1 #! /usr/local/bin/perl -w
5 # John Hay -- John.Hay@icomtek.csir.co.za / jhay@FreeBSD.org
16 $dodns = 0 if (defined($opt_n));
19 $host ||= "";
23 $cmd = "$ntpq -n -c rv $host";
24 open(PH, $cmd . "|") || die "failed to start command $cmd: $!";
26 $stratum = $1 if (/stratum=(\d+)/);
27 $peer = $1 if (/peer=(\d+)/);
28 # Very old servers report phase and not offset.
29 $offset = $1 if (/(?:offset|phase)=([^\s,]+)/);
30 $rootdelay = $1 if (/rootdelay=([^\s,]+)/);
31 $refid = $1 if (/refid=([^\s,]+)/);
33 close(PH) || die "$cmd failed";
34 last if ($stratum == 255);
38 # Only do lookups of IPv4 addresses. The standard lookup functions
39 # of perl only do IPv4 and I don't know if we should require extras.
40 if ($dodns && $host =~ /^(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})$/) {
41 $iaddr = inet_aton($host);
42 $name = (gethostbyaddr($iaddr, AF_INET))[0];
43 $dhost = $name if (defined($name));
45 printf("%s: stratum %d, offset %f, root distance %f",
46 $dhost, $stratum, $offset, $rootdelay);
47 printf(", refid '%s'", $refid) if ($stratum == 1);
49 last if ($stratum == 0 || $stratum == 1 || $stratum == 16);
50 last if ($refid =~ /^127\.127\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$/);
52 $cmd = "$ntpq -n -c \"pstat $peer\" $host";
53 open(PH, $cmd . "|") || die "failed to start command $cmd: $!";
56 $thost = $1, last if (/srcadr=(\S+),/);
58 close(PH) || die "$cmd failed";
59 last if ($thost eq "");