Don't apply InitialMapCommand styles on restart.
[fvwm.git] / sample.fvwmrc / system.fvwm2rc
1 # this is a bare bones sample .fvwm2rc/system.fvwm2rc file for fvwm.
2 # It should be customized before install.  See other sample .fvwm2rc files
3 # for hints, as well as pointers from the various links on the official
4 # fvwm web page (see the FAQ).
6 EdgeResistance 250 10
7 EdgeScroll 100 100
8 ClickTime 750
10 DeskTopSize 2x2
11 Menustyle * fvwm, Font -adobe-times-bold-r-*-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
12 MenuStyle * Foreground maroon, Background grey60, Greyed grey40
14 ColormapFocus FollowsMouse
16 # default Styles:
17 # make sure these fonts exist on your system:
18 Style *           Font -adobe-times-bold-r-*-*-18-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
19 Style *           IconFont -adobe-times-bold-r-*-*-18-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
20 Style *           HilightFore black, HilightBack palevioletred
21 Style *           BorderWidth 7, HandleWidth 7
22 Style *           Icon unknown1.xpm, Color lightgrey/dimgrey
23 Style *           MWMFunctions, MWMDecor, HintOverride
24 Style *           DecorateTransient, !UsePPosition
25 Style *           IconBox 0 -10 -280 -1
26 Style *           FocusFollowsMouse
27 Style *           TileCascadePlacement
29 # Styles for various Fvwm modules:
30 Style "Fvwm*"       !Title,  Sticky, WindowListSkip
31 Style "Fvwm*"       BorderWidth 2, CirculateSkipIcon, CirculateSkip
32 Style "FvwmPager"   StaysOnTop
33 Style "FvwmBanner"  StaysOnTop
34 Style "FvwmButtons" Icon toolbox.xpm, ClickToFocus
36 # Styles for your common terminal emulator programs:
37 Style "XTerm"       Icon xterm.xpm, SloppyFocus, IconBox -70 1 -1 -140
38 Style "rxvt"        Icon term.xpm, SloppyFocus, IconBox -70 1 -1 -140
39 Style "rxvt"        MWMBorder, MWMButtons
41 # Styles for various common programs:
42 Style "*lock"       !Title, !Handles, Sticky, WindowListSkip, ClickToFocus
43 Style "xbiff"       !Title, Sticky, WindowListSkip, ClickToFocus
44 Style "xcalc"       Icon xcalc.xpm, !Button 2,ClickToFocus
45 Style "xmh"         Icon mail1.xpm, !IconTitle,StickyIcon
46 Style "xmh"         !Button 2
47 Style "xman"        Icon xman.xpm, ClickToFocus
48 Style "xmag"        Icon mag_glass.xpm, ClickToFocus
49 Style "xgraph"      Icon graphs.xpm, ClickToFocus
50 Style "xmosaic"     Color Green/Yellow, ClickToFocus
53 # some simple default key bindings:
54 Key Next         A       SCM     Next (AcceptsFocus) Focus
55 Key Prior        A       SCM     Prev (AcceptsFocus) Focus
57 # some simple default mouse bindings:
58 #   for the root window:
59 Mouse 1 R       A       Menu RootMenu Nop
60 Mouse 2 R       A       Menu Window-Ops Nop
61 Mouse 3 R       A       WindowList
63 #   for the title bar buttons:
64 Mouse 0 1       A       Menu Window-Ops2 Close
65 Mouse 0 2       A       Maximize-Func
66 Mouse 0 4       A       Iconify
68 #   for other parts of the window/borders/icons:
69 Mouse 1 F       A       Resize-or-Raise
70 Mouse 1 TS      A       Move-or-Raise
71 Mouse 1 I       A       Move-or-Iconify
72 Mouse 2 I       A       Iconify
73 Mouse 2 FST     A       Menu Window-Ops2 Nop
74 Mouse 3 TSIF    A       RaiseLower
76 ######################## Initialization Functions ############################
77 AddToFunc StartFunction
78  + I Module FvwmButtons
80 AddToFunc InitFunction
81  + I exec xsetroot -mod 2 2 -fg rgb:55/40/55 -bg rgb:70/50/70
83 # For some SM-s (like gnome-session) there is an internal background setter.
