1 WindowTitle {Base Config}
2 WindowSize 650 405 # Taille
3 Font -adobe-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-12-*
8 Set $FDIR=(GetOutput {echo "$FVWM_USERDIR"} 1 -1)
9 Set $FILE=(GetScriptArgument 1)
11 Set $FILE={.FvwmBaseConfig}
12 Set $FILE=$FDIR {/} $FILE
16 Set $ERRCOM={ls -a } $FILE
17 Set $err=(GetOutput $ERRCOM 1 -1)
20 If $err<>{} Then # .FvwmBaseConfig exists
27 Set $tmp=(GetOutput $CAT $pos 1)
28 If $tmp=={#BaseConfigMark} Then
38 If $PARSE==1 Then # "Base Config" exists, Parse it !
43 Set $FOCUS=(GetOutput $CAT $pos -1)
44 If $FOCUS=={Style * SloppyFocus} Then
46 If $FOCUS=={Style * FocusFollowsMouse} Then
48 If $FOCUS=={Style * ClickToFocus} Then
52 Set $MOUSERAISES=(GetOutput $CAT $pos -1)
53 If $MOUSERAISES=={Style * MouseFocusClickRaises} Then
59 Set $CLICKRAISES=(GetOutput $CAT $pos -1)
60 If $CLICKRAISES=={Style * ClickToFocusRaises} Then
66 Set $PASSASCLICK=(GetOutput $CAT $pos -1)
67 If $PASSASCLICK=={Style * ClickToFocusPassesClick} Then
73 Set $HORPAGE=(GetOutput $CAT $pos 2)
74 If $HORPAGE == {0} Then
76 If $HORPAGE == {100} Then
78 If $HORPAGE == {100000} Then
80 If $HORPAGE == {50} Then
82 If $HORPAGE == {50000} Then
84 If $HORPAGE == {25} Then
86 If $HORPAGE == {25000} Then
88 If $HORPAGE == {10} Then
90 If $HORPAGE == {10000} Then
93 Set $VERPAGE=(GetOutput $CAT $pos 3)
94 If $VERPAGE == {0} Then
96 If $VERPAGE == {100} Then
98 If $VERPAGE == {100000} Then
100 If $VERPAGE == {50} Then
102 If $VERPAGE == {50000} Then
104 If $VERPAGE == {25} Then
106 If $VERPAGE == {25000} Then
108 If $VERPAGE == {10} Then
110 If $VERPAGE == {10000} Then
113 Set $pos=(Add $pos 1)
114 Set $EDGEDELAY=(GetOutput $CAT $pos 2)
115 Set $EDGERESIST=(GetOutput $CAT $pos 3)
116 ChangeTitle 22 $EDGEDELAY
117 ChangeTitle 45 $EDGERESIST
119 Set $pos=(Add $pos 1)
120 Set $EDGETHICK=(GetOutput $CAT $pos -1)
121 If $EDGETHICK == {EdgeThickness 0} Then
123 If $EDGETHICK == {EdgeThickness 1} Then
125 If $EDGETHICK == {EdgeThickness 2} Then
128 Set $pos=(Add $pos 1)
129 Set $PLACEMENT=(GetOutput $CAT $pos -1)
130 If $PLACEMENT=={Style * MinOverlapPlacement} Then
133 Set $PLACEMENT={Style * MinOverlapPlacement}
135 If $PLACEMENT=={Style * MinOverlapPercentPlacement} Then
138 Set $PLACEMENT={Style * MinOverlapPercentPlacement}
140 If $PLACEMENT=={Style * TileCascadePlacement} Then
143 Set $PLACEMENT={Style * TileCascadePlacement}
145 If $PLACEMENT=={Style * CascadePlacement} Then
148 Set $PLACEMENT={Style * CascadePlacement}
150 If $PLACEMENT=={Style * TileManualPlacement} Then
153 Set $PLACEMENT={Style * TileManualPlacement}
155 If $PLACEMENT=={Style * ManualPlacement} Then
158 Set $PLACEMENT={Style * ManualPlacement}
160 If $PLACEMENT=={Style * DumbPlacement} Then
162 Set $pos=(Add $pos 1)
163 Set $PLCMNTB=(GetOutput $CAT $pos -1)
