Directed exception logging into logger
[funambol-groupdav-connector.git] / doc / install-guide.lyx
1 #LyX 1.4.4 created this file. For more info see
2 \lyxformat 245
3 \begin_document
4 \begin_header
5 \textclass paper
6 \begin_preamble
7 \usepackage{hyperref}
8 \end_preamble
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33 \begin_body
35 \begin_layout Title
36 Funambol DS Server installation guide for the GroupDAV Connector
37 \end_layout
39 \begin_layout Section
40 Prerequisites
41 \end_layout
43 \begin_layout Standard
44 This article discusses installing the Funambol Device Sync server and the
45  GroupDAV connector module, over a Tomcat 5 application server install.
46  A level of knowledge with a Unix-like OS is assumed.
48 \end_layout
50 \begin_layout Subsubsection
51 Useful outside documentation
52 \end_layout
54 \begin_layout Itemize
55 Funambol provides a set of documentation for all aspects of the DS server,
56  which may be downloaded at 
57 \begin_inset LatexCommand \url{}
59 \end_inset
62 \end_layout
64 \begin_layout Itemize
65 Several install guides are available at the 
66 \begin_inset LatexCommand \url{}
68 \end_inset
71 \end_layout
73 \begin_layout Subsubsection
74 Required files
75 \end_layout
77 \begin_layout Itemize
78 Tomcat 5.0 (
79 \emph on
80 not
81 \emph default
82  5.5) 
83 \begin_inset LatexCommand \url{}
85 \end_inset
88 \end_layout
90 \begin_layout Itemize
91 HSQLDB database - in particular hsqldb.jar 
92 \begin_inset LatexCommand \url{}
94 \end_inset
97 \end_layout
99 \begin_layout Itemize
100 Funambol DS Server 5.0.10 archive 
101 \begin_inset LatexCommand \url{}
103 \end_inset
106 \end_layout
108 \begin_layout Itemize
109 From the download directory for the connector version 
110 \begin_inset LatexCommand \url{}
112 \end_inset
115 \begin_inset LatexCommand \url{}
117 \end_inset
120 \end_layout
122 \begin_deeper
123 \begin_layout Itemize
124 GroupDAV Funambol s4j (groupdav-1.x.xxxx.s4j)
125 \end_layout
127 \begin_layout Itemize
128 JGroupDAV.jar
129 \end_layout
131 \begin_layout Itemize
132 gdav_libs.tar.bz2
133 \end_layout
135 \end_deeper
136 \begin_layout Itemize
137 Funambol Administration Tool 3.0.9 
138 \begin_inset LatexCommand \url{}
140 \end_inset
143 \end_layout
145 \begin_layout Itemize
146 And 
147 \emph on
148 most importantly
149 \emph default
150  of all, you will need a Java 5 Development Kit, obtainable from 
151 \begin_inset LatexCommand \url{}
153 \end_inset
155  for most platforms.
156  IBM's developer kits also work.
157 \end_layout
159 \begin_layout Section
160 Tomcat 5.0
161 \end_layout
163 \begin_layout Standard
164 Tomcat 5 does not need any installation, merely untarring.
165 \end_layout
167 \begin_layout Itemize
168 \begin_inset ERT
169 status open
171 \begin_layout Standard
174 \backslash
175 texttt{tar -zxvf jakarta-tomcat-5.0.30.tar.gz}
176 \end_layout
178 \end_inset
181 \end_layout
183 \begin_layout Itemize
184 Take note of the location you install Tomcat to.
185 \end_layout
187 \begin_layout Section
189 \end_layout
191 \begin_layout Standard
192 HSQLDB is the database this tutorial will be using for Funambol, however,
193  if you wish to use another database, follow the instructions in Funambol's
194  literature
195 \end_layout
197 \begin_layout Itemize
198 Create a directory on your system.
199  HSQLDB is in <</lib/hsqldb.jar.
200  Copy the jar into this directory.
202 \end_layout
204 \begin_layout Itemize
205 Then, fire up your favorite text editor and create a script:
206 \end_layout
208 \begin_layout Itemize
209 \begin_inset ERT
210 status open
212 \begin_layout Standard
215 \backslash
216 texttt{/bin/sh}
217 \end_layout
219 \begin_layout Standard
222 \backslash
223 texttt{java -classpath hsqldb.jar org.hsqldb.Server -database.0 fnbl -dbname.0
224  fnbl}
225 \end_layout
227 \end_inset
230 \end_layout
232 \begin_layout Itemize
233 Save it and make the file executable.
234  Next, run the script to start HSQLDB.
235  (you may want to execute it in screen or create an init script)
236 \end_layout
238 \begin_layout Section
239 Funambol DS Server
240 \end_layout
242 \begin_layout Standard
243 Unzip the Funambol archive and move its contents to a permanent place on
244  your system.
245  The files will be extracted to 
246 \begin_inset ERT
247 status open
249 \begin_layout Standard
252 \backslash
253 texttt{Funambol/ds-server}
254 \end_layout
256 \end_inset
259  The instructions below are relative to 
260 \begin_inset ERT
261 status open
263 \begin_layout Standard
266 \backslash
267 texttt{ds-server}
268 \end_layout
270 \end_inset
272 Then open up a terminal and export the following variables:
273 \end_layout
275 \begin_layout Itemize
276 export JAVA_HOME=<location_of_your_java_jdk>
277 \end_layout
279 \begin_layout Itemize
280 export J2EE_HOME=<location_of_tomcat>
281 \end_layout
283 \begin_layout Itemize
284 (Suggestion: save the exports as a shell script so you can source them when
285  needed.
