10 * Internationalization Support (only greek translations.)
11 * Fabric & Virtual Environment deployment.
12 * Improved Navigation:
14 * Contextual links added to more pages
15 * Breadcrumbs available on most pages
16 * Object log upgraded to 0.6 includes scalability improvements
17 * Object permissions upgraded to 1.4
19 * contextual links added to generic views
20 * user/group selection widget added for permission editor.
21 * noVNC updated to latest head, includes better support for future revisions
22 * Node Evacuation now works properly
23 * VirtualMachine owner can now be edited
24 * Periodic Cache updater
25 - now syncronizes Nodes
26 - now runs using twistd
27 * Nodes can now be imported through the user interface
29 * Various optimizations to views to improve load times.
34 * fixing packaging issue with object log
38 * updating object log to 0.5.1
44 * Nodes are now cached in the database:
45 * Node detail views are now available, including some admin methods
46 * VirtualMachines may now be edited, renamed, and migrated.
47 * Errors while creating virtual machines are now handled better, and can be recovered from
48 * Django Object Log is now providing logs for all objects tracked by GWM
49 * Admins can now add ssh keys for other users
50 * Virtual machine detail page has had its layout updated to be more readable and add more
51 * fixed bugs preventing syncdb working with postgresql
57 * Status Dashboard is now the front page for GWM
58 * lists cluster status for admins.
59 * lists summary of virtual machines status for users.
60 * lists resource usage for the user and groups.
61 * error list including job failures and ganeti errors.
62 * Integrated NoVNC, an HTML5 + WebSockets VNC viewer
63 * Super users can now view resource usage and permissions for users and groups.
64 * Virtual machine lists are now paginated for quicker loading
65 * Ram and CPU quota is now based off running virtual machines
67 * Virtual Machines list now properly works for cluster admins
75 * user & group management
76 * per cluster/vm permissions
77 * basic VM management: Create, Delete, Start, Stop, Reboot