(False, 0)
243 swin.add_with_viewport(vbox1)
245 self.addTable(vbox1, results)
247 self.db.rollback()
248 print _("Stats page displayed in %4.2f seconds") % (time() - starttime)
249 #end def fillStatsFrame(self, vbox):
251 def generateDatasets(self, playerids, sitenos, games, currencies, limits, seats):
252 if (DEBUG): print "DEBUG: Starting generateDatasets"
253 THRESHOLD = 1800 # Min # of secs between consecutive hands before being considered a new session
254 PADDING = 5 # Additional time in minutes to add to a session, session startup, shutdown etc
256 # Get a list of timestamps and profits
258 q = self.sql.query['sessionStats']
259 start_date, end_date = self.filters.getDates()
260 q = q.replace("<datestest>", " BETWEEN '" + start_date + "' AND '" + end_date + "'")
262 l = []
263 for m in self.filters.display.items():
264 if m[0] == 'Games' and m[1]:
265 for n in games:
266 if games[n]:
267 l.append(n)
268 if len(l) > 0:
269 gametest = str(tuple(l))
270 gametest = gametest.replace("L", "")
271 gametest = gametest.replace(",)",")")
272 gametest = gametest.replace("u'","'")
273 gametest = "AND gt.category in %s" % gametest
274 else:
275 gametest = "AND gt.category IS NULL"
276 q = q.replace("<game_test>", gametest)
278 l = []
279 for n in currencies:
280 if currencies[n]:
281 l.append(n)
282 currencytest = str(tuple(l))
283 currencytest = currencytest.replace(",)",")")
284 currencytest = currencytest.replace("u'","'")
285 currencytest = "AND gt.currency in %s" % currencytest
286 q = q.replace("<currency_test>", currencytest)
288 lims = [int(x[0:-2]) for x in limits if len(x) > 2 and x[-2:] == 'fl']
289 potlims = [int(x[0:-2]) for x in limits if len(x) > 2 and x[-2:] == 'pl']
290 nolims = [int(x[0:-2]) for x in limits if len(x) > 2 and x[-2:] == 'nl']
291 capnolims = [int(x[0:-2]) for x in limits if len(x) > 2 and x[-2:] == 'cn']
292 limittest = "AND ( (gt.limitType = 'fl' AND gt.bigBlind in "
293 # and ( (limit and bb in()) or (nolimit and bb in ()) )
294 if lims:
295 blindtest = str(tuple(lims))
296 blindtest = blindtest.replace("L", "")
297 blindtest = blindtest.replace(",)",")")
298 limittest = limittest + blindtest + ' ) '
299 else:
300 limittest = limittest + '(-1) ) '
301 limittest = limittest + " OR (gt.limitType = 'pl' AND gt.bigBlind in "
302 if potlims:
303 blindtest = str(tuple(potlims))
304 blindtest = blindtest.replace("L", "")
305 blindtest = blindtest.replace(",)",")")
306 limittest = limittest + blindtest + ' ) '
307 else:
308 limittest = limittest + '(-1) ) '
309 limittest = limittest + " OR (gt.limitType = 'nl' AND gt.bigBlind in "
310 if nolims:
311 blindtest = str(tuple(nolims))
312 blindtest = blindtest.replace("L", "")
313 blindtest = blindtest.replace(",)",")")
314 limittest = limittest + blindtest + ' ) '
315 else:
316 limittest = limittest + '(-1) ) '
317 limittest = limittest + " OR (gt.limitType = 'cn' AND gt.bigBlind in "
318 if capnolims:
319 blindtest = str(tuple(capnolims))
