Cache target CityTile state action legality.
[freeciv.git] / data / trident.tilespec
1 [tilespec]
3 ; Format and options of this tilespec file:
4 options = "+Freeciv-tilespec-Devel-2016-Jun-07"
6 ; A simple name for the tileset specified by this file:
7 name = "Trident"
8 priority = 5
10 ; There`s no separate versioning in tilesets part of main freeciv distribution
11 ;version = ""
13 ; Summary and full description of the tileset.
14 summary = _("Basic small overhead tileset.")
15 ;description = ""
17 ; TODO: add more overall information fields on tiles, 
18 ; eg, authors, colors, etc.
20 ; What is the primary ruleset this tileset is meant for.
21 ;for_ruleset = ""
23 ; Basic tile sizes:
24 normal_tile_width  = 30
25 normal_tile_height = 30
26 small_tile_width   = 15
27 small_tile_height  = 20
29 ; Basic tile style.
30 type = "overhead"
31 is_hex = FALSE
33 ; Was old iso style
34 fog_style      = "Darkness"
36 ; Was darkness style "CardinalFull" (15 sprites)
37 darkness_style = "Corner"
39 ; offset the flags by this amount when drawing units
40 unit_flag_offset_x = 0
41 unit_flag_offset_y = 0
42 city_flag_offset_x = 0
43 city_flag_offset_y = 0
45 ; offset the city occupied sprite by this amount
46 occupied_offset_x = 0
47 occupied_offset_y = 0
49 ; offset the units by this amount
50 unit_offset_x = 0
51 unit_offset_y = 0
53 ; offset of the normal activity icons
54 activity_offset_x = 0
55 activity_offset_y = 0
57 ; offset of the selected unit sprites
58 select_offset_x = 0
59 select_offset_y = 0
61 ; offset the cities by this amount
62 city_offset_x = 0
63 city_offset_y = 0
65 ; offset the city size number by this amount
66 ; This is relative to full sprite origin.
67 city_size_offset_x = 0
68 city_size_offset_y = 0
70 ; offset the city bar text by this amount (from the city tile origin)
71 citybar_offset_y = 27
73 ; offset the tile label text by this amount
74 tilelabel_offset_y = 10
76 ; offset the upkeep icons by this amount from the top of the unit itself.
77 ; The default is the normal tile height, which means that the upkeep icons
78 ; appear below the unit icon if the unit icons are equal to tile height
79 ; (typical in overhead tileset), or overlay lower part of the unit icon,
80 ; if unit icon is higher than tiles (typical in iso tilesets)
81 ;unit_upkeep_offset_y = 0
83 ; Like unit_upkeep_offset_y, but to be used in case there`s only small
84 ; space for the overall icon produced. Defaults to unit_upkeep_offset_y -
85 ; not having alternative layout.
86 ; Set it to overlay lower part of the unit icon instead of taking extra
87 ; space below.
88 unit_upkeep_small_offset_y = 20
90 ; Font size (points) to use to draw city names and productions:
91 city_names_font_size = 10
92 city_productions_font_size = 10
94 ; For tilesets with oriented units, the directional sprite to use to
95 ; represent a unit type rather than a specific unit from the map
96 ; (e.g., in worklists, editor, and online help). Does not have to be a
97 ; valid direction for the tileset.
98 ;unit_default_orientation = "s"
100 ; The map is rendered in "layers", just like any decent image editor
101 ; supports. The setting below allows to change the layer drawing order. The
102 ; first layer in the list will be drawn below the others; the second on top
103 ; of it, and so on. No layer can be omitted from the list, nor can new ones
104 ; be added.
105 ;layer_order =
106 ;  "Background", ; Background color (if enabled, the player color where there
107 ;                ; are units or cities). You probably want to leave this
108 ;                ; first.
109 ;  "Terrain1",   ; The three terrain layers. See sections [layerN] below.
110 ;  "Darkness",   ; Darkness (unseen tiles)
111 ;  "Terrain2",
112 ;  "Terrain3",
113 ;  "Water",      ; All extras with "River" style.
114 ;  "Roads",      ; All extras with style "RoadAllSeparate",
115 ;                ; "RoadParityCombined" or "RoadAllCombined".
