1 .. Ganeti Web Manager documentation master file, created by
2 sphinx-quickstart on Fri Oct 26 11:40:24 2012.
7 |gwm| is a Django_ based web frontend for managing Ganeti_ virtualization
8 clusters. Since Ganeti only provides a command-line interface, |gwm|'s
9 goal is to provide a user friendly interface to Ganeti by being feature
10 complete with Ganeti's :ref:`RAPI <rapi>`. On top of Ganeti it
11 provides a permission system for managing access to clusters and virtual
12 machines and an in browser VNC console.
14 If you don't already have a Ganeti cluster setup, these directions_ can
15 help you get started. If you are looking for support, please contact us
16 through these :ref:`channels <contact>`. If you are looking to deploy
17 |gwm| for the first time, check out our :ref:`installation` guide. If
18 you already have a |gwm| instance running it might be time to
19 :ref:`upgrade <upgrading>`.
22 |gwm| is licensed under the :ref:`GPLv2 <license>`. It is currently
23 developed and maintained by the Oregon State University Open Source Lab
24 and a handful of volunteers. If you would like to get involved in
25 development see our :ref:`development <development>` guide.
28 .. _directions: http://docs.ganeti.org/ganeti/current/html/install.html
29 .. _Ganeti: http://code.google.com/p/ganeti/
30 .. _Django: http://djangoproject.com
56 features/cluster-read-only