164 Set $pos=(Add $pos 1)
165 Set $CLEVERNESS=(GetOutput $CAT $pos -1)
167 Set $PLACEMENT={Style * ManualPlacement}
168 If $PLCMNTB=={Style * ActivePlacement} Then
171 Set $PLACEMENT={Style * ManualPlacement}
173 If $PLCMNTB=={Style * RandomPlacement} Then
176 Set $PLACEMENT={Style * CascadePlacement}
179 If $PLACEMENT=={Style * SmartPlacement} Then
181 Set $pos=(Add $pos 1)
182 Set $PLCMNTB=(GetOutput $CAT $pos -1)
183 Set $pos=(Add $pos 1)
184 Set $CLEVERNESS=(GetOutput $CAT $pos -1)
186 Set $PLACEMENT={Style * TileManualPlacement}
187 If $PLCMNTB=={Style * ActivePlacement} Then
190 Set $PLACEMENT={Style * TileManualPlacement}
192 If $PLCMNTB=={Style * RandomPlacement} Then
195 Set $PLACEMENT={Style * TileCascadePlacement}
197 If $CLEVERNESS=={Style * CleverPlacement} Then
200 Set $PLACEMENT={Style * MinOverlapPlacement}
204 Set $pos=(Add $pos 1)
205 Set $GRABFOCUS=(GetOutput $CAT $pos -1)
206 If $GRABFOCUS=={Style * GrabFocus} Then
217 Set $pos=(Add $pos 1)
218 Set $PPOSITION=(GetOutput $CAT $pos -1)
219 If $PPOSITION=={Style * UsePPosition} Then
230 #########################
232 Set $pos=(Add $pos 1)
233 Set $OPAQ=(GetOutput $CAT $pos 2)
238 Set $pos=(Add $pos 1)
239 Set $MOVETHRESHOLD=(GetOutput $CAT $pos 2)
240 ChangeTitle 47 $MOVETHRESHOLD
242 Set $pos=(Add $pos 1)
243 Set $RESIZEOPAQ=(GetOutput $CAT $pos -1)
244 If $RESIZEOPAQ=={Style * ResizeOpaque} Then
255 Set $pos=(Add $pos 1)
256 Set $HIDEGEO=(GetOutput $CAT $pos -1)
257 If $HIDEGEO=={HideGeometryWindow Never} Then
264 If $HIDEGEO=={HideGeometryWindow Resize} Then
271 If $HIDEGEO=={HideGeometryWindow Move} Then
278 If $HIDEGEO=={HideGeometryWindow} Then
286 Set $pos=(Add $pos 1)
287 Set $SADISTANCE=(GetOutput $CAT $pos 2)
288 Set $SNAPTYPE=(GetOutput $CAT $pos 3)
289 Set $SASCREEN=(GetOutput $CAT $pos 4)
290 If $SASCREEN=={Screen} Then
291 Set $SNAPTYPE=$SNAPTYPE { Screen}
293 ChangeTitle 56 $SADISTANCE
294 If $SNAPTYPE=={All} Then
296 If $SNAPTYPE=={All Screen} Then
298 If $SNAPTYPE=={SameType} Then
300 If $SNAPTYPE=={SameType Screen} Then
302 If $SNAPTYPE=={Windows} Then
304 If $SNAPTYPE=={Windows Screen} Then
306 If $SNAPTYPE=={Icons} Then
308 If $SNAPTYPE=={Icons Screen} Then
311 Set $pos=(Add $pos 1)
312 Set $EMULATE=(GetOutput $CAT $pos -1)
313 If $EMULATE=={Emulate fvwm} Then
319 If $EMULATE=={Emulate mwm} Then
325 If $EMULATE=={Emulate win} Then
332 Set $pos=(Add $pos 1)
333 Set $SHADESTEPS=(GetOutput $CAT $pos 4)
334 ChangeTitle 28 $SHADESTEPS
338 ###########################################################################
339 #.FvwmBaseConfig does not exist or contains no "Base Style",
341 Else # .FvwmBaseConfig does not exist or , set the default!
344 Set $FOCUS={Style * SloppyFocus}
347 Set $MOUSERAISES={Style * MouseFocusClickRaises}
349 Set $CLICKRAISES={Style * ClickToFocusRaises}
