1 ## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
5 bin_PROGRAMS = FSViewer
6 datadir = @fsviewerdir@
7 pkgdatadir = @fsviewerdir@
8 FSViewer_SOURCES = FSViewer.c files.c FSFileBrowser.c\
9 list.c misc.c prop.c timestampWidget.c \
10 attribsInspector.c editInspector.c exeInspector.c \
11 extnInspector.c iconInspector.c viewInspector.c \
12 FSBrowser.c FSPanel.c FSUtils.c FSMenu.c\
13 FSFileView.c FSInspector.c magic.c DnD.c \
14 FSPathView.c xmodifier.c FSFinder.c FSFileButton.c\
16 LDADD = -Lregexp -lregx
17 noinst_HEADERS = FSViewer.h filebrowser.h files.h list.h misc.h \
18 timestampWidget.h FSBrowser.h FSPanel.h FSUtils.h \
19 FSMenu.h FSFileView.h magic.h DnD.h FSFileButton.h \
20 FSFinder.h FSMCList.h FSPathView.h FSPrefs.h
21 pkgdata_DATA = MagicFiles
22 ##EXTRA_DIST = icons/* xpm/* fsviewer.sh
23 EXTRA_DIST = xpm/* MagicFiles
26 # DEFS = -DLOCALEDIR=\"$(localedir)\" @DEFS@