84 AddToFunc SessionInitFunction
85  + I Nop
87 ######################## Menus ###################
88 AddToMenu RootMenu      "Root Menu"     Title
89 +                       "XTerm"         Exec exec xterm
90 +                       "Rxvt"          Exec exec rxvt
91 +                       ""              Nop
92 +                       "Remote Logins" Popup Remote-Logins
93 +                       ""              Nop
94 +                       "Utilities"     Popup Utilities
95 +                       ""              Nop
96 +                       "Fvwm Modules"            Popup Module-Popup
97 +                       "Fvwm Window Ops"         Popup Window-Ops
98 +                       "Fvwm Simple Config Ops"  Popup Misc-Ops
99 +                       ""              Nop
100 +                       "Refresh Screen"   Refresh
101 +                       "Recapture Screen" Recapture
102 +                       ""              Nop
103 +                       "Exit Fvwm"     Popup Quit-Verify
105 AddToMenu Utilities     "Utilities" Title
106 +                       "Top"           Exec exec xterm -T Top -n Top -e top
107 +                       "Calculator"    Exec exec xcalc
108 +                       "Xman"          Exec exec xman
109 +                       "Xmag"          Exec exec xmag
110 +                       "Editres"       Exec exec editres
111 +                       ""              Nop
112 +                       "XEmacs"        Exec exec xemacs
113 +                       "Mail"          MailFunction xmh "-font fixed"
114 +                       ""              Nop
115 +                       "XLock"         Exec exec xlock -mode random
116 +                       ""              Nop
117 +                       "Reset X defaults" Exec xrdb -load $HOME/.Xdefaults
119 AddToMenu Misc-Ops "Misc Config Opts" Title
120 +                  "Sloppy Focus"        ChangeDefaultFocus SloppyFocus
121 +                  "Click To Focus"      ChangeDefaultFocus ClickToFocus
122 +                  "Focus Follows Mouse" ChangeDefaultFocus FocusFollowsMouse
123 +                  "" Nop
124 +                  "Colormap Follows Mouse" ColormapFocus FollowsMouse
125 +                  "Colormap Follows Focus" ColormapFocus FollowsFocus
126 +                  "" Nop
127 +                  "Full Paging ON"         EdgeScroll 100 100
128 +                  "All Paging OFF"         EdgeScroll 0 0
129 +                  "Horizontal Paging Only" EdgeScroll 100 0
130 +                  "Vertical Paging Only"   EdgeScroll 0 100
131 +                  "Partial Paging"         EdgeScroll 50 50
132 +                  "Full Paging && Edge Wrap" EdgeScroll 100000 100000
134 AddToMenu Window-Ops    "Window Ops"    Title
135 +                       "Move"          Move
136 +                       "Resize"        Resize
137 +                       "Raise"         Raise
138 +                       "Lower"         Lower
139 +                       "(De)Iconify"   Iconify
140 +                       "(Un)Stick"     Stick
141 +                       "(Un)Maximize"  Maximize
142 +                       ""              Nop
143 +                       "Delete"        Delete
144 +                       "Close"         Close
145 +                       "Destroy"       Destroy
146 +                       ""              Nop
147 +                       "Refresh Window" RefreshWindow
149 AddToMenu Window-Ops2   "&Move"         Move
150 +                       "&Resize"       Resize
151 +                       "R&aise"        Raise
152 +                       "&Lower"        Lower
153 +                       "(De)&Iconify"  Iconify
154 +                       "(Un)&Stick"    Stick
155 +                       "(Un)Ma&ximize" Maximize
156 +                       ""              Nop
157 +                       "&Delete"       Delete
158 +                       "&Close"        Close
159 +                       "Destroy"       Destroy
160 +                       ""              Nop
161 +                       "ScrollBar"     Module FvwmScroll 2 2
162 +                       "Print"         PrintFunction
163 +                       "Print Reverse" PrintReverseFunction
165 # be sure to fill these in with your correct machine names:
166 AddToMenu Remote-Logins "dopey"  Exec ssh dopey rxvt -display $HOSTDISPLAY &