351 Set $PASSASCLICK={Style * ClickToFocusPassesClick}
360 ChangeTitle 22 $EDGEDELAY
361 ChangeTitle 45 $EDGERESIST
362 Set $EDGETHICK={EdgeThickness 1}
365 Set $PLACEMENT={Style * MinOverlapPlacement}
368 Set $GRABFOCUS={Style * GrabFocusOff}
372 Set $PPOSITION={Style * NoPPosition}
381 ChangeTitle 47 $MOVETHRESHOLD
385 Set $RESIZEOPAQ={Style * ResizeOutline}
387 Set $HIDEGEO={HideGeometryWindow Never}
394 ChangeTitle 56 $SADISTANCE
398 Set $EMULATE={Emulate fvwm}
404 ChangeTitle 28 $SHADESTEPS
421 If $err<>{} Then # Backup
423 Set $BACK={cp -f } $FILE { } $FILE {.old}
424 Set $tmp=(GetOutput $BACK 1 -1)
427 WriteToFile $FILE {#BaseConfigMark}
430 WriteToFile $FILE $FOCUS
441 Do {EdgeScroll } $HORPAGE { } $VERPAGE
442 Do {EdgeResistance } (GetTitle 22) { } (GetTitle 45)
444 WriteToFile $FILE {EdgeScroll } $HORPAGE { } $VERPAGE
445 WriteToFile $FILE {EdgeResistance } (GetTitle 22) { } (GetTitle 45)
446 WriteToFile $FILE $EDGETHICK
449 WriteToFile $FILE $PLACEMENT
452 WriteToFile $FILE $GRABFOCUS
455 WriteToFile $FILE $PPOSITION
457 Do {OpaqueMoveSize } (GetValue 41)
458 WriteToFile $FILE {OpaqueMoveSize } (GetValue 41)
460 Do {MoveThreshold } (GetTitle 47)
461 WriteToFile $FILE {MoveThreshold } (GetTitle 47)
467 WriteToFile $FILE $HIDEGEO
469 Do {SnapAttraction } (GetTitle 56) { } $SNAPTYPE
470 WriteToFile $FILE {SnapAttraction } (GetTitle 56) { } $SNAPTYPE
473 WriteToFile $FILE $EMULATE
475 Do {Style * WindowShadeSteps } (GetTitle 28)
476 WriteToFile $FILE {Style * WindowShadeSteps } (GetTitle 28)
498 Do {EdgeScroll } $HORPAGE { } $VERPAGE
499 Do {EdgeResistance } (GetTitle 22) { } (GetTitle 45)
504 Do {OpaqueMoveSize } (GetValue 41)
505 Do {MoveThreshold } (GetTitle 47)
508 Do {SnapAttraction } (GetTitle 56) { } $SNAPTYPE
510 Do {Style * WindowShadeSteps } (GetTitle 28)
511 Do BaseConfigApplyFunc
536 Title {Reset "Defaults"}
542 Set $FOCUS={Style * SloppyFocus}
545 Set $MOUSERAISES={Style * MouseFocusClickRaises}
547 Set $CLICKRAISES={Style * ClickToFocusRaises}
549 Set $PASSASCLICK={Style * ClickToFocusPassesClick}
558 ChangeTitle 22 $EDGEDELAY
559 ChangeTitle 45 $EDGERESIST
560 Set $EDGETHICK={EdgeThickness 1}
563 Set $PLACEMENT={Style * MinOverlapPlacement}
566 Set $GRABFOCUS={Style * GrabFocusOff}
570 Set $PPOSITION={Style * NoPPosition}
579 ChangeTitle 47 $MOVETHRESHOLD
583 Set $RESIZEOPAQ={Style * ResizeOutline}
585 Set $HIDEGEO={HideGeometryWindow Never}
592 ChangeTitle 56 $SADISTANCE
593 Set $SNAPTYPE={All Screen}
596 Set $EMULATE={Emulate fvwm}
602 ChangeTitle 28 $SHADESTEPS
646 #############################################################################
653 Flags NoReliefString NoFocus
667 Title {Sloppy Focus|Focus Follows Mouse|Click To Focus}
672 If (GetValue 11) == 1 Then
673 Set $FOCUS={Style * SloppyFocus}
674 If (GetValue 11) == 2 Then
675 Set $FOCUS={Style * FocusFollowsMouse}
676 If (GetValue 11) == 3 Then
677 Set $FOCUS={Style * ClickToFocus}
686 Title {Mouse Focus Click Raise}
691 If (GetValue 12) == 1 Then
692 Set $MOUSERAISES={Style * MouseFocusClickRaises}
694 Set $MOUSERAISES={Style * MouseFocusClickDoesntRaise}
703 Title {Click To Focus Raise}
708 If (GetValue 13) == 1 Then
709 Set $CLICKRAISES={Style * ClickToFocusRaises}
711 Set $CLICKRAISES={Style * ClickToFocusRaisesOff}
720 Title {Click To Focus Passes Click}
725 If (GetValue 14) == 1 Then
726 Set $PASSASCLICK={Style * ClickToFocusPassesClick}
728 Set $PASSASCLICK={Style * ClickToFocusDoesntPassClick}
735 Flags NoReliefString NoFocus
737 Title {Horizontal Paging:}
750 Title {OFF|100%|100% & Warp|50%|50% & Warp|25%|25% & Warp|10%|10% & Warp}
755 If (GetValue 17) == 1 Then
757 If (GetValue 17) == 2 Then
759 If (GetValue 17) == 3 Then
760 Set $HORPAGE={100000}
761 If (GetValue 17) == 4 Then
763 If (GetValue 17) == 5 Then
765 If (GetValue 17) == 6 Then
767 If (GetValue 17) == 7 Then
769 If (GetValue 17) == 8 Then
771 If (GetValue 17) == 9 Then
773 If (GetValue 17) <> 1 Then
775 If (GetValue 24) == 1 Then
778 Set $EDGETHICK={EdgeThickness 1}
787 Flags NoReliefString NoFocus
789 Title {Vertical Paging:}
802 Title {OFF|100%|100% & Warp|50%|50% & Warp|25%|25% & Warp| 10% |10% & Warp}
807 If (GetValue 20) == 1 Then
809 If (GetValue 20) == 2 Then
811 If (GetValue 20) == 3 Then
812 Set $VERPAGE={100000}
813 If (GetValue 20) == 4 Then
815 If (GetValue 20) == 5 Then
817 If (GetValue 20) == 6 Then
819 If (GetValue 20) == 7 Then
821 If (GetValue 20) == 8 Then
823 If (GetValue 20) == 9 Then
825 If (GetValue 20) <> 1 Then
827 If (GetValue 24) == 1 Then
830 Set $EDGETICK={EdgeThickness 1}
839 Flags NoReliefString NoFocus
841 Title {Paging Delay (ms):}
867 Flags NoReliefString NoFocus
887 If (GetValue 24) == 1 Then
889 Set $EDGETHICK={EdgeThickness 0}
895 If (GetValue 24) == 2 Then
896 Set $EDGETHICK={EdgeThickness 1}
897 If (GetValue 24) == 3 Then
898 Set $EDGETHICK={EdgeThickness 2}
905 Flags NoReliefString NoFocus
907 Title {Window Placement:}
920 Title {MinOverlapPlacement|MinOverlapPercentPlacement|TileCascadePlacement|CascadePlacement|TileManualPlacement|ManualPlacement}
927 If (GetValue 26) == 1 Then
928 Set $PLACEMENT={Style * MinOverlapPlacement}
929 If (GetValue 26) == 2 Then
930 Set $PLACEMENT={Style * MinOverlapPercentPlacement}
931 If (GetValue 26) == 3 Then
932 Set $PLACEMENT={Style * TileCascadePlacement}
933 If (GetValue 26) == 4 Then
934 Set $PLACEMENT={Style * CascadePlacement}
935 If (GetValue 26) == 5 Then
936 Set $PLACEMENT={Style * TileManualPlacement}
937 If (GetValue 26) == 6 Then
938 Set $PLACEMENT={Style * ManualPlacement}
945 Flags NoReliefString NoFocus
