Replace tabs with spaces. Remove trailing whitespace. Etc.
[fpdb-dooglus.git] / pyfpdb /
1 #!/usr/bin/env python
2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
4 #Copyright 2008-2011 Carl Gherardi
5 #This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 #it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
7 #the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
9 #This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 #but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 #GNU General Public License for more details.
14 #You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
15 #along with this program. If not, see <>.
16 #In the "official" distribution you can find the license in agpl-3.0.txt.
18 import L10n
19 _ = L10n.get_translation()
21 # Standard Library modules
22 import os
23 import sys
24 from time import time
25 import traceback
26 import datetime
27 import codecs
28 import re
30 # pyGTK modules
31 import pygtk
32 pygtk.require('2.0')
33 import gtk
34 import gobject
36 # fpdb/FreePokerTools modules
37 import Configuration
38 import Options
39 from Exceptions import FpdbParseError
41 import logging
42 # logging has been set up in or, use their settings:
43 log = logging.getLogger("importer")
46 class GuiTourneyImport():
48 def load_clicked(self, widget, data=None):
49 print "DEBUG: load_clicked"
50 stored = None
51 dups = None
52 partial = None
53 errs = None
54 ttime = None
56 if self.settings['global_lock'].acquire(wait=False, source="GuiTourneyImport"):
57 print "DEBUG: got global lock"
58 # get the dir to import from the chooser
59 selected = self.chooser.get_filenames()
60 print "DEBUG: Files selected: %s" % selected
62 sitename = self.cbfilter.get_model()[self.cbfilter.get_active()][0]
64 for selection in selected:
65 self.importer.addImportFileOrDir(selection, site = sitename)
66 starttime = time()
67 (stored, errs) = self.importer.runImport()
69 ttime = time() - starttime
70 if ttime == 0:
71 ttime = 1
72 print _('Tourney import done: Stored: %d \tErrors: %d in %s seconds - %.0f/sec')\
73 % (stored, errs, ttime, (stored+0.0) / ttime)
74 self.importer.clearFileList()
76 self.settings['global_lock'].release()
77 else:
78 print _("tourney import aborted - global lock not available")
80 def get_vbox(self):
81 """returns the vbox of this thread"""
82 return self.vbox
84 def __init__(self, settings, config, sql = None, parent = None):
85 self.settings = settings
86 self.config = config
87 self.parent = parent
89 self.importer = SummaryImporter(config, sql, parent)
91 self.vbox = gtk.VBox(False, 0)
94 self.chooser = gtk.FileChooserWidget()
95 self.chooser.set_filename(self.settings['bulkImport-defaultPath'])
96 self.chooser.set_select_multiple(True)
97 self.vbox.add(self.chooser)
100 # Table widget to hold the settings
101 self.table = gtk.Table(rows=5, columns=5, homogeneous=False)
102 self.vbox.add(self.table)
105 # label - tsc
106 self.lab_filter = gtk.Label(_("Site filter:"))
107 self.table.attach(self.lab_filter, 1, 2, 2, 3, xpadding=0, ypadding=0,
108 yoptions=gtk.SHRINK)
110 self.lab_filter.set_justify(gtk.JUSTIFY_RIGHT)
111 self.lab_filter.set_alignment(1.0, 0.5)
113 # ComboBox - filter
114 self.cbfilter = gtk.combo_box_new_text()
115 disabled_sites = [] # move disabled sites to bottom of list
116 for w in self.config.hhcs:
117 print "%s = '%s'" %(w, self.config.hhcs[w].summaryImporter)
118 try:
119 # Include sites with a tourney summary importer, and enabled
120 if self.config.supported_sites[w].enabled and self.config.hhcs[w].summaryImporter != '':
121 self.cbfilter.append_text(w)
122 else:
123 disabled_sites.append(w)
124 except: # self.supported_sites[w] may not exist if hud_config is bad
125 disabled_sites.append(w)
126 for w in disabled_sites:
127 if self.config.hhcs[w].summaryImporter != '':
128 self.cbfilter.append_text(w)
129 self.cbfilter.set_active(0)
130 self.table.attach(self.cbfilter, 2, 3, 2, 3, xpadding=10, ypadding=1,
131 yoptions=gtk.SHRINK)
134 # button - Import
135 self.load_button = gtk.Button(_('_Bulk Import')) # todo: rename variables to import too
136 self.load_button.connect('clicked', self.load_clicked,
137 _('Import clicked'))
138 self.table.attach(self.load_button, 2, 3, 4, 5, xpadding=0, ypadding=0,
139 yoptions=gtk.SHRINK)
142 # label - spacer (keeps rows 3 & 5 apart)
143 self.lab_spacer = gtk.Label()
144 self.table.attach(self.lab_spacer, 3, 5, 3, 4, xpadding=0, ypadding=0,
145 yoptions=gtk.SHRINK)
148 class SummaryImporter:
149 def __init__(self, config, sql = None, parent = None):