167 +                       "snoopy" Exec ssh snoopy rxvt -display $HOSTDISPLAY &
168 +                       "grumpy" Exec ssh grumpy rxvt -display $HOSTDISPLAY &
169 +                       "happy"  Exec ssh happy rxvt -display $HOSTDISPLAY &
170 +                       "bailey" Exec ssh bailey rxvt -display $HOSTDISPLAY &
171 +                       "barnum" Exec ssh barnum rxvt -display $HOSTDISPLAY &
172 +                       "joker"  Exec ssh joker rxvt -display $HOSTDISPLAY &
173 +                       "signal" Exec rxterm signal
175 AddToMenu Module-Popup  "FvwmModules"   Title
176 +                       "Identify"      Module  FvwmIdent
177 +                       "Talk"          Module  FvwmTalk
178 +                       ""              Nop
179 +                       "Button-Bar"    Module  FvwmButtons
180 +                       "Pager"         Module  FvwmPager 0 0
181 +                       "Pager (2 desks)" Module  FvwmPager 0 1
182 +                       "WinList"       Module  FvwmWinList
183 +                       ""              Nop
184 +                       "Banner"        Module  FvwmBanner
185 +                       "ScrollBar"     Module  FvwmScroll 50 50
186 +                       "Background"    Module  FvwmBacker
187 +                       "AutoRaise"     Module  FvwmAuto 200 Raise Nop
188 +                       "Stop AutoRaise" KillModule FvwmAuto
189 +                       ""              Nop
190 +                       "IconBox"       Module  FvwmIconBox
191 +                       "IconMan"       Module  FvwmIconMan
192 +                       ""              Nop
193 +                       "Form - Rlogin"      Module FvwmForm Rlogin
194 +                       "Form - MyFvwmTalk"  Module FvwmForm MyFvwmTalk
195 +                       "Form - QuitVerify"  Module FvwmForm QuitVerify
197 AddToMenu Quit-Verify   "Really Quit Fvwm?" Title
198 +                       "Yes, Really Quit"  Quit
199 +                       ""                  Nop
200 +                       "Restart Fvwm"      Restart
201 +                       "Restart Fvwm 1.x"  Restart fvwm -s
202 +                       ""                  Nop
203 +                       "Start twm"         Restart twm
204 +                       "Start ctwm"        Restart ctwm
205 +                       "Start tvtwm"       Restart tvtwm
206 +                       "Start vtwm"        Restart vtwm
207 +                       "Start mwm"         Restart mwm
208 +                       "Start olwm"        Restart /usr/openwin/bin/olwm
209 +                       ""                  Nop
210 +                       "Start dummy"       Restart xterm
211 +                       ""                  Nop
212 +                       "No, Don't Quit"    Nop
214 ######################## Sample Functions ##########################
216 AddToFunc MailFunction     I Next (AcceptsFocus $0) Iconify -1
217 +                          I Next (AcceptsFocus $0) Focus
218 +                          I None (AcceptsFocus $0) Exec $0 $1
220 AddToFunc Move-or-Raise         I Raise
221 +                               M Move
222 +                               D Lower
224 AddToFunc Move-or-Raise2        M Raise
225 +                               M Move
226 +                               D Lower
228 AddToFunc Maximize-Func         M Maximize       0 100
229 +                               C Maximize       0 80
230 +                               D Maximize       100 100
232 AddToFunc Move-or-Iconify       I Raise
233 +                               M Move
234 +                               D Iconify
236 AddToFunc Resize-or-Raise       I Raise
237 +                               M Resize
238 +                               D Lower
240 AddToFunc Resize-or-Raise2      M Raise
241 +                               M Resize
242 +                               D Lower
244 AddToFunc PrintFunction         I Raise
245 +                               I Exec xdpr -id $w
247 AddToFunc PrintReverseFunction  I Raise
248 +                               I Exec xdpr 1/2 -h -rv -id $w
250 AddToFunc Iconify-and-Raise     I Iconify
251 +                               I Raise
253 # RLOGIN machine fg bg
254 AddToFunc RLOGIN I Exec xterm -fg $1 -bg $2 -e rlogin $0 -8
256 # TELNET machine fg bg
