4 plural=_("?plural:Basques")
5 groups="Medieval", "European"
6 legend=_("The Basques have lived since ancient times by the western\
7 foothills of the Pyrenees. The Kingdom of Navarre was the last\
8 independent Basque state, which fell to Aragon in the 16th century.\
9 Today, the Basque Country, or \"Euskal Herria\", lays right in the\
10 borderlands between Spain and France, divided into seven historical\
11 provinces. Their language, Euskara, has no known relatives and its\
12 origins are unknown.")
16 "Eneko Aritza", "Male"
17 "Antso III Gartzes Nagusia", "Male"
18 "Antso VII Indartsua", "Male"
19 "Katalina I Nafarroakoa", "Female"
20 "Joana III Albretekoa", "Female"
21 "Tomas Zumalakarregi", "Male"
22 "Santa Kruz Apaiza", "Male"
23 "Sabino Arana", "Male"
24 "Dolores Ibarruri", "Female"
25 "Jose Antonio Agirre", "Male"
26 "Jesus Maria Leizaola", "Male"
27 "Juan José Ibarretxe", "Male"
31 "government", "male_title", "female_title"
32 "Despotism", _("Leader %s"), _("?female:Leader %s")
33 "Republic", _("Lehendakari %s"), _("?female:Lehendakari %s")
44 civilwar_nations="Spanish", "French"
47 ;Spanish or French names in comment
49 "Bilbao (ocean, river)",
51 "Donostia (ocean, river)", ;San Sebastián
52 "Baiona (ocean, river)", ;Bayonne
53 "Donibane Garazi", ;Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port
54 "Maule", ;Mauléon-Licharre
55 "Barakaldo", ;Baracaldo
59 "Santurtzi (ocean)", ;Santurce
61 "Errenteria", ;Rentería
62 "Angelu (ocean)", ;Anglet
65 "Galdakao", ;Galdácano
70 "Zarautz (ocean)", ;Zarauz
72 "Arrasate", ;Mondragón
77 "Hondarribia (ocean)",
126 "Atharratze-Sorholüze",
180 "Arrazua-Ubarrundia",
203 "Ürrustoi-Larrabile",