2 way
: array [1..8,1..2] of longint=((-2,-1),(-2,1),(-1,2),(1,2),
3 (2,1),(2,-1),(1,-2),(-1,-2));
5 a
: array [-1..150,-1..150] of char;
6 queue
: array [0..100000] of record
9 father
: array [0..100000] of longint;
13 i
: longint;
15 function check(x
: longint):boolean;
18 if (a
]='.') then exit(true);
28 if a
]='K' then begin queue
; queue
; a
]:='.'; end;
29 if a
]='H' then begin endqueue
; endqueue
; a
]:='.'; end;
38 if check(queue
,2]) then
41 queue
42 queue
44 if (queue
) and (queue
) then break