257 AddToFunc TELNET I Exec xterm -fg $1 -bg $2 -e telnet $0
259 AddToFunc FocusAndWarp I Focus
260 +                      I WarpToWindow 2p 2p
262 AddToFunc DeiconifyFocusAndWarp I Iconify -1
263 +                               I FocusAndWarp
265 AddToFunc ChangeDefaultFocus I Style * $0
266 +                            I Recapture
268 ################## FvwmButtons button-bar ################################
269 *FvwmButtons: Geometry 520x100-1-1
270 *FvwmButtons: Back bisque3
271 *FvwmButtons: (Frame 2 Padding 2 2 Container(Rows 2 Columns 5 Frame 1 \
272                                              Padding 10 0))
273 *FvwmButtons: (3x2 Frame 2 Swallow "FvwmIconMan" "Module FvwmIconMan")
274 *FvwmButtons: (1x2 Frame 2 Swallow(UseOld) "FvwmPager" "Module FvwmPager 0 0")
275 *FvwmButtons: (1x2 Frame 0 Container(Rows 2 Columns 2 Frame 0))
276 *FvwmButtons: (Frame 2 Swallow(UseOld,NoHints,Respawn) "xbiff" `Exec exec xbiff -bg bisque3`)
277 *FvwmButtons: (Frame 3 Swallow(UseOld,NoHints,Respawn) "xclock" `Exec exec xclock -bg bisque3 -fg black -hd black -hl black -padding 0 -update 1`)
278 *FvwmButtons: (2x1 Frame 2 Swallow(UseOld,NoHints,Respawn) "xload" `Exec exec xload -bg bisque3 -fg black -update 5 -nolabel`)
279 *FvwmButtons: (End)
280 *FvwmButtons: (End)
282 ########################## Icon Manager ####################################
283 # this FvwmIconMan setup is for swallowing in above button bar example
284 *FvwmIconMan: numManagers 1
285 *FvwmIconMan: Resolution  page
286 *FvwmIconMan: background  bisque3
287 *FvwmIconMan: foreground  black
288 *FvwmIconMan: font        7x13bold
289 *FvwmIconMan: format      "%t"
290 *FvwmIconMan: action      Mouse   1 N sendcommand Focus, sendcommand "Iconify"
291 *FvwmIconMan: action      Mouse   2 N sendcommand "Iconify 1"
292 *FvwmIconMan: action      Mouse   3 N sendcommand "FvwmIdent"
293 *FvwmIconMan: followfocus true
294 *FvwmIconMan: sort        name
295 *FvwmIconMan: plainbutton          up black bisque3
296 *FvwmIconMan: selectbutton         down black bisque3
297 *FvwmIconMan: focusbutton          up yellow firebrick
298 *FvwmIconMan: focusandselectButton down yellow firebrick
299 *FvwmIconMan: dontshow icon=Untitled title=Untitled
300 #*FvwmIconMan: drawicons true
301 *FvwmIconMan: buttongeometry  300x0
302 *FvwmIconMan: managergeometry 1x5
304 ########################## Window-Identifier ###############################
305 # Just choose colors and a fonts
306 *FvwmIdent: Back MidnightBlue
307 *FvwmIdent: Fore Yellow
308 *FvwmIdent: Font -adobe-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
310 ########################### Pager #########################################
311 *FvwmPager: Back #908090
312 *FvwmPager: Fore #484048
313 #*FvwmPager: Font -adobe-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-10-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
314 # turn off desktop names for swallowing in above button bar example:
315 *FvwmPager: Font none
316 *FvwmPager: Hilight #cab3ca
317 *FvwmPager: Geometry -1-1
318 *FvwmPager: Label 0 Misc
319 *FvwmPager: Label 1 Maker
320 *FvwmPager: Label 2 Mail
321 *FvwmPager: Label 3 Matlab
322 *FvwmPager: SmallFont 5x8
323 *FvwmPager: Balloons            All
324 *FvwmPager: BalloonBack         Yellow
325 *FvwmPager: BalloonFore         Black
326 *FvwmPager: BalloonFont         lucidasanstypewriter-12
327 *FvwmPager: BalloonYOffset      +2
328 *FvwmPager: BalloonBorderWidth  1
329 *FvwmPager: BalloonBorderColor  Black
331 ##########################FvwmWinList##################################
332 *FvwmWinList: Back #908090
333 *FvwmWinList: Fore Black
334 *FvwmWinList: Font -adobe-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-10-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
335 *FvwmWinList: Action Click1 Iconify -1,Focus
336 *FvwmWinList: Action Click2 Iconify
337 *FvwmWinList: Action Click3 Module "FvwmIdent" FvwmIdent
338 *FvwmWinList: UseSkipList
339 *FvwmWinList: Geometry +0-1
342 *FvwmBacker: Desk 0 -solid steelblue
343 *FvwmBacker: Desk 1 -solid midnightblue
345 *FvwmScroll: Back grey40
346 *FvwmScroll: Fore green
348 ############################################################
349 ############################################################
350 # Note that icons are shown in the module
351 #    only if !Icon commnand is applied.
