Ignore machine-check MSRs
[freebsd-src/fkvm-freebsd.git] / contrib / ntp / libopts / save.c
2 /*
3 * save.c $Id: save.c,v 4.18 2007/04/15 19:01:18 bkorb Exp $
4 * Time-stamp: "2007-04-15 11:11:10 bkorb"
6 * This module's routines will take the currently set options and
7 * store them into an ".rc" file for re-interpretation the next
8 * time the invoking program is run.
9 */
12 * Automated Options copyright 1992-2007 Bruce Korb
14 * Automated Options is free software.
15 * You may redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
16 * GNU General Public License, as published by the Free Software
17 * Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version.
19 * Automated Options is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
20 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
22 * GNU General Public License for more details.
24 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
25 * along with Automated Options. See the file "COPYING". If not,
26 * write to: The Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
27 * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
28 * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
30 * As a special exception, Bruce Korb gives permission for additional
31 * uses of the text contained in his release of AutoOpts.
33 * The exception is that, if you link the AutoOpts library with other
34 * files to produce an executable, this does not by itself cause the
35 * resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
36 * Your use of that executable is in no way restricted on account of
37 * linking the AutoOpts library code into it.
39 * This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
40 * the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License.
42 * This exception applies only to the code released by Bruce Korb under
43 * the name AutoOpts. If you copy code from other sources under the
44 * General Public License into a copy of AutoOpts, as the General Public
45 * License permits, the exception does not apply to the code that you add
46 * in this way. To avoid misleading anyone as to the status of such
47 * modified files, you must delete this exception notice from them.
49 * If you write modifications of your own for AutoOpts, it is your choice
50 * whether to permit this exception to apply to your modifications.
51 * If you do not wish that, delete this exception notice.
54 tSCC zWarn[] = "%s WARNING: cannot save options - ";
56 /* = = = START-STATIC-FORWARD = = = */
57 /* static forward declarations maintained by :mkfwd */
58 static tCC*
59 findDirName( tOptions* pOpts, int* p_free );
61 static tCC*
62 findFileName( tOptions* pOpts, int* p_free_name );
64 static void
65 printEntry(
66 FILE * fp,
67 tOptDesc * p,
68 tCC* pzLA );
69 /* = = = END-STATIC-FORWARD = = = */
71 static tCC*
72 findDirName( tOptions* pOpts, int* p_free )
74 tCC* pzDir;
76 if (pOpts->specOptIdx.save_opts == 0)
77 return NULL;
79 pzDir = pOpts->pOptDesc[ pOpts->specOptIdx.save_opts ].optArg.argString;
80 if ((pzDir != NULL) && (*pzDir != NUL))
81 return pzDir;
84 * This function only works if there is a directory where
85 * we can stash the RC (INI) file.
88 tCC* const* papz = pOpts->papzHomeList;
89 if (papz == NULL)
90 return NULL;
92 while (papz[1] != NULL) papz++;
93 pzDir = *papz;
97 * IF it does not require deciphering an env value, then just copy it
99 if (*pzDir != '$')
100 return pzDir;
103 tCC* pzEndDir = strchr( ++pzDir, DIRCH );
104 char* pzFileName;
105 char* pzEnv;
107 if (pzEndDir != NULL) {
108 char z[ AO_NAME_SIZE ];
109 if ((pzEndDir - pzDir) > AO_NAME_LIMIT )
110 return NULL;
111 strncpy( z, pzDir, (size_t)(pzEndDir - pzDir) );
112 z[ (pzEndDir - pzDir) ] = NUL;
113 pzEnv = getenv( z );
114 } else {
117 * Make sure we can get the env value (after stripping off
118 * any trailing directory or file names)
120 pzEnv = getenv( pzDir );
123 if (pzEnv == NULL) {
124 fprintf( stderr, zWarn, pOpts->pzProgName );
125 fprintf( stderr, zNotDef, pzDir );
126 return NULL;
129 if (pzEndDir == NULL)
130 return pzEnv;
133 size_t sz = strlen( pzEnv ) + strlen( pzEndDir ) + 2;
134 pzFileName = (char*)AGALOC( sz, "dir name" );
137 if (pzFileName == NULL)
138 return NULL;
140 *p_free = 1;
142 * Glue together the full name into the allocated memory.
143 * FIXME: We lose track of this memory.
145 sprintf( pzFileName, "%s/%s", pzEnv, pzEndDir );
146 return pzFileName;
151 static tCC*
152 findFileName( tOptions* pOpts, int* p_free_name )
154 tCC* pzDir;
155 struct stat stBuf;
156 int free_dir_name = 0;
158 pzDir = findDirName( pOpts, &free_dir_name );
159 if (pzDir == NULL)
160 return NULL;
163 * See if we can find the specified directory. We use a once-only loop
164 * structure so we can bail out early.
