Sync up with JGroupDAV; allow configuration of bulk downloader, fix a bug in recurrence
[funambol-groupdav-connector.git] / src / test / java / net / bionicmessage / funambol / groupdav / calendar /
1 /*
2 *
3 * JUnit 4.x based test
5 * Created on July 26, 2007, 5:44 PM
7 * GroupDAV connector for Funambol v6.5
8 * Copyright (C) 2007 Mathew McBride
10 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
11 * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
12 * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
13 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
15 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
16 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18 * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
20 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
21 * along with this program. If not, see <>.
23 package net.bionicmessage.funambol.groupdav.calendar;
25 import com.funambol.framework.engine.SyncItem;
26 import com.funambol.framework.engine.SyncItemImpl;
27 import com.funambol.framework.engine.SyncItemKey;
28 import com.funambol.framework.engine.source.ContentType;
29 import com.funambol.framework.engine.source.SyncContext;
30 import com.funambol.framework.engine.source.SyncSourceInfo;
31 import;
32 import;
33 import;
34 import java.util.Properties;
35 import junit.framework.JUnit4TestAdapter;
36 import net.bionicmessage.funambol.framework.Constants;
37 import org.junit.After;
38 import org.junit.AfterClass;
39 import org.junit.Before;
40 import org.junit.BeforeClass;
41 import org.junit.Test;
42 import static org.junit.Assert.*;
43 import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64;
44 /**
46 * @author matt
49 public class CalendarSyncSourceTest {
51 private String clientId = "STATIC-TEST";
52 private String testPropertiesFile = ".groupdavconnector_test_properties";
53 private CalendarSyncSource css = null;
54 private SyncContext ctx = null;
55 private Sync4jPrincipal spp = null;
56 private Properties testProps = null;
58 public CalendarSyncSourceTest() {
61 @BeforeClass
62 public static void setUpClass() throws Exception {
65 @AfterClass
66 public static void tearDownClass() throws Exception {
69 @Before
70 public void setUp() throws Exception {
71 // Load a properties file from the local user dir
72 String testPropsPath = System.getProperty("user.home") + System.getProperty("file.separator") + testPropertiesFile;
73 testProps = new Properties();
74 File testPropsFile = new File(testPropsPath);
75 if (!testPropsFile.exists()) {
76 System.err.println("CalendarSyncSourceTest not configured. Exiting");
77 System.err.println("Perhaps you should pass the -Dmaven.test.skip.exec=true flag to build?");
78 System.exit(0);
80 testProps.load(new FileInputStream(testPropsFile));
81 css = new CalendarSyncSource();
82 String storePath = System.getProperty("") + System.getProperty("file.separator") + "calendarsyncsource-test";
83 css.setConnectorProperties(testProps);
84 String testUser = testProps.getProperty("test.user");
85 spp = Sync4jPrincipal.createPrincipal(testProps.getProperty("test.user"), "testid");
86 String passString = String.format("%s:%s", testProps.getProperty("test.user"),
87 testProps.getProperty("test.password"));
88 String encodedPassString = new String(Base64.encodeBase64(passString.getBytes()));
89 spp.setEncodedUserPwd(encodedPassString);
90 spp.setUsername(testProps.getProperty("test.user"));
91 ctx = new SyncContext(spp, 0, null, null, 0);
92 SyncSourceInfo ssInfo = new SyncSourceInfo();
93 ContentType vcard = new ContentType();
94 vcard.setType("text/x-vcalendar");
95 vcard.setVersion("1.0");
96 ContentType[] supported = new ContentType[1];
97 supported[0] = vcard;
98 ssInfo.setSupportedTypes(supported);
99 ssInfo.setPreferred(0);
100 css.setInfo(ssInfo);
103 @After
104 public void tearDown() throws Exception {
107 /** The tests below are in a series of 'easiest' to 'i can't believe its not
108 * a human' */
109 @Test
110 public void beginSlowAndEnd() throws Exception {