352 #Style     *  !Icon
354 ############################################################
355 *FvwmIconBox: IconBack    #cfcfcf
356 *FvwmIconBox: IconHiFore  black
357 *FvwmIconBox: IconHiBack  LightSkyBlue
358 *FvwmIconBox: Back        #5f9ea0
359 #*FvwmIconBox: Fore       blue
360 *FvwmIconBox: Geometry    5x1+0+0
361 *FvwmIconBox: MaxIconSize 64x38
362 *FvwmIconBox: Font        -adobe-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
363 *FvwmIconBox: SortIcons   IconName
364 *FvwmIconBox: Padding     4
365 *FvwmIconBox: Lines       10
366 *FvwmIconBox: SBWidth     11
367 *FvwmIconBox: Placement   Left Top
368 *FvwmIconBox: Pixmap      fvwm.xpm
369 #*FvwmIconBo: xHideSC Horizontal
370 *FvwmIconBox: SetWMIconSize
371 *FvwmIconBox: HilightFocusWin
372 #*FvwmIconBox: Resolution          Desk
373 *FvwmIconBox: Mouse       1       Click           RaiseLower
374 *FvwmIconBox: Mouse       1       DoubleClick     Iconify
375 *FvwmIconBox: Mouse       2       Click           Iconify -1, Focus
376 *FvwmIconBox: Mouse       3       Click           Module FvwmIdent
377 *FvwmIconBox: Key         r       RaiseLower
378 *FvwmIconBox: Key         space   Iconify
379 *FvwmIconBox: Key         d       Close
380 *FvwmIconBox: Key         n       Next
381 *FvwmIconBox: Key         p       Prev
382 *FvwmIconBox: Key         h       Left
383 *FvwmIconBox: Key         j       Down
384 *FvwmIconBox: Key         k       Up
385 *FvwmIconBox: Key         l       Right
387 # Icon file specifications
389 # Mostly, you don't have to specify icon files, as FvwmIconBox now
390 # reads icon files specified in Style commands.
