Comment out the 'loadtest' backend in the 'counter' backend sample so that it does...
[gae-samples.git] / image_converter /
1 #!/usr/bin/python2.4
3 # Copyright 2010 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
5 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7 # You may obtain a copy of the License at
9 #
11 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13 # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15 # limitations under the License.
17 """Demo for Appengine and pull taskqueue integration with TaskPuller.
19 This example shows how Google AppEngine apps can use PULL queues and add
20 tasks to get part of work/processing done outside appengine environment.
21 This lets the app-engine user use any executable binary (like OCR reader)
22 and thus complements the Google AppEngine with processing on an external
23 machine. This demonstrates end-to-end integration of a Google AppEngine app
24 with gtaskqueue_puller(running on VMs) by putting a task in the taskqueue to
25 flip the image by the app, this task gets processed(fliping of image) by the
26 taskqueue puller workers and output from the app is posted back to the same app.
27 This app handles the posted data and stores the flipped image in datastore.
28 The images are searchable by name and user can see both uploaded as well as
29 processed/flipped image. In addition the handler that the workers use to post
30 data back to AppEngine are OAuth1 protected, and limited to admins of the
31 AppEngine application.
33 Example puller command line to acces pull Queue tasks using the REST API on
34 a worker outside AppEngine:
36 gtaskqueue_puller --project_name=imageconvertdemo \
37 --taskqueue_name=imageconvert --lease_secs=30
38 --executable_binary="convert -annotate 30x20+10+10"
39 --output_url=""
40 --appengine_access_token_file=./access_token
42 """
44 __author__ = ' (Vibhooti Verma)'
46 import logging
47 from google.appengine.api import oauth
48 from google.appengine.ext import db
49 from google.appengine.ext.webapp.util import run_wsgi_app
50 from google.appengine.ext import webapp
51 from google.appengine.api import taskqueue
54 class SmallImage(db.Model):
55 """Stores image in datastore."""
56 image_name = db.StringProperty(required = True)
57 image = db.BlobProperty(required = True)
60 class TaskImageMap(db.Model):
61 """Stores task_id to image_name mapping."""
62 image_ref = db.ReferenceProperty(SmallImage)
63 task_name = db.StringProperty(required = True)
66 class ImageRequestHandler(webapp.RequestHandler):
67 """Handles requests to upload an image."""
69 def get(self):
70 """Get to let the user upload any image."""
71 self.response.out.write('''
72 <html>
73 <body>
74 <form action="/" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
75 <p>Name: <input type="text" name="name" /></p>
76 <div><input type="file" name="upload1"></div>
77 <div><input type="submit" value="Upload"></div>
78 </form>
79 </body>
80 </html>
81 ''')
83 def WriteEntry(self, image_name, value):
84 """Stores the image in data store as a blob object."""
85 small_image = SmallImage(key_name=image_name,
86 image_name=image_name,
87 image=db.Blob(value))
88 small_image.put()
89 self.EnqueueTask(small_image, value)
91 def EnqueueTask(self, image_ref, value):
92 """Enqueues the task in pull queue to process the image.
94 Args:
95 key: Name of the image
96 value: Image to be sent as payload
98 This function sets the uploaded image as payload of the task and then puts
99 the task in appropriate queue (defined in queue.yaml). Project name gets
100 set automatically as project in which your app is running. task_id gets
101 automatically generated if you do not sepcify explicitely. After we put the
102 task in the queue, we also store the task_id to image name mapping which
103 can be used later when output of the task is posted back.
105 # queuename must be specified in queue.yaml
106 q = taskqueue.Queue('imageconvert')
107 task = taskqueue.Task(payload=value, method='PULL')
108 q.add(task)
109 # create a taskid to image_name entry and put it in the datastore
110 task_image_entry = TaskImageMap(,
112 image_ref=image_ref)
113 task_image_entry.put()
115 def post(self):
116 """Stores the user-uploaded image in datastore and enqueues a task in pull
117 queue to process it.
119 name = self.request.get('name')
120 for arg in self.request.arguments():
121 if arg.startswith('upload'):
122 image_contents = self.request.get(arg)
123 if len(image_contents) > 0:
124 self.WriteEntry(name, image_contents)
125 self.redirect('/imagestatus?name=' + name)
126 break
129 class TaskDataHandler(webapp.RequestHandler):
130 """Handles the output of tasks posted from taskpuller client.
132 This is responsible for handling the data/output posted from the taskpuller
133 client. Taskpuller client essentially has a pool of workers to pull
134 tasks(enqueud by your app) from pull-taskqueues. A worker enqueues a
135 task, does the desired processing on payload of the task and posts the data
136 back to your application. This is the handler which handles this output and
137 takes appropriate action. For example in this app, taskpuller post the image
138 after processing(flipping) it and we store the processed image in datastore
139 with original image-name appended with _processed.