166 if (stat( pzDir, &stBuf ) != 0) do {
169 * IF we could not, check to see if we got a full
170 * path to a file name that has not been created yet.
172 if (errno == ENOENT) {
173 char z[AG_PATH_MAX];
176 * Strip off the last component, stat the remaining string and
177 * that string must name a directory
179 char* pzDirCh = strrchr( pzDir, DIRCH );
180 if (pzDirCh == NULL) {
181 stBuf.st_mode = S_IFREG;
182 continue; /* bail out of error condition */
185 strncpy( z, pzDir, (size_t)(pzDirCh - pzDir));
186 z[ pzDirCh - pzDir ] = NUL;
188 if ( (stat( z, &stBuf ) == 0)
189 && S_ISDIR( stBuf.st_mode )) {
192 * We found the directory. Restore the file name and
193 * mark the full name as a regular file
195 stBuf.st_mode = S_IFREG;
196 continue; /* bail out of error condition */
201 * We got a bogus name.
203 fprintf( stderr, zWarn, pOpts->pzProgName );
204 fprintf( stderr, zNoStat, errno, strerror( errno ), pzDir );
205 if (free_dir_name)
206 AGFREE( (void*)pzDir );
207 return NULL;
208 } while (0);
211 * IF what we found was a directory,
212 * THEN tack on the config file name
214 if (S_ISDIR( stBuf.st_mode )) {
215 size_t sz = strlen( pzDir ) + strlen( pOpts->pzRcName ) + 2;
218 char* pzPath = (char*)AGALOC( sz, "file name" );
219 #ifdef HAVE_SNPRINTF
220 snprintf( pzPath, sz, "%s/%s", pzDir, pOpts->pzRcName );
221 #else
222 sprintf( pzPath, "%s/%s", pzDir, pOpts->pzRcName );
223 #endif
224 if (free_dir_name)
225 AGFREE( (void*)pzDir );
226 pzDir = pzPath;
227 free_dir_name = 1;
231 * IF we cannot stat the object for any reason other than
232 * it does not exist, then we bail out
234 if (stat( pzDir, &stBuf ) != 0) {
235 if (errno != ENOENT) {
236 fprintf( stderr, zWarn, pOpts->pzProgName );
237 fprintf( stderr, zNoStat, errno, strerror( errno ),
238 pzDir );
239 AGFREE( (void*)pzDir );
240 return NULL;
244 * It does not exist yet, but it will be a regular file
246 stBuf.st_mode = S_IFREG;
251 * Make sure that whatever we ultimately found, that it either is
252 * or will soon be a file.
254 if (! S_ISREG( stBuf.st_mode )) {
255 fprintf( stderr, zWarn, pOpts->pzProgName );
256 fprintf( stderr, zNotFile, pzDir );
257 if (free_dir_name)
258 AGFREE( (void*)pzDir );
259 return NULL;
263 * Get rid of the old file
265 unlink( pzDir );
266 *p_free_name = free_dir_name;
267 return pzDir;
271 static void
272 printEntry(
273 FILE * fp,
274 tOptDesc * p,
275 tCC* pzLA )
278 * There is an argument. Pad the name so values line up.
279 * Not disabled *OR* this got equivalenced to another opt,
280 * then use current option name.
281 * Otherwise, there must be a disablement name.
284 char const * pz;
285 if (! DISABLED_OPT(p) || (p->optEquivIndex != NO_EQUIVALENT))
286 pz = p->pz_Name;
287 else
288 pz = p->pz_DisableName;
290 fprintf(fp, "%-18s", pz);
293 * IF the option is numeric only,
294 * THEN the char pointer is really the number
297 fprintf( fp, " %d\n", (int)(t_word)pzLA );
300 * OTHERWISE, FOR each line of the value text, ...
302 else if (pzLA == NULL)
303 fputc( '\n', fp );
305 else {
306 fputc( ' ', fp ); fputc( ' ', fp );
307 for (;;) {
308 tCC* pzNl = strchr( pzLA, '\n' );
311 * IF this is the last line
312 * THEN bail and print it
314 if (pzNl == NULL)
315 break;
318 * Print the continuation and the text from the current line
320 (void)fwrite( pzLA, (size_t)(pzNl - pzLA), (size_t)1, fp );
321 pzLA = pzNl+1; /* advance the Last Arg pointer */
322 fputs( "\\\n", fp );
326 * Terminate the entry
328 fputs( pzLA, fp );
329 fputc( '\n', fp );
334 /*=export_func optionSaveFile
336 * what: saves the option state to a file
338 * arg: tOptions*, pOpts, program options descriptor
340 * doc:
342 * This routine will save the state of option processing to a file. The name
343 * of that file can be specified with the argument to the @code{--save-opts}
344 * option, or by appending the @code{rcfile} attribute to the last
345 * @code{homerc} attribute. If no @code{rcfile} attribute was specified, it
346 * will default to @code{.@i{programname}rc}. If you wish to specify another
347 * file, you should invoke the @code{SET_OPT_SAVE_OPTS( @i{filename} )} macro.
