1 # Capture Window - This example is a front-end to xwd, xwud, and xpr.
2 DestroyModuleConfig FvwmForm-Capture: *
3 *FvwmForm-Capture: Line center
4 *FvwmForm-Capture: Text "Capture Window"
5 *FvwmForm-Capture: Line left
6 *FvwmForm-Capture: Text "File: "
7 *FvwmForm-Capture: Input file 25 "/tmp/Capture"
8 *FvwmForm-Capture: Line left
9 *FvwmForm-Capture: Text "Printer: "
10 *FvwmForm-Capture: Input printer 20 "$PRINTER"
11 *FvwmForm-Capture: Line expand
12 *FvwmForm-Capture: Selection PtrType single
13 *FvwmForm-Capture: Choice PS ps on "PostScript"
14 *FvwmForm-Capture: Choice Ljet ljet off "HP LaserJet"
15 *FvwmForm-Capture: Line left
16 *FvwmForm-Capture: Text "xwd options:"
17 *FvwmForm-Capture: Line expand
18 *FvwmForm-Capture: Selection Options multiple
19 *FvwmForm-Capture: Choice Brd -nobdrs off "No border"
20 *FvwmForm-Capture: Choice Frm -frame on "With frame"
21 *FvwmForm-Capture: Choice XYZ -xy off "XY format"
22 *FvwmForm-Capture: Line expand
23 *FvwmForm-Capture: Button continue "Capture" ^M
24 *FvwmForm-Capture: Command Exec exec xwd -out $(file) $(Options) &
25 *FvwmForm-Capture: Button continue "Preview"
26 *FvwmForm-Capture: Command Exec exec xwud -in $(file) &
27 *FvwmForm-Capture: Button continue "Print"
28 *FvwmForm-Capture: Command Exec exec xpr -device $(PtrType) $(file) | lpr -P $(printer) &
29 *FvwmForm-Capture: Button quit "Quit"