116 ;  "Special1",   ; 1st layer for extras with style "3Layers", "Single2" or
117 ;                ; "Single1".
118 ;  "Grid1",      ; Grid layer for isometric tilesets.
119 ;  "City1",      ; City and walls.
120 ;  "Special2",   ; 2nd layer for extras with "3Layers" and "Single2" styles.
121 ;  "Fog",        ; Fog of war (on tiles one knows but doesn`t see).
122 ;  "Unit",       ; Units except the selected one(s).
123 ;  "Special3",   ; 3rd layer for extras with "3Layers" style, and base flags.
124 ;  "City2",      ; City size when the city bar is disabled.
125 ;  "Grid2",      ; Second grid layer (overhead tilesets only).
126 ;  "Overlays",   ; Tile output sprites.
127 ;  "TileLabel",  ; Tile labels ("Scorched spot").
128 ;  "CityBar",    ; The city bar with name, production, food, ...
129 ;  "FocusUnit",  ; The focused unit(s).
130 ;  "Goto",       ; Goto turn count and intermediate points, *not* goto lines.
131 ;  "WorkerTask", ; The unit task indicators ("G", "S", ...).
132 ;  "Editor"      ; Editor stuff (selected tile and start points).
134 ; This is special because it gets freed and reloaded as required:
135 main_intro_file    = "misc/intro"
137 ; Below, the graphics spec files; must be somewhere (anywhere) in 
138 ; the data path. Order may be important for color allocation on 
139 ; low-color systems, and if there are any duplicate tags (lattermost
140 ; tag is used).
141 files =
142   "misc/overlays.spec",
143   "misc/citybar.spec",
144   "trident/tiles.spec",
145   "trident/earth.spec",
146   "misc/small.spec",
147   "misc/events.spec",
148   "misc/governments.spec",
149   "misc/specialists.spec",
150   "trident/units.spec",
151   "trident/select.spec",
152   "misc/flags.spec",
153   "misc/shields.spec",
154   "misc/cursors.spec",
155   "trident/grid.spec",
156   "trident/roads.spec",
157   "misc/buildings.spec",
158   "misc/space.spec",
159   "misc/techs.spec",
160   "misc/treaty.spec",
161   "misc/icons.spec",
162   "misc/editor.spec",
163   "trident/fog.spec",
164   "trident/cities.spec",
165   "trident/explosions.spec"
168 ; Include color definitions
169 *include "misc/colors.tilespec"
171 ; Terrain info - see
173 [layer0]
174 match_types = "desert", "forest", "grassland", "hills", "jungle", "mountains", "water", "plains", "swamp", "tundra"
176 [layer1]
177 match_types = "water", "land"
179 [layer2]
180 match_types = "water", "arctic"
182 ; Water graphics referenced by terrain.ruleset
184 [tile_coast]
185 tag = "coast"
186 blend_layer = 0
187 num_layers = 3
188 layer0_match_type = "water"
189 layer0_match_with = "water"
190 layer0_sprite_type = "corner"
191 layer1_match_type = "water"
192 layer1_match_with = "water"
193 layer2_match_type = "water"
194 layer2_match_with = "water"
196 [tile_floor]
197 tag = "floor"
198 blend_layer = 0
199 num_layers = 3
200 layer0_match_type = "water"
201 layer0_match_with = "water"
202 layer0_sprite_type = "corner"
203 layer1_match_type = "water"
204 layer1_match_with = "water"
205 layer2_match_type = "water"
206 layer2_match_with = "water"
208 [tile_lake]
209 tag = "lake"
210 blend_layer = 0
211 num_layers = 3
212 layer0_match_type = "water"
213 layer0_match_with = "water"
214 layer0_sprite_type = "corner"
215 layer1_match_type = "water"
216 layer1_match_with = "water"
217 layer2_match_type = "water"
218 layer2_match_with = "water"
220 [tile_inaccessible]
221 tag = "inaccessible"
222 blend_layer = 0
223 num_layers = 3
224 layer0_match_type = "water"
225 layer0_match_with = "water"
226 layer0_sprite_type = "corner"
227 layer1_match_type = "water"
228 layer1_match_with = "water"
229 layer2_match_type = "water"