392 *FvwmIconBox            "Fvwm*"         -
394 # FvwmForm alias - rlogin or telnet to host via xterm
395 *Rlogin: WarpPointer
396 *Rlogin: Font         *helvetica*m*r*n*12*
397 *Rlogin: ButtonFont   *helvetica*m*o*n*12*
398 *Rlogin: InputFont    *cour*m*r*n*12*
399 *Rlogin: Fore         Black
400 *Rlogin: Back         Light Gray
401 *Rlogin: ItemFore          Wheat
402 *Rlogin: ItemBack          Gray50
403 # begin items
404 *Rlogin: Line         center
405 *Rlogin: Text         "Login to Remote Host"
406 *Rlogin: Line         center
407 *Rlogin: Text         "Host:"
408 *Rlogin: Input        HostName  30   ""
409 *Rlogin: Line         center
410 *Rlogin: Selection    meth single
411 *Rlogin: Choice       TN TN off "telnet"
412 *Rlogin: Choice       RL RL on "rlogin"
413 *Rlogin: Selection    UserSel   single
414 #*Rlogin: Choice       Default   Default   on   "same user"
415 #*Rlogin: Choice       Custom    Custom    off  "user:"
416 *Rlogin: Text         "(Userid:"
417 *Rlogin: Input        UserName  10   ""
418 *Rlogin: Text         ")"
419 *Rlogin: Line         center
420 *Rlogin: Text         "FG:"
421 *Rlogin: Input        FgColor 15 ""
422 *Rlogin: Text         "BG:"
423 *Rlogin: Input        BgColor 15 ""
424 *Rlogin: Line         expand
425 *Rlogin: Button       quit "Login" ^M
426 *Rlogin: Command Exec xterm  $(FgColor?-fg $(FgColor)) $(BgColor?-bg $(BgColor)) -T xterm@$(HostName) -e $(RL?rlogin) $(TN?telnet) $(HostName) $(RL?-8 $(UserName?-l $(UserName)))
427 *Rlogin: Button       restart   "Clear"
428 *Rlogin: Command Beep
429 *Rlogin: Button       quit "Cancel"
430 *Rlogin: Command Nop
432 # FvwmForm alias - query exit ala mwm
433 *QuitVerify: GrabServer
434 *QuitVerify: WarpPointer
435 *QuitVerify: Font          *helvetica*m*r*n*14*
436 #*QuitVerify: ButtonFont    *helvetica*m*o*n*14*
437 *QuitVerify: ButtonFont    7x13bold
438 *QuitVerify: Fore          Black
439 *QuitVerify: Back          Light Gray
440 *QuitVerify: ItemFore Wheat
441 *QuitVerify: ItemBack Gray50
442 # begin items
443 *QuitVerify: Line          center
444 *QuitVerify: Text          "Do you really want to exit fvwm?"
445 *QuitVerify: Line          expand
446 *QuitVerify: Button   quit      " Exit "
447 *QuitVerify: Command  Quit
448 *QuitVerify: Button   quit      "Cancel"
449 *QuitVerify: Command  Nop
451 # MyTalk & MyFvwmTalk from Dave Goldberg
452 # MyTalk Form - dissappears after use
453 *MyTalk: WarpPointer
454 *MyTalk: Font *helvetica*m*r*n*14*
455 *MyTalk: ButtonFont *helvetica*m*o*n*14*
456 *MyTalk: InputFont *cour*m*r*n*14*
457 *MyTalk: Fore Red
458 *MyTalk: Back Gray
459 *MyTalk: ItemFore Blue
460 *MyTalk: ItemBack Gray
461 *MyTalk: Line center
462 *MyTalk: Text "Fvwm Function"
463 *MyTalk: Input Func 40 ""
464 *MyTalk: Line expand
465 *MyTalk: Button quit "Run" ^M
466 *MyTalk: Command $(Func)
467 *MyTalk: Button restart "Clear" ^R
468 *MyTalk: Button quit "Cancel" ^C
469 *MyTalk: Command Nop
470 # MyFvwmTalk Form - sticks around
471 *MyFvwmTalk: WarpPointer
472 *MyFvwmTalk: Font *helvetica*m*r*n*14*
473 *MyFvwmTalk: ButtonFont *helvetica*m*o*n*14*
474 *MyFvwmTalk: InputFont *cour*m*r*n*14*
475 *MyFvwmTalk: Fore Red
476 *MyFvwmTalk: Back Gray
477 *MyFvwmTalk: ItemFore Blue
478 *MyFvwmTalk: ItemBack Gray
479 *MyFvwmTalk: Line center
480 *MyFvwmTalk: Text "Fvwm Function"
481 *MyFvwmTalk: Input Func 40 ""
482 *MyFvwmTalk: Line expand
483 *MyFvwmTalk: Button restart "Run" ^M
484 *MyFvwmTalk: Command $(Func)
485 *MyFvwmTalk: Button restart "Clear" ^R
486 *MyFvwmTalk: Command Nop
487 *MyFvwmTalk: Button restart "Iconify" ^Z
488 *MyFvwmTalk: Command Next [MyFvwmTalk] Iconify
489 *MyFvwmTalk: Button quit "Quit" ^C
490 *MyFvwmTalk: Command Nop
492 # to change banner pixmap
493 #*FvwmBanner: Pixmap fvwm3.xpm
494 #*FvwmBanner: Timeout 2