286 \end_layout
288 \begin_layout Itemize
289 Copy the 
290 \begin_inset ERT
291 status open
293 \begin_layout Standard
296 \backslash
297 texttt{groupdav-1.x.xxxx.s4j}
298 \end_layout
300 \end_inset
302  archive to 
303 \begin_inset ERT
304 status open
306 \begin_layout Standard
309 \backslash
310 texttt{
311 \backslash
312 <funambol
313 \backslash
314 >/modules}
315 \end_layout
317 \end_inset
320 \end_layout
322 \begin_layout Itemize
323 Un tar 
324 \begin_inset ERT
325 status open
327 \begin_layout Standard
330 \backslash
331 texttt{gdav_libs.tar.bz2}
332 \end_layout
334 \end_inset
336  and copy the jar files in it to 
337 \begin_inset ERT
338 status open
340 \begin_layout Standard
343 \backslash
344 texttt{
345 \backslash
346 <funambol
347 \backslash
348 >/default/lib}
349 \end_layout
351 \end_inset
354 \end_layout
356 \begin_layout Itemize
357 Open 
358 \begin_inset ERT
359 status open
361 \begin_layout Standard
364 \backslash
365 texttt{}
366 \end_layout
368 \end_inset
370  and start by changing the 
371 \begin_inset ERT
372 status open
374 \begin_layout Standard
377 \backslash
378 texttt{dbms=postgresql}
379 \end_layout
381 \end_inset
383  line into 
384 \begin_inset ERT
385 status open
387 \begin_layout Standard
390 \backslash
391 texttt{dmbs=hypersonic}
392 \end_layout
394 \end_inset
397 \end_layout
399 \begin_layout Itemize
400 Scroll down to the bottom and replace the postgresql defaults with:
401 \end_layout
403 \begin_deeper
404 \begin_layout Itemize
405 \begin_inset ERT
406 status open
408 \begin_layout Standard
411 \backslash
412 texttt{jdbc.classpath=
413 \backslash
415 \backslash
417 \end_layout
419 \begin_layout Standard
422 \backslash
423 texttt{jdbc.driver=org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver}
424 \end_layout
426 \begin_layout Standard
429 \backslash
430 texttt{jdbc.url=jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost/fnbl
431 \end_layout
433 \begin_layout Standard
436 \backslash
437 texttt{jdbc.user=sa}
438 \end_layout
440 \begin_layout Standard
443 \backslash
444 texttt{jdbc.password=}
445 \end_layout
447 \end_inset
450 \end_layout
452 \end_deeper
453 \begin_layout Itemize
454 Just below the SQL configuration there is a 
455 \begin_inset ERT
456 status open
458 \begin_layout Standard
461 \backslash
462 texttt{modules-to-install}
463 \end_layout
465 \end_inset
467  line
468 \begin_inset Quotes erd
469 \end_inset
472 \end_layout
474 \begin_deeper
475 \begin_layout Itemize
476 \begin_inset ERT
477 status open
479 \begin_layout Standard
482 \backslash
483 texttt{modules-to-install=foundation-3.0.9,pdi-3.0.5,pimweb-3.0.8,funambol-db-3.0.7}
484 \end_layout
486 \end_inset
489 \end_layout
491 \begin_layout Itemize
492 \begin_inset ERT
493 status open
495 \begin_layout Standard
498 \backslash
499 texttt{modules-to-install=foundation-3.0.9,pdi-3.0.5,pimweb-3.0.8,funambol-db-3.0.7,grou
500 pdav-1.1.xxxx
501 \end_layout
503 \end_inset
506 \end_layout
508 \end_deeper
509 \begin_layout Itemize
510 Next, make the install scripts 
511 \begin_inset ERT
512 status open
514 \begin_layout Standard
517 \backslash
518 texttt{bin/, bin/}
519 \end_layout
521 \end_inset
523 executable, and install Funambol:
524 \end_layout
526 \begin_deeper
527 \begin_layout Itemize
528 \begin_inset ERT
529 status open
531 \begin_layout Standard
534 \backslash
535 texttt{chmod +x bin/}
536 \end_layout
538 \begin_layout Standard
541 \backslash
542 texttt{chmod +x bin/}
543 \end_layout
545 \begin_layout Standard
548 \backslash
549 texttt{bin/ tomcat50}
550 \end_layout
552 \end_inset
555 \end_layout
557 \end_deeper
558 \begin_layout Itemize
559 The script will ask you if you wish to replace the database for each module.
560  Answer 
561 \emph on
563 \emph default
564 (yes) to each one.
565 \end_layout
567 \begin_layout Standard
569 \noun on
570 Attention! 
571 \noun default
572 If you already have services running on port 8080, edit the tomcat config
573  file in 
574 \begin_inset ERT
575 status open
577 \begin_layout Standard
580 \backslash
581 texttt{<tomcat>/conf/server.xml}
582 \end_layout
584 \end_inset
587 \end_layout
589 \begin_layout Standard
590 Funambol can now be started by:
591 \end_layout
593 \begin_layout Standard
594 \begin_inset ERT
595 status open
597 \begin_layout Standard
600 \backslash
601 texttt{bin/}
602 \end_layout
604 \end_inset
607 \end_layout
609 \end_body
610 \end_document