Improve session viewer. There were some off-by-one errors.
[fpdb-dooglus.git] / pyfpdb /
1 #!/usr/bin/env python
2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
4 #Copyright 2008-2011 Steffen Schaumburg
5 #This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 #it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
7 #the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
9 #This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 #but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 #GNU General Public License for more details.
14 #You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
15 #along with this program. If not, see <>.
16 #In the "official" distribution you can find the license in agpl-3.0.txt.
18 import L10n
19 _ = L10n.get_translation()
21 import threading
22 import pygtk
23 pygtk.require('2.0')
24 import gtk
25 import os
26 from time import time, strftime
28 import fpdb_import
29 import Database
30 import Filters
32 class GuiPositionalStats (threading.Thread):
33 def __init__(self, config, querylist, debug=True):
34 self.debug = debug
35 self.conf = config
36 self.sql = querylist
37 self.MYSQL_INNODB = 2
38 self.PGSQL = 3
39 self.SQLITE = 4
41 # create new db connection to avoid conflicts with other threads
42 self.db = Database.Database(self.conf, sql=self.sql)
43 self.cursor = self.db.cursor
45 settings = {}
46 settings.update(self.conf.get_db_parameters())
47 settings.update(self.conf.get_import_parameters())
48 settings.update(self.conf.get_default_paths())
50 filters_display = { "Heroes" : True,
51 "Sites" : True,
52 "Games" : False,
53 "Limits" : True,
54 "LimitSep" : True,
55 "Seats" : True,
56 "SeatSep" : True,
57 "Dates" : True,
58 "Button1" : True,
59 "Button2" : False
62 self.filters = Filters.Filters(self.db, self.conf, self.sql, display = filters_display)
63 self.filters.registerButton1Name(_("Refresh"))
64 self.filters.registerButton1Callback(self.refreshStats)
66 # ToDo: store in config
67 # ToDo: create popup to adjust column config
68 # columns to display, keys match column name returned by sql, values in tuple are:
69 # is column displayed, column heading, xalignment, formatting
70 self.columns = [ ["game", True, "Game", 0.0, "%s"]
71 , ["hand", False, "Hand", 0.0, "%s"] # true not allowed for this line
72 , ["plposition", False, "Posn", 1.0, "%s"] # true not allowed for this line (set in code)
73 , ["n", True, "Hds", 1.0, "%d"]
74 , ["avgseats", True, "Seats", 1.0, "%3.1f"]
75 , ["vpip", True, "VPIP", 1.0, "%3.1f"]
76 , ["pfr", True, "PFR", 1.0, "%3.1f"]
77 , ["pf3", True, "PF3", 1.0, "%3.1f"]
78 , ["steals", True, "Steals", 1.0, "%3.1f"]
79 , ["saw_f", True, "Saw_F", 1.0, "%3.1f"]
80 , ["sawsd", True, "SawSD", 1.0, "%3.1f"]
81 , ["wtsdwsf", True, "WtSDwsF", 1.0, "%3.1f"]
82 , ["wmsd", True, "W$SD", 1.0, "%3.1f"]
83 , ["flafq", True, "FlAFq", 1.0, "%3.1f"]
84 , ["tuafq", True, "TuAFq", 1.0, "%3.1f"]
85 , ["rvafq", True, "RvAFq", 1.0, "%3.1f"]
86 , ["pofafq", False, "PoFAFq", 1.0, "%3.1f"]
87 , ["net", True, "Net($)", 1.0, "%6.2f"]
88 , ["bbper100", True, "bb/100", 1.0, "%4.2f"]
89 , ["rake", True, "Rake($)", 1.0, "%6.2f"]
90 , ["bb100xr", True, "bbxr/100", 1.0, "%4.2f"]
91 , ["variance", True, "Variance", 1.0, "%5.2f"]
94 self.stat_table = None
95 self.stats_frame = None
96 self.stats_vbox = None
98 self.main_hbox = gtk.HBox(False, 0)
101 self.stats_frame = gtk.Frame()
102 self.stats_frame.set_label_align(0.0, 0.0)
104 self.stats_vbox = gtk.VBox(False, 0)
107 # This could be stored in config eventually, or maybe configured in this window somehow.
108 # Each posncols element is the name of a column returned by the sql
109 # query (in lower case) and each posnheads element is the text to use as
110 # the heading in the GUI. Both sequences should be the same length.
111 # To miss columns out remove them from both tuples (the 1st 2 elements should always be included).
112 # To change the heading just edit the second list element as required
113 # If the first list element does not match a query column that pair is ignored
114 self.posncols = ( "game", "avgseats", "plposition", "vpip", "pfr", "pf3", "pf4", "pff3", "pff4", "steals"
115 , "saw_f", "sawsd", "wtsdwsf", "wmsd", "flafq", "tuafq", "rvafq"
116 , "pofafq", "net", "bbper100", "profitperhand", "variance", "n"
118 self.posnheads = ( "Game", "Seats", "Posn", "VPIP", "PFR", "PF3", "PF4", "PFF3", "PFF4", "Steals"
119 , "Saw_F", "SawSD", "WtSDwsF", "W$SD", "FlAFq", "TuAFq", "RvAFq"
120 , "PoFAFq", "Net($)", "bb/100", "$/hand", "Variance", "Hds"
123 self.fillStatsFrame(self.stats_vbox)
124 self.stats_frame.add(self.stats_vbox)
126 self.main_hbox.pack_start(self.filters.get_vbox())
127 self.main_hbox.pack_start(self.stats_frame)
130 def get_vbox(self):
131 """returns the vbox of this thread"""
132 return self.main_hbox
134 def toggleCallback(self, widget, data=None):
135 # print "%s was toggled %s" % (data, ("OFF", "ON")[widget.get_active()])
136 self.activesite = data
137 print (_("DEBUG:") + " " + _("activesite set to %s") % (self.activesite))
139 def refreshStats(self, widget, data):
140 try: self.stats_vbox.destroy()
141 except AttributeError: pass
142 self.stats_vbox = gtk.VBox(False, 0)
144 self.stats_frame.add(self.stats_vbox)
145 self.fillStatsFrame(self.stats_vbox)
147 def fillStatsFrame(self, vbox):
148 sites = self.filters.getSites()
149 heroes = self.filters.getHeroes()
150 siteids = self.filters.getSiteIds()
151 limits = self.filters.getLimits()
152 seats = self.filters.getSeats()
153 dates = self.filters.getDates()
154 sitenos = []
155 playerids = []
157 # Which sites are selected?
158 for site in sites:
159 if sites[site] == True:
160 sitenos.append(siteids[site])
161 self.cursor.execute(self.sql.query['getPlayerId'], (heroes[site],))
162 result = self.db.cursor.fetchall()
163 if len(result) == 1:
164 playerids.append(result[0][0])
166 if not sitenos:
167 #Should probably pop up here.
168 print _("No sites selected - defaulting to PokerStars")
169 sitenos = [2]
170 if not playerids:
171 print _("No player ids found")
172 return
173 if not limits:
174 print _("No limits found")
175 return
177 self.createStatsTable(vbox, playerids, sitenos, limits, seats, dates)
179 def createStatsTable(self, vbox, playerids, sitenos, limits, seats, dates):
181 starttime = time()
182 colalias,colshow,colheading,colxalign,colformat = 0,1,2,3,4
183 row = 0
184 col = 0
186 tmp = self.sql.query['playerStatsByPosition']
187 tmp = self.refineQuery(tmp, playerids, sitenos, limits, seats, dates)
188 self.cursor.execute(tmp)
189 result = self.cursor.fetchall()
190 colnames = [desc[0].lower() for desc in self.cursor.description]
192 liststore = gtk.ListStore(*([str] * len(colnames)))
193 view = gtk.TreeView(model=liststore)
194 view.set_grid_lines(gtk.TREE_VIEW_GRID_LINES_BOTH)
195 vbox.pack_start(view, expand=False, padding=3)
196 # left-aligned cells:
197 textcell = gtk.CellRendererText()
198 # centred cells:
199 textcell50 = gtk.CellRendererText()
200 textcell50.set_property('xalign', 0.5)
201 # right-aligned cells:
202 numcell = gtk.CellRendererText()
203 numcell.set_property('xalign', 1.0)
204 listcols = []
206 for t in self.posnheads:
207 listcols.append(gtk.TreeViewColumn(self.posnheads[col]))
208 view.append_column(listcols[col])
209 if col == 0:
210 listcols[col].pack_start(textcell, expand=True)
211 listcols[col].add_attribute(textcell, 'text', col)
212 listcols[col].set_expand(True)
213 elif col in (1, 2):
214 listcols[col].pack_start(textcell50, expand=True)
215 listcols[col].add_attribute(textcell50, 'text', col)
216 listcols[col].set_expand(True)
217 else:
218 listcols[col].pack_start(numcell, expand=True)
219 listcols[col].add_attribute(numcell, 'text', col)
220 listcols[col].set_expand(True)
221 col +=1
223 # Code below to be used when full column data structures implemented like in player stats:
225 # Create header row eg column: ("game", True, "Game", 0.0, "%s")
226 #for col, column in enumerate(cols_to_show):
227 # if column[colalias] == 'game' and holecards:
228 # s = [x for x in self.columns if x[colalias] == 'hand'][0][colheading]
229 # else:
230 # s = column[colheading]
231 # listcols.append(gtk.TreeViewColumn(s))
232 # view.append_column(listcols[col])
233 # if column[colformat] == '%s':
234 # if column[colxalign] == 0.0:
235 # listcols[col].pack_start(textcell, expand=True)
236 # listcols[col].add_attribute(textcell, 'text', col)
237 # else:
238 # listcols[col].pack_start(textcell50, expand=True)
239 # listcols[col].add_attribute(textcell50, 'text', col)
240 # listcols[col].set_expand(True)
241 # else:
242 # listcols[col].pack_start(numcell, expand=True)
243 # listcols[col].add_attribute(numcell, 'text', col)
244 # listcols[col].set_expand(True)
245 # #listcols[col].set_alignment(column[colxalign]) # no effect?
247 rows = len(result)
249 last_game,last_seats,sqlrow = "","",0
250 while sqlrow < rows:
251 rowprinted=0
252 treerow = []
253 avgcol = colnames.index('avgseats')
254 for col,colname in enumerate(self.posncols):
255 if colname in colnames:
256 sqlcol = colnames.index(colname)
257 else:
258 continue
259 if result[sqlrow][sqlcol]:
260 if sqlrow == 0:
261 value = result[sqlrow][sqlcol]
262 rowprinted=1
263 elif result[sqlrow][0] != last_game:
264 value = ' '
265 elif 'show' in seats and seats['show'] and result[sqlrow][avgcol] != last_seats:
266 value = ' '
267 else:
268 value = result[sqlrow][sqlcol]
269 rowprinted=1
270 else:
271 l = gtk.Label(' ')
272 value = ' '
273 if value and value != -999:
274 treerow.append(value)
275 else:
276 treerow.append(' ')
277 iter = liststore.append(treerow)
278 last_game = result[sqlrow][0]
279 last_seats = result[sqlrow][avgcol]
280 if rowprinted:
281 sqlrow = sqlrow+1
282 row = row + 1
284 # show totals at bottom
285 tmp = self.sql.query['playerStats']
286 tmp = self.refineQuery(tmp, playerids, sitenos, limits, seats, dates)
287 self.cursor.execute(tmp)
288 result = self.cursor.fetchall()
289 rows = len(result)
290 colnames = [desc[0].lower() for desc in self.cursor.description]
292 # blank row between main stats and totals:
293 col = 0
294 treerow = [' ' for x in self.posncols]
295 iter = liststore.append(treerow)
296 row = row + 1
298 for sqlrow in range(rows):
299 treerow = []
300 for col,colname in enumerate(self.posncols):
301 if colname in colnames:
302 sqlcol = colnames.index(colname)
303 elif colname != "plposition":
304 continue
305 if colname == 'plposition':
306 l = gtk.Label('Totals')
307 value = 'Totals'
308 elif result[sqlrow][sqlcol]:
309 l = gtk.Label(result[sqlrow][sqlcol])
310 value = result[sqlrow][sqlcol]
311 else:
312 l = gtk.Label(' ')
313 value = ' '
314 if value and value != -999:
315 treerow.append(value)
316 else:
317 treerow.append(' ')
318 iter = liststore.append(treerow)
319 row = row + 1
320 vbox.show_all()
322 self.db.rollback()
323 print _("Positional Stats page displayed in %4.2f seconds") % (time() - starttime)
324 #end def fillStatsFrame(self, vbox):
326 def refineQuery(self, query, playerids, sitenos, limits, seats, dates):
327 if playerids:
328 nametest = str(tuple(playerids))
329 nametest = nametest.replace("L", "")
330 nametest = nametest.replace(",)",")")
331 query = query.replace("<player_test>", nametest)
332 else:
333 query = query.replace("<player_test>", "1 = 2")
335 if seats:
336 query = query.replace('<seats_test>', 'between ' + str(seats['from']) + ' and ' + str(seats['to']))
337 if 'show' in seats and seats['show']:
338 query = query.replace('<groupbyseats>', ',hc.activeSeats')
339 query = query.replace('<orderbyseats>', ',stats.AvgSeats')
340 else:
341 query = query.replace('<groupbyseats>', '')
342 query = query.replace('<orderbyseats>', '')
343 else:
344 query = query.replace('<seats_test>', 'between 0 and 100')
345 query = query.replace('<groupbyseats>', '')
346 query = query.replace('<orderbyseats>', '')
348 lims = [int(x) for x in limits if x.isdigit()]
349 potlims = [int(x[0:-2]) for x in limits if len(x) > 2 and x[-2:] == 'pl']
350 nolims = [int(x[0:-2]) for x in limits if len(x) > 2 and x[-2:] == 'nl']
351 capnolims = [int(x[0:-2]) for x in limits if len(x) > 2 and x[-2:] == 'cn']
352 bbtest = "( (gt.limitType = 'fl' and gt.bigBlind in "
353 # and ( (limit and bb in()) or (nolimit and bb in ()) )
354 if lims:
