1 # A Dvorak keyboard for US English
3 # There are some minor variations, but this seems like the most
4 # common layout. I personally use one with three more pairs swapped:
5 # esc <-> `~, clock <-> lctrl, and =+ <-> \| (supplied as
12 # scan cntrl alt alt cntrl lock
13 # code base shift cntrl shift alt shift cntrl shift state
14 # ------------------------------------------------------------------
15 000 nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop O
16 001 esc esc esc esc esc esc debug esc O
17 002 '1' '!' nop nop '1' '!' nop nop O
18 003 '2' '@' nul nul '2' '@' nul nul O
19 004 '3' '#' nop nop '3' '#' nop nop O
20 005 '4' '$' nop nop '4' '$' nop nop O
21 006 '5' '%' nop nop '5' '%' nop nop O
22 007 '6' '^' rs rs '6' '^' rs rs O
23 008 '7' '&' nop nop '7' '&' nop nop O
24 009 '8' '*' nop nop '8' '*' nop nop O
25 010 '9' '(' nop nop '9' '(' nop nop O
26 011 '0' ')' nop nop '0' ')' nop nop O
27 012 '[' '{' esc esc '[' '{' esc esc O
28 013 ']' '}' gs gs ']' '}' gs gs O
29 014 bs bs del del bs bs del del O
30 015 ht btab nop nop ht btab nop nop O
31 016 ''' '"' nop nop ''' '"' nop nop O
32 017 ',' '<' nop nop ',' '<' nop nop O
33 018 '.' '>' nop nop '.' '>' nop nop O
34 019 'p' 'P' dle dle 'p' 'P' dle dle C
35 020 'y' 'Y' em em 'y' 'Y' em em C
36 021 'f' 'F' ack ack 'f' 'F' ack ack C
37 022 'g' 'G' bel bel 'g' 'G' bel bel C
38 023 'c' 'C' etx etx 'c' 'C' etx etx C
39 024 'r' 'R' dc2 dc2 'r' 'R' dc2 dc2 C
40 025 'l' 'L' ff ff 'l' 'L' ff ff C
41 026 '/' '?' nop nop '/' '?' nop nop O
42 027 '=' '+' nop nop '=' '+' nop nop O
43 028 cr cr nl nl cr cr nl nl O
44 029 lctrl lctrl lctrl lctrl lctrl lctrl lctrl lctrl O
45 030 'a' 'A' soh soh 'a' 'A' soh soh C
46 031 'o' 'O' si si 'o' 'O' si si C
47 032 'e' 'E' enq enq 'e' 'E' enq enq C
48 033 'u' 'U' nak nak 'u' 'U' nak nak C
49 034 'i' 'I' ht ht 'i' 'I' ht ht C
50 035 'd' 'D' eot eot 'd' 'D' eot eot C
51 036 'h' 'H' bs bs 'h' 'H' bs bs C
52 037 't' 'T' dc4 dc4 't' 'T' dc4 dc4 C
53 038 'n' 'N' so so 'n' 'N' so so C
54 039 's' 'S' dc3 dc3 's' 'S' dc3 dc3 C
55 040 '-' '_' us us '-' '_' us us O
56 041 '`' '~' nop nop '`' '~' nop nop O
57 042 lshift lshift lshift lshift lshift lshift lshift lshift O
58 043 '\' '|' fs fs '\' '|' fs fs O
59 044 ';' ':' nop nop ';' ':' nop nop O
60 045 'q' 'Q' dc1 dc1 'q' 'Q' dc1 dc1 C
61 046 'j' 'J' nl nl 'j' 'J' nl nl C
62 047 'k' 'K' vt vt 'k' 'K' vt vt C
63 048 'x' 'X' can can 'x' 'X' can can C
64 049 'b' 'B' stx stx 'b' 'B' stx stx C
65 050 'm' 'M' cr cr 'm' 'M' cr cr C
66 051 'w' 'W' etb etb 'w' 'W' etb etb C
67 052 'v' 'V' syn syn 'v' 'V' syn syn C
68 053 'z' 'Z' sub sub 'z' 'Z' sub sub C
69 054 rshift rshift rshift rshift rshift rshift rshift rshift O
70 055 '*' '*' '*' '*' '*' '*' '*' '*' O
71 056 lalt lalt lalt lalt lalt lalt lalt lalt O
72 057 ' ' ' ' nul ' ' ' ' ' ' susp ' ' O
73 058 clock clock clock clock clock clock clock clock O
