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5 _________________________________________________________________
7 This is for people who do not read the manual!
9 So far people who don't read manuals don't read this either... I may
10 call it README.*PLEASE* in the future, but then the same people won't
11 be able to get ftp it... :-)
12 _________________________________________________________________
14 1. Where can I find tcsh sources?
16 See http://www.tcsh.org/MostRecentRelease for download locations.
17 _________________________________________________________________
19 2. Why is the meta key broken in tcsh-5.20 and up?
21 On some machines the tty is not set up to pass 8 bit characters by
22 default. Tcsh 5.19 used to try to determine if pass8 should be set by
23 looking at the terminal's meta key. Unfortunately there is no good way
24 of determining if the terminal can really pass 8 characters or not.
25 Consider if you are logged in through a modem line with 7 bits and
26 parity and your terminal has a meta key. Then tcsh 5.19 would set
29 If you did like the previous behavior you can add in /etc/csh.login,
32 if ( $?tcsh && $?prompt ) then
33 if ( "`echotc meta`" == "yes" ) then
38 If you don't have pass8, maybe one of these would work..
40 stty -parity -evenp -oddp cs8 -istrip (rs6000)
41 stty -parenb -istrip cs8
43 Finally, tcsh will bind all printable meta characters to the self
44 insert command. If you don't want that to happen (i.e. use the
45 printable meta characters for commands) setenv NOREBIND.
46 _________________________________________________________________
48 3. I ran 'dbxtool &' and 'shelltool &' from tcsh, and they end up in
49 cbreak and no echo mode?
51 These programs are broken. Background jobs should not try to look at
52 the tty. What happens is that dbxtool looks in stderr to inherit the
53 tty setups, but tcsh sets up the tty in cbreak and -echo modes, so
54 that it can do line editing. This cannot be fixed because tcsh cannot
55 give away the tty. Pick one of the following as a workaround:
57 dbxtool < /dev/null >& /dev/null &
58 /usr/etc/setsid dbxtool &
60 If that does not work, for dbxtool at least you can add "sh stty sane"
62 _________________________________________________________________
64 4. I tried to compile tcsh and it cannot find <locale.h>?
66 Your system does not support NLS. Undefine NLS in config_f.h and it
68 _________________________________________________________________
70 5. Where can I get csh sources?
72 Csh sources are now available with the 4.4BSD networking
73 distributions. You don't need csh sources to compile tcsh-6.0x.
74 _________________________________________________________________
76 6. I just made tcsh my login shell, and I cannot ftp any more?
78 Newer versions of the ftp daemon check for the validity of the user's
79 shell before they allow logins. The list of valid login shells is
80 either hardcoded or it is usually in a file called /etc/shells. If it
81 is hard-coded, then you are out of luck and your best bet is to get a
82 newer version of ftpd. Otherwise add tcsh to the list of shells. [For
83 AIX this file is called /etc/security/login.cfg.] Remember that the
84 full path is required. If there is no /etc/shells, and you are
85 creating one, remember to add /bin/csh, /bin/sh, and any other valid
86 shells for your system, so that other people can ftp too :-)
87 _________________________________________________________________
89 7. I am using SunView or OpenWindows and editing is screwed up. In
90 particular my arrow keys and backspace don't work right. What am I
93 Well, cmdtool tries to do its own command line editing and the effect
94 you get is one of using an editor inside an editor. Both try to
95 interpret the arrow key sequences and cmdtool wins since it gets them
96 first. The solutions are in my order of preference:
99 2. Use shelltool instead of cmdtool.
100 3. Unset edit in tcsh.
101 _________________________________________________________________
103 8. On a SPARCstation running Solaris 2.x and OpenWindows 3.1, inside a
104 cmdtool, the short-cut key sequence to clear log (i.e. Meta-e or
105 Diamond-e) doesn't work: it just echos 'e'; or
108 _________________________________________________________________
110 9. On a SPARCstation running Solaris 2.x and OpenWindows 3.1, maketool
111 (within SPARCworks) doesn't work: it just does a `cd' to the working
112 directory then stops.
114 Unset edit in tcsh. Using shelltool instead of cmdtool does not fix
116 _________________________________________________________________
118 10. I rlogin to another machine, and then no matter what I tell 'stty'
119 I cannot get it to pass 8 bit characters?
121 Maybe you need to use 'rlogin -8' to tell rlogin to pass 8 bit
123 _________________________________________________________________
125 11. Where do I get the public domain directory library?
127 Anonymous ftp to prep.ai.mit.edu:/pub/gnu/dirent.tar.Z
128 _________________________________________________________________
130 12. I compiled tcsh using gcc, and when I start up it says: tcsh:
131 Warning no access to tty (Invalid Argument). Thus no job control in
134 Your <sys/ioctl.h> file is not ansi compliant. You have one of 3
137 1. Run fixincludes from the gcc distribution.
138 2. Add -traditional to the gcc flags.
140 _________________________________________________________________
142 13. I compiled tcsh with the SunOS unbundled compiler and now things
145 It is a bug in the unbundled optimizer. Lower the optimization level.
146 _________________________________________________________________
148 14. How can I use the arrow keys with hpterm?