355 blindtest = str(tuple(lims))
356 blindtest = blindtest.replace("L", "")
357 blindtest = blindtest.replace(",)",")")
358 bbtest = bbtest + blindtest + ' ) '
359 else:
360 bbtest = bbtest + '(-1) ) '
361 bbtest = bbtest + " or (gt.limitType = 'pl' and gt.bigBlind in "
362 if potlims:
363 blindtest = str(tuple(potlims))
364 blindtest = blindtest.replace("L", "")
365 blindtest = blindtest.replace(",)",")")
366 bbtest = bbtest + blindtest + ' ) '
367 else:
368 bbtest = bbtest + '(-1) ) '
369 bbtest = bbtest + " or (gt.limitType = 'nl' and gt.bigBlind in "
370 if nolims:
371 blindtest = str(tuple(nolims))
372 blindtest = blindtest.replace("L", "")
373 blindtest = blindtest.replace(",)",")")
374 bbtest = bbtest + blindtest + ' ) '
375 else:
376 bbtest = bbtest + '(-1) ) '
377 bbtest = bbtest + " or (gt.limitType = 'cn' and gt.bigBlind in "
378 if capnolims:
379 blindtest = str(tuple(capnolims))
380 blindtest = blindtest.replace("L", "")
381 blindtest = blindtest.replace(",)",")")
382 bbtest = bbtest + blindtest + ' ) )'
383 else:
384 bbtest = bbtest + '(-1) ) )'
385 query = query.replace("<gtbigBlind_test>", bbtest)
387 groupLevels = "show" not in str(limits)
388 if groupLevels:
389 if self.db.backend == self.MYSQL_INNODB:
390 bigblindselect = """concat('$'
391 ,trim(leading ' ' from
392 case when min(gt.bigBlind) < 100
393 then format(min(gt.bigBlind)/100.0, 2)
394 else format(min(gt.bigBlind)/100.0, 0)
395 end)
396 ,' - $'
397 ,trim(leading ' ' from
398 case when max(gt.bigBlind) < 100
399 then format(max(gt.bigBlind)/100.0, 2)
400 else format(max(gt.bigBlind)/100.0, 0)
401 end)
402 ) """
403 else:
404 bigblindselect = """'$' ||
405 trim(leading ' ' from
406 case when min(gt.bigBlind) < 100
407 then to_char(min(gt.bigBlind)/100.0,'90D00')
408 else to_char(min(gt.bigBlind)/100.0,'999990')
409 end)
410 || ' - $' ||
411 trim(leading ' ' from
412 case when max(gt.bigBlind) < 100
413 then to_char(max(gt.bigBlind)/100.0,'90D00')
414 else to_char(max(gt.bigBlind)/100.0,'999990')
415 end) """
416 bigblindselect = "cast('' as char)" # avoid odd effects when some posns and/or seats
417 # are missing from some limits (dunno why cast is
418 # needed but it says "unknown type" otherwise?!
419 query = query.replace("<selectgt.bigBlind>", bigblindselect)
420 query = query.replace("<groupbygt.bigBlind>", "")
421 query = query.replace("<hcgametypeId>", "-1")
422 query = query.replace("<hgametypeId>", "-1")
423 else:
424 if self.db.backend == self.MYSQL_INNODB:
425 bigblindselect = """concat('$', trim(leading ' ' from
426 case when gt.bigBlind < 100
427 then format(gt.bigBlind/100.0, 2)
428 else format(gt.bigBlind/100.0, 0)
429 end
430 ) )"""
431 elif self.db.backend == self.SQLITE:
432 bigblindselect = """gt.bigBlind || gt.limitType || ' ' || gt.currency"""
433 else:
434 bigblindselect = """'$' || trim(leading ' ' from
435 case when gt.bigBlind < 100
436 then to_char(gt.bigBlind/100.0,'90D00')
437 else to_char(gt.bigBlind/100.0,'999990')
438 end
439 ) """
440 query = query.replace("<selectgt.bigBlind>", bigblindselect)
441 query = query.replace("<groupbygt.bigBlind>", ",gt.bigBlind")
442 query = query.replace("<hcgametypeId>", "hc.gametypeId")
443 query = query.replace("<hgametypeId>", "h.gametypeId")
445 # Filter on dates
446 query = query.replace("<datestest>", " between '" + dates[0] + "' and '" + dates[1] + "'")
448 #print "query =\n", query
449 return(query)
450 #end def refineQuery(self, query, playerids, sitenos, limits):