150 self.config = config
151 self.sql = sql
152 self.parent = parent
154 self.filelist = {}
155 self.dirlist = {}
157 self.updatedsize = {}
158 self.updatedtime = {}
160 def addImportFile(self, filename, site = "default", tsc = "passthrough"):
161 if filename in self.filelist or not os.path.exists(filename):
162 print "DEBUG: addImportFile: File exists, or path non-existent"
163 return
164 self.filelist[filename] = [site] + [tsc]
166 def addImportDirectory(self,dir,monitor=False, site="default", tsc="passthrough"):
167 if os.path.isdir(dir):
168 if monitor == True:
169 self.monitor = True
170 self.dirlist[site] = [dir] + [tsc]
172 for file in os.listdir(dir):
173 self.addImportFile(os.path.join(dir, file), site, tsc)
174 else:
175 log.warning(_("Attempted to add non-directory '%s' as an import directory") % str(dir))
177 def addImportFileOrDir(self, inputPath, site = "PokerStars"):
178 tsc = self.config.hhcs[site].summaryImporter
179 if os.path.isdir(inputPath):
180 for subdir in os.walk(inputPath):
181 for file in subdir[2]:
182 self.addImportFile(unicode(os.path.join(subdir[0], file),'utf-8'),
183 site=site, tsc=tsc)
184 else:
185 self.addImportFile(unicode(inputPath,'utf-8'), site=site, tsc=tsc)
186 pass
188 def runImport(self):
189 start =
190 starttime = time()
191"Tourney Summary Import started at %s - %d files to import.") % (start, len(self.filelist)))
193 total_errors = 0
194 total_imported = 0
195 for f in self.filelist:
196 (site, tsc) = self.filelist[f]
197 imported, errs = self.importFile(f, tsc, site)
198 total_errors += errs
199 total_imported += imported
200 return (total_imported, total_errors)
203 def runUpdated(self):
204 pass
206 def importFile(self, filename, tsc = "PokerStarsSummary", site = "PokerStars"):
207 mod = __import__(tsc)
208 obj = getattr(mod, tsc, None)
209 if callable(obj):
210 foabs = self.readFile(obj, filename)
211 summaryTexts = re.split(obj.re_SplitTourneys, foabs)
213 # The summary files tend to have a header or footer
214 # Remove the first and/or last entry if it has < 100 characters
215 if len(summaryTexts[-1]) <= 100:
216 summaryTexts.pop()
217 log.warn(_("TourneyImport: Removing text < 100 characters from end of file"))
219 if len(summaryTexts[0]) <= 130:
220 del summaryTexts[0]
221 log.warn(_("TourneyImport: Removing text < 100 characters from start of file"))
223 print "Found %s summaries" %(len(summaryTexts))
224 errors = 0
225 imported = 0
226 ####Lock Placeholder####
227 for j, summaryText in enumerate(summaryTexts, start=1):
228 sc, gsc = {'bk': []}, {'bk': []}
229 doinsert = len(summaryTexts)==j
230 try:
231 conv = obj(db=self.database, config=self.config, siteName=site, summaryText=summaryText, builtFrom = "IMAP")
232 sc, gsc = conv.updateSessionsCache(sc, gsc, None, doinsert)
233 except FpdbParseError, e:
234 errors += 1
235 print _("Finished importing %s/%s tournament summaries") %(j, len(summaryTexts))
236 imported = j
237 ####Lock Placeholder####
238 return (imported - errors, errors)
240 def clearFileList(self):
241 self.updatedsize = {}
242 self.updatetime = {}
243 self.filelist = {}
245 def readFile(self, tsc, filename):
246 codepage = ["utf8", "utf16"]
247 whole_file = None
248 tsc.codepage
250 for kodec in codepage:
251 try:
252 in_fh =, 'r', kodec)
253 whole_file =
254 in_fh.close()
255 break
256 except UnicodeDecodeError, e:
257 log.warn(_("GTI.readFile: '%s'") % e)
258 pass
260 return whole_file
262 def main(argv=None):
263 """main can also be called in the python interpreter, by supplying the command line as the argument."""
264 import SQL
265 if argv is None:
266 argv = sys.argv[1:]
268 (options, argv) = Options.fpdb_options()
270 if options.usage == True:
271 #Print usage examples and exit
272 print _("USAGE:")
273 sys.exit(0)
275 if options.hhc == "PokerStarsToFpdb":
276 print _("Need to define a converter")
277 exit(0)
279 config = Configuration.Config("HUD_config.test.xml")
280 sql = SQL.Sql(db_server = 'sqlite')
282 if options.filename == None:
283 print _("Need a filename to import")
284 exit(0)
286 importer = SummaryImporter(config, sql, None)
288 importer.addImportFileOrDir(options.filename, site = options.hhc)
289 starttime = time()
290 (stored, errs) = importer.runImport()
292 ttime = time() - starttime
293 if ttime == 0:
294 ttime = 1
295 print _('Tourney import done: Stored: %d \tErrors: %d in %s seconds - %.0f/sec')\
296 % (stored, errs, ttime, (stored+0.0) / ttime)
297 importer.clearFileList()
302 if __name__ == '__main__':
303 sys.exit(main())