74 059 fkey01 fkey13 fkey25 fkey37 scr01 scr11 scr01 scr11 O
75 060 fkey02 fkey14 fkey26 fkey38 scr02 scr12 scr02 scr12 O
76 061 fkey03 fkey15 fkey27 fkey39 scr03 scr13 scr03 scr13 O
77 062 fkey04 fkey16 fkey28 fkey40 scr04 scr14 scr04 scr14 O
78 063 fkey05 fkey17 fkey29 fkey41 scr05 scr15 scr05 scr15 O
79 064 fkey06 fkey18 fkey30 fkey42 scr06 scr16 scr06 scr16 O
80 065 fkey07 fkey19 fkey31 fkey43 scr07 scr07 scr07 scr07 O
81 066 fkey08 fkey20 fkey32 fkey44 scr08 scr08 scr08 scr08 O
82 067 fkey09 fkey21 fkey33 fkey45 scr09 scr09 scr09 scr09 O
83 068 fkey10 fkey22 fkey34 fkey46 scr10 scr10 scr10 scr10 O
84 069 nlock nlock nlock nlock nlock nlock nlock nlock O
85 070 slock slock slock slock slock slock slock slock O
86 071 fkey49 '7' '7' '7' '7' '7' '7' '7' N
87 072 fkey50 '8' '8' '8' '8' '8' '8' '8' N
88 073 fkey51 '9' '9' '9' '9' '9' '9' '9' N
89 074 fkey52 '-' '-' '-' '-' '-' '-' '-' N
90 075 fkey53 '4' '4' '4' '4' '4' '4' '4' N
91 076 fkey54 '5' '5' '5' '5' '5' '5' '5' N
92 077 fkey55 '6' '6' '6' '6' '6' '6' '6' N
93 078 fkey56 '+' '+' '+' '+' '+' '+' '+' N
94 079 fkey57 '1' '1' '1' '1' '1' '1' '1' N
95 080 fkey58 '2' '2' '2' '2' '2' '2' '2' N
96 081 fkey59 '3' '3' '3' '3' '3' '3' '3' N
97 082 fkey60 '0' '0' '0' '0' '0' '0' '0' N
98 083 del '.' '.' '.' '.' '.' boot boot N
99 084 nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop O
100 085 nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop O
101 086 nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop O
102 087 fkey11 fkey23 fkey35 fkey47 scr11 scr11 scr11 scr11 O
103 088 fkey12 fkey24 fkey36 fkey48 scr12 scr12 scr12 scr12 O
104 089 cr cr nl nl cr cr nl nl O
105 090 rctrl rctrl rctrl rctrl rctrl rctrl rctrl rctrl O
106 091 '/' '/' '/' '/' '/' '/' '/' '/' N
107 092 nscr pscr debug debug nop nop nop nop O
108 093 ralt ralt ralt ralt ralt ralt ralt ralt O
109 094 fkey49 fkey49 fkey49 fkey49 fkey49 fkey49 fkey49 fkey49 O
110 095 fkey50 fkey50 fkey50 fkey50 fkey50 fkey50 fkey50 fkey50 O
111 096 fkey51 fkey51 fkey51 fkey51 fkey51 fkey51 fkey51 fkey51 O
112 097 fkey53 fkey53 fkey53 fkey53 fkey53 fkey53 fkey53 fkey53 O
113 098 fkey55 fkey55 fkey55 fkey55 fkey55 fkey55 fkey55 fkey55 O
114 099 fkey57 fkey57 fkey57 fkey57 fkey57 fkey57 fkey57 fkey57 O
115 100 fkey58 fkey58 fkey58 fkey58 fkey58 fkey58 fkey58 fkey58 O
116 101 fkey59 fkey59 fkey59 fkey59 fkey59 fkey59 fkey59 fkey59 O
117 102 fkey60 paste fkey60 fkey60 fkey60 fkey60 fkey60 fkey60 O
118 103 fkey61 fkey61 fkey61 fkey61 fkey61 fkey61 boot fkey61 O
119 104 slock saver slock saver susp nop susp nop O
120 105 fkey62 fkey62 fkey62 fkey62 fkey62 fkey62 fkey62 fkey62 O
121 106 fkey63 fkey63 fkey63 fkey63 fkey63 fkey63 fkey63 fkey63 O
122 107 fkey64 fkey64 fkey64 fkey64 fkey64 fkey64 fkey64 fkey64 O
123 108 nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop O