Merge branch 'bug/13917' into release/0.10.2
[ganeti_webmgr.git] / ganeti_web / templates / ganeti / node / detail.html
1 {% extends "menu_base.html" %}
2 {% load webmgr_tags %}
3 {% load i18n %}
4 {% block head %}
5 <!-- "import" the CSS and javascript for this template -->
6 <link href="{{STATIC_URL}}/css/jquery-ui.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>
7 <script type="text/javascript" src="{{STATIC_URL}}/js/jquery-ui.min.js"></script>
8 <script type="text/javascript" src="{{STATIC_URL}}/js/jquery.form.js"></script>
9 <script type="text/javascript" src="{{STATIC_URL}}/js/jquery.progressbar.js"></script>
10 <script type="text/javascript" src="{{STATIC_URL}}/js/ajax_tab_handler.js"></script>
11 <script type="text/javascript" src="{{STATIC_URL}}/js/job_status.js"></script>
12 <script type="text/javascript">
13 var job_poller;
14 var actions_enabled = true;
15 var PBAR_CONF = {
16 steps: 0,
17 showText: true,
18 textFormat: 'fraction',
19 boxImage: '/static/images/progressbar/progressbar.gif',
20 barImage: {
21 0: '{{STATIC_URL}}/images/progressbar/progressbg_green.gif',
22 30: '{{STATIC_URL}}/images/progressbar/progressbg_yellow.gif',
23 50: '{{STATIC_URL}}/images/progressbar/progressbg_orange.gif',
24 75: '{{STATIC_URL}}/images/progressbar/progressbg_red.gif'
28 $(document).ready(function() {
29 $('#tabs').tabs({
30 spinner: false,
31 cache: false, // no-cache b/c we want data to update
32 //cache: true,
33 select: function(event, ui) {
34 window.location.hash =;
36 load: function(event, ui) {
37 init_ajax_tab_handler(event, ui, ".pagination a, .sortable a");
39 ajaxOptions: {
40 error: function(xhr, status, index, anchor) {
41 $(anchor.hash).html("{% trans "Couldn't load this tab. We'll try to fix this as soon as possible" %}.");
44 });
46 $(".ram, .disk").progressBar(PBAR_CONF);
48 $(".modify, .migrate, .evacuate").click(function(event){
49 event.preventDefault();
50 if (actions_enabled) {
51 $('.qtip').qtip('destroy');
52 var $this = $(this);
53 var title;
55 if ($this.hasClass("modify")) {
56 title = "{% trans "Modify Role" %}";
57 } else if ($this.hasClass("migrate")) {
58 title = "{% trans "Migrate Primary Virtual Machines" %}";
59 } else {
60 title = "{% trans "Evacuate Secondary Virtual Machines" %}";
63 $(this).qtip({
64 content: {
65 url: this.href,
66 title: {text:title, button:"close"}
68 position: {
69 corner:{
70 target:'center', tooltip:'center'
73 style: {
74 name: 'dark',
75 border:{radius:5},
76 width:400,
77 background:'#eeeeee'
79 show: {when:false, ready:true},
80 hide: {fixed: true, when:false},
81 api:{onShow:function(){
82 $(".ajax_form input[type!=hidden], " +
83 ".ajax_form select").first().focus();
85 });
87 });
89 $(".node_role_form, .node_migrate_form, .node_evacuate_form")
90 .live("submit", function(event){
91 event.preventDefault();
92 $("#errors").empty();
93 $(this).ajaxSubmit({success: node_form_response});
94 });
97 var job_status_url = "{% url node-job-status %}";
98 var cluster_detail_url = "{% url cluster-detail cluster.slug %}";
99 job_poller = new JobPoller();
100 job_poller.init(job_status_url, cluster_detail_url, job_complete);
101 {% if node.last_job_id %}
102 job_poller.get_jobs();
103 {% else %}
104 job_poller.poll();
105 {% if node.error %}
106 display_ganeti_error("{{node.error}}");
107 {% endif %}
108 {% endif %}
111 function node_action_response(result) {
112 if (result.ops == undefined) {
113 display_ganeti_error(result[1]);
114 actions_enabled = true;
115 $('#actions a').removeClass('disabled');
116 } else {
117 job_poller.render_job(result);