111 ctx = new SyncContext(spp, 201, null, null, 0);
112 css.beginSync(ctx);
113 css.endSync();
116 @Test
117 public void beginSlowGetAllSyncItemKeysEnd() throws Exception {
118 ctx = new SyncContext(spp, 201, null, null, 0);
119 css.beginSync(ctx);
120 SyncItemKey[] all = css.getAllSyncItemKeys();
121 for (int i = 0; i < all.length; i++) {
122 SyncItemKey syncItemKey = all[i];
123 SyncItemKey[] indiv = new SyncItemKey[1];
124 indiv[0] = syncItemKey;
125 System.out.printf("New/updated Key: %s\n", syncItemKey.getKeyAsString()).flush();
126 css.setOperationStatus("Add", 201, indiv);
128 css.endSync();
131 @Test
132 public void beginSlowGetAllSyncItemKeysGetItemsVcalEnd() throws Exception {
133 ctx = new SyncContext(spp, 201, null, null, 0);
134 css.setType("text/x-vcalendar"); // to fix later
135 css.beginSync(ctx);
136 SyncItemKey[] all = css.getAllSyncItemKeys();
137 for (int i = 0; i < all.length; i++) {
138 SyncItemKey syncItemKey = all[i];
139 System.out.printf("New/updated Key: %s\n", syncItemKey.getKeyAsString()).flush();
140 SyncItem si = css.getSyncItemFromId(syncItemKey);
141 String contents = new String(si.getContent());
142 System.out.printf("Contents: %s\n------\n", contents).flush();
144 css.endSync();
147 @Test
148 public void beginNormalAddItem() throws Exception {
149 ctx = new SyncContext(spp, 200, null, null, 0);
150 css.setType("text/x-vcalendar");
151 css.beginSync(ctx);
152 File problemSample = new File("doc/problem-samples/synthesis-quoted-printable-example.txt");
153 FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(problemSample);
154 byte[] data = new byte[fis.available()];
156 fis.close();
157 SyncItemImpl sync = new SyncItemImpl(css, "testitem-calsourcetest");
158 sync.setContent(data);
159 sync.setType("text/x-vcalendar");
160 SyncItem result = css.addSyncItem(sync);
161 byte[] newdata = result.getContent();
162 String resdata = new String(newdata);
163 String resuid = result.getKey().getKeyAsString();
164 System.out.printf("Returned from addSyncItem: %s\n, UID: %s\n", resdata, resuid).flush();
165 // Write a temp file
166 System.setProperty("calsyncsourcetest.beginslowadditem.resuid", resuid);
167 css.endSync();
170 @Test
171 public void beginNormalDeleteItem() throws Exception {
172 ctx = new SyncContext(spp, 200, null, null, 0);
173 css.setType("text/x-vcalendar");
174 css.beginSync(ctx);
175 String uid = System.getProperty("calsyncsourcetest.beginslowadditem.resuid");
176 css.removeSyncItem(new SyncItemKey(uid), null, false);
177 System.out.printf("Removed item %s from server\n", uid);
178 css.endSync();
180 @Test
181 public void testNoSummary() throws Exception {
182 ctx = new SyncContext(spp, 200, null, null, 0);
183 css.setType("text/x-vcalendar");
184 css.beginSync(ctx);
185 File problemSample = new File("doc/problem-samples/no-summary.vcs");
186 FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(problemSample);
187 byte[] data = new byte[fis.available()];
189 fis.close();
190 SyncItemImpl sync = new SyncItemImpl(css, "testitem-nosummary");
191 sync.setContent(data);
192 sync.setType("text/x-vcalendar");
193 SyncItem result = css.addSyncItem(sync);
194 byte[] newdata = result.getContent();
195 String resdata = new String(newdata);
196 String resuid = result.getKey().getKeyAsString();
197 System.out.printf("Returned from addSyncItem: %s\n, UID: %s\n", resdata, resuid).flush();
198 assertTrue(resdata.contains("No summary entered"));
199 // Write a temp file
200 System.setProperty("calsyncsourcetest.nosummary.resuid", resuid);
201 css.endSync();
203 @Test
204 public void beginNormalDeleteNoSummary() throws Exception {
205 ctx = new SyncContext(spp, 200, null, null, 0);
206 css.setType("text/x-vcalendar");
207 css.beginSync(ctx);
208 String uid = System.getProperty("calsyncsourcetest.nosummary.resuid");
209 css.removeSyncItem(new SyncItemKey(uid), null, false);
210 System.out.printf("Removed item %s from server\n", uid);
211 css.endSync();
213 public static junit.framework.Test suite() {
214 return new JUnit4TestAdapter(CalendarSyncSourceTest.class);