349 * err:
351 * If no @code{homerc} file was specified, this routine will silently return
352 * and do nothing. If the output file cannot be created or updated, a message
353 * will be printed to @code{stderr} and the routine will return.
355 void
356 optionSaveFile( tOptions* pOpts )
358 tOptDesc* pOD;
359 int ct;
360 FILE* fp;
363 int free_name = 0;
364 tCC* pzFName = findFileName( pOpts, &free_name );
365 if (pzFName == NULL)
366 return;
368 fp = fopen( pzFName, "w" FOPEN_BINARY_FLAG );
369 if (fp == NULL) {
370 fprintf( stderr, zWarn, pOpts->pzProgName );
371 fprintf( stderr, zNoCreat, errno, strerror( errno ), pzFName );
372 if (free_name)
373 AGFREE((void*) pzFName );
374 return;
377 if (free_name)
378 AGFREE( (void*)pzFName );
382 char const* pz = pOpts->pzUsageTitle;
383 fputs( "# ", fp );
384 do { fputc( *pz, fp ); } while (*(pz++) != '\n');
388 time_t timeVal = time( NULL );
389 char* pzTime = ctime( &timeVal );
391 fprintf( fp, zPresetFile, pzTime );
394 * The return values for ctime(), localtime(), and gmtime()
395 * normally point to static data that is overwritten by each call.
396 * The test to detect allocated ctime, so we leak the memory.
398 AGFREE( (void*)pzTime );
399 #endif
403 * FOR each of the defined options, ...
405 ct = pOpts->presetOptCt;
406 pOD = pOpts->pOptDesc;
407 do {
408 int arg_state;
409 tOptDesc* p;
412 * IF the option has not been defined
413 * OR it does not take an initialization value
414 * OR it is equivalenced to another option
415 * THEN continue (ignore it)
417 if (UNUSED_OPT( pOD ))
418 continue;
421 != 0)
422 continue;
424 if ( (pOD->optEquivIndex != NO_EQUIVALENT)
425 && (pOD->optEquivIndex != pOD->optIndex))
426 continue;
429 * Set a temporary pointer to the real option description
430 * (i.e. account for equivalencing)
432 p = ((pOD->fOptState & OPTST_EQUIVALENCE) != 0)
433 ? (pOpts->pOptDesc + pOD->optActualIndex) : pOD;
436 * IF no arguments are allowed
437 * THEN just print the name and continue
440 char const * pznm =
441 (DISABLED_OPT( p )) ? p->pz_DisableName : p->pz_Name;
443 * If the option was disabled and the disablement name is NULL,
444 * then the disablement was caused by aliasing.
445 * Use the name as the string to emit.
447 if (pznm == NULL)
448 pznm = p->pz_Name;
450 fprintf(fp, "%s\n", pznm);
451 continue;
454 arg_state = OPTST_GET_ARGTYPE(p->fOptState);
455 switch (arg_state) {
456 case 0:
458 printEntry( fp, p, (void*)(p->optArg.argInt));
459 break;
462 if (p->fOptState & OPTST_STACKED) {
463 tArgList* pAL = (tArgList*)p->optCookie;
464 int uct = pAL->useCt;
465 tCC** ppz = pAL->apzArgs;
468 * Disallow multiple copies of disabled options.
470 if (uct > 1)
471 p->fOptState &= ~OPTST_DISABLED;
473 while (uct-- > 0)
474 printEntry( fp, p, *(ppz++) );
475 } else {
476 printEntry( fp, p, p->optArg.argString );
478 break;
483 uintptr_t val = p->optArg.argEnum;
485 * This is a magic incantation that will convert the
486 * bit flag values back into a string suitable for printing.
488 (*(p->pOptProc))( (tOptions*)2UL, p );
489 printEntry( fp, p, (void*)(p->optArg.argString));
491 if ( (p->optArg.argString != NULL)
492 && (arg_state != OPARG_TYPE_ENUMERATION)) {
494 * set membership strings get allocated
496 AGFREE( (void*)p->optArg.argString );
497 p->fOptState &= ~OPTST_ALLOC_ARG;
500 p->optArg.argEnum = val;
501 break;
505 printEntry( fp, p, p->optArg.argBool ? "true" : "false" );
506 break;
508 default:
509 break; /* cannot handle - skip it */
511 } while ( (pOD++), (--ct > 0));
513 fclose( fp );
516 * Local Variables:
517 * mode: C
518 * c-file-style: "stroustrup"
519 * indent-tabs-mode: nil
520 * End:
521 * end of autoopts/save.c */