320 blindtest = blindtest.replace("L", "")
321 blindtest = blindtest.replace(",)",")")
322 limittest = limittest + blindtest + ' ) )'
323 else:
324 limittest = limittest + '(-1) ) )'
325 q = q.replace("<limit_test>", limittest)
327 if seats:
328 q = q.replace('<seats_test>',
329 'AND h.seats BETWEEN ' + str(seats['from']) +
330 ' AND ' + str(seats['to']))
331 else:
332 q = q.replace('<seats_test>', 'AND h.seats BETWEEN 0 AND 100')
334 nametest = str(tuple(playerids))
335 nametest = nametest.replace("L", "")
336 nametest = nametest.replace(",)",")")
337 q = q.replace("<player_test>", nametest)
338 q = q.replace("<ampersand_s>", "%s")
340 if DEBUG:
341 hands = [
342 ( u'10000', 10), ( u'10000', 20), ( u'10000', 30),
343 ( u'20000', -10), ( u'20000', -20), ( u'20000', -30),
344 ( u'30000', 40),
345 ( u'40000', 0),
346 ( u'50000', -40),
347 ( u'60000', 10), ( u'60000', 30), ( u'60000', -20),
348 ( u'70000', -20), ( u'70000', 10), ( u'70000', 30),
349 ( u'80000', -10), ( u'80000', -30), ( u'80000', 20),
350 ( u'90000', 20), ( u'90000', -10), ( u'90000', -30),
351 (u'100000', 30), (u'100000', -50), (u'100000', 30),
352 (u'110000', -20), (u'110000', 50), (u'110000', -20),
353 (u'120000', -30), (u'120000', 50), (u'120000', -30),
354 (u'130000', 20), (u'130000', -50), (u'130000', 20),
355 (u'140000', 40), (u'140000', -40),
356 (u'150000', -40), (u'150000', 40),
357 (u'160000', -40), (u'160000', 80), (u'160000', -40),
359 else:
360 self.db.cursor.execute(q)
361 hands = self.db.cursor.fetchall()
363 #fixme - nasty hack to ensure that the hands.insert() works
364 # for mysql data. mysql returns tuples which can't be inserted
365 # into so convert explicity to list.
366 hands = list(hands)
368 if (not hands):
369 return ([], [])
371 hands.insert(0, (hands[0][0], 0))
373 # Take that list and create an array of the time between hands
374 times = map(lambda x:long(x[0]), hands)
375 profits = map(lambda x:float(x[1]), hands)
376 #print "DEBUG: times : %s" % times
377 #print "DEBUG: profits: %s" % profits
378 #print "DEBUG: len(times) %s" %(len(times))
379 diffs = diff(times) # This array is the difference in starttime between consecutive hands
380 diffs2 = append(diffs,THRESHOLD + 1) # Append an additional session to the end of the diffs, so the next line
381 # includes an index into the last 'session'
382 index = nonzero(diffs2 > THRESHOLD) # This array represents the indexes into 'times' for start/end times of sessions
383 # times[index[0][0]] is the end of the first session,
384 #print "DEBUG: len(index[0]) %s" %(len(index[0]))
385 if len(index[0]) > 0:
386 #print "DEBUG: index[0][0] %s" %(index[0][0])
387 #print "DEBUG: index %s" %(index)
388 pass
389 else:
390 index = [[0]]
391 #print "DEBUG: index %s" %(index)
392 #print "DEBUG: index[0][0] %s" %(index[0][0])
393 pass
395 first_idx = 1
397 results = []
398 cum_sum = cumsum(profits) / 100
399 sid = 1
400 # Take all results and format them into a list for feeding into gui model.