118 job_poller.poll(FAST);
122 function job_complete() {
123 window.location.reload();
126 function node_form_response(responseText, statusText, xhr, $form) {
127 if (responseText["opstatus"] == undefined) {
128 // no opstatus, must be an error
129 // parse errors
130 for (var key in responseText) {
131 $("#errors").append("<li>"+ responseText[key] +"</li>");
133 } else {
134 $('.qtip').qtip("hide");
135 job_poller.poll(job_poller.FAST);
139 function display_ganeti_error(msg) {
140 $("#messages").empty();
141 var html = "<li class='error'>{% trans "Error" %}:<p>" + msg + "</p></li>";
142 $("#messages").append(html);
144 </script>
145 {% endblock %}
147 {% block content %}
148 <h1 class="breadcrumb">
149 <a href="{% url cluster-detail cluster.slug %}">{{cluster.hostname}}</a>
150 : {{node.hostname}}
151 </h1>
153 <ul id="messages"></ul>
154 <div id="tabs">
155 <ul>
156 <li><a href="#detail"><span>{% trans "Detail" %}</span></a></li>
157 {% if not readonly %}
158 <li>
159 <a title="primary"
160 href="{% url node-primary-vms cluster.slug node.hostname %}">
161 <span>{% trans "Primary" %}</span>
162 </a>
163 </li>
164 <li>
165 <a title="secondary"
166 href="{% url node-secondary-vms cluster.slug node.hostname %}">
167 <span>{% trans "Secondary" %}</span>
168 </a>
169 </li>
170 <li>
171 <a title="log"
172 href="{% url node-object_log cluster.slug node.hostname %}">
173 <span>{% trans "Log" %}</span>
174 </a>
175 </li>
176 {% endif %}
177 </ul>
178 <div id="detail">
179 <ul id="actions">
180 {% if node_count > 1 %}
181 <li>
182 <a class="button modify" title="modifies the role of this node"
183 href="{% url node-role cluster.slug node.hostname %}">
184 {% trans "Change Role" %}
185 </a>
186 </li>
187 <li>
188 <a class="button migrate"
189 title="migrates all primary instances of this node"
190 href="{% url node-migrate cluster.slug node.hostname %}">
191 {% trans "Migrate" %}
192 </a>
193 </li>
194 {% comment %}
195 Disabling this button for now till this is fixed upstream
197 <li>
198 <a class="button evacuate"
199 title="migrates all secondary instances off this node"
200 href="{% url node-evacuate cluster.slug node.hostname %}">
201 {% trans "Evacuate" %}
202 </a>
203 </li>
204 {% endcomment %}
205 {% endif %}
206 </ul>
207 <table id="nodes" class="overview horizontal">
208 <tr><th>Status</th><td class="status">
209 {% if %}
210 <div class="icon_stopped" title="Offline"></div>
211 {% else %}
212 <div class="icon_running" title="Online"></div>
213 {% endif %}
214 </td>
215 </tr>
216 <tr><th>{% trans "Primary IP" %}</th><td>{{}}</td></tr>
217 <tr><th>{% trans "Secondary IP" %}</th><td>{{}}</td></tr>
218 <tr><th>{% trans "Role" %}</th><td>{{|node_role}}</td></tr>
219 <tr>
220 <th>{% trans "Master Candidate" %}</th>
221 <td>{{|checkmark}}</td>
222 </tr>
223 <tr><th>{% trans "Drained" %}</th><td>{{|checkmark}}</td></tr>
224 <tr><th>{% trans "CPUs" %}</th><td>{{ node.cpus|default:"unknown" }}</td></tr>
225 <tr><th>{% trans "Allocated CPUs" %}</th><td>{{ node.allocated_cpus }}</td></tr>
226 <tr><th>{% trans "Ram Allocated [GiB]" %}</th><td class="ram">{% node_memory node %}</td></tr>
227 <tr><th>{% trans "Ram Used [GiB]" %}</th><td class="ram">{% node_memory node 0 %}</td></tr>
228 <tr><th>{% trans "Disk Allocated [GiB]" %}</th><td class="disk">{% node_disk node %}</td></tr>
229 <tr><th>{% trans "Disk Used [GiB]" %}</th><td class="disk">{% node_disk node 0 %}</td></tr>
231 <tr>
232 <th>{% trans "Virtual Machines" %}</th>
233 <td>{{ }} / {{ }}</td>
234 </tr>
235 </table>
236 </div>
237 </div>
238 {% endblock %}