2 [*]------------ Current Core Vars ------------
6 [*]2 EGO (lambda actual)
11 [*]2 EGO2 (lambda actual)
19 [*]------------ Current Derived Vars ------------
31 [*]------------ Suggested Definites --------------
32 [*]Ignition advance base
35 [*]Datalog sequence number incremented per log sent - 8 bits is enough, only looking for discontinuity anyway
36 [*]Spare variable fields to be somehow user configurable without code change 4 x 16 bits enough?)
37 [*]Flag vars = bit fields = on/off or yes/no or 0/1 for specific states of various things
38 [*]----------- Specific Flags ------------
39 [*]Fully closed throttle on/off
40 [*]Fully open throttle on/off
47 [*]Box in neutral on/off
48 [*]VVT - fixed - on/off
49 [*]VICS - fixed - on/off
51 [*]Fans (1 or 2?) on/off
52 [*]CEL (how many) on/off
53 [*]Primary sync on/off
54 [*]Secondary sync on/off
55 [*]What else? Go nuts... I can only say no :-)
56 [*]Bank left/right of a V engine for the entire log
57 [*]------------ Suggested To Be Discussed ------------
58 [*]Injection advance figures - v twin, siamese, standard, all to be considered, may require two fields.
59 [*]TFC - per algorithm ?
60 [*]------------ Non core, but desirable ---------------
61 [*]Idle valve Duty - should be generic enough to cover stepper and pwm, ie, not sure if duty is the right term
64 [*]Vehicle speed sensor
66 [*]Cooling fan duty (1 or 2)
67 [*]VVT angle value or duty value or both
71 [*]All fuel pulsewidths
75 [*]O2 Correction level
76 [*]Trigger input angle logging - primary and secondary
77 [*]What else? Go nuts... I can only say no :-)
80 Bit fields are cheap, so there should be more than enough of those to cater into the future. Word fields are expensive, so we should think carefully about what to include and what not to include.
82 I think the structures used need some rework. I'd like to migrate the rpms and delta map out of core vars and replace them with ADC figures that correspond to the raw ADC array. I think some of the stuff in derived vars doesn't belong there too... We will also need some sort of accessory output struct or similar. Finally, I think it would be nice to have them all 16 fields long such that it is easy to mask them off on an individual basis for the configurable log.
84 Some sort of internal running time stamp - perhaps add another clock that incs when some other rolls over? or perhaps just use the 32 bit ECT for this? Or maybe we should use a real time value from the clocks section so we have a time frame for everything.
86 Additionally, the following fields are also available :
88 RAW ADCs (useful to see noise pre averaging) :
111 [*]2 realTimeClockMain
112 [*]2 realTimeClockMillis
113 [*]2 realTimeClockTenths
114 [*]2 realTimeClockSeconds
115 [*]2 realTimeClockMinutes
118 [*]2 secondsToMinutes
119 [*]2 timeoutADCreadingClock
124 [*]2 primaryInputLatency
125 [*]2 secondaryInputLatency
126 [*]2 Injector1Latency
127 [*]2 Injector2Latency
128 [*]2 Injector3Latency
129 [*]2 Injector4Latency
130 [*]2 Injector5Latency
131 [*]2 Injector6Latency
135 [*]2 mathSampleTimeStamp [2] ??
137 (Can't remember what the story with those last math ones is)
141 [*]2 primaryInputLeadingRuntime
142 [*]2 primaryInputTrailingRuntime
143 [*]2 secondaryInputLeadingRuntime
144 [*]2 secondaryInputTrailingRuntime
146 [*]2 genCoreVarsRuntime
147 [*]2 genDerivedVarsRuntime
148 [*]2 mathTotalRuntime
152 [*]2 logSendingRuntime
153 [*]2 serialISRRuntime
159 [*]2 lowVoltISRCounter
160 [*]2 lostCrankSyncCounter
161 [*]2 lostCamSyncCounter
162 [*]2 lostRPMValidityCounter
163 [*]2 primaryTeethDroppedFromLackOfSync
164 [*]2 primaryTeethCounter
165 [*]2 secondaryTeethCounter
166 [*]2 syncedADCreadingCounter
167 [*]2 timeoutADCreadingCounter
168 [*]2 calcsPerformedCounter
170 [*]2 serialPacketOverLengthCounter
171 [*]2 serialStartInsidePacketCounter
172 [*]2 serialEscapePairMismatchCounter
173 [*]2 serialChecksumMismatchCounter
174 [*]2 serialNoiseErrorCounter
175 [*]2 serialOverrunErrorCounter
176 [*]2 serialFramingErrorCounter
177 [*]2 serialParityErrorCounter
178 [*]2 serialDebugUnsentCounter
181 Many thanks to Jared's doxygen efforts which made creating this post a lot easier!!
183 Many thanks to everyone that put ideas in too, keep them coming :-)