401 #print "DEBUG: range(len(index[0]): %s" % range(len(index[0]))
402 for i in range(len(index[0])):
403 last_idx = index[0][i]
404 hds = last_idx - first_idx + 1 # Number of hands in session
405 if hds > 0:
406 stime = strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M", localtime(times[first_idx])) # Formatted start time
407 etime = strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M", localtime(times[last_idx])) # Formatted end time
408 minutesplayed = (times[last_idx] - times[first_idx])/60
409 minutesplayed = minutesplayed + PADDING
410 if minutesplayed == 0:
411 minutesplayed = 1
412 hph = hds*60/minutesplayed # Hands per hour
413 end_idx = last_idx+1
414 won = sum(profits[first_idx:end_idx])/100.0
415 #print "DEBUG: profits[%s:%s]: %s" % (first_idx, end_idx, profits[first_idx:end_idx])
416 hwm = max(cum_sum[first_idx-1:end_idx]) # include the opening balance,
417 lwm = min(cum_sum[first_idx-1:end_idx]) # before we win/lose first hand
418 open = (sum(profits[:first_idx]))/100
419 close = (sum(profits[:end_idx]))/100
420 #print "DEBUG: range: (%s, %s) - (min, max): (%s, %s) - (open,close): (%s, %s)" %(first_idx, end_idx, lwm, hwm, open, close)
422 results.append([sid, hds, stime, etime, hph,
423 "%.2f" % open,
424 "%.2f" % close,
425 "%.2f" % lwm,
426 "%.2f" % hwm,
427 "%.2f" % (hwm - lwm),
428 "%.2f" % won])
429 quotes.append((sid, open, close, hwm, lwm))
430 #print "DEBUG: Hands in session %4s: %4s Start: %s End: %s HPH: %s Profit: %s" %(sid, hds, stime, etime, hph, won)
431 first_idx = end_idx
432 sid = sid+1
433 else:
434 print "hds <= 0"
436 return (results, quotes)
438 def clearGraphData(self):
440 try:
441 try:
442 if self.canvas:
443 self.graphBox.remove(self.canvas)
444 except:
445 pass
447 if self.fig is not None:
448 self.fig.clear()
449 self.fig = Figure(figsize=(5,4), dpi=100)
450 if self.canvas is not None:
451 self.canvas.destroy()
453 self.canvas = FigureCanvas(self.fig) # a gtk.DrawingArea
454 except:
455 err = traceback.extract_tb(sys.exc_info()[2])[-1]
456 print _("Error:")+" "+err[2]+"("+str(err[1])+"): "+str(sys.exc_info()[1])
457 raise
460 def generateGraph(self, quotes):
461 self.clearGraphData()
463 #print "DEBUG:"
464 #print "\tquotes = %s" % quotes
466 #for i in range(len(highs)):
467 # print "DEBUG: (%s, %s, %s, %s)" %(lows[i], opens[i], closes[i], highs[i])
468 # print "DEBUG: diffs h/l: %s o/c: %s" %(lows[i] - highs[i], opens[i] - closes[i])
470 = self.fig.add_subplot(111)
472"Session candlestick graph"))
474 #Set axis labels and grid overlay properites
475"Sessions"), fontsize = 12)
476"$", fontsize = 12)
477'g', linestyle=':', linewidth=0.2)
479 candlestick(, quotes, width=0.50, colordown='r', colorup='g', alpha=1.00)
480 self.graphBox.add(self.canvas)
482 self.canvas.draw()
484 def addTable(self, vbox, results):
485 row = 0
486 sqlrow = 0
487 colxalign,colheading = range(2)
489 self.liststore = gtk.ListStore(*([str] * len(self.columns)))
490 for row in results:
491 iter = self.liststore.append(row)
493 view = gtk.TreeView(model=self.liststore)
494 view.set_grid_lines(gtk.TREE_VIEW_GRID_LINES_BOTH)
495 vbox.add(view)
496 cell05 = gtk.CellRendererText()
497 cell05.set_property('xalign', 0.5)
498 cell10 = gtk.CellRendererText()
499 cell10.set_property('xalign', 1.0)
500 listcols = []
502 # Create header row eg column: ("game", True, "Game", 0.0, "%s")
503 for col, column in enumerate(self.columns):
504 treeviewcolumn = gtk.TreeViewColumn(column[colheading])
505 listcols.append(treeviewcolumn)
506 treeviewcolumn.set_alignment(column[colxalign])
507 view.append_column(listcols[col])
508 if (column[colxalign] == 0.5):
509 cell = cell05
510 else:
511 cell = cell10
512 listcols[col].pack_start(cell, expand=True)
513 listcols[col].add_attribute(cell, 'text', col)
514 listcols[col].set_expand(True)
516 vbox.show_all()
518 def main(argv=None):
519 config = Configuration.Config()
520 i = GuiBulkImport(settings, config)
522 if __name__ == '__main__':
523 sys.exit(main())