947 Title {Window shade animation steps:}
973 Flags NoReliefString NoFocus
975 Title {New windows grab the focus:}
996 Set $GRABFOCUS={Style * GrabFocus}
1004 Flags NoReliefString
1013 Set $GRABFOCUS={Style * GrabFocusOff}
1020 Flags NoReliefString NoFocus
1022 Title {Use Applications position hints:}
1034 Flags NoReliefString
1043 Set $PPOSITION={Style * UsePPosition}
1051 Flags NoReliefString
1060 Set $PPOSITION={Style * NoPPosition}
1064 #########################################################################
1065 # Second rectangle #
1071 Flags NoReliefString
1084 Flags NoReliefString
1093 ChangeTitle 43 (GetValue 41)
1101 Flags NoReliefString NoFocus
1103 Title {Opaque move size (%):}
1114 Flags NoReliefString NoFocus
1129 Flags NoReliefString NoFocus
1131 Title {Moving Edge Resistance (pixels):}
1142 Flags NoReliefString
1158 Flags NoReliefString NoFocus
1160 Title {Move Threshold:}
1171 Flags NoReliefString
1185 Flags NoReliefString NoFocus
1199 Flags NoReliefString
1208 Set $RESIZEOPAQ={Style * ResizeOpaque}
1216 Flags NoReliefString
1225 Set $RESIZEOPAQ={Style * ResizeOutline}
1232 Flags NoReliefString NoFocus
1234 Title {Hide Geometry:}
1246 Flags NoReliefString
1253 If $HIDEMOVE=={YES} Then
1257 If $HIDERESIZE=={YES} Then
1258 Set $HIDEGEO={HideGeometryWindow Resize}
1260 Set $HIDEGEO={HideGeometryWindow Never}
1266 If $HIDERESIZE=={YES} Then
1267 Set $HIDEGEO={HideGeometryWindow}
1269 Set $HIDEGEO={HideGeometryWindow Move}
1278 Flags NoReliefString
1285 If $HIDERESIZE=={YES} Then
1289 If $HIDEMOVE=={YES} Then
1290 Set $HIDEGEO={HideGeometryWindow Move}
1292 Set $HIDEGEO={HideGeometryWindow Never}
1298 If $HIDEMOVE=={YES} Then
1299 Set $HIDEGEO={HideGeometryWindow}
1301 Set $HIDEGEO={HideGeometryWindow Resize}
1309 Flags NoReliefString NoFocus
1311 Title {Snap Attraction:}
1322 Flags NoReliefString NoFocus
1324 Title {distance (pixels):}
1336 Flags NoReliefString
1350 Flags NoReliefString NoFocus
1363 Flags NoReliefString
1365 Title {Icons & Windows|Icons & Windows (Screen)|Same Type |Same Type (Screen)|Windows|Windows (Screen)|Icons|Icons (Screen)}
1370 If (GetValue 58) == 1 Then
1372 If (GetValue 58) == 2 Then
1373 Set $SNAPTYPE={All Screen}
1374 If (GetValue 58) == 3 Then
1375 Set $SNAPTYPE={SameType}
1376 If (GetValue 58) == 4 Then
1377 Set $SNAPTYPE={SameType Screen}
1378 If (GetValue 58) == 5 Then
1379 Set $SNAPTYPE={Windows}
1380 If (GetValue 58) == 6 Then
1381 Set $SNAPTYPE={Windows Screen}
1382 If (GetValue 58) == 7 Then
1383 Set $SNAPTYPE={Icons}
1384 If (GetValue 58) == 8 Then
1385 Set $SNAPTYPE={Icons Screen}
1392 Flags NoReliefString NoFocus
1406 Flags NoReliefString
1416 Set $EMULATE={Emulate fvwm}
1424 Flags NoReliefString
1434 Set $EMULATE={Emulate mwm}
1442 Flags NoReliefString
1452 Set $EMULATE={Emulate win}