230 layer2_match_with = "water"
232 ; Land graphics referenced by terrain.ruleset
234 [tile_arctic]
235 tag = "arctic"
236 blend_layer = 0
237 num_layers = 3
238 layer0_match_type = "tundra"
239 layer0_match_with = "tundra"
240 layer1_match_type = "water"
241 layer1_match_with = "water"
242 layer2_match_type = "arctic"
244 [tile_desert]
245 tag = "desert"
246 blend_layer = 0
247 num_layers = 3
248 layer0_match_type = "desert"
249 layer0_match_with = "desert"
250 layer1_match_type = "land"
251 layer2_match_type = "water"
253 [tile_forest]
254 tag = "forest"
255 blend_layer = 0
256 num_layers = 3
257 layer0_match_type = "forest"
258 layer0_match_with = "forest"
259 layer1_match_type = "land"
260 layer2_match_type = "water"
262 [tile_grassland]
263 tag = "grassland"
264 blend_layer = 0
265 num_layers = 3
266 layer0_match_type = "grassland"
267 layer1_match_type = "land"
268 layer2_match_type = "water"
270 [tile_hills]
271 tag = "hills"
272 blend_layer = 0
273 num_layers = 3
274 layer0_match_type = "hills"
275 layer0_match_with = "hills"
276 layer1_match_type = "land"
277 layer2_match_type = "water"
279 [tile_jungle]
280 tag = "jungle"
281 blend_layer = 0
282 num_layers = 3
283 layer0_match_type = "jungle"
284 layer0_match_with = "jungle"
285 layer1_match_type = "land"
286 layer2_match_type = "water"
288 [tile_mountains]
289 tag = "mountains"
290 blend_layer = 0
291 num_layers = 3
292 layer0_match_type = "mountains"
293 layer0_match_with = "mountains"
294 layer1_match_type = "land"
295 layer2_match_type = "water"
297 [tile_plains]
298 tag = "plains"
299 blend_layer = 0
300 num_layers = 3
301 layer0_match_type = "plains"
302 layer0_match_with = "plains"
303 layer1_match_type = "land"
304 layer2_match_type = "water"
306 [tile_swamp]
307 tag = "swamp"
308 blend_layer = 0
309 num_layers = 3
310 layer0_match_type = "swamp"
311 layer0_match_with = "swamp"
312 layer1_match_type = "land"
313 layer2_match_type = "water"
315 [tile_tundra]
316 tag = "tundra"
317 blend_layer = 0
318 num_layers = 3
319 layer0_match_type = "tundra"
320 layer0_match_with = "tundra"
321 layer1_match_type = "land"
322 layer2_match_type = "water"
324 [extras]
325 styles =
326     { "name",          "style"
327       "road.road",     "RoadParityCombined"
328       "road.rail",     "RoadParityCombined"
329       "road.maglev",   "RoadParityCombined"
330       "road.river",    "River"
331       "tx.irrigation", "Cardinals"
332       "tx.farmland",   "Cardinals"
333       "tx.mine",       "Single1"
334       "tx.oil_mine",   "Single1"
335       "tx.pollution",  "Single2"
336       "tx.fallout",    "Single2"
337       "tx.village",    "Single1"
338       "base.outpost",  "3Layer"
339       "base.fortress", "3Layer"
340       "base.airstrip", "3Layer"
341       "base.airbase",  "3Layer"
342       "extra.ruins",   "3Layer"
343       "",       "Single1"
344       "ts.iron",       "Single1"
345       "ts.tundra_game", "Single1"
346       "ts.furs",       "Single1"
347       "ts.coal",       "Single1"
348       "",       "Single1"
349       "ts.fruit",      "Single1"
350       "ts.gems",       "Single1"
351       "ts.buffalo",    "Single1"
352       "ts.wheat",      "Single1"
353       "ts.oasis",      "Single1"
354       "ts.peat",       "Single1"
355       "ts.pheasant",   "Single1"
356       "ts.grassland_resources", "Single1"
357       "ts.arctic_ivory", "Single1"
358       "",       "Single1"
359       "ts.spice",      "Single1"
360       "ts.whales",     "Single1"
361       "",       "Single1"
362       "ts.oil",        "Single1"
363       "ts.horses",     "Single1"
364       "ts.seals",      "Single1"
365     }