142 def GetImageNameFromTaskImageMap(self, key):
143 """Returns corresponding image_name for the taskid."""
144 task_image_entry = TaskImageMap.get_by_key_name(key)
145 if task_image_entry:
146 return task_image_entry.image_ref.image_name
147 else:
148 return None
150 def post(self):
151 """Handles the output posted from taskqueue puller.
153 name is a queryparam that is the task_id of the task whose output is being
154 posted by the puller. We first find the image_name for the task and store
155 the processed image as image_name_processed. This helps when user searches
156 for the image and we can show both uploaded as well as processed image.
157 This handler is OAuth enabled, so that only the administrators of this app
158 can call this handler using an OAuth token.
161 try:
162 user = oauth.get_current_user()
163 # Currently there is no way to figure out if a given OAuth user is an
164 # admin. users.is_current_user_admin() only takes care of logged in users,
165 # not users who are presenting tokens on OAuth. We should fix this!
166 if user and user.nickname() == '':
167 task_name = self.request.get('name')
168 name = self.GetImageNameFromTaskImageMap(task_name)
169 if name:
170 image_key = name + '_processed'
171 image_contents = self.request.body
172 small_image = SmallImage(key_name=image_key,
173 image_name=image_key,
174 image=db.Blob(image_contents))
175 small_image.put()
176 else:
177 logging.error('No image associated with this task')
178 self.error(404)
179 else:
180 logging.error('unauthorized user ' + user.nickname())
181 self.error(403)
182 except oauth.OAuthRequestError, e:
183 logging.error('no oauth token detected')
184 self.error(403)
187 class ImageServer(webapp.RequestHandler):
188 """Serves image from datastore."""
190 def get(self):
191 """Get to show the image"""
192 name = self.request.get('name')
193 small_image = SmallImage.get_by_key_name(name)
194 if small_image and small_image.image:
195 self.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'image/jpeg'
196 self.response.out.write(small_image.image)
197'returned %d bytes' % len(small_image.image))
198 else:
199 self.error(404)
202 class ImageStatusHandler(webapp.RequestHandler):
203 """Lets user search by image name and shows both uploaded and processed
204 image."""
206 def ImageExists(self, key):
207 small_image = SmallImage.get_by_key_name(key)
208 return small_image is not None
210 def get(self):
211 name = self.request.get('name')
212'name is ' + name)
213 if self.ImageExists(name):
214 uploaded_url = '/images?name=' + name
215 processed_url = '/images?name=' + name +'_processed'
216 uploaded_url_str = '<img src=\"' + uploaded_url + '\" ></img> <br>'
217 if self.ImageExists(name +"_processed"):
218 processed_url_str = '<img src=\"' + processed_url + \
219 '\" >' + '</img> <br>'
220 else:
221 processed_url_str = 'Image is being processed, it will be eventaully\
222 available at ' + '<a href=\"' + processed_url + '\" >' + 'here'\
223 + '</a> <br>'
224 else:
225 self.response.out.write('No Image Uploaded named ' + name + '. Please Try\
226 again!')
227 return None
229 self.response.out.write('''
230 <html>
231 <body> ''')
233 self.response.out.write('''
234 <TABLE>
235 <CAPTION>Image Status for image %s</CAPTION>
236 <TR>
237 <TD>Uploaded Image : <TD> ''' % name)
238 self.response.out.write(uploaded_url_str)
239 self.response.out.write(''' <TR>
240 <TD> Processed Image : <TD> ''')
241 self.response.out.write(processed_url_str)
242 self.response.out.write(''' </TD>
243 </TABLE>''')
244 self.response.out.write('''
245 </body>
246 </html>
247 ''')
250 class SearchHandler(webapp.RequestHandler):
251 def get(self):
252 """Searches image by the name given during upload."""
253 self.response.out.write('''
254 <html>
255 <body>
256 <form action="/search" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
257 <p>Image: <input type="text" name="name" /></p>
258 <div><input type="submit" value="Search"></div>
259 </form>
260 </body>
261 </html>
262 ''')
264 def post(self):
265 """Searches and shows both uploaded image and processed image. If task has
266 notfinished yet, it shows the tentative URL where the processed iamge will
267 be available after task finishes."""
268 name = self.request.get('name')
269 self.redirect('/imagestatus?name=' + name)
272 def main():
273 application = webapp.WSGIApplication(
274 [('/', ImageRequestHandler),
275 ('/search', SearchHandler),
276 ('/imagestatus', ImageStatusHandler),
277 ('/images', ImageServer),
278 ('/taskdata', TaskDataHandler),
280 debug=True)
282 run_wsgi_app(application)
284 if __name__ == '__main__':
285 main()