'__cb*' -> '__cmd*'; net_server_list: proper exception handling
[galtack.git] / Documentation / index.txt
1 GtkGalcon
2 =========
3 Felix Rabe <public@felixrabe.textdriven.com>
5 About
6 -----
8 A http://www.pygtk.org/[PyGTK] interface client to the
9 http://www.imitationpickles.com/galcon/[Galcon]
10 multiplayer game.  Check out the <<Screenshots>> at the end of this page.
12 *Last released version: GtkGalcon {version}*
14 * Software source code:
15     link:gtk-galcon-{version}.tar.gz[Archive (tar.gz)]
16     -- http://repo.or.cz/w/gtk-galcon.git[Browse online]
17 * Git repository: `git clone git://repo.or.cz/gtk-galcon.git`
18 * link:../pygtk-shell/[PyGTK Shell] (dependency, version 1.90.7)
19 * http://brbx.com/svn/galbot/[Galbot Subversion repository]
20 * http://galbot.zevv.nl/index.php/Main_Page[Galbot Wiki]
22 What it does so far
23 -------------------
25 * Sign in.
26 * Display the list of available Galcon servers.
27 * Allow for basic chatting.
28 * Interactive access to the Galbot API (press F12 in the chat window).
30 Resources
31 ---------
33 - http://www.methods.co.nz/asciidoc/[AsciiDoc]
34 - http://git.or.cz/[Git]
35 - http://felixrabe.textdriven.com/pygtk-shell/[PyGTK Shell]
36 - http://subversion.tigris.org/[Subversion]
37 - http://twistedmatrix.com/trac/[Twisted]
38 - http://www.wireshark.org/[Wireshark]
40 [[Screenshots]]
41 Screenshots
42 -----------
44 image:gtk-galcon-0.0.4-screenshot-01.png[]
45 image:gtk-galcon-0.0.6-screenshot-01.png[]
46 image:gtk-galcon-0.0.7-screenshot-01.jpg[]