150 Hp terminals use the arrow keys internally. You can tell hpterm not to
151 do that, by sending it the termcap sequence smkx. Since this has to be
152 done all the time, the easiest thing is to put it as an alias for
153 precmd, or inside the prompt:
155 if ($term == "hp") then
156 set prompt="%{`echotc smkx`%}$prompt"
159 Note that by doing that you cannot use pgup and pgdn to scroll... Also
160 if you are using termcap, replace "smkx" with "ks"...
161 _________________________________________________________________
163 15. On POSIX machines ^C and ^Z will do not work when tcsh is a login
166 Make sure that the interrupt character is set to ^C and suspend is set
167 to ^Z; 'stty -a' will show you the current stty settings; 'stty intr
168 ^C susp ^Z' will set them to ^C and ^Z respectively.
169 _________________________________________________________________
171 16. I am trying to compile tcsh and I am getting compile errors that
174 >sh.c:???: `STR???' undeclared, outside of functions [gcc]
175 >"sh.c", line ???: STR??? undefined [cc]
177 You interrupted make, while it was making the automatically generated
178 headers. Type 'make clean; make'
179 _________________________________________________________________
181 17. On the cray, sometimes the CR/LF mapping gets screwed up.
183 You are probably logged in to the cray via telnet. Cray's telnetd
184 implements line mode selection the telnet client you are using does
185 not implement telnet line mode. This cause the Cray's telnetd to try
186 to use KLUDGELINEMODE. You can turn off telnet line mode from the cray
187 side by doing a "stty -extproc", or you can get the Cray AIC to build
188 a telnetd without KLUDGELINEMODE, or you can compile a new telnet
189 client (from the BSD net2 tape), or at least on the suns use: 'mode
191 _________________________________________________________________
193 18. On AU/X, I made tcsh my startup shell, but the mac desktop is not
194 starting up (no X11 or Finder), and I only get console emulation.
196 This is another manifestation of item 5. Just add the pathname to tcsh
197 in /etc/shells and everything should work fine.
198 _________________________________________________________________
200 19. On machines that use YP (NIS) tilde expansion might end up in
203 If this happens complain to your vendor, to get a new version of NIS.
204 You can fix that in tcsh by defining YPBUGS in config.h
205 _________________________________________________________________
207 20. Script on SGI 4.0.5 does not give us a tty, so we cannot have job
210 Their csh does not have job control either. Try:
214 _________________________________________________________________
216 21. I start tcsh and it takes a couple of minutes to get the prompt.
218 You have defined REMOTEHOST and your DNS is not responding. Either
219 undefine REMOTEHOST and recompile or fix your DNS.
220 _________________________________________________________________
222 22. If you need help generating your .cshrc file, check out:
224 http://www.imada.sdu.dk/~blackie/dotfile/
227 http://www.dotfiles.com
228 _________________________________________________________________
230 23. On POSIX systems the kernel will send hup signals to all the
231 processes in the foreground process group if 'stty hupcl' is set.
241 Will kill everything, since hup will be sent to all tcsh processes. To
242 avoid that you can set stty -hupcl, but it is not recommended.
243 _________________________________________________________________
245 24. When I rsh the meta key stops working on the remote machine.
247 Try using rsh -8; this option is undocumented on some systems, but it
248 works. If that does not work, get and use ssh/sshd. You'll be better
249 off from a security point of view anyway.
250 _________________________________________________________________
252 25. Tcsh compiled under hp/ux-10.x does not pass resource limits
253 correctly when ran on hp/ux-11.x systems.
255 This is a problem with lack of ABI compatibility between the two
256 systems. The only solution is to recompile.
257 _________________________________________________________________
259 26. Refreshing in command line editing can appear broken on some OS's
261 This is because the termcap/terminfo description lies about the
262 ability of the terminal to use tabs. At least on Compaq/DEC Alpha
263 OSF/1 3.x and 4.x systems, stty -tabs will cause problems.
264 _________________________________________________________________
266 27. Where can I learn the merits of tcsh vs. bash vs. csh vs. sh etc?
268 You can read the manual page section titled [NEW FEATURES] listing
269 features that tcsh adds to csh.
271 You can read Tom Christiansen's [Csh Programming Considered Harmful],
272 a document advocating that csh (and by extension, tcsh) should not be
273 used for writing shell scripts.
275 XXX: Need to find something about [bash], but bash is sh-compatible
276 and has many of the same interactive features of tcsh (command
277 completion does not appear to be as flexible, though).
279 [Curtains up: introducing the Z shell] has a pretty good rundown on
280 zsh. Aside from the arguments about csh being evil, tcsh appears to
281 compare well with zsh [zsh]. Zsh is sh and ksh compatible, with many
282 of the interactive features of tcsh.
283 _________________________________________________________________
285 28. Why does FreeBSD's tcsh do history browsing differently than I
288 On FreeBSD, by default, the up arrow is set to
289 "history-search-backward", rather than the default "up-history". As a
290 result, if you type (part of) a word and press up arrow, you'll see
291 previous commands that match the prefix. Pretty useful, actually,
292 although it takes some getting used to. You can use bindkey to see
293 your settings, and to rebind up & down differently if desired.
294 _________________________________________________________________
296 Everything else is a bug :-(
299 _________________________________________________________________
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