Ticket #3957 (partial) - ganeti_webmgr uses ganeti python namespace:
[ganeti_webmgr.git] / ganeti_web / templates / cluster / user_quota.html
1 {# snippet for rendering quota of a User or Group #}
2 {% load webmgr_tags %}
3 {% load i18n %}
4 {% with cluster_user|quota:object as quota %}
5 <td>
6 <a href="{% url cluster-quota object.slug cluster_user.id %}"
7 class="quota {%if quota.default%}default{%endif%}">
8 {%if quota.virtual_cpus or quota.ram or quota.disk %}
9 {%if quota.virtual_cpus%}{% trans "CPUs"%}:{{quota.virtual_cpus}} {%endif%}
10 {%if quota.ram%}{% trans "Memory" %}:{{quota.ram|mult:"1048576"|filesizeformat}} {%endif%}
11 {%if quota.disk%}{% trans "Disk" %}:{{quota.disk|mult:"1048576"|filesizeformat}} {%endif%}
12 {% else %}
13 &#8734;
14 {% endif %}
15 </a>
16 </td>
17 {% endwith %}